1,179 research outputs found

    Spin excitations in layered antiferromagnetic metals and superconductors

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    The proximity of antiferromagnetic order in high-temperature superconducting materials is considered a possible clue to the electronic excitations which form superconducting pairs. Here we study the transverse and longitudinal spin excitation spectrum in a one-band model in the pure spin density wave (SDW) state and in the coexistence state of SDW and the superconductivity. We start from a Stoner insulator and study the evolution of the spectrum with doping, including distinct situations with only hole pockets, with only electron pockets and with pockets of both types. In addition to the usual spin-wave modes, in the partially gapped cases we find significant weight of low-energy particle-hole excitations. We discuss the implications of our findings for neutron scattering experiments and for theories of Cooper-pairing in the metallic SDW state.Comment: (14 pages, 6 figures

    Theory of thermal conductivity in extended-ss state superconductors: application to ferropnictides

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    Within a two-band model for the recently discovered ferropnictide materials, we calculate the thermal conductivity assuming general superconducting states of A1gA_{1g} ("s-wave") symmetry, considering both currently popular isotropic "sign-changing" ss states and states with strong anisotropy, including those which manifest nodes or deep minima of the order parameter. We consider both intra- and interband disorder scattering effects, and show that in situations where a low-temperature linear-TT exists in the thermal conductivity, it is not always "universal" as in d-wave superconductors. We discuss the conditions under which such a term can disappear, as well as how it can be induced by a magnetic field. We compare our results to several recent experiments.Comment: 13 page

    Effect of dopant atoms on local superexchange in cuprate superconductors: a perturbative treatment

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    Recent scanning tunneling spectroscopy experiments have provided evidence that dopant impurities in high- Tc superconductors can strongly modify the electronic structure of the CuO2 planes nearby, and possibly influence the pairing. To investigate this connection, we calculate the local magnetic superexchange J between Cu ions in the presence of dopants within the framework of the three-band Hubbard model, up to fifth-order in perturbation theory. We demonstrate that the sign of the change in J depends on the relative dopant-induced spatial variation of the atomic levels in the CuO2 plane, contrary to results obtained within the one-band Hubbard model. We discuss some realistic cases and their relevance for theories of the pairing mechanism in the cupratesComment: 5 pages, 4 figures, revised versio

    Superconducting phase diagram of itinerant antiferromagnets

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    We study the phase diagram of the Hubbard model in the weak-coupling limit for coexisting spin-density-wave order and spin-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity. Both longitudinal and transverse spin fluctuations contribute significantly to the effective interaction potential, which creates Cooper pairs of the quasi-particles of the antiferromagnetic metallic state. We find a dominant dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave solution in both electron- and hole-doped cases. In the quasi-spin triplet channel, the longitudinal fluctuations give rise to an effective attraction supporting a pp-wave gap, but are overcome by repulsive contributions from the transverse fluctuations which disfavor pp-wave pairing compared to dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}. The sub-leading pair instability is found to be in the gg-wave channel, but complex admixtures of dd and gg are not energetically favored since their nodal structures coincide. Inclusion of interband pairing, in which each fermion in the Cooper pair belongs to a different spin-density-wave band, is considered for a range of electron dopings in the regime of well-developed magnetic order. We demonstrate that these interband pairing gaps, which are non-zero in the magnetic state, must have the same parity under inversion as the normal intraband gaps. The self-consistent solution to the full system of five coupled gap equations give intraband and interband pairing gaps of dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} structure and similar gap magnitude. In conclusion, the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} gap dominates for both hole and electron doping inside the spin-density-wave phase.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
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