90 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento tecnológico e mudanças na organização do trabalho: a regulamentação do teletrabalho (home office) pela Reforma Trabalhista (Lei nº. 13.467)

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    This paper aims to analyze the problem of teleworking in Brazilian labor law and its impact on the precariousness of the workers’ condition. It consists of a theoretical research, with analytical and conceptual aspects, made through bibliographical and documentary sources. The main models of production developed in a capitalist society in the last centuries are addressed, seeking to highlight the control and management of social production through work, characterizing telework and the possible repercussions arising from its introduction to the Brazilian legal system. In this way, it is questioned: is teleworking a form of precariousness of human relations of work? It is based on the premise that teleworking, recently introduced to the Consolidation of Labor Laws of Brazil, consists of a new development model defended by neoliberal discourse and that its modus operandi is impossible to conceive, without the proper understanding of the Brazilian Labor Reform of 2017 as a political project that sought to break with norms developed according to the Social State project.O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar o problema do teletrabalho no direito trabalhista brasileiro e seu impacto na precarização da condição do trabalhador. Consiste numa pesquisa teórica, de cunho analítico e conceitual, feito por meio de fontes bibliográficas e documentais. Abordam-se os principais modelos de produção desenvolvidos em uma sociedade capitalista nos últimos séculos, buscando destacar o controle e a gestão da produção social que se dá por meio do trabalho, caracterizando o teletrabalho e as possíveis repercussões oriundas da sua introdução ao ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Deste modo, questiona-se: constitui o teletrabalho numa forma de precarização das relações humanas de trabalho? Partese da premissa que o teletrabalho, recentemente introduzido na CLT, consiste num novo modelo de desenvolvimento defendido pelo discurso neoliberal e que seu modus operandi é impossível de conceber, sem a devida compreensão da Reforma Trabalhista de 2017 entendida enquanto projeto político que buscou romper com normas desenvolvidas de acordo com o projeto do Estado Social

    Studies on Silage-Making : (XVIII)The Influence of the Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Quality of Silage

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    To find out the extent of influence of N-applied forage crops on the silage fermentation, a continued experiment of the silage-making was made. The oats. Avena sativa L., was cultivated in the field of clay loamy soil, which parceled out into three lots under the same conditions except the levels of N-application were 0(N-0), 10 (N-10) and 20 kg N/10 ares (N-20) respectively (Table 1). Of each sample of the green oats at the three growth stages (leafy, April 17, booting, April 24 and heading, May 1), the influences of nitorogen application on chemical composition was tested, and also the ensilability of the green oats at the heading stage was investigated. The results obtained were summarized as follows: l) As the level of N-application increased, the content of protein and carotene became high, while that of soluble carbohydrated decreased. 2) The fermentative quality of all silages was not satisfactory. The score by the FLIEG'S appraisal method was 48 in the N-10-, 42 in the N-10- and 40 in the N-20-silage. It was suggested that the quality of silages decreased as the level of the N-application increased. 3) The content of nitrate nitrogen of silage became higher as the level of N-application increased. Ten to 29 percent of nitrate nitrogen in the ensiled green oats was removed during the ensiling process. 4) The digestion trials of these silages, carried out by feeding a goat, revealed that the digestibilities of organic matter, crude protein and crude fiber, and TDN (in percent) of dry matter were 71.2, 57.9 and 82.9, and 65.0% in the N-0-silage; 72.4, 61.9 and 79.1, and 66.3% in the N 10 sileage; 60.0, 47.9 and 62.3, and 60.0% in the N-20-silage. 5) The nutrient yields, DCP and TDN, were higher at the high level than at the low level of N-application, but it was suggested that the standard level, 10kg N/10 ares, was most beneficial. The results obtained with green oats agreed in principle with those obtained in Italian ryegrass experiments

