48 research outputs found

    PRNP geeni mutatsiooniga perekondliku Creutzfeldti-Jakobi tõve haigusjuht

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    Creutzfeldti­Jakobi tõvesse (CJT) haigestumus on keskmiselt üks juht miljoni inimese kohta aastas. Inimestel esineva CJT põhiliste vormidena eristatakse sporaadilist (85%), pärilikku (15%) ja variantset CJTd (< 1%). Hiljuti avaldati ajakirjas Eesti Arst artikkel sporaadilise CJT juhu kohta, käesolevas artiklis on keskendutud päriliku CJT geneetikale TÜ Kliinikumis diagnoositud haigusjuhu näitel. Artiklis on käsitletud 28 aasta vanuse naise haigusjuhtu progresseeruva kognitiivse häire ja ekstrapüramidaalse sündroomiga. Patsiendile tehtud mitmed CJT­le viitavad diagnostilised uuringud olid negatiivsed. Päriliku CJT korral võib haigus kesta aastaid, magnetresonantstomograafiline, elektroentsefalograafiline ega liikvori leid ei pruugi haigusele viidata. Geneetiliselt kinnitati haigusseoseline muutus prioonvalku kodeerivas PRNP geenis inserteerunud 6 oktapeptiidse järjestusega ja modifitseeriva tegurina 129. koodonis Met/Met homosügootsus, mis iseloomustab haiguse varast avaldumist

    Reetina periflebiit ja selle patogeneetilised seosed hulgiskleroosiga

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    Artiklis on antud ülevaade reetina periflebiidist (RP) hulgiskleroosi ehk multiipelskleroosi (MS) korral. Kuigi RP esinemist osal MSi-haigetel on täheldatud aastakümneid, on nende seisundite patogeneetiline seos kirjanduses vähe kajastamist leidnud. Siiani ei ole suuresti teada, millised põletikulised mehhanismid põhjustavad RPd. MS on heterogeense immuunmehhanismiga kesknärvisüsteemi demüeliniseeriv haigus, mille kolded arenevad tüüpiliselt veenide ümber. MSi korral esinev põletikuline protsess on vahendatud nii rakulise kui ka humoraalse immuunsuse poolt, mis erinevatel haigetel võivad olla erineva osakaaluga. Arvestades uuemaid teadmisi, võib RP osutuda kliiniliseks markeriks, mis kirjeldab MSi-patsientide ühe alarühma immuunpatoloogilist fenotüüpi ning võib tulevikus abistada ravivalikute tegemisel

    Tuberkuloosne spondüliit. Haigusjuhu kirjeldus

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    64aastane naine haigestus nimmevaluga. Ravi mittesteroidsete põletikuvastaste ainetega (NSAID) oli ebaefektiivne. Kompuutertomograafilisel (KT) uuringul ilmnesid spodülodistsiidi nähud, mida kinnitas ka magnetresonantstomograafiline (MRT) uuring. Haige hospitaliseeriti ja 3 nädala vältel raviti teda tseftasidiimi ja tsefepiimiga. Haige seisund halvenes ja ta viidi üle ülikoolihaiglasse. 6 nädala möödudes haigestumisest tehtud MRT-uuringul ilmnes L5 ja S1 lüli destruktsioon. Tuberkuloosse protsessi kahtluse tõttu tehtud test, millega mõõdetakse gammainterferooni eritumist, osutus positiivseks ja haigel alustati antituberkuloosset ravi. Ordineeriti 4 ravimit: isoniasiid, levofloksatsiin, etambutool ja pürasiinamiid. Kliiniliselt haige seisund paranes ning MRT-uuring, mis tehti 4 kuud pärast haigestumist, tõi esile positiivse dünaamika.Eesti Arst 2015; 94(3):153–15

    Eesnäärmevähi levikuulatuse määramine magnetresonantstomograafial

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    Eesnäärmevähi sagenemise tõttu pööratakse üha suuremat tähelepanu selle diagnoosimisele ja ravile. Operatiivse ravi planeerimisel on äärmiselt oluline võimalikult täpne teave haiguse levikuulatusest. Tänaseni puudub ühtne tegutsemisjuhend selle saavutamiseks, sest senised meetodid pole staadiumi määramisel olnud piisava täpsusega. Artikli autorid on võrrelnud magnetresonatstomograafilist leidu histopatoloogilise leiu ja operatsiooniandmetega ning leidnud, et kuigi MRT-meetod on veel arendamisjärgus, on siiski tegemist praegusel ajal parima kohapeal kättesaadava prostatakartsinoomi staadiumi määramise viisiga. Eesti Arst 2004; 83 (6): 364–37

