42 research outputs found

    Taxonomic and genetic confirmed findings of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) larvae in the Barents Sea

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    The snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) is an Arctic cold-water species native to the northwestern Atlantic Ocean and the northern Pacific Ocean. During the recent decades, a population has established in the Barents Sea. Several aspects of the snow crabs’ biology in this area have not been described, including time of hatching, intermoult duration of the different larval stages and larval distribution. Insight into the early-life stages might increase the understanding of the population's dynamics and further spreading in the Barents Sea as well as inform basis for making monitoring and management decisions. The present study investigated the presence and developmental stage of snow crab larva in plankton samples obtained in the central Barents Sea during a research survey in June and July 2019. Presence of snow crab larvae was confirmed through taxonomic and genetic identification. All larvae were identified as zoea I, which gives an indication of the timing of the hatching period. Morphological measurements coincide well with those reported in studies from the species native distribution range. No larvae of native Hyas spp. were found and overlap in temporal and spatial distribution is discussed. The study provides important information for development of further research into the biology of the snow crab in the Barents Sea.publishedVersio

    Modelled dispersal of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) larvae and potential settlement areas in the western Barents Sea

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    Since the mid-1990s, a snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) population has established in the eastern Barents Sea. Spawning females and newly hatched larvae are now also found in the central Barents Sea, warranting speculations on a further westward colonization by pelagic larvae. Here, we model the potential for larval dispersal and settlement into uncolonized areas in the western Barents Sea. We used a biophysical model of ocean currents and hydrography, coupled with a Lagrangian dispersal algorithm and larval survival functions as response to temperature. The model predicts limited dispersal from the central Barents Sea to western areas, primarily due to a mismatch between prevailing temperature regimes and temperature tolerances for the different larval stages. In addition, there was limited westward transport of water masses with temperatures that would allow completion of the pelagic larval development. We speculate that for larvae to successfully supply benthic recruits to the remaining uncolonized areas in the western Barents Sea, adult crabs would first need to establish new spawning aggregations, for example along the western slopes of the Barents Sea shelf. Immediate implications are limited potential for expanding the fishery to the western areas of the Barents Sea.publishedVersio

    Infaunal and epifaunal secondary production in the Barents Sea, with focus on snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) prey resources and consumption

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    Since the first observation of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) in the Barents Sea in 1996, the population has increased significantly, supporting a commercial fishery on the Norwegian shelf since 2012. To investigate whether the availability of benthic prey organisms may support a continued geographical snow crab expansion, benthic invertebrate production was studied across the central parts of the Barents Sea and around Svalbard, where snow crabs are currently absent or at low densities. Annual productivity (P/B ratio) from 66 stations collected by grab and beam trawl was estimated using a multiparameter artificial neural network model. Mean infaunal productivity and production were 0.43 yr−1 and 38.4 g ww m−2 yr−1, respectively, while the epifaunal production was considerably lower with 2.5 g ww m−2 yr−1. The proportions of epi- and infaunal production suitable as prey for snow crab were 98 and 96%, respectively. Areas close to the Polar Front represent the most attractive snow crab foraging region, having the highest benthic secondary production, high estimated primary production, and bottom water temperatures within the snow crab’s preferences. At snow crab densities of 12800 ind. km−2, high enough to support commercial fishing, their mean consumption rate was estimated to be around 1.5 g ww m−2 yr−1, which amounts to 4% of mean infaunal prey production. Food availability is, therefore, not expected to be a hindrance to further population expansion of the snow crab in the Barents Sea.publishedVersio

    Fangsteffektivitet i dykkebasert fiske etter stort kamskjell (Pecten maximus) i Sør-Trøndelag