    The Effects of Addition of Various Oil Foots to Broiler Chick Diet

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    各種油滓類の飼料価値およびその影響を知るため,ブロイラー飼料に,油滓をそれぞれ5%量添加して,飼付けより9週間給与した. なおカポック油滓については毒性のあることを認めたので,ヒナならびに成雄鶏にカポック原油5%,カポック種実5%添加飼料をそれぞれ給与して,その影響も調査した. 1)増体量,飼料効率,タンパク質効率,産肉効率などを調査した結果,ダイズ油滓,ヒマワリ油滓,ナタネ油滓飼料区の順位に,対照飼料区に比べ,優れていることが認められ,飼料資源として有用なものであることが認められた. 2)それぞれ5%添加したカポック油滓飼料(え付後から)およびカポック原油飼料(15日齢から)給与した場合,ヒナは中毒症状を起し,数日でへい死するものを生じた. これらの有毒作用はシクロプロペノイド化合物(ステルクリン酸とマルバリン酸)によって起されるのであろうと推定した. 3)カポック油滓飼料およびカポック原油飼料を雄成鶏にも給与したが,し好が劣り,飼料摂取量が低くなり,体重維持を阻害し,かつ滅退した. そしてその毒性物質は前項と同じ化合物と推定された. この物質の量,中毒,ヒナの発育時期との関係については更めて報告したい

    A Case of Laparoscopic Ileocecal Resection for Intussusception Secondary to Cecal Cancer

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    An 83-year-old woman presented with a right lower abdominal mass, lower abdominal pain, and distension. She had no medical or surgical history. Clinical examination revealed a right lower abdominal mass, abdominal distension, and decreased bowel sounds in the lower abdomen. Abdominal computed tomography showed an intussusception involving the ileocecal junction. A Gastrografin enema showed a tumor shadow with an irregular defect caused by the intussusception in the transverse colon. The protruding tumor was also pushed back into the cecum by the enema pressure. Colonoscopy revealed a protruding mass at the leading edge of the intussusception in the ascending colon, and biopsy results of the cecal mass indicated an adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent laparoscopic ileocecal resection of the intussuscepted cecal cancer using reduced port surgery. The resected specimen contained a type 1 tumor measuring 40mm that was histopathologically diagnosed as cecal cancer. The patient remains asymptomatic 8 months after surgery

    A Case of Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis Mimicking Intestinal Perforation

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    An 85-year-old man was referred to the Department of Gastroenterological and General Surgery after complaining of abdominal pain and distention. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) revealed intra-abdominal free air, mimicking perforated peritonitis, with air collection within the jejunum bowel wall. On the basis of these findings, we made a diagnosis of pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI) with intra-abdominal free air. The PCI signs had disappeared completely by Day 7 of hospitalization. The patient was discharged from hospital after 15 days. At the time of writing, the patient’s PCI has not reappeared. This case highlights the clinical importance of PCI, and that the lung window settings of abdominal CT are useful tools to enable an accurate diagnosis of PCI

    Deletion of the mRNA endonuclease Regnase-1 promotes NK cell anti-tumor activity via OCT2-dependent transcription of Ifng

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    Sun X., Nagahama Y., Singh S.K., et al. Deletion of the mRNA endonuclease Regnase-1 promotes NK cell anti-tumor activity via OCT2-dependent transcription of Ifng. Immunity 57, 1360 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2024.05.006.Limited infiltration and activity of natural killer (NK) and T cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME) correlate with poor immunotherapy responses. Here, we examined the role of the endonuclease Regnase-1 on NK cell anti-tumor activity. NK cell-specific deletion of Regnase-1 (Reg1ΔNK) augmented cytolytic activity and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production in vitro and increased intra-tumoral accumulation of Reg1ΔNK-NK cells in vivo, reducing tumor growth dependent on IFN-γ. Transcriptional changes in Reg1ΔNK-NK cells included elevated IFN-γ expression, cytolytic effectors, and the chemokine receptor CXCR6. IFN-γ induced expression of the CXCR6 ligand CXCL16 on myeloid cells, promoting further recruitment of Reg1ΔNK-NK cells. Mechanistically, Regnase-1 deletion increased its targets, the transcriptional regulators OCT2 and IκBζ, following interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-18 stimulation, and the resulting OCT2-IκBζ-NF-κB complex induced Ifng transcription. Silencing Regnase-1 in human NK cells increased the expression of IFNG and POU2F2. Our findings highlight NK cell dysfunction in the TME and propose that targeting Regnase-1 could augment active NK cell persistence for cancer immunotherapy

