51 research outputs found

    Nouveau mode de représentation graphique de l'équilibre calco-carbonique Application au traitement des eaux

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    Cet article traite des problèmes liés à l'étude des équilibres calco-carboniques en limitant leur présentation à l'aspect purement graphique. Dans cette optique, on a développé un nouvel abaque original en choisissant comme coordonnées pH et [CO3 total].La construction d'un tel abaque ne fait appel qu'à 2 lois fondamentales, à savoir : a) la relation du produit de solubilité du carbonate calcique :Ks=Y22[Ca2+[CO2-3]Cette dernière peut, moyenant l'introduction d'une variable auxiliaire :∆=[Ca2+]-[CO3 total]se transformer en une relation équivalente plus commode pour le calcul des courbes constitutives de l'abaque.b) une deuxième relation, prenant en compte les ions H+ soit libres, soit engagés dans des combinaisons avec le groupe carbonate ou avec le solvant H2 O. Dans ce but, on introduit une concentration totale appelée acidité potentielle totale (en abrégé APT) définie de la sorte :APT=2[H2CO3]+[HCO-3]+[H2O]+[H+]En outre, on utilise une variable dérivée de APT à laquelle on a donné le nom d'acidité potentielle carbonatée et le symbole. Sa définition est la suivante :δ=2[H2CO3]+[HCO-3]Les 2 variables et APT jouissent en commun de la propriété intéressante de rester invariantes lors de la mise en équilibre de l'eau selon l'équation :CaCO3+H+⇌Ca2++HCO-3La variable peut également être considérée comme pratiquement invariante dans le domaine des eaux naturelles.Cette propriété est mise à profit pour construire 2 réseaux de courbes constitutives de l'abaque, à savoir :a) celles satisfaisant à la condition : APT=constante. Ces dernières seront appelées "courbes d'iso-aciditéb) celles répondant à la condition : ∆=constante.On les désignera sous le nom de "courbes d'iso-équilibre"L'article s'attache à décrire le mode d'utilisation de cet abaque tout en mettant en valeur sa facilité d'emploi pour l'évaluation, tant qualitative que quantitative du comportement d'une eau à l'égard du carbonate calcique.En particulier, la technique permet de visualiser les caractéristiques essentielles de l'eau telles que pH équilibrant, pH stabilisant et indice de stabilisation, caractéristiques dont la signification est précisée dans l'article.L'abaque en question, en parallèle avec un logiciel qui peut lui être associé, constitue ainsi un outil précieux tant pour caractériser une eau que pour procéder ensuite aux traitements chimiques les plus connus.Le cas du mélange d'eaux peut également être avantageusement traité par le biais de cet abaque. De nombreux exemples d'application aux traitements de l'eau sont également largement développés dans la publication. Ceux-ci devraient aider grandement ceux qui sont confrontés aux divers problèmes de l'industrie de l'eau.L'analyse graphique constitue par ailleurs une excellente introduction à la gestion informatisée plus complète de ces problèmes et dont le traitement ne pouvait trouver place dans le cadre limité de cette publication.Le lecteur désireux de poursuivre ces développements ou d'avoir accès au programme informatique complémentaire à cette étude, trouvera les indications nécessaires dans les références bibliographiques figurant en fin de l'article.Although many good methods exist for computing calcium-carbonate equilibria, we considered that it was still possible to improve the representation to the problem and for this reason we have developed a new method of calculation. In this paper we have restricted ourselves to the graphical aspect of the question, referring the reader to the original bibliography at the end of the paper and as well we have not taken into account the kinetic aspects of the reactions involving the dissolution or precipitation of CaCO3.From this perspective, an original graph has been designed choosing for co-ordinates the pH (abscissa) and [CO3 total] (ordinate). The construction of such a graph requires only two fundamental laws, i.e.1) The solubility product relationship of calcium carbonate. This relationship, with the introduction of an auxiliary variable:∆=[Ca2+] - [CO3 total]can be transformed itself into an équivalent relationship, more convenient for the computation of the various curves composing the graph.2) A second relationship, taking into account the H+-ions in their free or bound state (with the C03 group or the H20 solvent). For this purpose, one introduces a total concentration, called potential total acidity (in abbreviated form PTA), the définition of which is:PTA=2[H2CO3]+[HCO-3]+[H2O]+[H+]In addition, one uses also another variable derived from PTA to which we gave the name : carbonated potential acidity with the following definition:δ=2[H2CO3]+[HCO-3]Both variables PTA and ∆ have jointly the interesting property of remaining constant during the evolution of the water towards equilibrium according to the equation: CaCO3+H+⇌Ca2++HCO-3The variable may also be considered as practically constant in the field of natural waters. We have taken advantage of this property to build up two networks of curves that make up the overall graph, i.e., a) the curves satisfying the condition : PTA=constant (these curves are named " iso-acidity curves "), and b) the curves whose characteristics are : =constant, and which are named " iso-equilibrium curves ".The paper describes how to use the graph and brings out its ease of use for both the qualitative and quantitative prediction of the behaviour of water in contact with calcium carbonate. In particular, the graph illustrates such essential water characteristics as equilibrium pH, stabilisation pH and stabilisation index, characteristics whose meanings are defined in the paper. The graph is shown to be a useful tool for the characterisation of waters as well as for the evaluation of most chemical treatments. The case of the mixture of different waters is also treated. Numerous examples for using the graph under different circumstances are developed in the paper, which should be useful for those whose job is connected with industrial water treatment. The graphical method here described, in conjunction with an associated computer programme, also constitutes an excellent introduction to the more complete computing methods developed elsewhere but which could not be treated in the limited frame of this publication.The graph turns out to be a useful tool for the characterisation of waters as well as for the evaluation of different chemical treatments, such as softening, carbonation, decarbonation, acidification, alkalinisation, aeration, etc. The case of the mixture of different waters is also treated. Numerous examples for using the graph under different circumstances are developed. The paper shows how it is possible, on the basis of the diagram, to predict the evolution of the water when different reagents are added, when the temperature changes or when one mixes different waters. The diagram should be a useful aid for those people whose job is connected with industrial water treatment.A computing program is necessary to draw the curves, to obtain the water characteristics with a better accuracy than can be read from the graphs. This programme, named Carbeq+, is commercially available (see below for the bibliographical reference). The values necessary for the computation and the drawing of the curves are :1. temperature of analysis and temperature of computation2. pH, alkalinity, calcium concentration3. the ionic strength, which can be calculated either from the knowledge of the complete analysis of the water, or if that one is not available, by using an empirical relation based on either the conductivity or the salt content. The program computes then the equilibrium pH, the stabilisation pH and the stabilisation index and draws the graphs described in the paper. The graphical method here described, in conjunction with the associated computer programme, constitutes also an excellent introduction to the more complete computing methods developed elsewhere but which could not be treated in the limited frame of this publication. Note that the case of the influence of the gaseous carbon dioxide phase on the equilibrium is not treated in this paper, but it is taken into account in the Carbeq+ programme mentioned above

