58 research outputs found

    Ivaretakelse av de som ivaretar andre

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    I rollen som jobbspesialist engasjerer en seg i andre mennesker, skaper relasjoner og gir støtte til de som opplever vanskelige livssituasjoner. Målet er å få dem ut i arbeid, men ofte må andre grunnleggende behov håndteres i samspill mellom brukeren og jobbspesialisten. Slikt emosjonelt arbeid krever ifølge blant annet Per Isdal, oppmerksomhet.Dagens samfunn bærer i stor grad preg av tjenesteytende yrker, hvor nettopp relasjoner mellom tjenesteyter og tjenestemottaker står sentralt. Samfunnsutviklingen har vist at ivaretakelse av ansatte, må ta hensyn til mer enn fysiske forhold. Det er avgjørende å ivareta ansatte for å opprettholde produktivitet og sikre kvalitet i arbeidet. Denne studien søker derfor svar på hvordan jobbspesialister som bruker seg selv som arbeidsverktøy, ivaretas.For å besvare studiens problemstilling ble det gjennomført kvalitative individuelle intervjuer med fem jobbspesialister og en leder. Den teoretiske rammen for oppgaven er primært basert på emosjonsteori utviklet av Arlie Hochschild og Erving Goffman. Videre har vi benyttet Arbeidsmiljøloven som en overordnet ramme, og Karasek og Theorell sin krav-kontrollstøtte-modell. Disse teoriene ble anvendt for å utforske jobbspesialistenes arbeidshverdag og hvordan deres behov for ivaretakelse blir møtt, samt for å analysere og drøfte det empiriske datamaterialet.Funnene tyder på at jobbspesialistene ikke bevisst benytter emosjonshåndtering som ivaretakelsesstrategi. Likevel ivaretar det både dem og brukerne. En kultur preget av åpenhet blant jobbspesialistene, hvor det er rom for deling, ventilering og veiledning, viser seg å spille en viktig rolle for å forebygge belastninger og stress knyttet til emosjonelt arbeid. Studiens funn indikerer at ivaretakelsen av jobbspesialister krever et helhetlig perspektiv som omfatter individuelle, kollegiale og ledelsesorienterte tiltak. Dette understreker viktigheten av et trygt psykososialt arbeidsmiljø, hvor støtte fra kollegaer og en tilgjengelig og engasjert ledelse bidrar til å sikre trivsel og ivaretakelse i yrker som innebærer emosjonelt arbeid.Nøkkelord: Jobbspesialist, NAV, emosjonelt arbeid, ivaretakelse, støtte, psykososialt arbeidsmilj

    Regulation of air pollution from wood-burning stoves

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    Evaluation of methods for the concentration and extraction of viruses from sewage in the context of metagenomic sequencing

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    Viral sewage metagenomics is a novel field of study used for surveillance, epidemiological studies, and evaluation of waste water treatment efficiency. In raw sewage human waste is mixed with household, industrial and drainage water, and virus particles are, therefore, only found in low concentrations. This necessitates a step of sample concentration to allow for sensitive virus detection. Additionally, viruses harbor a large diversity of both surface and genome structures, which makes universal viral genomic extraction difficult. Current studies have tackled these challenges in many different ways employing a wide range of viral concentration and extraction procedures. However, there is limited knowledge of the efficacy and inherent biases associated with these methods in respect to viral sewage metagenomics, hampering the development of this field. By the use of next generation sequencing this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of four commonly applied viral concentrations techniques (precipitation with polyethylene glycol, organic flocculation with skim milk, monolithic adsorption filtration and glass wool filtration) and extraction methods (Nucleospin RNA XS, QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit, NucliSENS® miniMAG®, or PowerViral® Environmental RNA/DNA Isolation Kit) to determine the viriome in a sewage sample. We found a significant influence of concentration and extraction protocols on the detected viriome. The viral richness was largest in samples extracted with QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit or PowerViral® Environmental RNA/DNA Isolation Kit. Highest viral specificity were found in samples concentrated by precipitation with polyethylene glycol or extracted with Nucleospin RNA XS. Detection of viral pathogens depended on the method used. These results contribute to the understanding of method associated biases, within the field of viral sewage metagenomics, making evaluation of the current literature easier and helping with the design of future studies

    Metagenomic analysis of viruses in toilet waste from long distance flights—A new procedure for global infectious disease surveillance

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    <div><p>Human viral pathogens are a major public health threat. Reliable information that accurately describes and characterizes the global occurrence and transmission of human viruses is essential to support national and global priority setting, public health actions, and treatment decisions. However, large areas of the globe are currently without surveillance due to limited health care infrastructure and lack of international cooperation. We propose a novel surveillance strategy, using metagenomic analysis of toilet material from international air flights as a method for worldwide viral disease surveillance. The aim of this study was to design, implement, and evaluate a method for viral analysis of airplane toilet waste enabling simultaneous detection and quantification of a wide range of human viral pathogens. Toilet waste from 19 international airplanes was analyzed for viral content, using viral capture probes followed by high-throughput sequencing. Numerous human pathogens were detected including enteric and respiratory viruses. Several geographic trends were observed with samples originating from South Asia having significantly higher viral species richness as well as higher abundances of salivirus A, aichivirus A and enterovirus B, compared to samples originating from North Asia and North America. In addition, certain city specific trends were observed, including high numbers of rotaviruses in airplanes departing from Islamabad. Based on this study we believe that central sampling and analysis at international airports could be a useful supplement for global viral surveillance, valuable for outbreak detection and for guiding public health resources.</p></div

    Agricultural soils, pesticides and microbial diversity

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    Pesticide effects on microbial community structure and activity in soil are reviewed, showing that methodological developments within the past few years have generated new possibilities for assessing pesticide effects. The first example is the use of mRNA quantification showing that nitrification processes are indeed very susceptible to some pesticides, and that there is correlation between the mRNA transcript quantity and the nitrification rate. The second example is devoted to pesticides influencing microbial community structures. The emergence of high throughput sequencing techniques now allows a more detailed analysis of which bacterial species are influenced