69 research outputs found

    MC64: A web platform to test bioinformatics algorithms in a many-core architecture

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    New analytical methodologies, like the so-called "next-generation sequencing" (NGS), allow the sequencing of full genomes with high speed and reduced price. Yet, such technologies generate huge amounts of data that demand large raw computational power. Many-core technologies can be exploited to overcome the involved bioinformatics bottleneck. Indeed, such hardware is currently in active development. We have developed parallel bioinformatics algorithms for many-core microprocessors containing 64 cores each. Thus, the MC64 web platform allows executing high-performance alignments (Needleman-Wunsch, Smith-Waterman and ClustalW) of long sequences. The MC64 platform can be accessed via web browsers, allowing easy resource integration into third-party tools. Furthermore, the results obtained from the MC64 include time-performance statistics that can be compared with other platform

    From the zero-field metal-insulator transition in two dimensions to the quantum Hall transition: a percolation-effective-medium theory

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    Effective-medium theory is applied to the percolation description of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions with emphasis on the continuous connection between the zero-magnetic-field transition and the quantum Hall transition. In this model the system consists of puddles connected via saddle points, and there is loss of quantum coherence inside the puddles. The effective conductance of the network is calculated using appropriate integration over the distribution of conductances, leading to a determination of the magnetic field dependence of the critical density. Excellent quantitative agreement is obtained with the experimental data, which allows an estimate of the puddle physical parameters

    A Faster Algorithm for Two-Variable Integer Programming

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    We show that a 2-variable integer program, defined by mm constraints involving coefficients with at most φ\varphi bits can be solved with O(m+φ)O(m + \varphi) arithmetic operations on rational numbers of size~O(φ)O(\varphi). This result closes the gap between the running time of two-variable integer programming with the sum of the running times of the Euclidean algorithm on φ\varphi-bit integers and the problem of checking feasibility of an integer point for mm~constraints

    An Information Theoretic Lower Bound for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem

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    Tech ReportWe shall derive a lower on the number of "less-than-equal-greater than" comparisons required to solve the longest common subsequence (LCS) problem.National Science Foundatio

    A Lower Worst-Case Complexity for Searching a Dictionary

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    Tech ReportIt is shown that k(p+3)/2 + p-2 letter comparisons suffice to determine whether a word is a member of a lexicographically ordered dictionary containing 2<sup>p</sup>-1 words of length k. This offers a potential savings (compared to worst case complexity of binary search) that asymptotically approaches 50 percent.National Science Foundatio

    On the Complexity of Vector Searching

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    Tech ReportThe vector searching problem is, given k-vector A (a k-vector) is a vector that has k components, over the integers) and given a set B of n distinct k-vectors, to determine whether or not A is a member of set B. Comparisons between components yielding "greater than-equal-less than" results are permitted. It is shown that if the vectors in B are unordered then nk comparisons are necessary and sufficient. In the case when the vectors in B are ordered, it is shown that [log n] + k comparisons are necessary and, for n&#8805;4k, k[log(n/k)] + 2k-1 comparisons are sufficient

    A Parallel Graph Algorithm for Finding Connected Components

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    Tech ReportA parallel program is presented that determines the connected components of an undirected graph in time 0(log<sup>2</sup>n) using n<sup>2</sup> processors. It is assumed that the processors have access to common memory. Simultaneous access to the same location is permitted for fetch, but not store, instructions
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