17 research outputs found


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    本研究は, 幼稚園年長児 (5~6歳) 134名を対象に全力ボール投げ時の動作, ボール速度およびそれらの関係や性差を検討してきた。本研究で得られた結果は, 次のように要約できる。1) 投動作を12種類のパターンによって分類したところ, 成人型に近い動作を示したものの比率は女児よりも男児の方が高かった。また, 12種類のパターンの中で男児は出現しなかったパターンがあったが, 女児ではすべてのパターンがあらわれた。2) 男女それぞれの全体のボール速度は平均で10.4m/sで男児の方が高かった。また, 同一動作パターンにおけるボール速度も男児の方が高かった。3) 男児では最も発達度の高いパターンのボール速度が他のパターンより高い傾向を示した。また, 男女とも最も未発達のパターンのボール速度が最も低かった

    ジュニアスキー選手の体力プロフィール (1) : 下肢動的筋力の特徴

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    Eighteen Japanese junior alpine ski racers were studied to evaluate the physical fitness parameters. Measurements of physical characteristics, isometric and isokinetic leg strength (Nm・kg-1) were made to younger group (YG : n=9, age of 13.6±1.59) and older group (OG : n=9, age of 15.4±2.01) . The ratio of isometric muscle strength to that isokinetic muscle strength was calculated to demonstrate the superiority in contraction speed. OG was significantly higher in age and had more percent body fat than YG. OG had significantly more isokinetic knee extension strength than YG at 30 and 180 deg・sec-1. OG had significantly greater isokinetic knee flexion strength than YG at 30, 60 and 180 deg・sec-1. OG also had significantly more isometric and isokinetic hip extension strength than YG at 30, 60, 180 and 300 deg・sec-1. However, no significant differences in hip flexion strength were observed between two groups. OG had high isokinetic/isometric knee flexion strength ratio at slow rates of contraction (30 and 60 deg・sec-1). And both groups had high isokinetic/isometric hip extension and flexion ratio at slow rates of contraction (30 and 60 deg・sec-1). These results suggested that older group had more isokinetic knee and hip strength than younger group and that both groups produced high isokinetic leg strength at low contraction rates. These findings may reflect the performance of slow concentric leg actions specific to alpine skiing

    更年期女性の血清脂質に及ぼす閉経, トレーニング, 女性ホルモンの影響

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    Fifty-two women studies to determine the effect of menopause, training, estron, and estradiol on serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride (TG). Subjects were assigned to one of two groups : trained endurance runners (average age=48.5±6.9 years ; training history=12.7±5.9 years ; training frequency per week=4.5±1.3 time ; training distance per day=8.9±4.7 km ; training duration ; n=24) ; control group (average age= 49.4±5.9 years ; n=28) . The post menopausal women undergone natural menopause. None of the subjects smoked, cardiovascular disease, or any from the hormonal replacement. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated : 1) Significant difference between the traind group and the control group in measured of percentage of body fat (%BF : 21.8% ; 26.6%), (p<0.001) and the heart rate at ventilation threshold (HR at VT : 133.6bpm ; 116.5bpm) (p<0.001) and Vo_2 at VT (30.4ml/kg/min;18.9ml/kg/min) (p<0.001) ; and HDL-C (77.8mg/dl; 67.2mg/dl). 2) This %BF, HR at VT, Vo_2 at VT, and HDL-C tendency was identified when age differences on among the groups were statistically controlled. 3) In a simple correlation analysis, age showed a significant positively associated with TC (r=0.409), and %BF was positively associated with TC (r=0.579) and LDL-C (r=0.610), and BMI was positively associated with LDL-C (0.514), and significant positive correlation was found between HR at VT and HDL-C (r=0.514) in trained group. On the other hand, age was positively associated with TG (r=0.419) in control group, and %BF was negatively associated with HDL-C (r=-0.378). 4) Analysis of covariance, HDL-C was affected with training rather than menopause. 5) Estron was significantly and positively correlated with HDL-C (r=0.587) in post menopausal traind group. These data suggested that training prior to menopause had a positive effect on HDL-C levels. This effect continued with training following menopause and HDL-C levels were also maintained. This appears to controlled by hormones such as estrogen

