57 research outputs found

    Development of a forced-convection gas target for improved thermal performance

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    Introduction The internal pressure experienced by a gas tar-get during irradiation is dependent on the beam energy deposited in the target, the beam cur-rent, and the thermal behaviour of the target. [1] The maximum beam energy deposited is a function of the cyclotron capabilities and the gas inventory within the target. The maximum beam current is limited by the pressure produced in the target and the ability of the target assembly to remain intact. This is also a function of the thermal behaviour of the target, which is difficult to predict a priori since it is dependent on such things as convection currents that occur during irradiation. We conducted bench tests with model gas targets with and without forced convection currents to observe the effect on thermal behaviour. Based on those results we constructed a prototype gas target, suitable for irradiation, with an internal fan assembly that is rotated via external magnets. Material and Methods Bench tests were conducted with cylindrical and conical target bodies of aluminum. A nickel-chromium heater wire was inserted into the gas volume through the normal beam entrance port (FIGURE 1) to heat the gas while water cooling was applied to the target body. The voltage and current of the heater coil was monitored along with the pressure inside the target and the water inlet and outlet temperature. In the case of tests with a driven fan blade either the voltage applied to the electric motor was monitored or the fan speed itself was recorded. By assuming the ideal gas law, the pressure gives the average bulk temperature and a global heat transfer coefficient can be calculated between the target gas and the cooling water. [2] A cylindrical target body was constructed that incorporated a fan blade driven by an external motor. This assembly used a simple o-ring seal on the rotating shaft. This seal was not robust enough for any tests under beam conditions. A prototype design suitable for in-beam operation employs a propeller mounted on a rotating disc housing two samarium cobalt magnets and spinning on two micro-bearings which are constructed to operate in high temperature environments. The micro-bearings are mounted on a pin projecting from a plate welded to the back of the gas target to allow assembly of the fan mechanism prior to attachment to the body (FIGURE 2)

    Monte-Carlo simulation with FLUKA for liquid and solid targets

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    Introduction Monte-Carlo simulations can be used to assess isotope production on small medical cyclotrons. These simulations calculate the particle interactions with electric and magnetic fields, as well as the nuclear reactions. The results can be used to predict both yields and isotopic contaminations and can aid in the optimum design of target material and target geometry [1,2]. FLUKA is a general-purpose tool widely used in many applications from accelerator shielding to target design, calorimetry, activation, dosimetry, detector design, neutrino physics, or radiotherapy [3,4]. In this work, we applied the Monte-Carlo code FLUKA to determine the accuracy of predicting yields of various isotopes as compared to experimental yields. Material and Methods The proton beam collimation system, as well as the liquid and solid target of the TR13 cyclotron at TRIUMF, has been modeled in FLUKA. The proton beam parameters were initially taken from the cyclotron design specifications and were optimized against experimental measurements from the TR13. Data from irradiations of different targets and with different beam currents were collected in order to account for average behavior, see FIG. 1. Yields for a pencil proton beam as well as a beam spread out in direction and energy have been calculated and have been compared to experimental results obtained with the TR13. Results and Conclusion The reactions listed in TABLE 1 were assessed. For most reactions a good agreement was found in the comparison between experimental and simulated saturation yield. TABLE 1 only shows the yields simulated with a proton beam with a spread in both direction and energy. In most cases, the simulated yield is slightly larger or comparable. Only the calculated yield for 55Co was significantly lower by a factor of 4.2. This is still a good agreement considering that FLUKA was originally a high-energy physics code. It may indicate that the FLUKA internal cross-section calculation for this isotope production needs some optimization. In summary, we conclude that FLUKA can be used as a tool for the prediction of isotope production as well as for target design

