120 research outputs found

    Failure of homologous synapsis and sex-specific reproduction problems

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    The prophase of meiosis I ensures the correct segregation of chromosomes to each daughter cell. This includes the pairing, synapsis, and recombination of homologous chromosomes. A subset of chromosomal abnormalities, including translocation and inversion, disturbs these processes, resulting in the failure to complete synapsis. This activates the meiotic pachytene checkpoint, and the gametes are fated to undergo cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis. Spermatogenic cells appear to be more vulnerable to the pachytene checkpoint, and male carriers of chromosomal abnormalities are more susceptible to infertility. In contrast, oocytes tend to bypass the checkpoint and instead generate other problems, such as chromosome imbalance that often leads to recurrent pregnancy loss in female carriers. Recent advances in genetic manipulation technologies have increased our knowledge about the pachytene checkpoint and surveillance systems that detect chromosomal synapsis. This review focuses on the consequences of synapsis failure in humans and provides an overview of the mechanisms involved. We also discuss the sexual dimorphism of the involved pathways that leads to the differences in reproductive outcomes between males and females

    Cruciform extrusion propensity of human translocation-mediating palindromic AT-rich repeats

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    There is an emerging consensus that secondary structures of DNA have the potential for genomic instability. Palindromic AT-rich repeats (PATRRs) are a characteristic sequence identified at each breakpoint of the recurrent constitutional t(11;22) and t(17;22) translocations in humans, named PATRR22 (∼600 bp), PATRR11 (∼450 bp) and PATRR17 (∼190 bp). The secondary structure-forming propensity in vitro and the instability in vivo have been experimentally evaluated for various PATRRs that differ regarding their size and symmetry. At physiological ionic strength, a cruciform structure is most frequently observed for the symmetric PATRR22, less often for the symmetric PATRR11, but not for the other PATRRs. In wild-type E. coli, only these two PATRRs undergo extensive instability, consistent with the relatively high incidence of the t(11;22) in humans. The resultant deletions are putatively mediated by central cleavage by the structure-specific endonuclease SbcCD, indicating the possibility of a cruciform conformation in vivo. Insertion of a short spacer at the centre of the PATRR22 greatly reduces both its cruciform extrusion in vitro and instability in vivo. Taken together, cruciform extrusion propensity depends on the length and central symmetry of the PATRR, and is likely to determine the instability that leads to recurrent translocations in humans

    Anti-prion activity found in beetle grub hemolymph of Trypoxylus dichotomus septentrionalis

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    AbstractNo remedies for prion disease have been established, and the conversion of normal to abnormal prion protein, a key event in prion disease, is still unclear. Here we found that substances in beetle grub hemolymph, after they were browned by aging for a month or heating for hours, reduced abnormal prion protein (PrP) levels in RML prion-infected cells. Active anti-prion components in the hemolymph were resistant to protease treatment and had molecular weights larger than 100kDa. Aminoguanidine treatment of the hemolymph abolished its anti-prion activity, suggesting that Maillard reaction products are enrolled in the activity against the RML prion. However, levels of abnormal PrP in RML prion-infected cells were not decreased by incubation with the Maillard reaction products formed by amino acids or bovine serum albumin. The anti-prion components in the hemolymph modified neither cellular or cell-surface PrP levels nor lipid raft or autophagosome levels. The anti-prion activity was not observed in cells infected with 22L prion or Fukuoka-1 prion, suggesting the anti-prion action is prion strain-dependent. Although the active components of the hemolymph need to be further evaluated, the present findings imply that certain specific chemical structures in the hemolymph, but not chemical structures common to all Maillard reaction products, are involved in RML prion formation or turnover, without modifying normal PrP expression. The anti-prion components in the hemolymph are a new tool for elucidating strain-dependent prion biology

    DNA secondary structure is influenced by genetic variation and alters susceptibility to de novo translocation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p><b>Background</b></p> <p>Cumulative evidence suggests that DNA secondary structures impact DNA replication, transcription and genomic rearrangements. One of the best studied examples is the recurrent constitutional t(11;22) in humans that is mediated by potentially cruciform-forming sequences at the breakpoints, palindromic AT-rich repeats (PATRRs). We previously demonstrated that polymorphisms of PATRR sequences affect the frequency of <it>de novo </it>t(11;22)s in sperm samples from normal healthy males. These studies were designed to determine whether PATRR polymorphisms affect DNA secondary structure, thus leading to variation in translocation frequency.</p> <p><b>Methods</b></p> <p>We studied the potential for DNA cruciform formation for several PATRR11 polymorphic alleles using mobility shift analysis in gel electrophoresis as well as by direct visualization of the DNA by atomic force microscopy. The structural data for various alleles were compared with the frequency of <it>de novo </it>t(11;22)s the allele produced.</p> <p><b>Results</b></p> <p>The data indicate that the propensity for DNA cruciform structure of each polymorphic allele correlates with the frequency of <it>de novo </it>t(11;22)s produced (r = 0.77, <it>P </it>= 0.01).</p> <p><b>Conclusions</b></p> <p>Although indirect, our results strongly suggest that the PATRR adopts unstable cruciform structures during spermatogenesis that act as translocation hotspots in humans.</p

