124 research outputs found

    Locally embedded presages of global network bursts

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    Spontaneous, synchronous bursting of neural population is a widely observed phenomenon in nervous networks, which is considered important for functions and dysfunctions of the brain. However, how the global synchrony across a large number of neurons emerges from an initially non-bursting network state is not fully understood. In this study, we develop a new state-space reconstruction method combined with high-resolution recordings of cultured neurons. This method extracts deterministic signatures of upcoming global bursts in "local" dynamics of individual neurons during non-bursting periods. We find that local information within a single-cell time series can compare with or even outperform the global mean field activity for predicting future global bursts. Moreover, the inter-cell variability in the burst predictability is found to reflect the network structure realized in the non-bursting periods. These findings demonstrate the deterministic mechanisms underlying the locally concentrated early-warnings of the global state transition in self-organized networks

    A Possible Protective Effect of the 'Cam Deformity' on Femoral Neck Fracture: The Relationship between Hip Morphology and the Types of Hip Fracture

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    We retrospectively evaluated the cases of 169 hip fracture patients, their previous fractures, and the contralateral hip joint’s morphology. A history of contralateral hip fracture was present in 23 patients (Contra group). The other patients had a unilateral hip fracture: a trochanteric fracture (Troch group, n=73) or a femoral neck fracture (Neck group, n=73). In the Troch and Neck groups, we used anteroposterior and cross-table axialview radiographs of the contralateral hip to evaluate the proximal femur’s anatomy. In the Contra group, the concordance rate between the first and second types of hip fracture was 65.2%, and the second hip fracture’s morphology indicated that the trochanteric fracture had a cam deformity in terms of the femoral head-neck ratio. The average alpha angle and femoral head-neck offset in the Troch group were significantly larger than those in the Neck group. In the Neck group, pistol-grip deformities of Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen types B1 (subcapital), B2 (transcervical), and B3 (displaced) were observed in 42.1%, 75%, and 6% of cases, respectively. There was a smaller alpha angle and a larger femoral head-neck offset in the contralateral hip of femoral neck fractures; thus, the “cam deformity” may protect against femoral neck fractures

    Development of the analog ASIC for multi-channel readout X-ray CCD camera

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    We report on the performance of an analog application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) developed aiming for the front-end electronics of the X-ray CCDcamera system onboard the next X-ray astronomical satellite, ASTRO-H. It has four identical channels that simultaneously process the CCD signals. Distinctive capability of analog-to-digital conversion enables us to construct a CCD camera body that outputs only digital signals. As the result of the front-end electronics test, it works properly with low input noise of =<30 uV at the pixel rate below 100 kHz. The power consumption is sufficiently low of about 150 mW/chip. The input signal range of 720 mV covers the effective energy range of the typical X-ray photon counting CCD (up to 20 keV). The integrated non-linearity is 0.2% that is similar as those of the conventional CCDs in orbit. We also performed a radiation tolerance test against the total ionizing dose (TID) effect and the single event effect. The irradiation test using 60Co and proton beam showed that the ASIC has the sufficient tolerance against TID up to 200 krad, which absolutely exceeds the expected amount of dose during the period of operating in a low-inclination low-earth orbit. The irradiation of Fe ions with the fluence of 5.2x10^8 Ion/cm2 resulted in no single event latchup (SEL), although there were some possible single event upsets. The threshold against SEL is higher than 1.68 MeV cm^2/mg, which is sufficiently high enough that the SEL event should not be one of major causes of instrument downtime in orbit.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    High energy resolution hard X-ray and gamma-ray imagers using CdTe diode devices

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    We developed CdTe double-sided strip detectors (DSDs or cross strip detectors) and evaluated their spectral and imaging performance for hard X-rays and gamma-rays. Though the double-sided strip configuration is suitable for imagers with a fine position resolution and a large detection area, CdTe diode DSDs with indium (In) anodes have yet to be realized due to the difficulty posed by the segmented In anodes. CdTe diode devices with aluminum (Al) anodes were recently established, followed by a CdTe device in which the Al anodes could be segmented into strips. We developed CdTe double-sided strip devices having Pt cathode strips and Al anode strips, and assembled prototype CdTe DSDs. These prototypes have a strip pitch of 400 micrometer. Signals from the strips are processed with analog ASICs (application specific integrated circuits). We have successfully performed gamma-ray imaging spectroscopy with a position resolution of 400 micrometer. Energy resolution of 1.8 keV (FWHM: full width at half maximum) was obtained at 59.54 keV. Moreover, the possibility of improved spectral performance by utilizing the energy information of both side strips was demonstrated. We designed and fabricated a new analog ASIC, VA32TA6, for the readout of semiconductor detectors, which is also suitable for DSDs. A new feature of the ASIC is its internal ADC function. We confirmed this function and good noise performance that reaches an equivalent noise charge of 110 e- under the condition of 3-4 pF input capacitance.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Scienc

    Complement 5 Inhibition Ameliorates Hepatic Ischemia/reperfusion Injury in Mice, Dominantly via the C5a-mediated Cascade

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    [Background. ] Hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) is a serious complication in liver surgeries, including transplantation. Complement activation seems to be closely involved in hepatic IRI; however, no complement-targeted intervention has been clinically applied. We investigated the therapeutic potential of Complement 5 (C5)-targeted regulation in hepatic IRI. [Methods. ] C5-knockout (B10D2/oSn) and their corresponding wild-type mice (WT, B10D2/nSn) were exposed to 90-minute partial (70%) hepatic ischemia/reperfusion with either anti-mouse-C5 monoclonal antibody (BB5.1) or corresponding control immunoglobulin administration 30 minutes before ischemia. C5a receptor 1 antagonist was also given to WT to identify which cascade, C5a or C5b-9, is dominant. [Results. ] C5-knockout and anti-C5-Ab administration to WT both significantly reduced serum transaminase release and histopathological damages from 2 hours after reperfusion. This improvement was characterized by significantly reduced CD41+ platelet aggregation, maintained F4/80+ cells, and decreased high-mobility group box 1 release. After 6 hours of reperfusion, the infiltration of CD11+ and Ly6-G+ cells, cytokine/chemokine expression, single-stranded DNA+ cells, and cleaved caspase-3 expression were all significantly alleviated by anti-C5-Ab. C5a receptor 1 antagonist was as effective as anti-C5-Ab for reducing transaminases. [Conclusions. ] Anti-C5 antibody significantly ameliorated hepatic IRI, predominantly via the C5a-mediated cascade, not only by inhibiting platelet aggregation during the early phase but also by attenuating the activation of infiltrating macrophages/neutrophils and hepatocyte apoptosis in the late phase of reperfusion. Given its efficacy, clinical availability, and controllability, C5-targeted intervention may provide a novel therapeutic strategy against hepatic IRI