21 research outputs found

    Guide Manual—Records and Reports for Indiana County Highway Departments

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    This Guide Manual on Records and Reports for Indiana County Highway Departments has been prepared, in collaboration with the State Board of Accounts, to assist County Road Officials in complying with the statutory requirements. (IC 8-17-4.1) The procedures on the keeping of the forms, the sample entries that demonstrate the use of the forms, and the summary charts, showing the relationship of the several forms to each other, have been reviewed by the State Board of Accounts and are believed to be correct and authoritative. It must be recognized, however, that such a Guide Manual as presented here cannot cover all of the possible procedural policies that exist today or that may arise in the future. Therefore, the information presented herein should be used as broad guide lines, within which, the system of records and reports should be installed for your county highway department

    Population Trends for Indiana —Counties —Cities —Towns 1970–1980

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    This report presents tabulations and rankings that permit a direct comparison of population growth and population totals for city, town and county units

    Inventory of Indiana County Bridges

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    The purpose of this report is to bring county bridge needs into focus-state-wide and county-by-county-through a detailed computerized inventory listing of all existing county bridges. Each county\u27s inventory listing has been further summarized as to the number of bridges by length and width categories, along with an estimated replacement cost. This inventory report thus gives a measure and dimension to the county bridge problem. Hopefully this information will assist local road officials, legislative study groups, and members of the General Assembly in weighing alternate solutions to the financing of county bridge programs

    An Inventory of Granular Materials in Indiana

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    Highway Finance — 1981 Update

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    This Bulletin --- HIGHWAY FINANCE - Update 1981 --- has been compiled to provide Local Road and Street Officials with a year-end report on the results of the 1981 gas tax legislation, as well as an updated estimate of anticipated revenue for Calendar Year 1982. Total highway-user revenue for 1981 was up some 39millionover1980totals;thisisabout639 million over 1980 totals; this is about 6% over the totals forecast back in July. And on the basis of the 1981 experience, the 1982 total revenue estimate is up to 393 million -- a 23millionincreaseovertheJulyforecast.Ifthe1982experiencerecordtracksthisupdatedforecast,thenadditionalfundswillprobablybeavailableforbudgetinginthelatterpartof1982.InadditionthisBulletinprovidesLocalRoadandStreetOfficialswithupdatedinformationonthe1980ExciseSurtaxandWheelTaxrevenueestimates,procedures,and1981results.Thisprogramisgettingofftoaslowstartbutshouldeventuallygathermomentumsincetheselocaloptionhighway−usertaxeshavethepotentialofgeneratinganadditional23 million increase over the July forecast. If the 1982 experience record tracks this updated forecast, then additional funds will probably be available for budgeting in the latter part of 1982. In addition this Bulletin provides Local Road and Street Officials with updated information on the 1980 Excise Surtax and Wheel Tax revenue estimates, procedures, and 1981 results. This program is getting off to a slow start but should eventually gather momentum since these local option highway-user taxes have the potential of generating an additional 40 million for local roads and streets

    Population Trends for Indiana —Counties —Cities —Towns 1960–1970

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    This report presents tabulations and rankings that permit a direct comparison of population growth and population totals for city, town and county units

    Highway Extension and Research Project for Indiana Counties Summary 1975-1976

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    Roadside Weed and Brush Control with Chemicals

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    This bulletin, developed primarily for the highway engineer and the county road supervisor, describes the more important herbicide materials available for roadsides, their recommended use, and application methods. Information is also provided to help county road officials develop better weed and brush control programs for county road systems. The last part of the bulletin covers details of planning a county-wide weed and brush control program

    Planning and Financing County Bridge Programs

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    This manual has been developed to review several different areas of information related to county bridge improvement programs, including (1) the authority and jurisdiction over county bridges (Section II), (2) the various sources of funds for construction and repair of county bridges (Section III) , and (3) the fiscal process of making appropriations and expenditures for construction and repair of bridges (Section VI). These topics are presented in terms of the current Indiana statutes, and for this reason should be of considerable assistance to county road officials as a guide to the official duties of their office

    Guidelines for Traffic Counts on County Roads

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    This manual has been developed to provide county highway personnel with guideline procedures for counting traffic volumes. While the emphasis is on county roads, the procedures are equally applicable to any highway, road or street; therefore, city street and state highway personnel may also have an interest in the guideline procedures outlined herein