    A hydrolase enzyme inactivating endogenous ligands for cannabinoid receptors

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    Cannabinoids are psychoactive components of marijuana, and bind to specific G protein-coupled receptors in the brain and other mammalian tissues. Anandamide (arachidonoylethanolamide) was discovered as an endogenous agonist for the cannabinoid receptors. Hydrolysis of anandamide to arachidonic acid and ethanolamine results in the loss of its biological activities. The enzyme responsible for this hydrolysis was solubilized, partially purified from the microsomes of porcine brain, and referred to as anandamide amidohydrolase. In addition to the anandamide hydrolysis, the enzyme preparation catalyzed anandamide synthesis by the condensation of arachidonic acid with ethanolamine. Several lines of enzymological evidence suggested that a single enzyme catalyzes both the hydrolysis and synthesis of anandamide. This reversibility was confirmed by the use of a recombinant enzyme of rat liver overexpressed in COS-7 cells. However, in consideration of the high Km value for ethanolamine as a substrate for the anandamide synthesis, the enzyme was presumed to act as a hydrolase rather than a synthase under physiological conditions. The recombinant enzyme acted not only as an amidase hydrolyzing anandamide and other fatty acid amides but also as an esterase hydrolyzing methyl ester of arachidonic acid. 2-Arachidonoylglycerol, which was found recently to be another endogenous ligand, was also efficiently hydrolyzed by the esterase activity of the same enzyme. The anandamide hydrolase and synthase activities were detected in a variety of rat organs, and liver showed by far the highest activities. A high anandamide hydrolase activity was also detected in small intestine but only after the homogenate was precipitated with acetone to remove endogenous lipids inhibiting the enzyme activity. The distribution of mRNA of the enzyme was in agreement with that of the enzyme activity


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    Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma (ATL) remains incurable. The NF-κB and interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) signalling pathways are among the critical survival pathways for the progression of ATL. TGF-β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1), an IκB kinase-activating kinase, triggers the activation of NF-κB. The resorcylic acid lactone LL-Z1640-2 is a potent irreversible inhibitor of TAK1/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2). We herein examined the therapeutic efficacy of LL-Z1640-2 against ATL. LL-Z1640-2 effectively suppressed the in vivo growth of ATL cells. It induced in vitro apoptosis and inhibited the nuclear translocation of p65/RelA in ATL cells. The knockdown of IRF4 strongly induced ATL cell death while downregulating MYC. LL-Z1640-2 as well as the NF-κB inhibitor BAY11-7082 decreased the expression of IRF4 and MYC at the protein and mRNA levels, indicating the suppression of the NF-κB-IRF4-MYC axis. The treatment with LL-Z1640-2 also mitigated the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK along with the expression of CC chemokine receptor 4. Furthermore, the inhibition of STAT3/5 potentiated the cytotoxic activity of LL-Z1640-2 against IL-2-responsive ATL cells in the presence of IL-2. Therefore, LL-Z1640-2 appears to be an effective treatment for ATL. Further studies are needed to develop more potent compounds that retain the active motifs of LL-Z1640-2

    A study of transileocolic vein obliteration (TIO) for gastric varices

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    Seven cases of giant gastric varices were treated using TIO combined with balloon occlusion of the gastro-renal shunt, for the purpose of reviewing the significance of TIO in the treatment of gastric varices. In 6 of the 7 cases, giant varices were cured completely. In the unsuccessful case, it was a giant varix (the minimum diameter was 25 mm or more) which had been failed to be treated by the TIO. In 3 of the 7 cases, the varices on the gastric fornix had ruptured ; therefore, emergency TIO was undertaken and resulted in successful hemostasis and disappearance of the varices. After treatment using this technique, one case developed esophageal varices, and two patients showed a reduction in esophageal varices. In case where gastric varices had been accompanied by RC sign-positive esophageal varices, favorable results were obtained with obliteration of the gastro-renal shunt was combined with compression of the esophagus which had served as another shunt in these cases. After TIO, hepatic function remained unchanged or improved slightly. No case showed exacerbation of hepatic function. For massive gastric varices with an inside diameter of up to 2 cm, transileocolic vein obliteration (TIO) combined with balloon occlusion of the gastro-renal shunt, which occludes the shunt in an anterograde manner, secures the occlusion of the shunt with no complications. This technique seems to be an effective therapy for gastric varices

    Germination of photoblastic lettuce seeds is regulated via the control of endogenous physiologically active gibberellin content, rather than of gibberellin responsiveness

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    Phytochrome regulates lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) seed germination via the control of the endogenous level of bioactive gibberellin (GA). In addition to the previously identified LsGA20ox1, LsGA20ox2, LsGA3ox1, LsGA3ox2, LsGA2ox1, and LsGA2ox2, five cDNAs were isolated from lettuce seeds: LsCPS, LsKS, LsKO1, LsKO2, and LsKAO. Using an Escherichia coli expression system and functional assays, it is shown that LsCPS and LsKS encode ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase and ent-kaurene synthase, respectively. Using a Pichia pastoris system, it was found that LsKO1 and LsKO2 encode ent-kaurene oxidases and LsKAO encodes ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase. A comprehensive expression analysis of GA metabolism genes using the quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction suggested that transcripts of LsGA3ox1 and LsGA3ox2, both of which encode GA 3-oxidase for GA activation, were primarily expressed in the hypocotyl end of lettuce seeds, were expressed at much lower levels than the other genes tested, and were potently up-regulated by phytochrome. Furthermore, LsDELLA1 and LsDELLA2 cDNAs that encode DELLA proteins, which act as negative regulators in the GA signalling pathway, were isolated from lettuce seeds. The transcript levels of these two genes were little affected by light. Lettuce seeds in which de novo GA biosynthesis was suppressed responded almost identically to exogenously applied GA, irrespective of the light conditions, suggesting that GA responsiveness is not significantly affected by light in lettuce seeds. It is proposed that lettuce seed germination is regulated mainly via the control of the endogenous content of bioactive GA, rather than the control of GA responsiveness