49 research outputs found

    Faszination Kinderzeichnung : Annäherung, Adaption, Intensivierung des kindlichen Ausdrucks am Beispiel des Künstlers Paul Klee

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    Die Abschlussarbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, ob es für den erwachsenen Menschen möglich wäre, zu dem eigenen kindlichen Ausdruck zurückzufinden. Besonders hervorzuheben ist hierbei die Faszination als unterstützender Faktor, die der/die Betrachter in gegenüber der Kinderzeichnung empfindet. Um eine Grundlage für das Verständnis der Kinderzeichnung zu legen, wurden authentische Beispiele in einer Kindertagesstätte gesammelt, aus denen deutlich wird, welche Entwicklungsschritte das zeichnende Kind durchläuft und durch welche Besonderheiten sich seine Kunst auszeichnet. Im fortschreitenden 20. Jahrhundert versprach sich der/die Künstler in durch die Auseinandersetzung mit der Kinderzeichnung, wieder zu seinem individuellen künstlerisch-kindlichen Ausdruck, seinen Wurzeln, zurückzufinden. Besonders der Künstler Paul Klee hat sich intensiv mit der Kunst von Kindern beschäftigt - so erarbeitete er einerseits anhand der eigenen kindlichen Biografie Ausdrucksmittel für seine Kunst, ließ sich andererseits auch von den Arbeiten seines Sohnes und denen anderer Kinder inspirieren, adaptierte und intensivierte die für Kinderzeichnungen typischen Stilelemente und entwickelte so einen besonderen Ausdruck, der die Betrachter innen auch heute noch fasziniert

    BASiD - Biografiedaten ausgewählter Sozialversicherungsträger in Deutschland

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    "The Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency in the Institute for Employment Research (FDZ BA/IAB) and the Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance (FDZ-RV) offer longitudinal individual-level datasets. These datasets contain on the one hand information of the social security notifications and on the other hand characteristics of the administrative procedures of both institutions. In each institution only information for accomplishment of their own current tasks is kept. The ambition of this project is to compile a common dataset which contains data of the RV and the BA respectively the IAB. The richness of information on individuals will be increased, through filling up gaps in the single data sources by using the information of the other data source, which will provide new potentials for scientific research. The combination of different data sources also supports the improvement of the quality of administrative records. The data are provided to the scientific community as a Scientific Use File as well as a weak anonymous dataset accessible by on-site use. This datareport describes the Biographical Data of selected Social Insurance Agencies in Germany (BASiD) 1951-2009." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))IAB-Biografiedaten, Datensatzbeschreibung, Datenaufbereitung, Datenanonymisierung, Datendokumentation, Datenqualität, Datenzugang, Biografieforschung, Sozialdaten, Stichprobe

    Comparing Labor Market Participation Rates of Ethnic Populations with Innovative Administrative Data for Migration Studies

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    The integration of different ethnic groups into the labour market is a crucial issue, as high labor participation rates guarantee the accumulation of human capital and support the continuous integration in societies. In Germany, unfortunately, the availability of detailed data sources on migration is limited. Due to the fact that transnational attributes are classified as sensitive information with high disclosure risks, public use files usually do not contain the relevant information. Thus, researchers often have to apply for restricted data access in order to study migration topics. One of these data files was recently developed within the grant “Biographical Data of Selected Social Insurance Agencies in Germany (BASiD)”. Because it makes it possible to distinguish between Germans, foreigners, naturalized citizens, and ethnic German immigrants, the new dataset offers unique opportunities for analyses in the field of migration. Using this data source, our analysis of employment rates from 1965 to 2007 has shown, among other things, that ethnic Germans have about the same level of employment as Germans, while immigrants lag significantly behind. Our article demonstrates how BASiD enables analyses of difficulties, characteristics, and resources of immigrants in general and transmigrants in particular

    Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung älterer Arbeitnehmer: Berufstätigkeit im Ruhestand und Altersarmut

