290 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Sea Weather Effects to the Ship Maneuvering in Vietnam’s Sea from BinhThuan Province to Ca Mau Province Based on Fuzzy Control Method

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    Vietnam is located in the tropical monsoon climate, so there are many storms affecting the marine environment each year. However, Vietnam’s sea also has distinct characteristics due to the continental shelf factors, salinity, sea currents and viscosity water. In this paper, the sea weather effects to the ship in the sea area from BinhThuan province to Ca Mau province are analyzed. Specifically, wave, wind and current which are the three main factors affecting the safety of ship are thoroughly examined. Importantly, the survey parameters have been built from the actual operating environment. In addition, maintaining the stability of dynamic positioning system in Vietnam weather conditions is the main point of this study

    Determinants of perceived organizational support: An empirical study of administrative staff at public hospitals in viet nam

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    This study aimed to determine the factors that affected perceived organizational support (POS) and was conducted on participants from the administrative staff at public hospitals in Viet Nam. A quantitative approach was used for collecting and analyzing data, and hypothesis testing was performed by structural equation modeling using Smart PLS 3.0. Analysis of 128 participants showed that the perception of employees toward their organization was influenced by organizational reward, procedural justice, and perceived supervisor support. The results suggested that to increase POS, public hospitals should focus on improving their reward systems—for example, building non-financial policies that currently lack opportunities for administrative staff, such as training and promotion. The organization’s accountability policy needs to emphasize attention to transparency, and managers should listen carefully to the feedback from their employees. Finally, supervisors must nurture the goals and values of their employees. This study also provides suggestions for future research related to POS, including an expanded sample size or a cross-lagged longitudinal survey design to reduce bias. © 2021, Mahidol University - ASEAN Institute for Health Development. All rights reserved

    Concepts of Agri-Competitiveness in Theorical and Imperical Researchs

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitiveness of exported agricultural products through theoretical and empirical studies, estimation methods and determinants. Not only summarizing the competitiveness theories of agricultural products exported from previous studies, the article also clarifies the concept of competitiveness of agricultural products at the level of products/services, firms/ farms, industry, thereby helping firms from agricultural countries - which rely heavily on agricultural production and agricultural products export to find the right ways to identify definitions and concepts, then choose the right methods of measurement, compare its export agricultural products competitiveness. Since, the study also proposed the use of synthetic indicators to measure the competitiveness of agricultural exports which is an important basis for the state agencies in the study and propose their export policy of agricultural products in the near future

    Real-Space Approach for the Electronic Calculation of Twisted Bilayer Graphene Using the Orthogonal Polynomial Technique

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    We discuss technical issues involving the implementation of a computational method for the electronic structure of material systems of arbitrary atomic arrangement. The method is based on the analysis of time evolution of electron states in the real lattice space. The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are used to approximate the time evolution operator.  We demonstrate that the developed method is powerful and efficient since the computational scaling law is linear. We invoked the method to study the electronic properties of special twisted bilayer graphene whose atomic structure is quasi-crystalline. We show the density of states of an electron in this graphene system as well as the variation of the associated time auto-correlation function. We find the fluctuation of electron density on the lattice nodes forming a typical pattern closely related to the typical atomic pattern of the quasi-crystalline bilayer graphene configuration

    Efficient inference of large prokaryotic pangenomes with PanTA

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    Pangenome inference is an indispensable step in bacterial genomics, yet its scalability poses a challenge due to the rapid growth of genomic collections. This paper presents PanTA, a software package designed for constructing pangenomes of large bacterial datasets, showing unprecedented efficiency levels multiple times higher than existing tools. PanTA introduces a novel mechanism to construct the pangenome progressively without rebuilding the accumulated collection from scratch. The progressive mode is shown to consume orders of magnitude less computational resources than existing solutions in managing growing datasets. The software is open source and is publicly available at https://github.com/amromics/panta and at 10.6084/m9.figshare.23724705

    Fostering innovative behavior in the aviation industry: The role of perceived supervisor support and work group diversity

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    The research primarily seeks to understand how supervisor support can directly and indirectly enhance the service innovative behavior (SIB) of flight attendants via work engagement. Moreover, although there has been some research on the effect of group diversity on organizational performance, the results have not been consistent. Thus, this study addresses this gap by investigating how work group diversity can make variance in the relationship between work engagement and innovative behavior of flight attendants. The sample size of 242 flight attendants working at the central airport in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has been taken for the study. To test hypotheses, structural equation modeling and bootstrapping were employed. This study provided an evidence for the positive nexus between perceived supervisor support and SIB. Additionally, the results shed light on a mediation mechanism of work engagement for the association between flight attendants' perception of their supervisor and innovative behavior. Furthermore, tenure diversity and job position diversity in a work group were proved to play a moderating role in the relationship between work engagement and service innovative behavior. Specifically, flight attendants are more willing to exhibit innovative behaviors when working in a homogeneous group in terms of tenure and job position rather than in a heterogeneous group. The empirical results contributed to the diversity management literature and broadened the understanding of how to activate the service innovative behavior of employees. From a managerial perspective, managers should pay attention to the characteristics of employees when organizing teamwork. © Long Nguyen Le Hoang, Huong Nguyen Thi Thu, Viet-Anh Ho, 202

    AMRViz enables seamless genomics analysis and visualization of antimicrobial resistance

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    We have developed AMRViz, a toolkit for analyzing, visualizing, and managing bacterial genomics samples. The toolkit is bundled with the current best practice analysis pipeline allowing researchers to perform comprehensive analysis of a collection of samples directly from raw sequencing data with a single command line. The analysis results in a report showing the genome structure, genome annotations, antibiotic resistance and virulence profile for each sample. The pan-genome of all samples of the collection is analyzed to identify core- and accessory-genes. Phylogenies of the whole genome as well as all gene clusters are also generated. The toolkit provides a web-based visualization dashboard allowing researchers to interactively examine various aspects of the analysis results. Availability: AMRViz is implemented in Python and NodeJS, and is publicly available under open source MIT license at https://github.com/amromics/amrviz

    Investigating the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from Gymnema sylvestre and Curcuma longa in Vietnam

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are soil eukaryotes that belong to phylum Glomeromycota and have symbiosis with the vast majority of higher plants’ roots. AM fungi are believed to be coevolved with terrestrial plants, the abundance and diversity of AM fungal communities as a result are host plant dependent. A survey of AM fungi from the rhizospheres of medicinal plants in Northern Vietnam including gurma Gymnema sylvestre and turmeric Curcuma longa was carried out. From the extracted total DNAs of the medicinal plants’ rhizosphere soil samples, 35 mycorrhizal fungal species were identified by analyzing small subunit rRNA gene sequences. Result revealed that genus Glomus is the most abundant in the AM communities of G. sylvestre and C. longa, followed by Gigaspora and Acaulospora. Besides, AM species belonging to genera Scutellospora, Diversispora and Rhizophagus were observed in almost all rhizosphere soil samples. The spore counting by wet sieving and decanting method uncovered a variation in AM spore density of gurma and turmeric rhizosphere. In general, AM species were found more abundantly and more diverse in collected rhizome soil samples of C. longa (27 species belonging to 10 genera) than of G. sylvestre (17 species found belonging to 7 genera). The observed difference in AM communities of G. sylvestre and C. longa supports evidence for the dependence of AM fungal species on host plants, and indicates that AM fungi may have relation to the host plants’ secondary metabolite production
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