51 research outputs found
Change in physical properties of ferralsols with tree planting in the Central Amazon, Brazil
We examined the effects of mixed planting of fast growing tree species with indigenous Amazon tree species and soil tillage practices on soil physical properties in a deforested site used for agricultural cultivation. The site was located in the Central Amazon and consisted of Ferralsols. Bulk density and soil hardness were compared in the mixed planting site and an area where only indigenous tree species were planted. Many roots of the fast growing trees penetrated into the profile and caused changes in soil physical properties, i.e., decreasing bulk density and hardness. When tillage practices prior to planting were combined with mixed planting, the changes in soil physical properties were enhanced and the growth of not only the planted fast growing trees but also indigenous species such as mahogany, Swietenia macrophylla, which is shade tolerant, was accelerated
Sustainable forest biomass: a review of current residue harvesting guidelines
http://blogs.biomedcentral.com/on-physicalsciences/2021/04/15/forest-bioenergy-sustainable/Forest biomass harvesting guidelines help ensure the ecological sustainability of forest residue harvesting for bioenergy and bioproducts, and hence contribute to social license for a growing bioeconomy. Guidelines, typically voluntary, provide a means to achieve outcomes often required by legislation, and must address needs related to local or regional context, jurisdictional compatibility with regulations, issues of temporal and spatial scale, and incorporation of appropriate scientific information. Given this complexity, comprehensive reviews of existing guidelines can aid in development of new guidelines or revision of existing ones. We reviewed 32 guidelines covering 43 jurisdictions in the USA, Canada, Europe and East Asia to expand upon information evaluated and recommendations provided in previous guideline reviews, and compiled a searchable spreadsheet of direct quotations from documents as a foundation for our review. Guidelines were considered in the context of sustainable forest management (SFM), focusing on guideline scope and objectives, environmental sustainability concerns (soils, site productivity, biodiversity, water and carbon) and social concerns (visual aesthetics, recreation, and preservation of cultural, historical and archaeological sites). We discuss the role of guidelines within the context of other governance mechanisms such as SFM policies, trade regulations and non-state market-driven (NSMD) standards, including certification systems. The review provides a comprehensive resource for those developing guidelines, or defining sustainability standards for market access or compliance with public regulations, and/or concerned about the sustainability of forest biomass harvesting. We recommend that those developing or updating guidelines consider (i) the importance of well-defined and understood terminology, consistent where possible with guidelines in other jurisdictions or regions; (ii) guidance based on locally relevant research, and periodically updated to incorporate current knowledge and operational experience; (iii) use of indicators of sensitive soils, sites, and stands which are relevant to ecological processes and can be applied operationally; and (iv) incorporation of climate impacts, long-term soil carbon storage, and general carbon balance considerations when defining sustainable forest biomass availability. Successful implementation of guidelines depends both on the relevance of the information and on the process used to develop and communicate it; hence, appropriate stakeholders should be involved early in guideline development.Peer reviewe
Up to the present, there is no report on the iron-concretions in the soil of North Manchuria. On my journey in North Manchuria in 1933, I found the iron-concretions widely distributed in the black soil on the terrace of diluvial formation. The form of concretions is usually globular varying in the diameter between 2 mm. and 7 mm. Its surface is dark brown and generally smooth, but some has the semi-metallic lusture. It contains much more manganese than that of South Manchuria which had been reported by other investigators. The results of the total analysis of the iron-con c retions collected in North Manchurian soil are as follows: (snip)1) 著者は北滿黒土帶土壤中に鐵コンクリーシヨンを檢出し此が廣く分布せる事實に就きて論述せり。2) 該地帶土壤の粗砂を形成する粒子の大部分は極微小の鐵コンクリーシヨンなることを記述せり。3) 北滿産の鐵コンクリーシヨンの化學分析結果を擧げ南滿産のものと比較せり。4)北滿産の鐵コンクリーシヨンの特に南滿産のものに比して異なるは滿俺含量の大なることにして其量は10~13以上に及ぶものなり
On the boron deficiency in plant. II.The external boron deficiency symptoms and boron requirements of “Kenaf”plants in culture solutions
