45 research outputs found

    Weak antilocalization induced by Se substitution in layered BiCh2_2-based (Ch = S, Se) superconductors LaO1x_{1-x}Fx_xBiS2y_{2-y}Sey_y

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    We report transport properties for layered BiCh2-based (Ch = S, Se) superconductors LaO1-xFxBiS2-ySey (x = 0.2, 0.5, y = 0-1.05) and the observation of weak antilocalization (WAL). Electrical resistivity and Hall coefficients for the Se-poor samples increase with decreasing temperature. The increase becomes less pronounced with increasing Se concentration indicating a loss of insulating behavior. Interestingly, the moderately Se-substituted samples exhibit metallic behavior in the high-temperature region and a weak increase in the resistivity in the low-temperature regions, which indicates the existence of carrier localization. The heavily Se-substituted compounds show metallic behavior in the entire-temperature region. Sign changes of the Hall coefficients are observed for the x = 0.2 samples, which possibly is related to a charge-density wave (CDW). Magnetoresistance measurements indicate that WAL is realized in the heavily Se-substituted systems. The WAL behavior is weakened by the changes in F and Se concentrations. A crossover state of the WAL and WL emerges around the moderately F-doped and Se-free LaO0.8F0.2BiS2. The change of the resistivity behavior by the F and Se substitution clearly correlates to the difference of the magnetoconductance. Moreover, the localization regions of the WAL-WL crossover and weak WAL states are possibly associated with the CDW. We propose that the BiCh2-based system is a good platform for studying relationship between WAL, superconductivity, and electronic ordering because those states are tunable by element substitutions with bulk single crystals


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    Herpesvirus protein ICP27 switches PML isoform by altering mRNA splicing

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    Viruses use alternative splicing to produce a broad series of proteins from small genomes by utilizing the cellular splicing machinery. Since viruses use cellular RNA binding proteins for viral RNA processing, it is presumable that the splicing of cellular pre-mRNAs is affected by viral infection. Here, we showed that herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) modifies the expression of promyelocytic leukemia (PML) isoforms by altering pre-mRNA splicing. Using a newly developed virus-sensitive splicing reporter, we identified the viral protein ICP27 as an alternative splicing regulator of PML isoforms. ICP27 was found to bind preferentially to PML pre-mRNA and directly inhibit the removal of PML intron 7a in vitro. Moreover, we demonstrated that ICP27 functions as a splicing silencer at the 3′ splice site of the PML intron 7a. The switching of PML isoform from PML-II to PML-V as induced by ICP27 affected HSV-2 replication, suggesting that the viral protein modulates the splicing code of cellular pre-mRNA(s) governing virus propagation


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    Bifunctional Aptamer Drug Carrier Enabling Selective and Efficient Incorporation of an Approved Anticancer Drug Irinotecan to Fibrin Gels

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    We have previously developed a bifunctional aptamer (bApt) binding to both human thrombin and camptothecin derivative (CPT1), and showed that bApt acts as a drug carrier under the phenomenon named selective oligonucleotide entrapment in fibrin polymers (SOEF), which enables efficient enrichment of CPT1 into fibrin gels, resulting in significant inhibition of tumor cell growth. However, although the derivative CPT1 exhibits anticancer activity, it is not an approved drug. In this study, we evaluated the binding properties of bApt to irinotecan, a camptothecin analog commonly used for anticancer drug therapy, in addition to unmodified camptothecin (CPT). Furthermore, we have revealed that irinotecan binds to bApt like CPT1 and is selectively concentrated on fibrin gels formed around the tumor cells under the SOEF phenomenon to suppress cell proliferation

    Effects of Modifying Thioflavin T at the N3-Position on Its G4 Binding and Fluorescence Emission

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    We previously synthesized thioflavin T (ThT) with a hydroxyethyl group introduced at the N3-position (ThT-HE), which binds predominantly to the parallel G-quadruplex (G4) structure found in c-Myc and emits strong fluorescence. In this study, to investigate the effects of introduced substituents on G4 binding and fluorescence emission, a ThT derivative in which the hydroxyl group of ThT-HE was replaced with an amino group (ThT-AE) was synthesized for the first time. Furthermore, three other N3-modified ThT derivatives (ThT-OE2, ThT-SP, and ThT-OE11) having different substituent structures were synthesized by the N-acylation of the terminal amino group of ThT-AE, and their G4-binding and emission properties were investigated. The results showed that, although ThT-AE shows binding selectivity depending on the type of G4, its emission intensity is significantly decreased as compared to that of ThT-HE. However, ThT-OE11, which features an 11-unit oxyethylene chain attached to the terminal amino group of ThT-AE, regained about one-half of the emission intensity of ThT-HE while retaining selectivity for G4s. Accordingly, ThT-OE11 may be used as a key intermediate for synthesizing the conjugates of G4 binders and probes