141 research outputs found

    Tumor-Initiating Cells and Methods of Use

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    Provided herein are an isolated or enriched population of tumor initiating cells derived from normal cells, cells susceptible to neoplasia, or neoplastic cells. Methods of use of the cells for screening for anti-hyperproliferative agents, and use of the cells for animal models of hyperproliferative disorders including metastatic cancer, diagnostic methods, and therapeutic methods are provided

    Tumor morphological evolution: directed migration and gain and loss of the self-metastatic phenotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aside from the stepwise genetic alterations known to underlie cancer cell creation, the microenvironment is known to profoundly influence subsequent tumor development, morphology and metastasis. Invasive cluster formation has been assumed to be dependent on directed migration and a heterogeneous environment - a conclusion derived from complex models of tumor-environment interaction. At the same time, these models have not included the prospect, now supported by a preponderance of evidence, that only a minority of cancer cells may have stem cell capacity. This proves to weigh heavily on the microenvironmental requirements for the display of characteristic tumor growth phenotypes. We show using agent-based modeling that some defining features of tumor growth ascribed to directed migration might also be realized under random migration, and discuss broader implications for cause-and-effect determination in general.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Considering only the properties of random migration in tumors composed of stem cells and committed cells, we are able to recapitulate a characteristic clustering feature of invasive tumor growth, a property we attribute to "self-metastatic" growth. When the additional influence of directed migrations under chemotactic environments are considered, we find that tumor growth and invasive morphology are supported while the tumor is distant from the source, but are progressively discouraged as the tumor converges about that source.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We show that invasive clustering can derive from basic kinetic assumptions often neglected in more complex models. While higher-order mechanisms, e.g. directed migration upon chemotactic stimuli, may result in clustering growth morphologies, exclusive attributions of this phenotype to this or other structured microenvironments would be inappropriate, in light of our finding these features are observable in a homogeneous environment. Furthermore, directed migration will result in loss of the invasive phenotype as the tumor approaches the attractor source. Reviewers: This article was reviewed by Mark Little and Glen Webb.</p

    Non-stem cancer cell kinetics modulate solid tumor progression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Solid tumors are heterogeneous in composition. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are believed to drive tumor progression, but the relative frequencies of CSCs versus non-stem cancer cells span wide ranges even within tumors arising from the same tissue type. Tumor growth kinetics and composition can be studied through an agent-based cellular automaton model using minimal sets of biological assumptions and parameters. Herein we describe a pivotal role for the generational life span of non-stem cancer cells in modulating solid tumor progression <it>in silico</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that although CSCs are necessary for progression, their expansion and consequently tumor growth kinetics are surprisingly modulated by the dynamics of the non-stem cancer cells. Simulations reveal that slight variations in non-stem cancer cell proliferative capacity can result in tumors with distinctly different growth kinetics. Longer generational life spans yield self-inhibited tumors, as the emerging population of non-stem cancer cells spatially impedes expansion of the CSC compartment. Conversely, shorter generational life spans yield persistence-limited tumors, with symmetric division frequency of CSCs determining tumor growth rate. We show that the CSC fraction of a tumor population can vary by multiple orders of magnitude as a function of the generational life span of the non-stem cancer cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study suggests that variability in the growth rate and CSC content of solid tumors may be, in part, attributable to the proliferative capacity of the non-stem cancer cell population that arises during asymmetric division of CSCs. In our model, intermediate proliferative capacities give rise to the fastest-growing tumors, resulting in self-metastatic expansion driven by a balance between symmetric CSC division and expansion of the non-stem cancer population. Our results highlight the importance of non-stem cancer cell dynamics in the CSC hypothesis, and may offer a novel explanation for the large variations in CSC fractions reported <it>in vivo</it>.</p

    A new view of radiation-induced cancer: integrating short- and long-term processes. Part I: Approach

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    Mathematical models of radiation carcinogenesis are important for understanding mechanisms and for interpreting or extrapolating risk. There are two classes of such models: (1) long-term formalisms that track pre-malignant cell numbers throughout an entire lifetime but treat initial radiation dose–response simplistically and (2) short-term formalisms that provide a detailed initial dose–response even for complicated radiation protocols, but address its modulation during the subsequent cancer latency period only indirectly. We argue that integrating short- and long-term models is needed. As an example of this novel approach, we integrate a stochastic short-term initiation/inactivation/repopulation model with a deterministic two-stage long-term model. Within this new formalism, the following assumptions are implemented: radiation initiates, promotes, or kills pre-malignant cells; a pre-malignant cell generates a clone, which, if it survives, quickly reaches a size limitation; the clone subsequently grows more slowly and can eventually generate a malignant cell; the carcinogenic potential of pre-malignant cells decreases with age