    Isolation and Partial Characterisation of a Novel Lectin from Aegle marmelos Fruit and Its Effect on Adherence and Invasion of Shigellae to HT29 Cells

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    Lectins are a class of ubiquitous proteins/glycoproteins that are abundantly found in nature. Lectins have unique carbohydrate binding property and hence have been exploited as drugs against various infectious diseases. We have isolated one such novel lectin from the fruit pulp of Aegle marmelos. The isolated lectin was partially characterised and its effect against Shigella dysenteriae infection was evaluated. The isolated lectin was found to be a dimeric protein with N-acetylgalactosamine, mannose and sialic acid binding specificity. The effect of Aegle marmelos fruit lectin on the adherence of Shigella dysenteriae to human colonic epithelial cells (HT29 cells) was evaluated by Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay and invasion was analysed. The protective nature of the Aegle marmelos fruit lectin was assessed by analyzing apoptosis through dual staining method. Aegle marmelos fruit lectin significantly inhibited hemagglutination activity of Shigella and its minimum inhibitory concentration is 0.625 µg/well. Further, at this concentration lectin inhibited Shigella dysenteriae adherence and invasion of HT29 cells and protects the HT29 cells from Shigella dysenteriae induced apoptosis. To conclude, isolated lectin dimeric protein with N-acetylgalactosamine, Mannose and sialic acid binding specificity and inhibits adherence and invasion of Shigellae to HT29 cells thus, protects the host

    Helicobacter pylori Sialic Acid-Specific Surface Lectin

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    Helicobacter pylori is a gastric pathogen colonising the gastric mucus layer and epithelium of gastric tissue and is associated with chronic type B gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. The attachment of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells involves several structures recognised by specific bacterial surface proteins. Since colonisation is an initial and critical step in the development of a chronic disease, the identification of H. pylori adhesins is important for defining specific interactions between host and pathogen with the aim to develop adhesin-receptor analogues, which can inhibit gastric tissue colonisation. H. pylori sialic acid (Sia)-binding surface proteins represent a group of lectin-like adhesins, which are most likely crucial for the colonisation of the human stomach mucosa. Haemagglutination experiments with enzymatically derivatised erythrocytes carrying Sias only on defined glycans demonstrated that one third of those H. pylori strains investigated express Sia-binding activity. All of these were specific for a-2,3-linked Sia. This specificity was confirmed by microscopy studies using fluorescent neoglycoconjugates as targets. Further examination by electron microscopy revealed the surface localisation of this Sia-specific lectin (SAL) condensed into complexes. The lectin was extracted from the surface of the bacteria by water extraction and affinity purified on glutardialdehyde-fixed erythrocytes. The analysis of proteins in the isolated H. pylori SAL complex by proteomics approach revealed the presence of two H. pylori outer membrane proteins AlpA/B, which had been proposed to function in H. pylori gastric tissue adherence processes. Since the binding specificity of these proteins is unknown, the Sia-binding activity may reside in a minor component of the complex associated with AlpA/B. H. pylori Sia-binding lectins seem to be involved in interactions with gastrointestinal mucins facilitating the spread of the pathogen also to the gastric epithelium. Mucin-like sialylated components from bovine milk show high inhibitory potencies for H. pylori binding to sialylglycoconjugates and could probably be developed as potent anti-infectious components against this pathogen. A cuvette-based optical biosensor, IAsysâ was efficiently used for analysis of the structural requirements for H. pylori interactions with such glycoconjugates. In contrast to a previous report, no evidence for sialidase activity of H. pylori was obtained. Therefore, it can be assumed that H. pylori may regulate the expression of its Sia-binding lectins to be released from either mucin or cell surfaces for further spreading

    The effect of folir application of different calcium and magnesium fertilizers on bitter pit incidence of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) ʻAnteiʼ fruits