    Children of Prisoners: Their Situation and Role in Long-Term Crime Prevention

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    Studies suggest that maintaining family ties can help reduce the likelihood of reoffending, and that while parental imprisonment can increase a child’s likelihood to offend, positive responses to the situation can aid the children’s well-being, attitude and attainment. Drawing on findings from the recently completed EU-funded COPING Project on the mental health of children of prisoners, this chapter explores the factors that aid a child’s ability to cope with parental imprisonment and the actions that different stakeholders can take to support them. It identifies some of the mental health impacts at different stages of parental imprisonment, the roles played by non-imprisoned parents/carers and by schools, and suggests options for further clarifying the factors that help and hinder children of prisoners in the short and long term

    Factor structure and factorial invariance of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire among children of prisoners and their parents

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    Parental imprisonment has been linked to a variety of adverse psychological outcomes for children and adolescents. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) has been widely used to assess behavioural and emotional difficulties among 7-17 year olds in the general population and more recently has been utilised among samples of children of prisoners. Previous research has variously tested traditional one-, three- and five- factor solutions to the SDQ, and more recently one bifactor solution has been examined. Based on a sample of children of prisoners (N = 724) and their non-imprisoned parent or caregiver (N = 658), the aim of the present study was to simultaneously compare nine alternative factor structures, including previously tested models and alternative bifactor solutions. Tests of factorial invariance and composite reliability were also performed. The five-factor model was found to provide the best fit for the data. Tests of factorial invariance revealed that the five-factor model provided an equally acceptable, but not identical fit, among boys and girls. Composite reliability scores were low for the Conduct Problems and Peer Problems subscales. The utility of the SDQ in measuring psychological functioning in response to parental imprisonment is discussed

    3D printed flow plates for the electrolysis of water: an economic and adaptable approach to device manufacture

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    The electrolysis of water is considered a promising route to the production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Electrolysers based on proton exchange membranes (PEMs) have a number of advantages including high current density, high product gas purity and the ability to operate at high pressure. Despite these advantages the high cost of such devices is an impediment to their widespread deployment. A principal factor in this cost are the materials and machining of flow plates for distribution of the liquid reagents and gaseous products in the electrochemical cell. We demonstrate the production and operation of a PEM electrolyser constructed from silver coated 3D printed components fabricated from polypropylene. This approach allows construction of light weight, low cost electrolysers and the rapid prototyping of flow field design. Furthermore we provide data on the operation of this electrolyser wherein we show that performance is excellent for a first generation device in terms of overall efficiency, internal resistances and current–voltage response. This development opens the door to the fabrication of light weight and cheap electrolysers as well as related electrochemical devices such as flow batteries and fuel cells

    Archeologisch onderzoek in de woonwijk In goede aarde, gemeente Boxtel (Noord-Brabant)

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    Lit.opg. verkl. woordenlijst en bijl

    Boegheim bezocht? : inventariserend veldonderzoek op het plangebied Boegheim te Beugen, gemeente Boxmeer

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    Lit.opg. en verklarende woordenlijst

    Fuzzy logic controllers for electrotechnical devices - On-site tuning approach

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    Fuzzy logic offers nowadays an interesting alternative to the designers of non linear control laws for electrical or electromechanical systems. However, due to the huge number of tuning parameters, this kind of control is only used in a few industrial applications. This paper proposes a new, very simple, on-site tuning strategy for a PID-like fuzzy logic controller. Thanks to the experimental designs methodology, we will propose sets of optimized pre-established settings for this kind of fuzzy controllers. The proposed parameters are only depending on one on-site open-loop identification test. In this way, this on-site tuning methodology has to be compared to the Ziegler-Nichols one's for conventional controllers. Experimental results (on a permanent magnets synchronous motor and on a DC/DC converter) will underline all the efficiency of this tuning methodology. Finally, the field of validity of the proposed pre-established settings will be given

    Onder aan de akkers. Nederzettingssporen uit de Late-Middeleeuwen en Nieuwe tijd op ‘t Karrewiel

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    Onderzoek uitgebreid naar 5 dagen. Er zijn enkele waterputten en een greppel/sloot uit de 14e en 19e eeuw onderzocht. Verwachte rapportage: december 2007