78 research outputs found

    The influence of important local entrepreneurs on changes in landscape use: case study from municipalities Zbraslavice and Bohdaneč

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    Tato práce s názvem "Vliv významných místních podnikatelů na současné změny ve využívání krajiny: případová studie obcí Zbraslavice a Bohdaneč" je zaměřena na hodnocení změn ve využívání venkovské krajiny po roce 1990. Rešeršní část práce stručně shrnuje podklady pro studium a metody hodnocení změn využití krajiny, hodnoty jejího přírodního kapitálu a ekosystémových služeb. Následuje fyzicko- geografická charakteristika řešeného území. V praktické části jsou aplikovány osvojené teoretické poznatky a postupy, hodnotící změnu využití krajiny na území obcí Bohdaneč a Zbraslavice v období 1838 až 2013 a změnu objemu přírodního kapitálu a ročních ekosystémových služeb téhož území v letech 1990 až 2013. Na základě výsledků jsou formulovány vývojové trendy, které jsou diskutovány s poznatky na lokální, státní a globální úrovni. Zároveň je sledován a hodnocen vliv tří místních podnikatelů na zjištěné změny. Je učiněn závěr, že změny ve využití krajiny zájmové oblasti po roce 1990 jsou pozitivní a že vlivem realizace podnikatelských záměrů probíhají daleko rychleji a výrazněji, než vykazují národní trendy. Text je doplněn množstvím tabulek, grafů, tematických map a přílohou. Klíčové pojmy: využití krajiny, změny ve využívání, ekosystémové funkce.This thesis titled "The influence of important local entrepreneurs on changes in landscape use: case study from municipalities Zbraslavice and Bohdaneč" is focused on the evaluation of changes in the use of the countryside after 1990. The search part briefly summarizes the data for the study and evaluation methods of land use changes values of natural capital and ecosystem services. Followed by the physical-geographical characteristics of interest area. In the practical part there are applied acquired theoretical knowledge and practices, evaluating the change of land use of the municipalities Bohdaneč and Zbraslavice in the period 1838-2013 and the change of the volume of natural capital and ecosystem services at the same territory between 1990 and 2013. On the basis of the results are formulated trends that are being discussed with local knowledge, national and global levels. It is also monitored and evaluated the effects of three local businesses to detected changes. It is concluded that the changes in land use area of interest after 1990 are positive and that due to the implementation of business plans, these changes take place much faster and stronger than reported national trends. The text is supplemented adds a number of charts, graphs and thematic maps and the annex. Key words: landscape...Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Design of a network of cycling routes in the Kutná Hora district

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    Cycling is a dynamically expanding transport mode of today. At the same time, cycling is an alternative to individual car transport as well as to public transport. The basis of a good cycling infrastructure is a comprehensive network of safe cycling routes linking transport sources and destinations in the area. The partial objectives of the project are to evaluate the management of the existing cycle routes according to the way cyclists are guided and according to the surface of the individual route sections, as well as to determine the basic sources and destinations. The main objectives of the project are to design a network of bicycle routes with a focus on keeping them separate from motorized traffic and linking the identified resources and destinations, as well as determining thedifficulty of each newly proposed route

    Income Diversification in Agricultural Households

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    The research studies structural changes in agriculture and incomes of households in the Škofja Loka region based on an empirical analysis of income diversification in a sample of agricultural households (AHs) in 2001 and 2006. The analysis was conducted from three points of view: for the entire sample of AHs, according to socio-economic types of AHs, and according to areas with different levels of development and different datums for agricultural production. The numbers of households professionally engaged in farming has dropped. In turn, the number of AHs abandoning farming has risen. Structural changes differ among areas. The age of the owner has an impact on work and land productivity. Income derived from agriculture is insufficient to sustain most AHs, making income diversification inevitable. AHs have a positive attitude towards Slovenia's accession to the European Union (EU). The greatest difficulties encountered by AHs emerged in the process of adapting to EU legal requirements. Strategies of AHs are unclear. Farms are abandoning farming due to uneconomical production and better employment opportunities in non-agricultural activities.

    Social Inequality – a Factor of Power Legitimization in Socialist Societies?

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    Istraživanja u socijalističkim društvima ne daju nedvosmislene rezultate o postojanju značajnijih razlika između dohodaka — prije svega službenika i radnika. S druge strane, postoje razlike između samih manuelnih radnika (zavisno od kvalifikacije, grane industrije itd.). Pored stvarnog (ne)postojanja razlika, u legitimacijskom pogledu bitna je i njihova percepcija. Radnički egalitarizam se ne može jednodimenzionalno interpretirati: NKV se porede sa seljacima i žele da očuvaju svoje prednosti, a KV se porede s nemanuelnim slojevima, koje žele da dostignu. No u oba slučaja želi se poboljšanje svog relativnog materijalnog položaja. Za položaj vladajuće klase nisu bitne privilegije u distribuciji materijalnih dobara, već mogućnost reguliranja distributivnih procesa. Zadovoljavajući materijalne interese radnika u raspodjeli, vladajuća klasa neutralizira jedan od mogućih izvora dezintegrativnih tendencija, pa tako omogućava i vlastitu legitimnost.Researches in socialist societies do not produce unequivocal results about the existence of wide income differences between white collars and manual workers. At the same time there are such differences inside the working class (according to skill, industrial branches etc.). But the perception of (eventual) income differences is also very important for power legitimization. It is not possible to interpret one-dimensionally workers egalitarianism. Unskilled workers compare themselves with peasants and want to keep their advantages. Skilled workers compare themselves with non-manual layers and want to catch with them up. But both groups want to improve their relative economic position. For the position of the dominant class more important then privileges in economic distribution are the possibilities to regulate the process of distribution. Satisfying distributive aspirations of workers, the dominant class pacify possible sources or social disintegration and so makes possible its own legitimization

    Design of a network of cycling routes in the Kutná Hora district

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    Cycling is a dynamically expanding transport mode of today. At the same time, cycling is an alternative to individual car transport as well as to public transport. The basis of a good cycling infrastructure is a comprehensive network of safe cycling routes linking transport sources and destinations in the area. The partial objectives of the project are to evaluate the management of the existing cycle routes according to the way cyclists are guided and according to the surface of the individual route sections, as well as to determine the basic sources and destinations. The main objectives of the project are to design a network of bicycle routes with a focus on keeping them separate from motorized traffic and linking the identified resources and destinations, as well as determining the difficulty of each newly proposed route