811 research outputs found
Coupling Between Thermal Oscillations in the Surface of a Micro-Cylinder and Vortex Shedding
his article studies the coupling between prescribed thermal oscillations in the surface of a micro-cylinder and vortex shedding. We deal with the unsteady, laminar, compressible flow regime where the aerodynamics forces have a periodic behavior. It is shown that appropriate spatial and time-dependent temperature oscillations on the surface of the micro-cylinder create a resonance that controls the amplitude and frequency of both lift and drag coefficients. In practice, what we study is a mechanism to modulate the amplitude and frequency of mechanical loads of aerodynamics origin in a micro-structure by using surface temperature fluctuations as the control parameter
Polymorphic evolution sequence and evolutionary branching
We are interested in the study of models describing the evolution of a
polymorphic population with mutation and selection in the specific scales of
the biological framework of adaptive dynamics. The population size is assumed
to be large and the mutation rate small. We prove that under a good combination
of these two scales, the population process is approximated in the long time
scale of mutations by a Markov pure jump process describing the successive
trait equilibria of the population. This process, which generalizes the
so-called trait substitution sequence, is called polymorphic evolution
sequence. Then we introduce a scaling of the size of mutations and we study the
polymorphic evolution sequence in the limit of small mutations. From this study
in the neighborhood of evolutionary singularities, we obtain a full
mathematical justification of a heuristic criterion for the phenomenon of
evolutionary branching. To this end we finely analyze the asymptotic behavior
of 3-dimensional competitive Lotka-Volterra systems
Topological aspects of geometrical signatures of phase transitions
Certain geometric properties of submanifolds of configuration space are
numerically investigated for classical lattice phi^4 models in one and two
dimensions. Peculiar behaviors of the computed geometric quantities are found
only in the two-dimensional case, when a phase transition is present. The
observed phenomenology strongly supports, though in an indirect way, a recently
proposed topological conjecture about a topology change of the configuration
space submanifolds as counterpart of a phase transition.Comment: REVTEX file, 4 pages, 5 figure
Exchange Interaction in Binuclear Complexes with Rare Earth and Copper Ions: A Many-Body Model Study
We have used a many-body model Hamiltonian to study the nature of the
magnetic ground state of hetero-binuclear complexes involving rare-earth and
copper ions. We have taken into account all diagonal repulsions involving the
rare-earth 4f and 5d orbitals and the copper 3d orbital. Besides, we have
included direct exchange interaction, crystal field splitting of the rare-earth
atomic levels and spin-orbit interaction in the 4f orbitals. We have identified
the inter-orbital repulsion, U and crystal field parameter,
as the key parameters involved in controlling the type of exchange
interaction between the rare earth and copper 3d spins. We have explored
the nature of the ground state in the parameter space of U, ,
spin-orbit interaction strength and the filling n. We find
that these systems show low-spin or high-spin ground state depending on the
filling of the levels of the rare-earth ion and ground state spin is
critically dependent on U and . In case of half-filling
(Gd(III)) we find a reentrant low-spin state as U is increased, for
small values of , which explains the recently reported apparent
anomalous anti-ferromagnetic behaviour of Gd(III)-radical complexes. By varying
U we also observe a switch over in the ground state spin for other
fillings . We have introduced a spin-orbit coupling scheme which goes beyond
L-S or j-j coupling scheme and we find that spin-orbit coupling does not
significantly alter the basic picture.Comment: 22 pages, 11 ps figure
Multi-Phonon -Vibrational Bands and the Triaxial Projected Shell Model
We present a fully quantum-mechanical, microscopic, unified treatment of
ground-state band and multi-phonon -vibrational bands using shell model
diagonalization with the triaxial projected shell model. The results agree very
well with data on the g- and -band spectra in Er, as well
as with recently measured 2-phonon -bandhead energies in
Er and Er. Multi-phonon -excitation energies are
predicted.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.