    A new view of radiation-induced cancer: integrating short- and long-term processes. Part II: second cancer risk estimation

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    As the number of cancer survivors grows, prediction of radiotherapy-induced second cancer risks becomes increasingly important. Because the latency period for solid tumors is long, the risks of recently introduced radiotherapy protocols are not yet directly measurable. In the accompanying article, we presented a new biologically based mathematical model, which, in principle, can estimate second cancer risks for any protocol. The novelty of the model is that it integrates, into a single formalism, mechanistic analyses of pre-malignant cell dynamics on two different time scales: short-term during radiotherapy and recovery; long-term during the entire life span. Here, we apply the model to nine solid cancer types (stomach, lung, colon, rectal, pancreatic, bladder, breast, central nervous system, and thyroid) using data on radiotherapy-induced second malignancies, on Japanese atomic bomb survivors, and on background US cancer incidence. Potentially, the model can be incorporated into radiotherapy treatment planning algorithms, adding second cancer risk as an optimization criterion

    Chromosomes are predominantly located randomly with respect to each other in interphase human cells

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    To test quantitatively whether there are systematic chromosome–chromosome associations within human interphase nuclei, interchanges between all possible heterologous pairs of chromosomes were measured with 24-color whole-chromosome painting (multiplex FISH), after damage to interphase lymphocytes by sparsely ionizing radiation in vitro. An excess of interchanges for a specific chromosome pair would indicate spatial proximity between the chromosomes comprising that pair. The experimental design was such that quite small deviations from randomness (extra pairwise interchanges within a group of chromosomes) would be detectable. The only statistically significant chromosome cluster was a group of five chromosomes previously observed to be preferentially located near the center of the nucleus. However, quantitatively, the overall deviation from randomness within the whole genome was small. Thus, whereas some chromosome–chromosome associations are clearly present, at the whole-chromosomal level, the predominant overall pattern appears to be spatially random

    A Multicompartment Mathematical Model of Cancer Stem Cell-Driven Tumor Growth Dynamics

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    Tumors are appreciated to be an intrinsically heterogeneous population of cells with varying proliferation capacities and tumorigenic potentials. As a central tenet of the so-called cancer stem cell hypothesis, most cancer cells have only a limited lifespan and thus cannot initiate or re-initiate tumors. Longevity and clonogenicity are properties unique to the subpopulation of cancer stem cells. To understand the implications of the population structure suggested by this hypothesis - a hierarchy consisting of cancer stem cells and progeny non-stem cancer cells which experience a reduction in their remaining proliferation capacity per division - we set out to develop a mathematical model for the development of the aggregate population. We show that overall tumor progression rate during the exponential growth phase is identical to the growth rate of the cancer stem cell compartment. Tumors with identical stem cell proportions, however, can have different growth rates, dependent on the proliferation kinetics of all participating cell populations. Analysis of the model revealed that the proliferation potential of non-stem cancer cells is likely to be small to reproduce biologic observations. Furthermore, a single compartment of non-stem cancer cell population may adequately represent population growth dynamics only when the compartment proliferation rate is scaled with the generational hierarchy depth

    Sonic Hedgehog Therapy in a Mouse Model of Age-Associated Impairment of Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

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    Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is a morphogen regulating muscle development during embryogenesis. We have shown that the Shh pathway is postnatally recapitulated after injury and during regeneration of the adult skeletal muscle and regulates angiogenesis and myogenesis after muscle injury. Here, we demonstrate that in 18-month-old mice, there is a significant impairment of the upregulation of the Shh pathway that physiologically occurs in the young skeletal muscle after injury. Such impairment is even more pronounced in 24-month-old mice. In old animals, intramuscular therapy with a plasmid encoding the human Shh gene increases the regenerative capacities of the injured muscle, in terms of Myf5-positive cells, regenerating myofibers, and fibrosis. At the molecular level, Shh treatment increases the upregulation of the prototypical growth factors, insulin-like growth factor-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor. These data demonstrate that Shh increases regeneration after injury in the muscle of 24-month-old mice and suggest that the manipulation of the Shh pathway may be useful for the treatment of muscular diseases associated with aging