    100m疾走の後半における走スピード, ピッチおよびストライドの変化

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    本研究では, 成人男子7名を被験者にして, 100m疾走中の後半における走スピード, ピッチ数およびストライド長の変化を明らかにした。本研究で得られた結果は, 次のように要約できる。1) 100m疾走後半の50mから100mまで, 走スピードは減少し続けた。2) 100m疾走後半の50mから100mまで, ピッチ数は減少し続けた。3) 100m疾走後半の50mから90mまでストライド長はほぼ一定を保ったが, 90mから100mまでの区間ではストライド長は急激に増加した。The purpose of this study was to measure running speed, stride length and step frequecny in the latter half of 100m sprint running. The subjects used in this study were four collegiate jumpers, 2 graduate students and an assistant of Chukyo University. All were healthy males. Each run was filmed at 50 frames/sec with Photosonics and Bolex 16mm cameras. Stride length and step frequency was measured from film analysis. Resultes obtanied from this study were summarized as follows. 1. Running speed and step frquency were gradually decreased in the latter half 50m of 100m sprint running. 2. Stride length was almost constant from 50m to 90m. After that, however, it was significantly decreased

    Possibilidades e limitações da participação privada no transporte ferroviário no Brasil

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir as possibilidades e limitações para a participação privada no setor ferroviário brasileiro. Para tanto realiza-se uma revisão da literatura que, inicialmente, apresenta os principais gargalos existentes no setor ferroviário do Brasil e expõe a falta de recursos públicos para investimento em infraestrutura, incluindo a ferroviária. Uma vez explicitadas as limitações para o investimento público no setor ferroviário, o trabalho apresenta as diferentes modalidades possíveis para incorporar a participação privada no setor. Em seguida, o trabalho apresenta o modelo que foi adotado no Brasil, a partir do processo de desestatização do setor, em meados dos anos 90, durante a presidência de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, englobando a Rede Ferroviária Federal S.A. (RFFSA) e posteriormente a FEPASA. O trabalho se debruça sobre o marco regulatório adotado e os avanços obtidos. Apresenta, ainda, lacunas que foram identificadas e o endereçamento dado a elas pelas presidências de Lula e de Dilma, quando foi criado um novo marco regulatório para a atuação das concessionárias ferroviárias, além da criação da Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) e de uma nova estatal, a Valec. Avaliam-se os resultados obtidos e como estes foram responsáveis por uma reversão da política para o setor, durante o governo Temer, que basicamente restaurou o modelo original dos anos 90. O trabalho mostra que houve avanços importantes em termos de produção ferroviária, redução de acidentes e na velocidade média. No entanto, a malha ferroviária pouco avançou no período. Os principais obstáculos encontrados foram de caráter institucional, envolvendo diferentes esferas de governo, insegurança jurídica e dificuldades para a obtenção de licenças ambientais.This paper has objective to show the possibility and limitations to private participation in the brazilian railroad. To do its make a literature review that, iniciality, show the mains problems in the Brazil railroad and present the fault of public resourses invest in infraestrucuture, inclusive the railroad. Once to show the limitations to public invest in the roadrail sector, the job show us the differ modals possible to incorporate the private participation in the sector. After that, this job show the model that was adopted in the Brasil, after the desestatization process sector ́s, in the middle of 90`s years, during Fernando Henrique Cardoso government, included the Federal Roadrail and after FEPASA S.A. The job, its debrief over the regulatory market adopted and the obted avances. It show, again, shortcut that identificate and the direction that it for Lula ́s and Dilma ́s government, when it was created the new regulatory market to railroads concessionaries atuation, then the creation the earth transport nacional agency(ANTT) and new stadual agency, the Valec. Assessment the obted results and with this responsibilities for a policies reversion to the sector, during the Temer ́s government,who basically restart the original model of 90 ́s years. That job shows that have important advances in terms of roadrail production, accident reduction and media velocity. However, the roadrail a little advance in the period. The mainly obstacles found it was institucional character , involve differ government spheres, juridic insecurity and difficult to environment licency obtatio