The results obtained in this studies are summarized as follows : 1) The presence of boron in dilute concentration is essential to continue the growth of “Kenaf\u22 plants in chemically pure water culture solution. 2) For the life cycles of Kenaf plants, boron above 0.025p.p.m. must be contained in the nutrient culture solutions renewing them once a week. 3) Supplying the boron to boron-starved plants soon after the boron deficiency symptoms appeared, they enable to reestablish their ordinary growth in their life cycles. 4) Kenaf plants grown in nutrient solution free from boron develop the following symptoms of boron deficiency : (a) poor development, roughness and discoloration of root system, (b) chlorosis, thickening and wrinkling of the leaves, (C) appearance of small and short fissure(or split)like lines and scabs on the surface of petioles and stems,(d) petioles, sometimes also stems, bend, (e)characteristic brittleness of the stems and leaves,(f) cessation of the terminal growth of the stem. 5) Bending phenomena of petiole is most clear, definite and easy visible symptom of boron deficiency.繊維作物の一種である“ケナフ”(Hibiscus cannabinus) が示す硼素缺乏症状に就いて報告する.著者の知る限りでは,従来あげられている硼素の指示植物の孰れよりも“ケナフ”は秀れているものであると推称したい程に,著しい且つ発見しやすい缺乏症状の数々を呈供する植物である.以下その概略を記述することにする
On the boron deficiency in plant. III.Boron contents in culture solution and growth of “Kenaf” plants
Results found out by author are as follows : 1) Boron content in culture solution necessary for normal growth of “Kenaf” plant is at least 0.03 p.p.m. 2) As boron content amounts to 5.0 p.p.m., many small brown spots, boron excess symptoms, appeared on leaf surface. 3) Both the position of deficiency symptom appeared and hours elapsed before its appearance, are affected by concentration of boron in culture solution. 4) If boron deficiency is severe, symptoms appeared on lower parts of plant. And for its appearance, more hours required in solution of low boron content than solution free from boron.第2報で“ケナフ”の正常生育に要する棚素の最低限界畳が略々察知できたが,本報告ではその再検討に加えて逆に棚素の過剰害が現出しはじめる限界を調べた結果に就いての記述をする
Effects of boron in culture solution on stem tissues of \u22Kenaf\u22 plants
Observations on stem tissues of \u22Kenaf\u22 plants grown in culture solution containing various content of boron are as follows : 1) In the stem of boron-starved plants, a) cells in phloem degenerated, protoplasm coagulated and browned. b) starch grains and other granuler particles abundant in the cell, sometimes cell walls browned, c) degeneration of cells generally occured in early stage, d) formation of bast fibre not good and cell arrangements disturbed, e) browned cell walls of cribral portion shows the wounded gum reaction. 2) Xylem portion of healthy plant stem indicates annual ring like growth. But in boron-starved plant, such growth not significant. 3) Diameter and thickness of cortex of boron-starved stem are greater than healthy stem. 4) Although bundles of bast fibre has no difference in number, but its distribution density to stem diametre is small in boron-starved plant. 5) In boron-starved plant, cells in a bundle of bast fibre are small in number and cell contents also poor.培養液に含まれる硼素の含量を種々変えてケナフを栽培すると,その生育が種々な点で影響されてくることに就ては,著者の他の報告に明かにしておいたが,この報告では硼素が決乏した場合,過剰の場合,並に適当にあつてケナフが正常生育をした場合の各々に於ての,ケナフの茎の組織特に繊維組織に対しての硼素の影響に就て顕微鏡的に調査観察した2~3の結果を一括して記述することにした
This report contains the results of the physical and chemical analysis of twenty four alluvial soils of the river Nun Kiang collected in its basin between Tsitsihar and Laha. On my journey in this district I thought this district may be divided into two parts in the middle from the various points. Analytical results are also clearly divided into two parts and shows that my above observation is right. Considering the texture of the soils, the northern soils are superior to the southern soils for agriculture. Chemical prop e rties are also good for plant vegetation as will be seen in the following data: (snip)チチハル地帶の大部分を形成せる嫩江沖積土は日本河成沖積土に比して卓越せるものとは斷じ難し。然れ共審に檢討する時は當地帶はほゞ其中央の寧年附近を境として南北兩部に分たるものなること前記の如し。今この南北兩部に就て個々比較すれば總ての點に於て南部土壤は北部土壤に劣れること顯著なり。然も北部土壤のみの平均をもつて日本土壤平均と比較すれば決して劣れるものならずむしろ優れたる點も少からざるなり。されば當地帶に於ては將來の發展は農業的には北部地域に待つべきものと稱すべし。獨り土性土質のみならず著者親しく巡歴中に於ける種々の觀察も(農村發達状況。人口・人情・耕地餘裕面積等々)南部地帶よりも北部地帶に期して其發達を侯つべきものなることを示せり。仍て當チチハル地帶は農耕上決して黒土地帶の如く優秀卓絶とは稱せざるも決して瘠薄とは斷ずぺからず。特に北部地帶は將來ある好適農耕地の一と考へて不可なかるべし
On the boron deficiency in plant. IV. The external boron deficiency symptoms and boron requirements of Japanese barnyard millet
From the water culture of\u27 Japanese barnyard millet, the following results are gained : 1) This grass can not grow normally in the culture solution free from boron. For the life cycles of this grass, 0.003 p.p.m. boron must be present in culture solution. 2) By the boron deficiency, following symptoms come out; (a) Greyish white lines appear on leaf tip. Afterward, that part browned and died. (b) Cessation of the terminal growth of stem. (c) Poor development, roughness and discoloration of root system. ( d) By extraordinary evelopment of many tillers, the shape of grass became bushy. (e) Mature. grains very rare. 3) Boron requirements for monocotyledone is about 10 per cent of dicotyledone.単子葉植物の硼素に対する関係に就いては余り多くの研究がない. Waringtonが大麦では水耕でも土耕でも硼素は何等影響がないとのべたこと,Shiveは単子葉植物は双子葉植物の最適硼素量の1/5~1/10で足りる様だとのべたこと等から想像すれば,硼素要求量は著しく少ないのではないかと思われる.然しトーモロコシが無硼素培養液で育つと,新展開葉に白い細長い透明な線が現われるが,0.1p.p.m.の棚素を添加するとそれを消失させうると報じたvan Oberbeckの実験や,Martinが甘蔗の水耕で無硼素のときは葉が捩れ黄色を呈したものが後には形成組織の部分が酷く壊れて遂に枯死するが,0.22p.p.m.の硼素があれば正常生長をとげると報じたこと,Dennisが燕麦を無硼素で水耕すると黄変し,萎縮根を多出して成熟に至らず死滅するが,0.57p.p.m.の棚索の添加で緑色になる根も健全なものが生じてくるとのべたこと等を見れば,硼素欠乏を救うのに相当の棚素が加えられねばならぬ様にも思われるであろう.著者はヒエを材料にして,はたして棚素の最低所要量はどの辺りにあるか,またどんな特異の缺乏症状を示すものであるか,双子葉植物に較べて硼素の所要量に何程の開きがあるであろうかを検討してみたが,その結果を取りまとめてこの報告とする
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