565 research outputs found

    A Champion for Children

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    Environmental effects of offshore produced water discharges: A review focused on the Norwegian continental shelf

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    Produced water (PW), a large byproduct of offshore oil and gas extraction, is reinjected to formations or discharged to the sea after treatment. The discharges contain dispersed crude oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), alkylphenols (APs), metals, and many other constituents of environmental relevance. Risk-based regulation, greener offshore chemicals and improved cleaning systems have reduced environmental risks of PW discharges, but PW is still the largest operational source of oil pollution to the sea from the offshore petroleum industry. Monitoring surveys find detectable exposures in caged mussel and fish several km downstream from PW outfalls, but biomarkers indicate only mild acute effects in these sentinels. On the other hand, increased concentrations of DNA adducts are found repeatedly in benthic fish populations, especially in haddock. It is uncertain whether increased adducts could be a long-term effect of sediment contamination due to ongoing PW discharges, or earlier discharges of oil-containing drilling waste. Another concern is uncertainty regarding the possible effect of PW discharges in the sub-Arctic Southern Barents Sea. So far, research suggests that sub-arctic species are largely comparable to temperate species in their sensitivity to PW exposure. Larval deformities and cardiac toxicity in fish early life stages are among the biomarkers and adverse outcome pathways that currently receive much attention in PW effect research. Herein, we summarize the accumulated ecotoxicological knowledge of offshore PW discharges and highlight some key remaining knowledge needs.publishedVersio

    Do benthic algae provide important information over and above that provided by macrophytes and phytoplankton in lake status assessment? – Results from a case study in Norway

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    To test if phytobenthic algae provide additional important information to macrophytes and phytoplankton for lake monitoring, we sampled two large lakes in Norway. In each lake, we analyzed water chemistry and phytoplankton above the deepest site, recorded macrophytes and non-diatom phytobenthic algae at 20 sites around the shoreline and estimated site-specific nutrient input from land cover. Since no ready-to-use phytobenthos index exists for lakes in Norway, we tested the PIT index developed for rivers, commonly perceived signs of disturbance such as high algal cover, and taxon richness as well as similarity patterns. Both lakes were nutrient poor, but had potential local nutrient inputs (villages, agriculture). In neither of the lakes did phytobenthos indicate a worse overall ecological status than macrophytes and phytoplankton. Our data therefore, did not suggest that it would be useful to add phytobenthos into surveillance monitoring of lakes in Norway. There was a loose correlation between macrophyte and phytobenthic site-specific taxon richness and similarities. This means that macrophytes and phytobenthos do indeed give partly redundant information. High algal cover was found at sites with both high and low phosphorus input. Using algal cover as indicator of site-specific nutrient input is therefore overly simplistic. Urban and cultivated areas were associated with a more eutrophic PIT. This indicates that the PIT, despite being developed for lotic waters, may be used to detect site specific nutrient input in lakes.publishedVersio

    Statistisk analyse av volum av forurenset sediment i Borg 1 og Flyndregrunnen, basert på samlet kjemisk analysemateriale fram til 2017

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    Prosjektleder Dag Øystein HjermannDet er foretatt statistiske beregninger av volummengden av forurenset sediment i området Røsvikrenna (nordligste del av leden til Borg havn, tiltaksområde Borg 1) samt Flyndregrunnen (den nordligste grunna i tiltaksområde Borg 2). Beregningene er basert på 620 prøver (seksjon av kjerneprøve eller overflateprøve) fra Røsvikrenna og 95 prøver fra Flyndregrunnen som er analysert kjemisk. Volumberegningen er gjort for ulike konfidensnivåer, der konfidens er definert ut fra andelen av sediment klassifisert som ikke-forurenset som i realiteten kan være forurenset. For Borg 1 er mengden forurenset sediment teoretisk beregnet til ca. 573 000 m3 (dersom en velger et konfidensnivå på 80 %) eller 757 000 m3 (dersom en velger et konfidensnivå 95 %). Beregninger fra Van ‘t Hoff Consultancy viser at de tilsvarende praktiske volumene, dvs. de massene som i praksis må behandles som forurenset, er estimert til 699 000 m3 (for konfidensnivå 80 %) eller 917 000 m3 (for konfidensnivå 95 %). For Flyndregrunnen er mengdene forurenset sediment beregnet til et teoretisk volum på ca. 39 000 m3 (for konfidensnivå 80 %) eller 42 000 m3 (konfidensnivå 95 %). Volumene med forurenset sediment er kartlagt og vises som konturer i kart laget for hver 10 cm dybde for begge konfidensnivåer.Rambøll Norge ASpublishedVersio

    ESPIAL - Data review and evaluation of historical data (WP1)

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    Prosjektleder Ailbhe MackenThe present report details the outcome of work package 1 of ESPIAL, with the aim of compiling the historical data from previous surveys at the aluminium sites in a common database and further to analyse the data. A graphical data displaying tool was developed as a custom interactive tool for data visualisations and was designed to be intuitive and user friendly. The main outcomes and findings of this work package can be summarized as follows: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute most data in the database; There is a decent amount of data on sediment samples in the data base, however these do not form time series; Most time series available in the data base are on blue mussel from Sunndal and northern horsemussel from Årdal; Most time series show a declining tendency; All statistically significant PAH time trends show declining concentrations; The database is likely not complete, and more data could be available; The graphical data displaying tool is a promising aid for instant insight in concentrations and time series of different analytes in environmental samples, historically collected in the vicinity of the smelters; The graphical data displaying tool makes it possible to view concentrations and trends in relation to the EQSs, giving insight in chemical status and sites of interest, in terms of possible need of remedial action or natural recovery.Aluminiumindustriens Miljøsekretariat (AMS)publishedVersio

    Non-cooperative exploitation of multi-cohort fisheries — the role of gear selectivity in the North-East Arctic cod fishery

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    North-East Arctic cod is shared by Russia and Norway. Taking its multi-cohort structure into account, how would optimal management look like? How would non-cooperative exploitation limit the obtainable profits? To which extent could the strategic situation explain today’s over- harvesting? Simulation of a detailed bio-economic model reveals that the mesh size should be significantly increased, resulting not only in a doubling of economic gains, but also in a biologi- cally healthier age-structure of the stock. The Nash Equilibrium is close to the current regime. Even when effort is fixed to its optimal level, the non-cooperative choice of gear selectivity leads to a large dissipation of rents

    Climatic effects filtered through the food web affect the dynamics of Arcto-Norwegian cod

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    The world's largest cod stock, the Arcto-Norwegian cod (a.k.a. North-East Arctic cod), is heavily influenced by temperature in two ways: First, cod recruitment tends to be high when Barents Sea temperature in the spawning year is high. Secondly, there is a more indirect effect of climate via herring and capelin: Warm conditions increase the chance of high recruitment of Norwegian Spring-spawning herring; 1-2 year old herring eat 0-year old capelin; and cod cannibalism increases when the biomass of 1-4 year old capelin is low. While these relationships have been shown separately and for the later years, we develop and parameterize models for the effects of herring (via capelin) and temperature on cod recruitment at age 3, using data from 1973 until present. Using data on cod, herring and temperature back to 1921 to verify the model,we find a significant relationship between predictions and data back to the 1950s, but before this, the predicted time-series pattern is not observed in the data