1,650 research outputs found

    Weak Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations over the Field of p-Adic Numbers

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    Study of stochastic differential equations on the field of p-adic numbers was initiated by the second author and has been developed by the first author, who proved several results for the p-adic case, similar to the theory of ordinary stochastic integral with respect to Levy processes on the Euclidean spaces. In this article, we present an improved definition of a stochastic integral on the field and prove the joint (time and space) continuity of the local time for p-adic stable processes. Then we use the method of random time change to obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of a weak solution of a stochastic differential equation on the field, driven by the p-adic stable process, with a Borel measurable coefficient.Comment: To appear in Tohoku Math.

    Aksjologia dyskrecjonalności administracyjnej oraz zalecenia administracji w Japonii z perspektywy sądowej kontroli

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    In Japan, the Court often examines the technical aspects of administrative discretion if there was a proper decision-making process. Such control could rely too much upon each judges’ viewpoint, which elements in the whole process of administrative discretion have critical gravity to evaluate (kōryo kachi). The pre-war legal scholars suggested the best way to increase judicial protection on the citizens’ rights endangered by administrative discretion. The need to establish robust legal theory based on it the Court guarantees the balance between smooth enactment of administrative measures and maintenance of social justice is still enormous. Administrative guidance was, for a long time, out of the scope of judicial control. This institution is Japan’s original so that its implication well exceeds the standard understanding of mere instruction in other legal cultures. The Japanese Court acknowledges the existence of “forced consent” behind it more frequently in recent years.W Japonii sąd często bada techniczne aspekty dyskrecjonalności w administracji, o ile miał miejsce właściwy proces decyzyjny. Taka kontrola może w zbyt dużym stopniu opierać się na poglądach każdego z sędziów, a te elementy w całym procesie mają krytyczną wagę dla oceny (kōryo kachi). Przedwojenne szkoły prawnicze sugerowały najlepsze sposoby zwiększania ochrony sądowej praw obywatelskich zagrożonych przez dyskrecjonalność administracyjną. Potrzeba ustalenia solidnej teorii, na podstawie której sąd gwarantuje równowagę między łagodnym wprowadzeniem środków administracyjnych a utrzymaniem sprawiedliwości społecznej, jest nadal ogromna. Wytyczne administracyjne przez długi czas znajdowały się poza zakresem kontroli sądowej. Instytucja wytycznych w Japonii ma oryginalny charakter, więc jej implikacje znacznie przekraczają standardowe rozumienie zwykłych instrukcji w innych kulturach prawnych. Japoński sąd przyznaje, że istnienie „przymusowej zgody” na te instrukcje częściej stwierdza się w ostatnich latach

    New group of stable icosahedral quasicrystals: structural properties and formation conditions

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    Structural studies on the icosahedral quasicrystals in Zn-Mg-Sc, Cu-Ga-Mg-Sc, and Zn-Mg-Ti alloys as well as their corresponding 1/1 cubic approximants, have revealed that these quasicrystals belong to a new structural group similar to Cd-based quasicrystals. This group is characterized by a triple-shell icosahedral cluster different from both Mackay- and Bergman-types. The presence of the atomic cluster has been deduced from the structure model of the approximant crystal, Zn17Sc3, in which the clusters are embedded in a periodic network of so-called "glue atoms". Density measurement suggested the presence of at least 2.7 Zn atoms in the first shell of the cluster in this approximant. The substitutional relationship in these three quasicrystals indicates the important role of Hume-Rothery rule for the formation of this type of quasicrystal. The occurrence of a P-type icosahedral quasicrystal in Zn-Mg-Yb alloy is also reported.Comment: 11 pages, 1 table, 6 figure

    A Novel Hypoxia Imaging Endoscopy System

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    Measurement of tumor hypoxia is required for the diagnosis of tumor and the evaluation of therapeutic outcome. Currently, invasive and noninvasive techniques being exploited for tumor hypoxia measurement include polarographic needle electrodes, immunohistochemical (IHC) staining, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radionuclide imaging (positron emission tomography [PET] and single-photon emission computed tomography [SPECT]), optical imaging (bioluminescence and fluorescence), and hypoxia imaging endoscopy. This review provides a summary of the modalities available for assessment of tissue oxygenation as well as a discussion of current arguments for and against each modality, with a particular focus on noninvasive hypoxia imaging with emerging agents and new imaging technologies intended to detect molecular events associated with tumor hypoxia

    Sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation of the spleen masquerading as a sarcoma metastasis

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    We report a case of sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT) of the spleen presenting as an incidental splenic mass in a patient with a history of retroperitoneal spindle cell sarcoma. Imaging studies and preoperative fine needle biopsy failed to differentiate this lesion from other vascular splenic lesions or a metastatic focus of a prior sarcoma. The patient was treated with splenectomy, which has proved both diagnostic and therapeutic in this and other cases of SANT. Although histology can lead to the diagnosis of vascular tumor, immunohistochemistry is the only way to confirm the diagnosis of SANT. The etiology of SANT is unknown. SANT of the spleen is a benign lesion that does not recur after splenectomy

    Calmodulin Contributes to Gating Control in Olfactory Calcium-activated Chloride Channels

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    In sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system, receptor potentials can be amplified by depolarizing Cl currents. In mammalian olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), this anion-based signal amplification results from the sequential activation of two distinct types of transduction channels: cAMP-gated Ca channels and Ca-activated Cl channels. The Cl current increases the initial receptor current about 10-fold and leads to the excitation of the neuron. Here we examine the activation mechanism of the Ca-dependent Cl channel. We focus on calmodulin, which is known to mediate Ca effects on various ion channels. We show that the cell line Odora, which is derived from OSN precursor cells in the rat olfactory epithelium, expresses Ca-activated Cl channels. Single-channel conductance, ion selectivity, voltage dependence, sensitivity to niflumic acid, and Ca sensitivity match between Odora channels and OSN channels. Transfection of Odora cells with CaM mutants reduces the Ca sensitivity of the Cl channels. This result points to the participation of calmodulin in the gating process of Ca-ativated Cl channels, and helps to understand how signal amplification works in the olfactory sensory cilia. Calmodulin was previously shown to mediate feedback inhibition of cAMP-synthesis and of the cAMP-gated Ca channels in OSNs. Our results suggest that calmodulin may also be instrumental in the generation of the excitatory Cl current. It appears to play a pivotal role in the peripheral signal processing of olfactory sensory information. Moreover, recent results from other peripheral neurons, as well as from smooth muscle cells, indicate that the calmodulin-controlled, anion-based signal amplification operates in various cell types where it converts Ca signals into membrane depolarization