7 research outputs found

    Harnessing modern biotechnology for tropical tuber crop improvement: Yam (Dioscorea spp.) molecular breeding

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    Yams (Dioscorea spp.) constitute a staple food crop for over 100 million people in the humid and subhumid tropics. They are polyploid and vegetatively propagated. The Guinea yams, Dioscorea rotundata and D. cayenensis, are the most important yams in West and Central Africa where they are indigenous, while D. alata (referred to as water yam) is the most widely distributed species globally. The genetics of yams is least understood among the major staple food crops due to several biological constraints and research neglect. Research to unravel the apparent complexity of the yam genome will have far-reaching implications for genetic improvement of this important tuber crop. Some progress has been made in recent years in germplasm characterization and the development of molecular markers for genome analysis. A genetic linkage map based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers has been constructed for Guinea and water yams. These linkage maps were used to scan the genome for quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with genes conferring resistance to Yam Mosaic Virus (YMV) in D. rotundata and anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in D. alata. In addition, candidate random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers associated with major genes controlling resistance to YMV and anthracnose have been identified that could be used for selection and pyramiding of YMV and anthracnose resistance genes in yam improvement. Also, molecular markers such as RAPDs, AFLPs, and microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) have been developed for yam genome analysis. An initial c-DNA library has been constructed in order to develop expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for gene discovery and as a source of additional molecular markers. This paper will review the advances made, discuss the implications for yam genetic improvement and germplasm conservation, and outline the direction for future research. Key words: Genetic mapping, genome analysis, molecular breeding, PCR-based markers, QTLs, resistance genes, yam. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 2 (12), pp. 478-485, December 200

    Molecular taxonomic, epidemiological and population genetic approaches to understanding yam anthracnose disease

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    Water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) is the most widely cultivated yam species globally. The major limitation to the profitable and sustainable production of D. alata is its susceptibility to anthracnose disease. The availability of resistant varieties could potentially form the cornerstone of an integrated management strategy for yam anthracnose; however, anthracnose resistance breeding is hampered by the dearth of knowledge on pathogen identity and diversity. Four forms of Colletotrichum are now known to be associated with foliar anthracnose of yam: the slow-growing grey (SGG), the fast-growing salmon (FGS), the fast-growing olive (FGO), and the fast-growing grey (FGG) forms. The close phylogenetic relationship of the first three forms to reference isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and the fact that only strains of these forms have been observed to induce typical anthracnose symptoms on D. alata, recently confirmed that C. gloeosporioides is the causal agent of yam anthracnose disease. The FGG form possibly represents a distinct, endophytic, species as indicated by morphological, biological and molecular criteria. Previous research emphasized epidemiology and control but limited progress was made in understanding yam anthracnose disease based on this classical approach. Molecular approaches have started to unravel the systematics and ecology of Colletotrichum strains associated with yam anthracnose, as well the population biology of C. gloeosporioides on yam. Sexual recombination is a likely mechanism contributing to the high genetic diversity of C. gloeosporioides in yam-based cropping systems. Studies have been initiated to understand the mechanisms that generate genetic variation in C. gloeosporioides, and to gain some insight into the biochemistry of the interactions between the pathogen and yam. Our thesis in this article is that integrating traditional and molecular approaches to understanding C. gloeosporioides systematics, epidemiology and population genetics will lead to a much better understanding of yam anthracnose disease, and thus to the development of effective and sustainable control measures. Research successes and challenges are discussed, as well as their implications for future studies on pathogen evolutionary potential, anthracnose resistance breeding, and the deployment of resistance genes. Key words: Anthracnose, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Dioscorea spp., molecular markers, molecular systematics, population biology, resistance breeding, yam. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 2 (12), pp. 486-496, December 200

    Developments in agricultural biotechnology in sub-Saharan Africa

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    A number of crops with a variety of traits are being developed by public-private partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa. These include maize that is resistant to the parasitic weed, Striga; tolerant to drought, and resistant to the African endemic maize streak virus. Others in the pipeline are insect-resistant cowpea and potato, as well as nutritionally-enriched sorghum. Some of these are undergoing field trials in various parts of the sub-continent. However, the South African regulatory authorities denied permission for release of the genetically modified potato and for glasshouse trials of the sorghum. After an appeal against the latter decision, permission was eventually given after two years. It remains to be seen how regulatory authorities respond to requests regarding the other crops