    Chitin Scaffolds in Tissue Engineering

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    Tissue engineering/regeneration is based on the hypothesis that healthy stem/progenitor cells either recruited or delivered to an injured site, can eventually regenerate lost or damaged tissue. Most of the researchers working in tissue engineering and regenerative technology attempt to create tissue replacements by culturing cells onto synthetic porous three-dimensional polymeric scaffolds, which is currently regarded as an ideal approach to enhance functional tissue regeneration by creating and maintaining channels that facilitate progenitor cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. The requirements that must be satisfied by such scaffolds include providing a space with the proper size, shape and porosity for tissue development and permitting cells from the surrounding tissue to migrate into the matrix. Recently, chitin scaffolds have been widely used in tissue engineering due to their non-toxic, biodegradable and biocompatible nature. The advantage of chitin as a tissue engineering biomaterial lies in that it can be easily processed into gel and scaffold forms for a variety of biomedical applications. Moreover, chitin has been shown to enhance some biological activities such as immunological, antibacterial, drug delivery and have been shown to promote better healing at a faster rate and exhibit greater compatibility with humans. This review provides an overview of the current status of tissue engineering/regenerative medicine research using chitin scaffolds for bone, cartilage and wound healing applications. We also outline the key challenges in this field and the most likely directions for future development and we hope that this review will be helpful to the researchers working in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

    Diagnostic Ability of Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Discriminate Ampullary eoplasms: A Preliminary Study of 15 Cases

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    We assessed the diagnostic capability of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) to predict the histological diagnosis of ampullary lesions to resolve the diagnostic uncertainty of endoscopic biopsy for ampullary neoplasms. From January 2009 to August 2011, we performed DWI using b values of 0 and 1000s/mm2 for 15 patients with a histological diagnosis of ampullary lesion (adenocarcinoma, n = 8; adenoma, n = 4; hyperplasia, n = 3). We compared the signal intensities (determined by comparing signal intensities of ampullary lesions and rating them as markedly hyperintense, hyperintense, or hypo-to-isointense relative to the duodenal wall) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC, × 10-3 mm2/s) values of the ampullary lesions on DWI among the three groups based on the histological diagnosis. Values are expressed as median (range). The cancer-group lesions showed a significantly higher signal intensity than either adenoma or hyperplasia (markedly hyperintense/hyperintense/hypo-to-isointense; adenocarcinoma, 7/1/0; adenoma, 0/4/0; hyperplasia, 0/0/3; P < 0.005). The ADC values were significantly lower in adenocarcinoma at 1.46 (0.83-1.63) than in either adenoma at 2.14 (1.92-2.37) or hyperplasia at 2.06 (1.88-2.53) (P < 0.005). In addition, the ADC values in the malignant group (adenocarcinoma) were significantly lower than those in the benign groups (adenoma and hyperplasia) (P < 0.001). The findings suggested that DWI could contribute significantly to accurate preprocedural diagnosis of ampullary lesions

    Pediatric differentiated thyroid carcinoma in stage I: risk factor analysis for disease free survival

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To examine the outcomes and risk factors in pediatric differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) patients who were defined as TNM stage I because some patients develop disease recurrence but treatment strategy for such stage I pediatric patients is still controversial.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We reviewed 57 consecutive TNM stage I patients (15 years or less) with DTC (46 papillary and 11 follicular) who underwent initial treatment at Ito Hospital between 1962 and 2004 (7 males and 50 females; mean age: 13.1 years; mean follow-up: 17.4 years). Clinicopathological results were evaluated in all patients. Multivariate analysis was performed to reveal the risk factors for disease-free survival (DFS) in these 57 patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Extrathyroid extension and clinical lymphadenopathy at diagnosis were found in 7 and 12 patients, respectively. Subtotal/total thyroidectomy was performed in 23 patients, modified neck dissection in 38, and radioactive iodine therapy in 10. Pathological node metastasis was confirmed in 37 patients (64.9%). Fifteen patients (26.3%) exhibited local recurrence and 3 of them also developed metachronous lung metastasis. Ten of these 15 achieved disease-free after further treatments and no patients died of disease. In multivariate analysis, male gender (p = 0.017), advanced tumor (T3, 4a) stage (p = 0.029), and clinical lymphadenopathy (p = 0.006) were risk factors for DFS in stage I pediatric patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Male gender, tumor stage, and lymphadenopathy are risk factors for DFS in stage I pediatric DTC patients. Aggressive treatment (total thyroidectomy, node dissection, and RI therapy) is considered appropriate for patients with risk factors, whereas conservative or stepwise approach may be acceptable for other patients.</p