1,033 research outputs found

    A Merton Model of Credit Risk with Jumps

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    In this note, we consider a Merton model for default risk, where the firm’s value is driven by a Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process

    The effect of financial and economic growth on tourism development in emerging economies: a study of Vietnam for the interval 1990-2020.

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    Purpose: The primary study objective is to determine the interaction between economic, financial, and tourism development in Vietnam for the 1990-2020 intervals. Design:This study is conducted through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods using secondary data from WorldBank, Ourworldindata, and the Vietnam Bureau of Statistics. Methodology: The ARDL model is a statistically more robust approach for cointegration testing; then the ECM model was used to test for short-term effects and finally the Granger test for causality between the observed variables. Findings: Investigating the vital internal force that promotes tourism development reveals that finance and economic growth are crucially crucial during the 31-year study period. To illustrate, the economic and financial contribution to the positive change of tourism is up to 30.4% and 18.1%, respectively. Excitedly, the Granger test demonstrates a one-way causal relationship between economic growth and tourism development, tourism development, and finance development, and finance development and economic growth. In other words, it is a circle that demonstrates a consistently positive impact from tourism development to finance development, from finance development to economic growth, and finally, from economic growth to tourism development. The originality of the research: This paper highlights the role and impact level of the economic and financial sector on the tourism industry of a new Asian tiger and can be considered as the first study on Vietnam. The findings investigate how the economy functioned in the past and support policymakers in establishing future development policies, particularly in post-pandemic recovery

    The Effect of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Individual Attributes on Entrepreneurial Activity in the context of ASEAN Member States: Evidence from Thailand and Vietnam

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    This study analyzes the influence of entrepreneurial attitudes and individual at­tributes on entrepreneurial activity in two ASEAN member countries: Vietnam and Thai­land. By applying the multinomial logistics regression (MLR) analysis method, the results show that those with an entrepreneurial network, who can read business opportunities, and have skills and knowledge, have a positive and significant influence when deciding to start and invest in others’ new businesses. On the other hand, females and those with a secondary education were more likely to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The study also shows that Vietnam’s entrepreneurial attitudes and individual characteristics seem to be better, differentiating it from Thailand. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data from 2017 were the most recent data available at the time of this study. However, the availability of more up-to-date data is considered necessary to enrich and expand the im­pact of future research

    Space-time domain decomposition for advection-diffusion problems in mixed formulations

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    This paper is concerned with the numerical solution of porous-media flow and transport problems , i. e. heterogeneous, advection-diffusion problems. Its aim is to investigate numerical schemes for these problems in which different time steps can be used in different parts of the domain. Global-in-time, non-overlapping domain-decomposition methods are coupled with operator splitting making possible the different treatment of the advection and diffusion terms. Two domain-decomposition methods are considered: one uses the time-dependent Steklov--Poincar{\'e} operator and the other uses optimized Schwarz waveform relaxation (OSWR) based on Robin transmission conditions. For each method, a mixed formulation of an interface problem on the space-time interface is derived, and different time grids are employed to adapt to different time scales in the subdomains. A generalized Neumann-Neumann preconditioner is proposed for the first method. To illustrate the two methods numerical results for two-dimensional problems with strong heterogeneities are presented. These include both academic problems and more realistic prototypes for simulations for the underground storage of nuclear waste
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