78 research outputs found

    Constraints to participation in an outdoor orientation program

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    Outdoor orientation programs have shown success in helping students transition to college life. Research has shown that outcomes for students participating in a first year seminar include achieving higher grade point averages, higher persistence, measured by completion of a degree, and taking less time to complete a degree program. This study used Crawford, Godbey, and Jackson\u27s hierarchical model of structural, interpersonal and intrapersonal constraints to leisure. An online survey was used to measure constraints to participation in Adventure WV. Students tended to perceive structural constraints as the most common constraints. Results indicated that female students tended to perceive intrapersonal constraints more so than males. Students from out of state perceived more structural constraints than students from West Virginia. The constraint items reveal significant findings for male and female students, students with different socio-demographic backgrounds, and students from different parts of the United States. Recommendations were made to Adventure West Virginia to increase participation in an outdoor orientation program.;Keywords: recreation constraints, outdoor orientation programs, first year experience

    Queering Adrienne Rich: The Poetics of Radical Thought and Transformative Vision

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    This thesis centers on a critical analysis of the works of Adrienne Rich, specifically the essay “When We Dead Awaken,” poem “From an Old House in America,” and collection of poems The Dream of a Common Language. Crucial to the discussion of these works is an examination of the poetic form itself, how poetry behaves as a vessel for communicating human experience, and how this may function as a mechanism to generate social change. I will assert Rich’s conformity to this usage of poetry through a discussion of her poetic transformations and engagement with the literary traditions of her time. Historicizing Rich in this way will allow us to consider what her contributions meant in that moment, and what they mean to us now. The essential purpose of doing so is to explore how Rich’s theorizing in her works may inform and influence our understanding of contemporary conceptions of normative personhood. What did Rich’s works accomplish and how are these accomplishments relevant today? How do the shortcomings of her theorizing influence our discussions of the subject matter she engages with

    Drug Overdose Prevention 2023: Equity-Focused Risk Mitigation Resources for Opioid/Stimulant Use Disorder

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    The purpose of this document is to summarize and synthesize risk mitigation resources related to the opioid crisis in terms of their potential application in Nebraska, with an emphasis on health equity initiatives in the geographic region including Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota. Exemplary resources from select other states are included and annotated, as well. Our research team sought equity-focused, evidence-based models in use regionally, as well as ancillary resources to inform Nebraska’s drug overdose prevention efforts for opioid use disorder and/or stimulant use disorder

    Systematic Review of the Health Benefits of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets in the Management of Adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

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    Introduction: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is rapidly increasing and recent estimates rank type 2 DM as the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. Although some evidence suggests that consuming a vegetarian diet may lead to better glycemic control and improved metabolic outcomes compared with a conventional hypocaloric diet among persons with type 2 DM, there is uncertainty regarding the magnitude of benefit and the specific outcomes that show benefit. Medical costs associated with diabetes, overweight, heart disease, lipid disorders and hypertension are a significant cost to the healthcare system and employers. The need for reductions in these illnesses is driven by both medical and economic concerns and requires a targeted approach in both the patient-care and workplace settings.Objective: To conduct a systematic review of clinical trials evaluating the benefit of vegan and vegetarian diets for improving glycemic control and other metabolic outcomes in type 2 DMMethods: Data source: PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane and the Clinical Trails databases were searched for trials published in the English language in the last ten years through April 4, 2018. The following criteria were used for study inclusion: (1) studies enrolling adults (18 years or older); (2) vegan or vegetarian diet as the intervention; and (3) participants had a previous diagnosis of type 2 DM. Main outcome measures were HbA1c, body weight and LDL levels. Critical appraisal and abstraction of relevant data from studies was performed by one author. Results: Eight studies met inclusion criteria (785 total participants, mean age 53 years). Vegan and vegetarian diets were shown to be associated with a significant reduction in HbA1c, body weight, and LDL levels. Consumption of a vegan or vegetarian diet yielded a decrease in HbA1c of -0.40% to -0.65% in the intervention arm of the four best studies. These same studies had an HbA1c change in the control arm of -0.08% to 0.21%. The difference between intervention and control groups mean change in HbA1c was reported with statistical significance in five studies with a range of -1.5% to -0.7 %. In the three of the studies reporting on BMI, differences between groups in mean changes from baseline were all statistically significant and ranged from -1.0 kg/m2 to -3.9 kg/m2. In four of the studies reporting on weight change, differences between groups in mean changes from baseline were all statistically significant and ranged from -2.8 kg to -10.6 kg. In four of the studies reporting on LDL, differences between groups in mean changes from baseline were all statistically significant and ranged from -7.2 mg/dL to -0.54 mg/dL.Conclusion: This systematic review supports the evidence from clinical trials that vegan and vegetarian diets reduce HbA1c levels and results in weight loss in adults with type 2 diabetes. The health benefits of introducing a vegan or vegetarian diet program, at home or in a corporate setting, can lead to improving the management of type 2 DM in adults, and reducing morbidity and mortality of type 2 DM.Master of Public Healt


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    Abstract : This study used a qualitative approach to the design of classroom action research. The design of this study include preliminary studies, planning, action, observation, and reflection. Preliminary studies conducted in learning about reducing two numbers by borrowing in class II SDN 03 Authorship Purun, to obtain early reflections. Planning phase implemented by designing action procedures, determine the source of the data, determine the material acts, and determine the form of action observation. Phase implementation is done collaboratively between researchers with observer. Reflections conducted at the end of each lesson or meeting on each cycle. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in the material reduction of two numbers by borrowing through direct instructional model. Form of research was classroom action research. The study consisted of 2 cycles with stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. Subjects of this study consisted of 8 students at SDN 03 Authorship Purun, virgin collection through observation and qualitative data sheets of test results are given before the pretest study on the reduction of the first cycle by borrowing two numbers is 76.87. While the average value of the second cycle was 83.75. The test results show that there is a direct instructional model improved student learning outcomes by 6.88%. Direct instructional model used by teachers in learning better. Abstrak : Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas. Rancangan penelitian ini meliputi studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan dalam pembelajaran tentang pengurangan dua bilangan dengan cara meminjam di kelas II SDN 03 Karangan Purun, untuk memperoleh refleksi awal. Tahap perencanaan dilaksanakan dengan merancang prosedur tindakan, menentukan sumber data, menentukan bahan tindakan, dan menentukan bentuk pengamatan tindakan. Tahap pelaksanaan dilakukan secara kolaboratif antara peneliti dengan observer. Refleksi dilakukan pada setiap akhir pembelajaran atau pertemuan pada setiap siklus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi pengurangan dua bilangan dengan cara meminjam melalui model pembelajaran langsung. Bentuk penelitian adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 siklus dengan tahapan perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 8 orang siswa di SDN 03 Karangan Purun, pengumpulan data ini melalui lembar observasi dan data kualitatif berupa hasil tes yang diberikan sebelum pretes pembelajaran siklus I pada pengurangan dua bilangan dengan cara meminjam adalah 76,87. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata siklus II adalah 83,75. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran langsung terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 6,88%. Model pembelajaran langsung digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran lebih baik. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Langsung, Teknik Menyimpan, Hasil Belajar
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