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    Magistritöö Aianduse õppekavalÕun on parasvöötmes üks populaarsemaid puuvilju ning õunte tootmine ja tarbimine on ajas üha suurenenud. Magistritöö eesmärk oli selgitada välja lehekaudsete kaltsiumi- ja magneesiumväetiste mõju aed-õunapuu ʻAnteiʼ lehtede mineraalelementide sisaldusele ja viljade kaltsiumipuuduse häirele. Katsed viidi läbi 2020. aastal Tartu maakonnas, tootmisühistus Vasula Aed. Katsetes kasutati Stopit (kaltsiumkloriid) ja Epso Microtop (magneesiumsulfaat, mis sisaldab ka boori ja mangaani) lehekaudseid preparaate. Preparaadi Stopit kasutamine vähendas oluliselt kaltsiumipuudust viljadel. Stopitiga pritsimisel oli kaltsiumipuudusega õunte osakaal nii korjamise hetkeks kui pärast kahte kuud säilitamist oluliselt väiksem kui kontrollvariandi ja Epso Microtopi variandi puhul. Kaltsiumipuuduse esinemine viljadel oli seotud mineraalelementide sisaldusega lehtedes: mida suurem oli Ca-, K- ja Mg- sisaldus lehtedes, seda vähem esines kaltsiumipuudust. Nii Stopit kui ka Epso Microtopi preparaatidega pritsimisel olid tõhusad ka kärntõve vähendamiseks õuntel. Käesoleva katse tulemustest lähtudes võib soovitada kaltsiumipuudusele ja ka kärntõvele vastuvõtlikke õunapuid pritsida Stopit preparaadiga.Apple is one of the most popular fruit in temperate climate zone and the production and consumption of apples has increased over time. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of foliar calcium and magnesium fertilizers on the content of mineral elements in the ʻAnteiʼ apple leaves and on the bitter pit incidence in fruit. The experiments were carried out in 2020 in Tartu county, in commertcial orchard belonging to Vasula Aed. Stopit (containing calcium chloride) and Epso Microtop (containing magneesium sulfate and also boron and manganese) leaf fertilizers were used in the experiments. Bitter pit in fruits was significantly decreased by spraying with Stopit . When sprayed with Stopit, the proportion of bitter pit –affected apples was significantly lower both at harvest and after two months of storage compared to the control and Epso Microtop treatments. The presence of bitter pit in apples was greatly influenced by the content of mineral elements in the leaves: the higher the content of Ca, K and Mg in the leaves, the lower the presence of bitter pit. Based on the results of the master's thesis, apple growers may be advised to use foliar Ca and Mg fertilizers to reduce bitter pit incidence in ʻAnteiʼ apples. Spraying with both Stopit and Epso Microtop is effective in reducing the incidence of apple scab

    Differentiation of Helicobacter pylori isolates based on lectin binding of cell extracts in an agglutination assay

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    Plant and animal lectins with various carbohydrate specificities were used to type 35 Irish clinical isolates of Helicobacter pylori and the type strain NCTC 11637 in a microtiter plate assay. Initially, a panel of eight lectins with the indicated primary specificities were used: Anguilla anguilla (AAA), Lotus tetragonolobus (Lotus A), and Ulex europaeus I (UEA I), specific for -L-fucose; Solanum tuberosum (STA) and Triticum vulgaris (WGA), specific for -N-acetylglucosamine; Glycine max (SBA), specific for -N-acetylgalactosamine; Erythrina cristagali (ECA), specific for -galactose and -N-acetylgalactosamine; and Lens culinaris (LCA), specific for -mannose and -glucose. Three of the lectins (SBA, STA, and LCA) were not useful in aiding in strain discrimination. An optimized panel of five lectins (AAA, ECA, Lotus A, UEA I, and WGA) grouped all 36 strains tested into eight lectin reaction patterns. For optimal typing, pretreatment by washing bacteria with a low-pH buffer to allow protein release, followed by proteolytic degradation to eliminate autoagglutination, was used. Lectin types of treated samples were stable and reproducible. No strain proved to be untypeable by this system. Electrophoretic and immunoblotting analyses of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) indicated that the lectins interact primarily, but not solely, with the O side chain of H. pylori LPS