14 research outputs found

    Behaviorial inhibition and history of childhood anxiety disorders in Brazilian adult patients with panic disorder and social anxiety disorder Comportamento inibido e histĂłria de transtornos de ansiedade na infĂąncia em pacientes brasileiros adultos com transtorno do pĂąnico e transtorno de ansiedade social

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the presence of behavioral inhibition and anxiety disorders during childhood in Brazilian adult patients with panic disorder and social anxiety disorder compared to a control group. METHODS: Fifty patients with panic disorder, 50 patients with social anxiety disorder, and 50 control subjects were included in the study. To assess the history of childhood anxiety, the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children, Epidemiologic Version (K-SADS-E), and the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents-Parent Version (DICA-P) were used. The presence of behavioral inhibition in childhood was assessed by the self-reported scale of Behavioral Inhibition Retrospective Version (RSRI-30). RESULTS: Patients showed significantly higher prevalence of anxiety disorders and behavioral inhibition in childhood compared to the control group. Patients with social anxiety disorder also showed significantly higher rates of avoidance disorder (46% vs. 18%, p = 0.005), social anxiety disorder (60% vs. 26%, p = 0.001), presence of at least one anxiety disorder (82% vs. 56%, p = 0.009) and global behavioral inhibition (2.89 ± 0.61 vs. 2.46 ± 0.61, p < 0.05) and school/social behavioral inhibition (3.56 ± 0.91 vs. 2.67 ± 0.82, p < 0.05) in childhood compared to patients with panic disorder. CONCLUSION: Our data are in accordance to the literature and corroborates the theory of an anxiety diathesis, suggesting that a history of anxiety disorders in childhood is associated with an anxiety disorder diagnosis, mainly social anxiety disorder, in adulthood.<br>OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a presença de histĂłria de comportamento inibido e de transtornos de ansiedade na infĂąncia em pacientes brasileiros adultos com transtorno do pĂąnico e com transtorno de ansiedade social, comparando-os com um grupo controle. MÉTODOS: CinqĂŒenta pacientes com transtorno do pĂąnico, 50 com transtorno de ansiedade social e 50 controles participaram do estudo. Para avaliar a presença de histĂłria de ansiedade na infĂąncia foi utilizada a Escala para Avaliação de Transtornos Afetivos e Esquizofrenia para Crianças em Idade Escolar - VersĂŁo EpidemiolĂłgica (K-SADS-E) e o Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents-Parent Version (DICA-P). A presença de comportamento inibido na infĂąncia foi avaliada atravĂ©s da Escala Auto-Aplicativa de Comportamento Inibido - VersĂŁo Retrospectiva (RSRI-30). RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentavam uma prevalĂȘncia significativamente maior de histĂłria de transtornos de ansiedade e de comportamento inibido em relação ao grupo controle. Pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade social apresentavam, tambĂ©m, taxas significativamente maiores de transtorno de evitação (46% x 18%, p = 0,005), transtorno de ansiedade social (60% x 26%, p = 0,001), presença de pelo menos um transtorno de ansiedade na infĂąncia (82% X 56%, p = 0,009), comportamento inibido global (2,89 ± 0,61 vs. 2,46 ± 0,61, p < 0,05) e comportamento inibido escola/social (3,56 ± 0,91 vs. 2,67 ± 0,82, p < 0.05) na infĂąncia em comparação com pacientes com transtorno do pĂąnico. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados sĂŁo similares aos encontrados na literatura e corroboram a teoria da diĂĄtese de ansiedade, sugerindo que a histĂłria de transtornos de ansiedade na infĂąncia Ă© associada com transtornos de ansiedade, principalmente transtorno de ansiedade social, na vida adulta

    Anxiety-Proneness, Anxiety Symptoms, and The Role of Parental Overprotection in Young South African Children

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    This study examined anxiety in preschool children within a South-African context. The parents and teachers of 101 South African children aged 2 to 6 years completed measures of children's anxiety-prone temperament (behavioral inhibition) and anxiety disorders symptoms. Parents and teachers of 59 children could be re-approached one year later, with the request to fill in both scales again, while parents at that time also completed a measure of parental overprotection. Results indicated that, compared with normative scores collected in Western countries, young South African children displayed relatively high levels of anxiety-proneness and anxiety disorders symptoms, although this cultural difference could only be demonstrated when using the parentreport data. Further, on both occasions there were substantial and positive correlations between children's behavioral inhibition and anxiety symptoms. Behavioral inhibition and anxiety symptoms, in particular when assessed by parent report, appeared to be fairly stable during the one-year period, and we found only tentative support for the idea that behavioral inhibition on time 1 increased the risk for anxiety symptoms on time 2. Finally, a cross-sectional analysis of the data collected on time 2 revealed a positive correlation between overprotection and children's anxiety symptoms as well as a marginally significant interaction of behavioral inhibition and overprotection on children's anxiety symptoms, indicating that in particular the combination of high behavioral inhibition and high overprotection tended to be associated with the highest anxiety levels