959 research outputs found

    Hierarchy in the eye of the beholder: (anti-)egalitarianism shapes perceived levels of social inequality

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    Debate surrounding the issue of inequality and hierarchy between social groups has become increasingly prominent in recent years. At the same time, individuals disagree about the extent to which inequality between advantaged and disadvantaged groups exists. Whereas prior work has examined the ways in which individuals legitimize (or delegitimize) inequality as a function of their motivations, we consider whether individuals’ orientation toward group-based hierarchy motivates the extent to which they perceive inequality between social groups in the first place. Across 8 studies in both real-world (race, gender, and class) and artificial contexts, and involving members of both advantaged and disadvantaged groups, we show that the more individuals endorse hierarchy between groups, the less they perceive inequality between groups at the top and groups at the bottom. Perceiving less inequality is associated with rejecting egalitarian social policies aimed at reducing it. We show that these differences in hierarchy perception as a function of individuals’ motivational orientation hold even when inequality is depicted abstractly using images, and even when individuals are financially incentivized to accurately report their true perceptions. Using a novel methodology to assess accurate memory of hierarchy, we find that differences may be driven by both antiegalitarians underestimating inequality, and egalitarians overestimating it. In sum, our results identify a novel perceptual bias rooted in individuals’ chronic motivations toward hierarchy-maintenance, with the potential to influence their policy attitudes

    Finite-dimensional Schwinger basis, deformed symmetries, Wigner function, and an algebraic approach to quantum phase

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    Schwinger's finite (D) dimensional periodic Hilbert space representations are studied on the toroidal lattice {\ee Z}_{D} \times {\ee Z}_{D} with specific emphasis on the deformed oscillator subalgebras and the generalized representations of the Wigner function. These subalgebras are shown to be admissible endowed with the non-negative norm of Hilbert space vectors. Hence, they provide the desired canonical basis for the algebraic formulation of the quantum phase problem. Certain equivalence classes in the space of labels are identified within each subalgebra, and connections with area-preserving canonical transformations are examined. The generalized representations of the Wigner function are examined in the finite-dimensional cyclic Schwinger basis. These representations are shown to conform to all fundamental conditions of the generalized phase space Wigner distribution. As a specific application of the Schwinger basis, the number-phase unitary operator pair in {\ee Z}_{D} \times {\ee Z}_{D} is studied and, based on the admissibility of the underlying q-oscillator subalgebra, an {\it algebraic} approach to the unitary quantum phase operator is established. This being the focus of this work, connections with the Susskind-Glogower- Carruthers-Nieto phase operator formalism as well as standard action-angle Wigner function formalisms are examined in the infinite-period limit. The concept of continuously shifted Fock basis is introduced to facilitate the Fock space representations of the Wigner function.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Predisposed to Prejudice but Responsive to Intergroup Contact? Testing the Unique Benefits of Intergroup Contact Across Different Types of Individual Differences

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    Recent research demonstrates that intergroup contact effectively reduces prejudice even among prejudice-prone persons. But some assert that evidence regarding the benefits of contact among prejudice-prone individuals is “mixed”, particularly for those higher in social dominance orientation (SDO), one of the field’s most important individual differences. Problematically, person-variables are typically considered in isolation despite being inter-correlated, leaving the question of which unique psychological aspects of prejudice-proneness (e.g., authoritarianism, antiegalitarianism, cognitive style) are responsive to intergroup contact unresolved. To address this shortcoming, in a large sample of White Americans (N = 465) we simultaneously examined the contact-attitude association at varying levels of ideological (SDO, right-wing authoritarianism), cognitive-style (need for closure), and identity-based (group identification) indicators of prejudice-proneness. Examining a broad range of intergroup criterion measures (e.g., racism, support for racial profiling) we reveal that greater contact quality is associated with lower levels of intergroup hostility for those both lower and higher on a variety of indicators of prejudice-proneness, simultaneously considered

    Predisposed to Prejudice but Responsive to Intergroup Contact? Testing the Unique Benefits of Intergroup Contact Across Different Types of Individual Differences

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    Recent research demonstrates that intergroup contact effectively reduces prejudice even among prejudice-prone persons. But some assert that evidence regarding the benefits of contact among prejudice-prone individuals is “mixed”, particularly for those higher in social dominance orientation (SDO), one of the field’s most important individual differences. Problematically, person-variables are typically considered in isolation despite being inter-correlated, leaving the question of which unique psychological aspects of prejudice-proneness (e.g., authoritarianism, antiegalitarianism, cognitive style) are responsive to intergroup contact unresolved. To address this shortcoming, in a large sample of White Americans (N = 465) we simultaneously examined the contact-attitude association at varying levels of ideological (SDO, right-wing authoritarianism), cognitive-style (need for closure), and identity-based (group identification) indicators of prejudice-proneness. Examining a broad range of intergroup criterion measures (e.g., racism, support for racial profiling) we reveal that greater contact quality is associated with lower levels of intergroup hostility for those both lower and higher on a variety of indicators of prejudice-proneness, simultaneously considered

    Nonconstant electronic density of states tunneling inversion for A15 superconductors: Nb3Sn

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    We re-examine the tunneling data on A15 superconductors by performing a generalized McMillan-Rowell tunneling inversion that incorporates a nonconstant electronic density of states obtained from band-structure calculations. For Nb3Sn, we find that the fit to the experimental data can be slightly improved by taking into account the sharp structure in the density of states, but it is likely that such an analysis alone is not enough to completely explain the superconducting tunneling characteristics of this material. Nevertheless, the extracted Eliashberg function displays a number of features expected to be present for the highest quality Nb3Sn samples.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Black Hole Mass, Host galaxy classification and AGN activity

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    We investigate the role of host galaxy classification and black hole mass in a heterogeneous sample of 276 mostly nearby (z<0.1) X-ray and IR selected AGN. Around 90% of Seyfert 1 AGN in bulge-dominated host galaxies (without disk contamination) span a very narrow range in the observed 12um to 2-10keV luminosity ratio (1<R_{IR/X}<7). This narrow dispersion incorporates all possible variations among AGN central engines, including accretion mechanism and efficiency, disk opening angle, orientation to sightline, covering fraction of absorbing material, patchiness of X-ray corona and measured variability. As a result, all models of X-ray and IR production in AGN are very strongly constrained. Among Seyfert 1 AGN, median X-ray and IR luminosities increase with black hole mass at >99% confidence. Using ring morphology of the host galaxy as a proxy for lack of tidal interaction, we find that AGN luminosity in host galaxies within 70Mpc is independent of host galaxy interaction for ∌\sim Gyrs, suggesting that the timescale of AGN activity due to secular evolution is much shorter than that due to tidal interactions. We find that LINER hosts have lower 12um luminosity than the median 12um luminosity of normal disk- and bulge-dominated galaxies which may represent observational evidence for past epochs of feedback that supressed star formation in LINER host galaxies. We propose that nuclear ULXs may account for the X-ray emission from LINER 2s without flat-spectrum, compact radio cores. We confirmed the robustness of our results in X-rays by comparing them with the 14-195keV 22-month BAT survey of AGN, which is all-sky and unbiased by photoelectric absorption.Comment: MNRAS accepted. 14 pages, 11 figures, complete Table 1 in online journa
