389 research outputs found

    A Case of Skull Base Chondrosarcoma with Intraoperative Trigemino-Cardiac Reflex

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    A 75-year-old female patient presented with a suspected recurrence of a clival chordoma. The tumor was resected using the infratemporal fossa type B and anterior petrosal approach with the help of a neurosurgeon. During cauterization of the trigeminal nerve, the patient developed cardiac arrest for approximately 10 seconds because of the trigemino-cardiac reflex (TCR). After several sternal compressions, there was return of spontaneous circulation. The operation was resumed after the circulatory dynamics stabilized. Subsequently, the surgery was completed with partial resection of the tumor without the recurrence of cardiac arrest. The pathological diagnosis was chondrosarcoma, and postoperative treatment with radiotherapy was started. Stimulation of the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve induces TCR. There are reports of TCR developing in approximately 10% of skull base surgery cases in the absence of atropine administration. We report a rare case of TCR during the surgical procedure for the treatment of a skull base chondrosarcoma

    Reactivity of CA19-9 and CA125 in Histological Subtypes of Epithelial Ovarian Tumors and Ovarian Endometriosis

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    Previous reports have shown that some ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinomas and ovarian clear cell adenocarcinomas derive from ovarian endometriosis (OE), and that endocervical-like mucinous borderline ovarian tumors are associated with OE. We examined the relationship between the staging and histological subtypes of OE or epithelial ovarian tumors (EOT) and the serum levels of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) and carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) to evaluate the potential of these markers for preoperative diagnosis. First, we analyzed the preoperative serum levels of CA19-9 and CA125 in 195 patients who were histopathologically diagnosed with OE or EOT. We then performed a case-control study in which 308 women were enrolled, the 195 women described above and 113 healthy women as control subjects. Serum CA19-9 and CA125 levels were found to be useful in differentiating between OE and serous adenocarcinoma, but not between OE and other EOT. Moreover, serum CA19-9 levels were useful for preoperative assessment between OE and stage I mucinous borderline ovarian tumors, with or without the interstitial infiltration. In addition, considering that the serum CA19-9 levels in stage I mucinous borderline ovarian tumors were elevated via the interstitial infiltration of leukocytes and that precancerous lesions are associated with a cancerous glycosylation disorder in the process of inflammatory carcinogenesis, the CA19-9 level may be considered a suitable biomarker for estimating drug susceptibility

    Physiological and Pathological Mitochondrial Clearance Is Related to Pectoralis Major Muscle Pathogenesis in Broilers With Wooden Breast Syndrome

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    Wooden breast syndrome (WB) constitutes an emerging myopathy in the pectoralis major muscle (PM) of broiler chickens, characterized by myofiber hypertrophy and degeneration along with severe fibrosis. WB pathogenesis has been considered to involve hypoxia induced by rapid growth of the PM. In this study, we focused on mitochondrial morphology and dynamics in the myofibers, as these organelles are sensitive to damage by hypoxia, and examined the effects on WB pathogenesis. Specifically, the PMs of a flock of 35 broilers at 50 days of age were evaluated. First, the severity of disease in each bird was determined by measuring histopathological indices including the fibrotic area (FA) in the muscle and circularity of myofibers (CM). These values were 29.4 ± 9.6% and 0.70 ± 0.042, respectively, showing variety among the flock. Myofiber vacuolization was observed in all birds including numerous small- or large-rimmed vacuoles, with the former consisting of ultrastructurally autophagosome-like vacuoles engulfing degenerated mitochondria. The large-rimmed vacuoles frequently occurred in the PMs with more severe FA and CM, indicating a relationship between altered autophagy/mitophagy and WB severity. Next, the expression levels of hypoxia-adaptive and mitochondrial dynamics-related genes were analyzed, and their correlations with the histopathological indices were examined. The histopathological indices were negatively correlated with the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), indicating that less angiogenesis owing to weakened hypoxia-inducible factor signaling induces more severe WB pathology. In addition, the observed negative correlation with mitochondrial dynamics-related genes implied that WB pathology deteriorates concomitant with reduced mitochondrial dynamics. Furthermore, the expression of mitochondrial dynamics-related genes showed strong positive correlation with that of VEGFA and autophagy-/mitophagy-related genes. These results revealed that the PMs of broilers possess the mechanism of physiological clearance of mitochondria damaged by the hypoxia resulting from the continuous mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy/mitophagy accompanying rapid PM growth. In turn, the altered mitochondrial clearance induced by chronic hypoxia and the accumulation of damaged mitochondria likely underly the severe pathological features of WB.ArticleFrontiers in Pharmacology.11:579(2020)journal articl


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    会議名: 言語資源活用ワークショップ2016, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 2017年3月7日-8日, 主催: 国立国語研究所 コーパス開発センター現在,多くの幼稚園では日本語を母語としない保護者(NonNativeSpeaker 保護者,以下NNS 保護者)が見られるが,日本語学習の機会が少なく日本語が十分に理解できない場合,幼稚園の配布文書が正しく理解されず,情報伝達がうまくいかずに保育活動に支障をきたすこともある。そのため,将来的に教師とNNS 保護者を結ぶ「保護者に伝わるやさしい日本語」のテキスト化をめざし,『幼稚園の配布文書コーパス』を作成している。コーパスの作成では,より精度の高い語彙・文型調査が行えるよう,OCR ソフトの認識誤りを人手だけで修正するのではなく,形態素解析システム(unidic-mecab2.1.2)も活用して誤りを発見して修正し,さらに正確に語に区切れない場合は表記の変更・記号の追加を行っている。本発表では,そのコーパス作成法について報告する


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     本研究では、調理頻度や得意意識の異なる者を対象者に包丁動作分析を行い、客観的な評価方法の検討を行うことを目的とした。和洋女子大学教職員33名(男性9名、女性24名)を対象にし、長さと太さを調整したきゅうりを用いた輪切りの薄切りを実施した。包丁には「携帯型電気生理計測装置 超小型無線生体モニターマイクロDAQターミナル」を取り付け、動作解析を行った。分析項目は、20秒あたりの包丁の1ストローク所要時間、包丁動作(包丁サイクル・振り下ろし・振り上げ、前・後方向)の加速度とした。切断物に関しては薄切りの枚数、厚みを分析した。加えて、調理頻度や得意意識をアンケート調査した。20秒間のきゅうりの薄切りの枚数は、対象者の調理頻度より、本人の自己評価である得意意識の方が関連することが示され、対象を「得意群」、「中間群」、「不得意群」に分類し分析した。輪切り枚数、厚みは、「得意群」、「不得意群」間に有意差があり、包丁サイクルは「得意群」の方が「不得意群」より1サイクルの時間が有意に短く、包丁の振り下ろし・振り上げの最大加速度が有意に大きいことが認められた。 以上の結果から、輪切り枚数、厚み、包丁サイクル、振り下ろし・振り上げの最大加速度の指標を用いることで、包丁技術の上達の経緯を客観的な数値を用いて評価することが可能になると考えられた

    One-step generation of multiple transgenic mouse lines using an improved Pronuclear Injection-based Targeted Transgenesis (i-PITT)

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    Ohtsuka, M., Miura, H., Mochida, K. et al. One-step generation of multiple transgenic mouse lines using an improved Pronuclear Injection-based Targeted Transgenesis (i-PITT). BMC Genomics 16, 274 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-015-1432-