38,137 research outputs found

    Quantum Simulation of the Hubbard Model: The Attractive Route

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    We study the conditions under which, using a canonical transformation, the phases sought after for the repulsive Hubbard model, namely a Mott insulator in the paramagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic phases, and a putative d-wave superfluid can be deduced from observations in an optical lattice loaded with a spin-imbalanced ultra-cold Fermi gas with attractive interactions, thus realizing the attractive Hubbard model. We show that the Mott insulator and antiferromagnetic phase of the repulsive Hubbard model are in fact more easy to observe as a paired, and superfluid phase respectively, in the attractive Hubbard model. The putative d-wave superfluid phase of the repulsive Hubbard model doped away from half-filling is related to a d-wave antiferromagnetic phase for the attractive Hubbard model. We discuss the advantages of this approach to 'quantum simulate' the Hubbard model in an optical lattice over the approach that attempts to directly simulate the doped Hubbard model in the repulsive regime. We also point out a number of technical difficulties of the proposed approach and, in some cases, suggest possible solutions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figs. New version as accepted in PRA. We have clarified the models we are discussing in various places, and expanded on the critical number estimate to include both K40 and Li6 in section V. Also added reference

    High efficiency solar cell processing

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    At the time of writing, cells made by several groups are approaching 19% efficiency. General aspects of the processing required for such cells are discussed. Most processing used for high efficiency cells is derived from space-cell or concentrator cell technology, and recent advances have been obtained from improved techniques rather than from better understanding of the limiting mechanisms. Theory and modeling are fairly well developed, and adequate to guide further asymptotic increases in performance of near conventional cells. There are several competitive cell designs with promise of higher performance ( 20%) but for these designs further improvements are required. The available cell processing technology to fabricate high efficiency cells is examined

    Recent developments in thin silicon solar cells

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    Fifty micron thick cells 2x4 sq cm area with coplanar back contacts were made with good yield, and with output equivalent to conventional top/bottom contact cells of the same thickness. A wraparound junction (WAJ) design was selected, and used successfully. The low alpha cells delivered were all above 12%, the average efficiency was 13% and the best was 14%. The overall yield was 35 to 40%, comparable to that for conventional 50 micron cells. The process sequence was moderately complex, but showed good reproducibility. The CBC cells performed wall under several important environmental tests. High alpha CBC cells were made, with about 1% increase in conversion efficiency. The most important design criteria were the choice of back surface N+ and P+ areas

    Silicon solar cells for space use: Present performance and trends

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    A technology assessment of present performance levels and current fabrication methods and designs is presented

    Dynamics of thermalisation in small Hubbard-model systems

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    We study numerically the thermalisation and temporal evolution of the reduced density matrix for a two-site subsystem of a fermionic Hubbard model prepared far from equilibrium at a definite energy. Even for very small systems near quantum degeneracy, the subsystem can reach a steady state resembling equilibrium. This occurs for a non-perturbative coupling between the subsystem and the rest of the lattice where relaxation to equilibrium is Gaussian in time, in sharp contrast to perturbative results. We find similar results for random couplings, suggesting such behaviour is generic for small systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Feshbach resonant scattering of three fermions in one-dimensional wells

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    We study the weak-tunnelling limit for a system of cold 40K atoms trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice close to an s-wave Feshbach resonance. We calculate the local spectrum for three atoms at one site of the lattice within a two-channel model. Our results indicate that, for this one-dimensional system, one- and two-channel models will differ close to the Feshbach resonance, although the two theories would converge in the limit of strong Feshbach coupling. We also find level crossings in the low-energy spectrum of a single well with three atoms that may lead to quantum phase transition for an optical lattice of many wells. We discuss the stability of the system to a phase with non-uniform density.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Deconfinement and cold atoms in optical lattices

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    Despite the fact that by now one dimensional and three dimensional systems of interacting particles are reasonably well understood, very little is known on how to go from the one dimensional physics to the three dimensional one. This is in particular true in a quasi-one dimensional geometry where the hopping of particles between one dimensional chains or tubes can lead to a dimensional crossover between a Luttinger liquid and more conventional high dimensional states. Such a situation is relevant to many physical systems. Recently cold atoms in optical traps have provided a unique and controllable system in which to investigate this physics. We thus analyze a system made of coupled one dimensional tubes of interacting fermions. We explore the observable consequences, such as the phase diagram for isolated tubes, and the possibility to realize unusual superfluid phases in coupled tubes systems.Comment: Proceedings of the conference on "Quantum Many Body Theories 13", to be published by World Scientifi

    Effect of disorder on a Pomeranchuk instability

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    We study the effect of disorder on the order parameter equation and transition temperature of a Pomeranchuk-type Fermi-surface instability using replica mean field theory. We consider the example of a phase transition to a dx2+y2d_{x^2 +y^2} type Fermi surface distortion, and show that, in the regime where such a transition is second order, the transition temperature is reduced by disorder in essentially the same way as that for a d-wave superconductor. We argue that observing this disorder dependence of metal-to-metal transition might be a useful indicator of a finite angular momentum Fermi surface distortion.Comment: 4.1 pages, 3 figs. Version as published in EPL. Added data of Sr3Ru2O7 to theory curves of Fig.2, and some clarification of derivation of result
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