27,479 research outputs found

    Instabilities of wave function monopoles in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present analytic and numerical results for a class of monopole solutions to the two-component Gross-Pitaevski equation for a two-species Bose condensate in an effectively two-dimensional trap. We exhibit dynamical instabilities involving vortex production as one species pours through another, from which we conclude that the sub-optical sharpness of potentials exerted by matter waves makes condensates ideal tools for manipulating condensates. We also show that there are two equally valid but drastically different hydrodynamic descriptions of a two-component condensate, and illustrate how different phenomena may appear simpler in each.Comment: 4 pages, 9 figures (compressed figures become legible when zoomed or when paper is actually printed

    Two--Electron Atoms in Short Intense Laser Pulses

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    We discuss a method of solving the time dependent Schrodinger equation for atoms with two active electrons in a strong laser field, which we used in a previous paper [A. Scrinzi and B. Piraux, Phys. Rev. A 56, R13 (1997)] to calculate ionization, double excitation and harmonic generation in Helium by short laser pulses. The method employs complex scaling and an expansion in an explicitly correlated basis. Convergence of the calculations is documented and error estimates are provided. The results for Helium at peak intensities up to 10^15 W/cm^2 and wave length 248 nm are accurate to at least 10 %. Similarly accurate calculations are presented for electron detachment and double excitation of the negative hydrogen ion.Comment: 14 pages, including figure

    Noisy pre-processing facilitating a photonic realisation of device-independent quantum key distribution

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    Device-independent quantum key distribution provides security even when the equipment used to communicate over the quantum channel is largely uncharacterized. An experimental demonstration of device-independent quantum key distribution is however challenging. A central obstacle in photonic implementations is that the global detection efficiency, i.e., the probability that the signals sent over the quantum channel are successfully received, must be above a certain threshold. We here propose a method to significantly relax this threshold, while maintaining provable device-independent security. This is achieved with a protocol that adds artificial noise, which cannot be known or controlled by an adversary, to the initial measurement data (the raw key). Focusing on a realistic photonic setup using a source based on spontaneous parametric down conversion, we give explicit bounds on the minimal required global detection efficiency.Comment: 5+16 pages, 4 figure

    Partial spin freezing in the quasi-two-dimensional La2(Cu,Li)O4

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    In conventional spin glasses, the magnetic interaction is not strongly anisotropic and the entire spin system freezes at low temperature. In La2(Cu,Li)O4, for which the in-plane exchange interaction dominates the interplane one, only a fraction of spins with antiferromagnetic correlations extending to neighboring planes become spin-glass. The remaining spins with only in-plane antiferromagnetic correlations remain spin-liquid at low temperature. Such a novel partial spin freezing out of a spin-liquid observed in this cold neutron scattering study is likely due to a delicate balance between disorder and quantum fluctuations in the quasi-two dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Pairing Symmetry in the Anisotropic Fermi Superfluid under p-wave Feshbach Resonance

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    The anisotropic Fermi superfluid of ultra-cold Fermi atoms under the p-wave Feshbach resonance is studied theoretically. The pairing symmetry of the ground state is determined by the strength of the atom-atom magnetic dipole interaction. It is kzk_z for a strong dipole interaction; while it becomes kz−iβkyk_z - i \beta k_y, up to a rotation about z, for a weak one (Here β\beta < 1 is a numerical coefficient). By changing the external magnetic field or the atomic gas density, a phase transition between these two states can be driven. We discuss how the pairing symmetry of the ground state can be determined in the time-of-flight experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Accretion-modified Stars in Accretion Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei: the Low-luminosity Cases and an Application to Sgr A\!^{*}

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    In this paper, we investigate the astrophysical processes of stellar-mass black holes (sMBHs) embedded in advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The sMBH is undergoing Bondi accretion at a rate lower than the SMBH. Outflows from the sMBH-ADAF dynamically interact with their surroundings and form a cavity inside the SMBH-ADAF, thereby quenching the accretion onto the SMBH. Rejuvenation of the Bondi accretion is rapidly done by turbulence. These processes give rise to quasi-periodic episodes of sMBH activities and create flickerings from relativistic jets developed by the Blandford-Znajek mechanism if the sMBH is maximally rotating. Accumulating successive sMBH-outflows trigger viscous instability of the SMBH-ADAF, leading to a flare following a series of flickerings. Recently, the similarity of near-infrared flare's orbits has been found by GRAVITY/VLTI astrometric observations of Sgr A\!^{*}: their loci during the last 4-years consist of a ring in agreement with the well-determined SMBH mass. We apply the present model to Sgr A\!^{*}, which shows quasi-periodic flickerings. A SMBHH of ∼40M⊙\sim 40 M_{\odot} is preferred orbiting around the central SMBH of Sgr A\!^{*} from fitting radio to X-ray continuum. Such an extreme mass ratio inspiraling (EMRI) provides an excellent laboratory for LISA, Taiji and Tianqin detection of mHz gravitational waves with strains of ∼10−17\sim 10^{-17}, as well as their polarization.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Efficient out-coupling and beaming of Tamm optical states via surface plasmon polariton excitation

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    We present evidence of optical Tamm states to surface plasmon polariton (SPP) coupling. We experimentally demonstrate that for a Bragg stack with a thin metal layer on the surface, hybrid Tamm-SPP modes may be excited when a grating on the air-metal interface is introduced. Out-coupling via the grating to free space propagation is shown to enhance the transmission as well as the directionality and polarization selection for the transmitted beam. We suggest that this system will be useful on those devices, where a metallic electrical contact as well as beaming and polarization control is needed

    Phase decorrelation, streamwise vortices and acoustic radiation in mixing layers

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    Several direct numerical simulations were performed and analyzed to study various aspects of the early development of mixing layers. Included are the phase jitter of the large-scale eddies, which was studied using a 2-D spatially-evolving mixing layer simulation; the response of a time developing mixing layer to various spanwise disturbances; and the sound radiation from a 2-D compressible time developing mixing layer

    Quantum Hall Ferromagnets

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    It is pointed out recently that the ν=1/m\nu=1/m quantum Hall states in bilayer systems behave like easy plane quantum ferromagnets. We study the magnetotransport of these systems using their ``ferromagnetic" properties and a novel spin-charge relation of their excitations. The general transport is a combination of the ususal Hall transport and a time dependent transport with quantizedquantized time average. The latter is due to a phase slippage process in spacetimespacetime and is characterized by two topological constants. (Figures will be provided upon requests).Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, Ohio State Universit
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