360 research outputs found

    Computational analysis of contamination in Kojima Lake using upwind-type finite element method

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    We have computed the phase of spreading contaminations in Kojima Lake by using the upwind-type finite element method. We have treated the two cases: the pollutant flows from the Sasagase river and from the Kurashiki River. We see that the upwind-type finite element method is effective in both cases, when the diffusion constant is quite small

    The Elliptic resolutions for Symmetric Hilbert modular surface and their applications

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    In this paper, we have calculated the elliptic singularities of the symmetric Hilbert modular group defined over a real quadratic number field. Applying those to the dimension formula, we tabulate the dimensions of the space of symmetric Hilbert modular forms of weight two satisfying certain cusp condition

    The determination of small dimensions of the Hilbert Modular Type Cusp forms of Weight Two over Real Quadratic Fields

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    The author has proved the dimension formula of the space of the Hilbert modular type cusp forms of weight two. We present further refinements of the dimension formula for a real quadratic number field Q(√D), and calculate it effectively. We tabulate the dimensions for square-free natural numbers D below 104 with the computer assistance. We also determine all the spaces of their dimension below 10

    The Fourier coefficients of certain Maass wave form for Γ0(2)

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    We investigate the Maass wave form for Γ(0)(2) whose eigenvalue of Laplacian Δ is 1/4-π(2)/log(2)(√2-1). In this note, we study the methods of calculation of its Fourier coefficients and carry out the numerical calculations

    Mathematical modeling of Echinococcus multilocularis transmission

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    A mathematical model for the transmission cycle of Echinococcus multilocularis would be useful for estimating its prevalence, and the model simulation can be instrumental in designing various control strategies. This review focuses on the epidemiological factors in the E. multilocularis transmission cycle and the recent advances of mathematical models for E. multilocularis transmission.</p

    Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis of SHA-256

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    The one-way hash function plays an important role in digital signatures and message authentication from the viewpoint of security. No effective attacking method has been discovered to the algorithm of hash function standard. In this study, we tried to attack SHA-256 in encryption mode using linear and differential cryptanalysis to solve a private key. We deduced that an estimate of the private key would require huge known and chosen plaintexts in both linear and differential cryptanalysis, and that it would be difficult to decipher SHA-256 in view of the required computation

    The order elliptic curves over finite fields of characteristic two using the Schoof algorithm

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    The elliptic curve cryptosystem is a popular cryptosystem. Its safety depends on the difficulty of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). From the viewpoint of ECDLP, it is very interesting to determine the order of elliptic curves. We tabulate the order of elliptic curves on the finite field of characteristic two using the Schoof algorithm, which is an efficient algorithm to decide orders. The Schoof algorithm is carried out by O(log(8)q). Because the calculation of y(q2) occupies most of the time used to execute the Schoof algorithm, it is necessary to reduce the amount of y(q2) calculations

    Mathematical Model for The Transmission of Lymphatic Filariasis and Its Applications

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    We have constructed a stochastic transmission model for lymphatic filariasis caused by Wuchereria bancrofti, and have analyzed its prevalence using computer simulations. In Pondicherry, India, where Wuchereria bancrofti has been spreading, the Vector Control Research Centre has carried out an integrated vector control strategy against malaria and filariasis for five years (1981~1985) with good results reported. Our study was aimed at evaluating the effect of vector control in the context of Pondicherry, and in particular the continuous effect for the post-control period. In this paper, we have used the LYMFASIM model proposed by Plaisier et al., the carrying capacity model by Rochet and the population dynamics model by us. In the LYMFASIM model and the carrying capacity model, we have modified the quantities of parameters in order to fit the models to the parasitological, entomological and epidemiological data in Pondicherry. We have combined the improved LYMFASIM model with the other models. Through simulations of our combinated model, we have compared the prevalence rate in the human population as well as the mean number of L3-larvae in the mosquito population, with and without vector control. As a result, the simulations show that the prevalence rate would be restrained for a long time even if only a small continuous effect of the vector control remains in the post-control period. However, the mean number of L3-larvae would recovered within a short time comparatively. This is because of the differences in life spans between human and mosquito as well as the incubation periods between the adult worm in the human host and L3-larvae in the mosquito vector

    The prevalence of Plasmodium vivax in Vanuatu Islands: Computer simulation of malaria control trails

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    We have estimated the degree of transmission of Plasmodium vivax malaria in Vanuatu Islands, eastern Melanesia with the aid of the computer simulations, which has been carried out on the platform of a mathematical transmission model. The malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax has a relapse character, which arises from hypnozoites in the liver. This phenomen makes a malaria control strategy difficult. When the mass drug administration is executed, the prevalence of Plasmodium vivax decreases moderately as compared with that of Plasmodium falciparum, and it recovers before long being affected by the relapses. The simulations suggest that one cannot attain the eradication of Plasmodium vivax malaria without the concentrated execution of the mass drug administration and the vector control that fairly reduces the vactorial capacity

    Studies on the transmission model of HIV/AIDS among commercial sex workers in Thailand

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    In 1990s, there were rapid increases in the number of HIV epidemics and AIDS cases in Thailand, Southeast Asia. In particular the risk of HIV infection was very high among female prostitutes who played a large part in the transmission of HIV infection. We formulated a mathematical model for the transmission of HIV in prostitutes. We carried out the model simulations to analyze the incipient spread of HIV infection and the effect of AIDS prevention methods in prostitutes. The simulation of our model indicates that even if the effect of AIDS prevention methods such as the recommendation of condom use for commercial sex workers would block the transmission at rate by 70%, the elimination of the HIV epidemic is still beyond attainment