    Production of radiometals in a liquid target

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    Introduction Access to radiometals suitable for labeling novel molecular imaging agents requires that they be routinely available and inexpensive to obtain. Proximity to a cyclotron center outfitted with solid target hardware, or to an isotope generator for a radiometal of interest is necessary, both of which can be significant hurdles in availability of less common isotopes. Herein, we describe the production of 44Sc, 68Ga, 89Zr, 86Y and 94mTc in a solution target which allows for the production of various radiometallic isotopes, enabling rapid isotope-biomolecule pairing optimization for tracer development. Work on solution targets has also been performed by other groups [e.g. 1, 2]. Material and Methods Solutions containing a high concentration of natural-abundance zinc nitrate, yttrium nitrate, calcium nitrate [3], strontium nitrate or ammonium heptamolybdate [4] were irradiated on a 13 MeV cyclotron using a standard liquid target. Some of the solutions contained additional hydrogen peroxide or nitric acid to improve solubility and reduce pressure rise in the target during irradiation. Yields calculated using theoretical cross sections (EMPIRE [5]) were compared to the measured yields. In addition, we tested a thermo-syphon target design for the production of 44Sc. Chemical separation of the product from the target material was carried out on a remote apparatus modeled after that of Siikanen [6]. Results and Conclusion The proposed approach enabled the production of quantities sufficient for chemical or biological studies for all metals discussed. In the case of 68Ga, activity up to 480 ± 22 MBq was obtained from a one hour run with a beam current of 7 µA, potentially enabling larger scale clinical production. Considering all reactions, the ratio of theoretical saturation yields to experimental yields ranges from 0.8 for 94mTc to 4.4 for 44Sc. The thermo-syphon target exhibited an increase of current on the target by a factor of 2.5 and an increase in yield by a factor of five for the production of 44Sc. Separation methods were developed for all isotopes and separation efficiency ranges from 71 ± 1 % for 94mTc to 99 ± 4 % for 86Y. 44Sc, 68Ga, and 86Y were successfully used in labeling studies with a model 1,4,7,10-tetrazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) chelate, while 89Zr coordination behavior was tested using desferrioxamine-alkyne (DFO-alkyne). In summary, we present a promising new method to produce a suite of radiometals in a liquid target. Future work will continue to expand the list of radiometals and to apply this approach to the development of various peptide, protein and antibody radiotracers

    Real-time beam-profile monitor for a medical cyclotron

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    Introduction Measuring the beam profile on a medical cyclo-tron in real time can aid in improved tuning of the cyclotron and give important information for a smooth operation. Typically the beam profile is measured by an autoradiography technique or even by a scintillator that can be viewed in real time [1, 2]. Another method is to use collimators in front of the target to assess the beam center-ing [3]. All these methods have potential draw-backs including; an inability to monitor the beam in real time for the radiograph, exhibiting a non-linear correlation in signal response to the power deposited for a scintillator, and not providing a 2-dimensional profile of the complete beam for collimators. Our goal was to design a realtime, linear, 2-dimensional beam-profile monitor that is able to withstand the high power of a PET cyclotron. Material and Methods The beam-profile monitor (PM) is designed for the TR13, a 13MeV negative hydrogen-ion cyclotron at TRIUMF. The design follows the concept of a ‘harp’ monitor, widely used at TRIUMF for tuning proton and radioactive ion beams, and is installed on the extraction port without separation from the tank vacuum. The TR13 monitor is designed to withstand a 13 MeV proton beam with a beam current of up to 25 µA, has an active area of 10 by 10 mm and does not affect the 10-7 torr tank vacuum. The device consists of a water-cooled Faraday cup made out of aluminium for low activation and two orthogonal rows of eight tungsten electrodes each mounted on a water-cooled support frame. Electrodes are spaced 1 mm apart from each other, see FIG. 1. The electrodes are electrically isolated from each other and each has a current pickup soldered to it. The material and the shape of the electrodes are optimized to withstand the deposited power of the proton beam. A voltage of -90 V is applied to the electrodes to repel secondary electrons and prevent crosstalk between neighbouring electrodes. The electrode current is amplified using a custom current amplifier, and read by an ADC. From there, the current data is displayed on a PC. This allows one to observe changes of the beam profile in real time. The electronics are designed to read out all sixteen channels in parallel, or, if only a limited number of ADC channels are available, to cycle through the different channels. In our current setup all sixteen channels are read out simultaneously. Results and Conclusion The beam-profile monitor provides a real-time representation of the proton beam, see FIG. 2. The data can also be recorded and analyzed at a later time. The linearity of the monitor has been measured up to 30 µA of proton beam current [4]. With the use of the monitor, it was possible to increase the output of the ion source into the target by 50% in comparison to the standard tune

