398 research outputs found

    Finding and sharing GIS methods based on the questions they answer

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    Geographic information has become central for data scientists of many disciplines to put their analyses into a spatio-temporal perspective. However, just as the volume and variety of data sources on the Web grow, it becomes increasingly harder for analysts to be familiar with all the available geospatial tools, including toolboxes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), R packages, and Python modules. Even though the semantics of the questions answered by these tools can be broadly shared, tools and data sources are still divided by syntax and platform-specific technicalities. It would, therefore, be hugely beneficial for information science if analysts could simply ask questions in generic and familiar terms to obtain the tools and data necessary to answer them. In this article, we systematically investigate the analytic questions that lie behind a range of common GIS tools, and we propose a semantic framework to match analytic questions and tools that are capable of answering them. To support the matching process, we define a tractable subset of SPARQL, the query language of the Semantic Web, and we propose and test an algorithm for computing query containment. We illustrate the identification of tools to answer user questions on a set of common user requests

    Down syndrome and leukemia: from basic mechanisms to clinical advances

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    Children with Down syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) are at a significantly higher risk of developing acute leukemia compared to the overall population. Many studies investigating the link between trisomy 21 and leukemia initiation and progression have been conducted over the last two decades. Despite improved treatment regimens and significant progress in iden - tifying genes on chromosome 21 and the mechanisms by which they drive leukemogenesis, there is still much that is unknown. A focused group of scientists and clinicians with expertise in leukemia and DS met in October 2022 at the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation in Paris, France for the 1st International Symposium on Down Syndrome and Leukemia. This meeting was held to discuss the most recent advances in treatment regimens and the biology underlying the initiation, progression, and relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia in children with DS. This review provides a summary of what is known in the field, challenges in the management of DS patients with leukemia, and key questions in the field

    Modeling Relational Data with Graph Convolutional Networks

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    Knowledge graphs enable a wide variety of applications, including question answering and information retrieval. Despite the great effort invested in their creation and maintenance, even the largest (e.g., Yago, DBPedia or Wikidata) remain incomplete. We introduce Relational Graph Convolutional Networks (R-GCNs) and apply them to two standard knowledge base completion tasks: Link prediction (recovery of missing facts, i.e. subject-predicate-object triples) and entity classification (recovery of missing entity attributes). R-GCNs are related to a recent class of neural networks operating on graphs, and are developed specifically to deal with the highly multi-relational data characteristic of realistic knowledge bases. We demonstrate the effectiveness of R-GCNs as a stand-alone model for entity classification. We further show that factorization models for link prediction such as DistMult can be significantly improved by enriching them with an encoder model to accumulate evidence over multiple inference steps in the relational graph, demonstrating a large improvement of 29.8% on FB15k-237 over a decoder-only baseline

    Fast, Linear Time Hierarchical Clustering using the Baire Metric

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    The Baire metric induces an ultrametric on a dataset and is of linear computational complexity, contrasted with the standard quadratic time agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm. In this work we evaluate empirically this new approach to hierarchical clustering. We compare hierarchical clustering based on the Baire metric with (i) agglomerative hierarchical clustering, in terms of algorithm properties; (ii) generalized ultrametrics, in terms of definition; and (iii) fast clustering through k-means partititioning, in terms of quality of results. For the latter, we carry out an in depth astronomical study. We apply the Baire distance to spectrometric and photometric redshifts from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using, in this work, about half a million astronomical objects. We want to know how well the (more costly to determine) spectrometric redshifts can predict the (more easily obtained) photometric redshifts, i.e. we seek to regress the spectrometric on the photometric redshifts, and we use clusterwise regression for this.Comment: 27 pages, 6 tables, 10 figure

    Diagnostic classification of childhood cancer using multiscale transcriptomics

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    The causes of pediatric cancers’ distinctiveness compared to adult-onset tumors of the same type are not completely clear and not fully explained by their genomes. In this study, we used an optimized multilevel RNA clustering approach to derive molecular definitions for most childhood cancers. Applying this method to 13,313 transcriptomes, we constructed a pediatric cancer atlas to explore age-associated changes. Tumor entities were sometimes unexpectedly grouped due to common lineages, drivers or stemness profiles. Some established entities were divided into subgroups that predicted outcome better than current diagnostic approaches. These definitions account for inter-tumoral and intra-tumoral heterogeneity and have the potential of enabling reproducible, quantifiable diagnostics. As a whole, childhood tumors had more transcriptional diversity than adult tumors, maintaining greater expression flexibility. To apply these insights, we designed an ensemble convolutional neural network classifier. We show that this tool was able to match or clarify the diagnosis for 85% of childhood tumors in a prospective cohort. If further validated, this framework could be extended to derive molecular definitions for all cancer types

    Cultural and Media Identity Among Latvian Migrants in Germany

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    This chapter explores how transnational media and culture impacts on the identity formation of recent Latvian migrants in Germany. In the context of the EU, Germany opened its labour market to the new EU countries rather late, when compared to other ‘old’ EU countries. This has had an effect on the composition of the group of Latvian migrants going to Germany, and their identities. In the light of this, this chapter examines how Latvian migrants in Germany feel and experience their belonging to Latvia and its culture. It analyses the social and communicative practices crucial for the development of belonging, including the rootedness in the country where they live and the cultural references that are important for them. The evidence for the analysis in this chapter comes from in-depth interviews, open media diaries and network maps of Latvian migrants in Germany. The chapter situates the description of evidence in the framework of cultural identity concepts and discusses the role of culture and media in the process of building migrant identity. The chapter argues that culture is shaping the transnational self-perception of Latvian migrants in Germany – as it provides collective narratives of imagined common frames of references, and confirms feelings of belonging and distinction
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