    Review - Molecular taxonomic, epidemiological and population genetic approaches to understanding yam anthracnose disease

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    Water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) is the most widely cultivated yam species globally. The major limitation to the profitable and sustainable production of D. alata is its susceptibility to anthracnose disease. The availability of resistant varieties could potentially form the cornerstone of an integrated management strategy for yam anthracnose; however, anthracnose resistance breeding is hampered by the dearth of knowledge on pathogen identity and diversity. Four forms of Colletotrichum are now known to be associated with foliar anthracnose of yam: the slow-growing grey (SGG), the fast-growing salmon (FGS), the fast-growing olive (FGO), and the fast-growing grey (FGG) forms. The close phylogenetic relationship of the first three forms to reference isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and the fact that only strains of these forms have been observed to induce typical anthracnose symptoms on D. alata, recently confirmed that C. gloeosporioides is the causal agent of yam anthracnose disease. The FGG form possibly represents a distinct, endophytic, species as indicated by morphological, biological and molecular criteria. Previous research emphasized epidemiology and control but limited progress was made in understanding yam anthracnose disease based on this classical approach. Molecular approaches have started to unravel the systematics and ecology of Colletotrichum strains associated with yam anthracnose, as well the population biology of C. gloeosporioides on yam. Sexual recombination is a likely mechanism contributing to the high genetic diversity of C. gloeosporioides in yam-based cropping systems. Studies have been initiated to understand the mechanisms that generate genetic variation in C. gloeosporioides, and to gain some insight into the biochemistry of the interactions between the pathogen and yam. Our thesis in this article is that integrating traditional and molecular approaches to understanding C. gloeosporioides systematics, epidemiology and population genetics will lead to a much better understanding of yam anthracnose disease, and thus to the development of effective and sustainable control measures. Research successes and challenges are discussed, as well as their implications for future studies on pathogen evolutionary potential, anthracnose resistance breeding, and the deployment of resistance genes

    Economic Efficiency and Supply Response of Women as Farm Managers: Comparative Evidence from Western Kenya

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    Summary This paper assessed the relative economic efficiency and output supply and input demand responses of women farmers in western Kenya. The results showed that women are as technically and allocatively efficient as men. However, neither men nor women have absolute allocative efficiency. Women farmers are equally responsive to price incentives in terms of output supply and input demand. While education and extension contact have significant effects on overall maize supply and input demand, only extension contact has significant effects among women farmers. The paper discusses a number of significant results and concludes with implications for policy.

    Metagenomic Analysis of Plant Virus Occurrence in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Central Kenya.

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    Two closely related potyviruses, bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV), are regarded as major constraints on production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Eastern and Central Africa, where this crop provides a high proportion of dietary protein as well as other nutritional, agronomic, and economic benefits. Previous studies using antibody-based assays and indicator plants indicated that BCMV and BCMNV are both prevalent in bean fields in the region but these approaches cannot distinguish between these potyviruses or detect other viruses that may threaten the crop. In this study, we utilized next generation shotgun sequencing for a metagenomic examination of viruses present in bean plants growing at two locations in Kenya: the University of Nairobi Research Farm in Nairobi's Kabete district and at sites in Kirinyaga County. RNA was extracted from leaves of bean plants exhibiting apparent viral symptoms and sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform. We detected BCMNV, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), and Phaseolus vulgaris alphaendornaviruses 1 and 2 (PvEV1 and 2), with CMV present in the Kirinyaga samples. The CMV strain detected in this study was most closely related to Asian strains, which suggests that it may be a recent introduction to the region. Surprisingly, and in contrast to previous surveys, BCMV was not detected in plants at either location. Some plants were infected with PvEV1 and 2. The detection of PvEV1 and 2 suggests these seed transmitted viruses may be more prevalent in Eastern African bean germplasm than previously thought.This work was supported by grants from UK Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council (SCPRID Grant Number BB/J011762/1 and GCRF Grant Number BB/P023223/1) and the Republic of Korea Rural Development Agency (Grant PJ012426)