    Numerical simulation of a liquid cyclotron target

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    One of the most common PET isotopes, 18F, is mainly produced in liquid targets. The production yield depends linearly on the proton beam current used. However, for a fixed proton-beam energy increasing the current of the proton beam results in depositing increasing amounts of heat into the enclosed water target chamber and eventually in its failure. Hence, understanding the thermodynamics of a water target chamber could lead to a target optimization, removing the maximum amount of heat to balance the pressure, increasing the yield and guaranteeing the stability and durability of the system. Work in modeling the thermodynamic processes in a liquid target has also been per-formed by other groups [1-3] and others such as Steinbach [4] have performed analytical analyses of thermal behavior

    Monte-Carlo simulation with FLUKA for solid Mo-100 target

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    The influence of proton beam profile and beam angle impinging a solid Mo-100 target at 24 MeV has been studied with the Monte-Carlo code FLUKA. The yield of Tc-99m is dependent on both the profile and the angle, with the extreme case of a reduction of the yield by about 50% when a more realistic Gaussian beam was used and a beam angle of 60° to the normal of the target plate

    Validating production of PET radionuclides in solid and liquid targets: Comparing Geant4 predictions with FLUKA and measurements

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    The Monte Carlo toolkit Geant4 is used to simulate the production of a number of positron emitting radionuclides: 13^{13}N, 18^{18}F, 44^{44}Sc, 52^{52}Mn, 55^{55}Co61^{61}Cu, 68^{68}Ga, 86^{86}Y, 89^{89}Zr and 94^{94}Tc, which have been produced using a 13 MeV medical cyclotron. The results are compared to previous simulations with the Monte Carlo code FLUKA and experimental measurements. The comparison shows variable degrees of agreement for different isotopes. The mean absolute deviation of Monte Carlo results from experiments was 1.4±1.61.4 \pm 1.6 for FLUKA and 0.7±0.50.7 \pm 0.5 for Geant4 using TENDL cross sections with QGSP-BIC-AllHP physics. Both agree well within the large error, which is due to the uncertainties present in both experimentally determined and theoretical reaction cross sections. Overall, Geant4 has been confirmed as a tool to simulate radionuclide production at low proton energy.The Monte Carlo toolkit Geant4 is used to simulate the production of a number of positron emitting radionuclides: 13 N, 18 F, 44 Sc, 52 Mn, 55 Co 61 Cu, 68 Ga, 86 Y, 89 Zr and 94 Tc, which have been produced using a 13 MeV medical cyclotron. The results are compared to previous simulations with the Monte Carlo code FLUKA and experimental measurements. The comparison shows variable degrees of agreement for different isotopes. The mean absolute deviation of Monte Carlo results from experiments was 1.4±1.6 for FLUKA and 0.7±0.5 for Geant4 using TENDL cross sections with QGSP-BIC-AllHP physics. Both agree well within the large error, which is due to the uncertainties present in both experimentally determined and theoretical reaction cross sections. Overall, Geant4 has been confirmed as a tool to simulate radionuclide production at low proton energy

    Characterization of a terbium activated gadolinium oxysulfide plastic optical fibre sensor in photons and protons

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    A characterization study was carried out to determine if a novel, millimeter sized Terbium-activated Gadolinium Oxysulfide optical fibre detector has potential for future use in proton dosimetry. Preliminary studies employed a Theratronics Theratron 780C Cobalt-60 unit and were used to determine nominal dose response, field size response and. Cerenkov contributions in 1.25-MeV gamma radiation. More extensive testing was done using 74 MeV-protons produced in the TRIUMF 500-MeV cyclotron facility examining raw Bragg peak, spread out Bragg peak, dose response, and. Cerenkov signal. The detector was low-cost and easily assembled; it showed excellent sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, and reproducibility. Quenching at high linear energy transfer was severe. Additional investigations are needed to further explore Cerenkov-only depth-dose curves, signal detection at the extreme distal end of the Bragg peak, and possible sensitivity to neutrons

