467 research outputs found

    Issues in NASA program and project management

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    This volume is the third in an ongoing series on aerospace project management at NASA. Articles in this volume cover the attitude of the program manager, program control and performance measurement, risk management, cost plus award fee contracting, lessons learned from the development of the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrometer (FIRAS), small projects management, and age distribution of NASA scientists and engineers. A section on resources for NASA managers rounds out the publication

    “some kind of thing it aint us but yet its in us”: David Mitchell, Russell Hoban, and metafiction after the millennium

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    This article appraises the debt that David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas owes to the novels of Russell Hoban, including, but not limited to, Riddley Walker. After clearly mapping a history of Hoban’s philosophical perspectives and Mitchell’s inter-textual genre-impersonation practice, the article assesses the degree to which Mitchell’s metatextual methods indicate a nostalgia for by-gone radical aesthetics rather than reaching for new modes of its own. The article not only proposes several new backdrops against which Mitchell’s novel can be read but also conducts the first in-depth appraisal of Mitchell’s formal linguistic replication of Riddley Walker

    Issues in NASA program and project management

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    This volume is the sixth in an ongoing series on aerospace project management at NASA. Articles in this volume cover evolution of NASA cost estimating; SAM 2; National Space Science Program: strategies to maximize science return; and human needs, motivation, and results of the NASA culture surveys. A section on resources for NASA managers rounds out the publication

    Descendants of Ndori Clan: Lio Ethnic Ende Regency

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    This article was focused on the Ndori clan through Ndale legendary figures, Sera, Longga Naja, and Mangu Nanga, Bari Kandu, Honggo Miri, Demu Laka, Peba Ranggo, and Trio Nusa (Nusa Dhula, Nusa Bhabhu, and Nusa Polo Nggele). The research was intended to discuss include how the descendants of Ndori-ethnic clan Lio-Ende regency pay attention to the issue. The research purpose can be determined i.e., (a) to discover and describe the descendants of the Ndori clan of Lio ethnic, Ende regency. (b) to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and friendship between individuals within groups within the Ndori clan of Lio ethnic. results showed that the Ndori clan originated from Java. The other clans from both Java and non-Javanese have joined in and occupied the Ndori land. There is also conflict in the form of hegemony and domination, both externally and internally. This conflict was triggered by the desire of legendary figures to gain wealth, eager to be a leader, and want to control part or all of Ndori land area. The positive and negative values are found in their lives. The positive values that may form of the character for the next generation are religious, humble, peaceful, unifying, and courageous values that lead to the defensive attitude of the State and the character formation of the nation. However, there are still things that need serious attention, namely the attitudes, behavior, and actions of the legendary figures (the base of the division occurrence) that must be criticized or eliminated are murderers, robbers, and rapists, therefore, unlike not to negatively affect the personality of the children learners as the next generation of the nation

    Readings in program control

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    Under the heading of Program Control, a number of related topics are discussed: cost estimating methods; planning and scheduling; cost overruns in the defense industry; the history of estimating; the advantages of cost plus award fee contracts; and how program control techniques led to the success of a NASA development project

    Monitoring children in the shopping mall using RFID technology-controlling module

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    Normally, security system at shopping mall still at the low level and unsecure. Nowadays, cases of losing children at'he shopping mall always happen due to old fashion of security system there. Monitoring Children In The Shopping Mall Using RFID Technology-Controlling Module is being developed as a high level of security system at the shopping mall to decrease this becoming worst problem in this country. Moreover, the risk of lost children in the shopping mall is really high. Usually parents bring along their children when go to shopping mall. Many parents cannot monitor their children at the hectic situation in the shopping mall. Normally, security guard can just monitor part of the shopping mall area. So the possibilities of the losing children to find are really low. This system is created to help the security guard in order to perform their task that is being responsible for the security purpose at the shopping mall. In the other hand it also can prevent the risk of lost children in the shopping mall. This system is all about Radio Frequency Identifier (RFID). RFID is the use of an object applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Each child that entered the shopping mall must w94 the RFID band for the security purpose. This system will appear the alert message when the children are pass through the antennae that is located at the entrance. After that, the security guard will announce the parents name for them to take action


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    Lucrarea de faţă prezintă perfecţionarea unor aspecte ale tehnologiei de cultură la tomatele cultivate în solar în condiţiile din Someşeni, Cluj-Napoca, urmărind realizarea unor producţii timpurii şi totale mari, cu costuri specifice mai reduse decât în cazul altor sisteme de cultură