7,518 research outputs found

    Foreground separation using a flexible maximum-entropy algorithm: an application to COBE data

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    A flexible maximum-entropy component separation algorithm is presented that accommodates anisotropic noise, incomplete sky-coverage and uncertainties in the spectral parameters of foregrounds. The capabilities of the method are determined by first applying it to simulated spherical microwave data sets emulating the COBE-DMR, COBE-DIRBE and Haslam surveys. Using these simulations we find that is very difficult to determine unambiguously the spectral parameters of the galactic components for this data set due to their high level of noise. Nevertheless, we show that is possible to find a robust CMB reconstruction, especially at the high galactic latitude. The method is then applied to these real data sets to obtain reconstructions of the CMB component and galactic foreground emission over the whole sky. The best reconstructions are found for values of the spectral parameters: T_d=19 K, alpha_d=2, beta_ff=-0.19 and beta_syn=-0.8. The CMB map has been recovered with an estimated statistical error of \sim 22 muK on an angular scale of 7 degrees outside the galactic cut whereas the low galactic latitude region presents contamination from the foreground emissions.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figures, version accepted for publication in MNRAS. One subsection and 6 figures added. Main results unchange

    Testing the Gaussianity of the COBE-DMR data with spherical wavelets

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    We investigate the Gaussianity of the 4-year COBE-DMR data (in HEALPix pixelisation) using an analysis based on spherical Haar wavelets. We use all the pixels lying outside the Galactic cut and compute the skewness, kurtosis and scale-scale correlation spectra for the wavelet coefficients at each scale. We also take into account the sensitivity of the method to the orientation of the input signal. We find a detection of non-Gaussianity at >99> 99 per cent level in just one of our statistics. Taking into account the total number of statistics computed, we estimate that the probability of obtaining such a detection by chance for an underlying Gaussian field is 0.69. Therefore, we conclude that the spherical wavelet technique shows no strong evidence of non-Gaussianity in the COBE-DMR data.Comment: latex file 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    MHD Turbulence as a Foreground for CMB Studies

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    Measurements of intensity and polarization of diffuse Galactic synchrotron emission as well as starlight polarization reveal power law spectra of fluctuations. We show that these fluctuations can arise from magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the Galactic disk and halo. To do so we take into account the converging geometry of lines of sight for the observations when the observer is within the turbulent volume. Assuming that the intensity of turbulence changes along the line of sight, we get a reasonable fit to the observed synchrotron data. As for the spectra of polarized starlight we get a good fit to the observations taking into account the fact that the observational sample is biased toward nearby stars.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Astrophyscal J., submitte

    Investment of Both Essential Fatty and Amino Acids to Immunity Varies Depending on Reproductive Stage.

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    Trade‐offs among the key life‐history traits of reproduction and immunity have been widely documented. However, the currency in use is not well‐understood. We investigated how reproducing female side‐blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana, allocate lipids versus proteins when given an immune challenge. We tested whether lizards would invest more in reproduction or immunity depending on reproductive stage. Females were given stable isotopes (15N‐leucine and 13C‐1‐palmitic acid), maintained on a regular diet and given either a cutaneous biopsy or a sham biopsy (control). Stable isotopes were monitored and analyzed in feces and uric acid, skin biopsies, eggs, and toe clips. We found that lizards deposited both proteins and lipids into their healing wounds (immune‐challenged), skin (control), and eggs (all) and that catabolism of proteins exceeded incorporation into tissue during wound‐healing. Specifically, we found that healed biopsies of wounded animals had more leucine and palmitic acid than the nonregrown skin biopsies taken from unwounded control animals. Earlier in reproduction, lizards invested relatively more labeled proteins into healing their wound tissue, but not into unwounded skin of control animals. Thus, reproduction is sometimes favored over self‐maintenance, but only in later reproductive stages. Finally, we documented positive relationships among the amount of palmitic acid deposited in the eggs, the amount of food eaten, and the amount of palmitic acid excreted, suggesting higher turnover rates of lipids in lizards investing highly in their eggs

    Extinction and paleoecology of the Late Pleistocene cave bear from northeastern Italy: radiocarbon and stable isotope evidence

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    We present here the chronometric, isotopic and taphonomic evidence of cave bear from three Palaeolithic sites in north-eastern Italy: Paina, Trene and Buso doppio del Broion (Berici Hills - Vicenza). Two direct radiocarbon dates yielded an age around 24 ka BP, which make these remains the latest known representatives of the species in Europe and confirmed that demise of cave bear falls during the LGM. The carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of bone collagen do not show any marked ecological change since 33 ka BP, suggesting an essential vegetarian diet. Several bear bones preserved traces of human modification such as cut marks, which en-ables a reconstruction of the main steps of butchering process

    Multidimensional natal isotopic niches refect migratory patterns in birds

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    7openInternationalBothNaturally occurring stable isotope ratios in animal tissues allow estimation of species trophic position and ecological niche. Measuring multiple isotopes of migratory species along flyway bottlenecks offers the opportunity to sample multiple populations and species whose tissues carry information at continental scales. We measured δ2H, δ18O, δ13C, δ15N in juvenile feathers of 21 bird species captured at a migratory bottleneck in the Italian Alps. We examined if trends in individual isotopes reflected known migratory strategies and whether dietary (δ13C–δ15N) and spatially-explicit breeding origin (δ2H–δ18O) niche breadth (NB) differed among long-distance trans-Saharan (TS), short-distance (IP) and irruptive (IR) intra-Palearctic migrants, and whether they correlated with reported populations long-term trends. In both TS and IP groups, species δ2H declined with capture date, indicating that northern populations reached the stopover site later in the season, following a Type-I migration strategy. Values of δ2H indicated that breeding range of TS migrants extended farther north than IP and IR migrants. The breeding season was longer for IP migrants whose δ13C and δ15N values declined and increased, respectively, with time of capture. Average species dietary NB did not differ among migratory groups, but TS migrants displayed wider breeding origin niches, suggesting that long-distant migration is linked to broader ecological niches. Isotope origin NB well reflected species geographic range extent, while dietary NB did not correlate with literature accounts of species’ diet. We found no relationship between species breeding NB and population trends in Europe, suggesting that conditions in the breeding grounds, as inferred by stable isotopes, are not the only determinant of species’ long-term persistence. We demonstrate that ringing activities and isotopic measurements of passerines migrating through a bottleneck represents a unique opportunity to investigate large-scale life-history phenomena relevant to conservation.openFranzoi, A.; Larsen, S.; Franceschi, P.; Hobson, K. A.; Pedrini, P.; Camin, F.; Bontempo, L.Franzoi, A.; Larsen, S.; Franceschi, P.; Hobson, K.A.; Pedrini, P.; Camin, F.; Bontempo, L

    Model selection applied to reconstruction of the Primordial Power Spectrum

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    The preferred shape for the primordial spectrum of curvature perturbations is determined by performing a Bayesian model selection analysis of cosmological observations. We first reconstruct the spectrum modelled as piecewise linear in \log k between nodes in k-space whose amplitudes and positions are allowed to vary. The number of nodes together with their positions are chosen by the Bayesian evidence, so that we can both determine the complexity supported by the data and locate any features present in the spectrum. In addition to the node-based reconstruction, we consider a set of parameterised models for the primordial spectrum: the standard power-law parameterisation, the spectrum produced from the Lasenby & Doran (LD) model and a simple variant parameterisation. By comparing the Bayesian evidence for different classes of spectra, we find the power-law parameterisation is significantly disfavoured by current cosmological observations, which show a preference for the LD model.Comment: Minor changes to match version accepted by JCA
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