14,172 research outputs found

    R-parity violation: Hide & Seek

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    We point out that, if R-parity is broken spontaneously, the neutralino can decay to the final state majoron plus neutrino, which from the experimental point of view is indistinguishable from the standard missing momentum signal of supersymmetry. We identify the regions of parameter space where this decay mode is dominant and show that they are independent of R-parity conserving SUSY parameters. Thus, (a) only very weak limits on R-parity violating couplings can be derived from the observation of missing momentum events and (b) at future collider experiments huge statistics might be necessary to establish that R-parity indeed is broken. Parameter combinations which give calculated relic neutralino density larger than the measured dark matter density in case of conserved R-parity are valid points in this scenario and their phenomenology at the LHC deserves to be studied.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; ref. added; matches published version (title changed in the published version

    Collider signals of gravitino dark matter in bilinearly broken R-parity

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    In models with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle. If R-parity is violated the gravitino decays, but with a half-live far exceeding the age of the universe and thus is, in principle, a candidate for the dark matter. We consider the decays of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle, assumed to be the neutralino. We show that in models where the breaking of R-parity is bilinear, the condition that R-parity violation explains correctly the measured neutrino masses fixes the branching ratio of the decay χ~10G~γ{\tilde \chi}^0_1 \to {\tilde G}\gamma in the range 10310210^{-3}-10^{-2}, if the gravitino mass is in the range required to solve the dark matter problem, i.e. of the order (few) 100 eV. This scenario is therefore directly testable at the next generation of colliders.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Meissner effect, Spin Meissner effect and charge expulsion in superconductors

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    The Meissner effect and the Spin Meissner effect are the spontaneous generation of charge and spin current respectively near the surface of a metal making a transition to the superconducting state. The Meissner effect is well known but, I argue, not explained by the conventional theory, the Spin Meissner effect has yet to be detected. I propose that both effects take place in all superconductors, the first one in the presence of an applied magnetostatic field, the second one even in the absence of applied external fields. Both effects can be understood under the assumption that electrons expand their orbits and thereby lower their quantum kinetic energy in the transition to superconductivity. Associated with this process, the metal expels negative charge from the interior to the surface and an electric field is generated in the interior. The resulting charge current can be understood as arising from the magnetic Lorentz force on radially outgoing electrons, and the resulting spin current can be understood as arising from a spin Hall effect originating in the Rashba-like coupling of the electron magnetic moment to the internal electric field. The associated electrodynamics is qualitatively different from London electrodynamics, yet can be described by a small modification of the conventional London equations. The stability of the superconducting state and its macroscopic phase coherence hinge on the fact that the orbital angular momentum of the carriers of the spin current is found to be exactly /2\hbar/2, indicating a topological origin. The simplicity and universality of our theory argue for its validity, and the occurrence of superconductivity in many classes of materials can be understood within our theory.Comment: Submitted to SLAFES XX Proceeding

    Modelling tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing

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    We model tri-bimaximal lepton mixing from first principles in a way that avoids the problem of the vacuum alignment characteristic of such models. This is achieved by using a softly broken A4 symmetry realized with an isotriplet fermion, also triplet under A4. No scalar A4-triplet is introduced. This represents one possible realization of general schemes characterized by the minimal set of either three or five physical parameters. In the three parameter versions mee vanishes, while in the five parameter schemes the absolute scale of neutrino mass, although not predicted, is related to the two Majorana phases. The model realization we discuss is potentially testable at the LHC through the peculiar leptonic decay patterns of the fermionic and scalar triplets.Comment: some changing, reference adde

    A remark on kinks and time machines

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    We describe an elementary proof that a manifold with the topology of the Politzer time machine does not admit a nonsingular, asymptotically flat Lorentz metric.Comment: 4 page

    Testing the Mechanism of R-parity Breaking with Slepton LSP Decays

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    In supersymmetric models R-parity can be violated through either bilinear or trilinear terms in the superpotential, or both. If charged scalar leptons are the lightest supersymmetric particles, their decay properties can be used to obtain information about the relative importance of these couplings. We show that in some specific scenarios it is even possible to decide whether bilinear or trilinear terms give the dominant contribution to the neutrino mass matrix.Comment: Intro rewritten, Fig 1 and Fig 4 slightly changed, conclusions unchanged, 25 pages, 4 figure