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    My doctoral thesis is one of the few existing studies on post-retirement employment in Germany. It is the first study which implements a longitudinal micro-macro perspective. My research contributes new insights to the relationship of individuals' and firms' attributes and post-retirement employment. Another contribution to literature is the examination of actual employment behavior in retirement instead of only focusing on expectations of how people think they would behave once they are retired. The theoretical model shoes how changes within the society influences individual behavior and the development of post-retirement employment as one type within the concept of emerging patchwork biographies in society. By explaining individual behavior regarding post-retirement employment my research identifies attributes which can be used by public policy to support changes within the society. On the micro-level I pursue a two-stage design. First, I analyze the probability of pursuing post-retirement employment. Conditional on being in the labor force in retirement, in the second stage, I study transition times into different post-retirement jobs trajectories. In sum, my research shows that a considerable portion of retirees in Germany are employed. The probability of holding a post-retirement job is declining with increasing pension incomes. Retirees with higher labor market attachment show the highest probabilities of staying in their work environment after retirement. In contrast, retirees who are exposed to old age poverty are more likely to switch their working environments in retirement. I show that motivations for post-retirement employment are not mutually exclusive. This indicates that the political debate on post-retirement employment has to shift from discussing the reason for post-retirement employment, towards a debate about the heterogeneity of the workforce beyond retirement

    Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of a New Series of N-Alkyl-2-alkynyl/(E)-alkenyl-4-(1H)-quinolones

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    To gain further insight into the structural requirements of the aliphatic group at position 2 for their antimycobacterial activity, some N-alkyl-4-(1H)-quinolones bearing position 2 alkynyls with various chain length and triple bond positions were prepared and tested for in vitro antibacterial activity against rapidly-growing strains of mycobacteria, the vaccine strain Mycobacterium bovis BCG, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains, EMRSA-15 and -16. The compounds were also evaluated for inhibition of ATP-dependent MurE ligase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The lowest MIC value of 0.5 mg/L (1.2–1.5 µM) was found against M. fortuitum and M. smegmatis. These compounds displayed no or only weak toxicity to the human lung fibroblast cell line MRC-5 at 100 µM concentration. The quinolone derivatives exhibited pronounced activity against the epidemic MRSA strains (EMRSA-15 and -16) with MIC values of 2–128 mg/L (5.3–364.7 µM), and M. bovis BCG with an MIC value of 25 mg/L (66.0–77.4 µM). In addition, the compounds inhibited the MurE ligase of M. tuberculosis with moderate to weak activity showing IC50 values of 200–774 µM. The increased selectivity towards mycobacterial bacilli with reference to MRC-5 cells observed for 2-alkynyl quinolones compared to their corresponding 2-alkenyl analogues serves to highlight the mycobacterial specific effect of the triple bond. Exploration of a terminal bromine atom at the side chain of N-alkyl-2-(E)-alkenyl-4-(1H)-quinolones showed improved antimycobacterial activity whereas a cyclopropyl residue at N-1 was suggested to be detrimental to antibacterial activity

    Impact of Austria's 2009 trans fatty acids regulation on all-cause, cardiovascular and coronary heart disease mortality

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    Background: Unhealthy diet, especially consumption of trans fatty acids (TFAs), is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), a leading cause of death in Austria. In 2009, Austria introduced a law regulating the content of TFAs in foods. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the TFA regulation on CVD-related outcomes.Methods: The study evaluated the TFA regulation as an intervention in a natural experiment. Two study periods were assessed: pre-intervention (1995-2009) and post-intervention (2010-14). The study compared the age-standardized death rates per 100 000 population for CVD outcomes with those of a 'synthetic' international comparator population, created from data of OECD countries where TFA regulation has not been implemented, but where the population is otherwise comparable.Results: There was a continuous decrease in CVD-related mortality throughout the study period in both the synthetic international comparator population, as well as in the adult Austrian population, with no significant change in this trend observed as an effect of TFA regulation.Conclusions: Whilst the results are counterintuitive, given the established link between TFA consumption and an increased risk of CVD, there are many possible explanations: high prevalence of tobacco smoking, changes in TFA content in foods due to international guidance as opposed to formal regulation and a beneficial impact of TFA regulation on sub-groups of the population that might not be detected with nationally aggregated data. However, reduction in TFAs should still be considered an important part of risk factor reduction for CVD and other non-communicable diseases