    Development of a forced-convection gas target for improved thermal performance

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    Introduction The internal pressure experienced by a gas tar-get during irradiation is dependent on the beam energy deposited in the target, the beam cur-rent, and the thermal behaviour of the target. [1] The maximum beam energy deposited is a function of the cyclotron capabilities and the gas inventory within the target. The maximum beam current is limited by the pressure produced in the target and the ability of the target assembly to remain intact. This is also a function of the thermal behaviour of the target, which is difficult to predict a priori since it is dependent on such things as convection currents that occur during irradiation. We conducted bench tests with model gas targets with and without forced convection currents to observe the effect on thermal behaviour. Based on those results we constructed a prototype gas target, suitable for irradiation, with an internal fan assembly that is rotated via external magnets. Material and Methods Bench tests were conducted with cylindrical and conical target bodies of aluminum. A nickel-chromium heater wire was inserted into the gas volume through the normal beam entrance port (FIGURE 1) to heat the gas while water cooling was applied to the target body. The voltage and current of the heater coil was monitored along with the pressure inside the target and the water inlet and outlet temperature. In the case of tests with a driven fan blade either the voltage applied to the electric motor was monitored or the fan speed itself was recorded. By assuming the ideal gas law, the pressure gives the average bulk temperature and a global heat transfer coefficient can be calculated between the target gas and the cooling water. [2] A cylindrical target body was constructed that incorporated a fan blade driven by an external motor. This assembly used a simple o-ring seal on the rotating shaft. This seal was not robust enough for any tests under beam conditions. A prototype design suitable for in-beam operation employs a propeller mounted on a rotating disc housing two samarium cobalt magnets and spinning on two micro-bearings which are constructed to operate in high temperature environments. The micro-bearings are mounted on a pin projecting from a plate welded to the back of the gas target to allow assembly of the fan mechanism prior to attachment to the body (FIGURE 2)

    Development of a forced-convection gas target for improved thermal performance

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    Introduction The internal pressure experienced by a gas tar-get during irradiation is dependent on the beam energy deposited in the target, the beam cur-rent, and the thermal behaviour of the target. [1] The maximum beam energy deposited is a function of the cyclotron capabilities and the gas inventory within the target. The maximum beam current is limited by the pressure produced in the target and the ability of the target assembly to remain intact. This is also a function of the thermal behaviour of the target, which is difficult to predict a priori since it is dependent on such things as convection currents that occur during irradiation. We conducted bench tests with model gas targets with and without forced convection currents to observe the effect on thermal behaviour. Based on those results we constructed a prototype gas target, suitable for irradiation, with an internal fan assembly that is rotated via external magnets. Material and Methods Bench tests were conducted with cylindrical and conical target bodies of aluminum. A nickel-chromium heater wire was inserted into the gas volume through the normal beam entrance port (FIGURE 1) to heat the gas while water cooling was applied to the target body. The voltage and current of the heater coil was monitored along with the pressure inside the target and the water inlet and outlet temperature. In the case of tests with a driven fan blade either the voltage applied to the electric motor was monitored or the fan speed itself was recorded. By assuming the ideal gas law, the pressure gives the average bulk temperature and a global heat transfer coefficient can be calculated between the target gas and the cooling water. [2] A cylindrical target body was constructed that incorporated a fan blade driven by an external motor. This assembly used a simple o-ring seal on the rotating shaft. This seal was not robust enough for any tests under beam conditions. A prototype design suitable for in-beam operation employs a propeller mounted on a rotating disc housing two samarium cobalt magnets and spinning on two micro-bearings which are constructed to operate in high temperature environments. The micro-bearings are mounted on a pin projecting from a plate welded to the back of the gas target to allow assembly of the fan mechanism prior to attachment to the body (FIGURE 2)
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