Ground and excited states Gamow-Teller strength distributions of iron isotopes and associated capture rates for core-collapse simulations
This paper reports on the microscopic calculation of ground and excited
states Gamow-Teller (GT) strength distributions, both in the electron capture
and electron decay direction, for Fe. The associated electron and
positron capture rates for these isotopes of iron are also calculated in
stellar matter. These calculations were recently introduced and this paper is a
follow-up which discusses in detail the GT strength distributions and stellar
capture rates of key iron isotopes. The calculations are performed within the
framework of the proton-neutron quasiparticle random phase approximation
(pn-QRPA) theory. The pn-QRPA theory allows a microscopic
\textit{state-by-state} calculation of GT strength functions and stellar
capture rates which greatly increases the reliability of the results. For the
first time experimental deformation of nuclei are taken into account. In the
core of massive stars isotopes of iron, Fe, are considered to be
key players in decreasing the electron-to-baryon ratio () mainly via
electron capture on these nuclide. The structure of the presupernova star is
altered both by the changes in and the entropy of the core material.
Results are encouraging and are compared against measurements (where possible)
and other calculations. The calculated electron capture rates are in overall
good agreement with the shell model results. During the presupernova evolution
of massive stars, from oxygen shell burning stages till around end of
convective core silicon burning, the calculated electron capture rates on
Fe are around three times bigger than the corresponding shell model
rates. The calculated positron capture rates, however, are suppressed by two to
five orders of magnitude.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 10 table
Using MapMyFitness to place physical activity into neighborhood context
It is difficult to obtain detailed information on the context of physical activity at large geographic scales, such as the entire United States, as well as over long periods of time, such as over years. MapMyFitness is a suite of interactive tools for individuals to track theirworkouts online or using global positioning system in their phones or other wireless trackers. This method article discusses the use of physical activity data tracked using MapMyFitness to examine patterns over space and time. An overview of MapMyFitness, including data tracked, user information, and geographic scope, is explored. We illustrate the utility of MapMyFitness data using tracked physical activity by users in Winston-Salem, NC, USA between 2006 and 2013. Types of physical activities tracked are described, as well as the percent of activities occurring in parks. Strengths of MapMyFitness data include objective data collection, low participant burden, extensive geographic scale, and longitudinal series. Limitations include generalizability, behavioral change as the result of technology use, and potential ethical considerations. MapMyFitness is a powerful tool to investigate patterns of physical activity across large geographic and temporal scales
Suppressing the and neutrino masses by a superconformal force
The idea of Nelson and Strassler to obtain a power law suppression of
parameters by a superconformal force is applied to understand the smallness of
the parameter and neutrino masses in R-parity violating supersymmetric
standard models. We find that the low-energy sector should contain at least
another pair of Higgs doublets, and that a suppression of \lsim O(10^{-13})
for the parameter and neutrino masses can be achieved generically. The
superpotential of the low-energy sector happens to possess an anomaly-free
discrete R-symmetry, either or , which naturally suppresses certain
lepton-flavor violating processes, the neutrinoless double beta decays and also
the electron electric dipole moment. We expect that the escape energy of the
superconformal sector is \lsim O(10) TeV so that this sector will be
observable at LHC. Our models can accommodate to a large mixing among neutrinos
and give the same upper bound of the lightest Higgs mass as the minimal
supersymmetric standard model.Comment: 24 page
Disorder Induced Phase Transition in a Random Quantum Antiferromagnet
A two-dimensional Heisenberg model with random antiferromagnetic
nearest-neighbor exchange is studied using quantum Monte Carlo techniques. As
the strength of the randomness is increased, the system undergoes a transition
from an antiferromagnetically ordered ground state to a gapless disordered
state. The finite-size scaling of the staggered structure factor and
susceptibility is consistent with a dynamic exponent .Comment: Revtex 3.0, 10 pages + 5 postscript figures available upon request,
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