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    I Norge fangstes stort kamskjell (Pecten maximus) ved dykking fra merkeregistrerte spesialfartøyer. Kjerneomrüdet er i Sør-Trøndelag (Hitra og Frøya) og totalfangsten har siden 2000 variert fra 500 til 900 tonn rundvekt per ür. Havforskningsinstituttet har i enkelte ür siden midt pü 1990 tallet undersøkt alderssammensetning hos stort kamskjell fra bestander i omrüdet det høstes fra. Resultatene som representerer en periode pü mer enn 20 ür tyder pü at reproduksjonsevne og rekruttering i bestanden er god. Beregnet ürsmiddel for daglig fangsteffektivitet hos dykkerne i perioden 2003-2011 var 190-290 kg kamskjell per dag per dykker, mens gjennomsnittet for perioden var over 200 kg kamskjell per dag per dykker. Resultatene indikerer at det ikke er vesentlige endringer i bestanden av stort kamskjell i kystomrüdene omkring Hitra og Frøya. Uttaket av bestanden fremstür som bÌrekraftig. Data pü alderssammensetning i bestanden støtter opp om dette. Resultatene tyder pü at fangsteffektivitet er egnet som indikator for overvükning av endring i bestanden. Dette forutsettes imidlertid av at det etableres utvidet registrering (loggbøker) av fangstene, som i første rekke bør inkludere informasjon om faktisk dykketid som grunnlag for beregning av fangsteffektivitet og bruk av faste referanse-dykkere

    Catches in abandoned snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pots in the Barents Sea

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    During a 2018 retrieval cruise for abandoned snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pots in the Barents Sea, approximately 8600 pots abandoned 1.5 years earlier were recovered. Forty-three percent of a subsample of 1000 pots contained snow crabs, with an average of three crabs per pot. Most of the crabs were alive (~98%) and dominated by large males. Pinch injuries and limb loss were common and tended to decline with increasing crab size. Reflex testing showed that the crabs were vital (i.e. the crabs moved their legs, chelipeds and maxillipeds when stimulated), which was supported by a relatively high meat content. However, energy reserves in the digestive glands (hepatopancreas reserves) were low, indicating overall energy deficiencies. Our results indicate considerable unaccounted mortality due to self-baiting, continued catch and cannibalism. The findings demonstrate that snow crab pots which are lost or abandoned in the Barents Sea fishery maintain huge potential for ghost-fishing impacts.publishedVersio

    RĂĽd om fiske pĂĽ kongekrabbe i 2024

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    Bestandsvurdering av kongekrabbe 2023 og rĂĽd for 2024

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    Stock status of edible crab along the Norwegian coast

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    Taskekrabben (Cancer pagurus) er en viktig kommersiell krabbeart i Norge og finnes i betydelige mengder langs kysten helt nord til Troms med sporadisk forekomst til Nordkapp. Etter 2007 har de ürlige landingene vÌrt rundt 5000 tonn ürlig, og de to siste ürene har de ligget høyere enn gjennomsnittet for perioden. Totalt sett er utviklingen i landinger stabil med regionale svingninger som kan forventes. Variasjon i landingene kan ha mange forskjellige ürsaker, blant annet endringer i mottaksstruktur (konkurser/selskaps-avviklinger og flytting av fiskemottak fra et omrüde til et annet), forandringer i lokal utbredelse av krabber, eller endring i adferd og vandringsmønster som følge av miljøsvingninger (f.eks. matmengde og -fordeling, og temperatur). Det er bekreftet i tidsserien fra taskekrabbe-referansefiskere som viser ingen betydelige endringer i størrelsessammensetningen eller fangstratene. Regionale trender i bestandsutviklingen er sammenlignbar med de vi fant i andre undersøkte tidsserier: garn- og rusetoktet som den eneste fiskeriuavhengige datakilden, data fra den kystnÌre referanseflüten, og data fra leppefisk-referansefiskerne. Alle disse datasettene er ikke rettet mot taskekrabben, og detaljerte analyser er nødvendig for ü finne ut om en eller flere av tidsseriene kan bidra til overvüking av taskekrabbebestanden. Generelt er fangstratene fra taskekrabbe-referansefiskerne mer nøyaktig og anses som beste tidsserie for utviklingen av krabbebestanden enn fangstratene til garnfiskerne som prøver ü unngü bifangst av krabbe. Vi konkluderer ogsü at bifangst i fisket etter leppefisk og bruk til agn har ikke en stor püvirkning pü den totale norske taskekrabbebestanden, men tatt i betraktning størrelsen av leppefisk-fiskeriet, kan agnbruk derfor likevel utgjøre et betydelig regionale uttak av taskekrabber. Fangst til agnbruk bidrar derfor sammen med fritidsfisket til et betydelig uregistrert uttak og mer kunnskap om disse uregistrerte landingene er nødvendig. Regulering av fiskeriet med minstemül er per i dag tilstrekelig, men en økning av minstemület i sør kan bidra til ü øke bÌrekraften i fisket i sørlige omrüdene.publishedVersio