396 research outputs found

    Even playing field? Examining challenges female sportswriters face

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    The purpose of the study was to examine what obstacles female sports writers face. Because sports writing has been and still remains a male-dominated field, there have been documented incidents in the past that have made the job more difficult for females than males. This study sought to see if there those obstacles remain. With the rising popularity of sports and the increase of females entering the sports writing field, it is important to research, among other things, whether female sports journalists believe they are seen as equals by their male counterparts; whether they are believe their sources take them seriously and what other difficulties they face when doing their job compared to male counterparts

    Disseny del sistema de frenat d'un prototip de fòrmula SAE

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    L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és realitzar l’adaptació d’un sistema de fre escollit a un prototip tipus monoplaça, realitzant-hi els modificacions necessàries per a l’ obtenció de les prestacions òptimes per tal de superar les proves realitzades a la competició universitària Formula Student. Per tal d’aconseguir el nostre objectiu hem hagut d’endinsar-nos en el mon de la competició FSAE i contactar amb diversos equips i proveïdors. Una vegada informats hem decidit enfocar el projecte cap a la tria d’un sistema complet de frenat a partir d’uns discs de fre determinats. El nostre objectiu principal ha sigut escollir principalment entre dos discs de frens adequats a la competició i al nostre vehicle

    Race-Conscious School Finance Litigation: Is a Fourth Wave Emerging?

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    Analysis and evaluation of Wi-Fi indoor positioning systems using smartphones

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    This paper attempts to analyze the main algorithms used in Machine Learning applied to the indoor location. New technologies are facing new challenges. Satellite positioning has become a typical application of mobile phones, but stops working satisfactorily in enclosed spaces. Currently there is a problem in positioning which is unresolved. This circumstance motivates the research of new methods. After the introduction, the first chapter presents current methods of positioning and the problem of positioning indoors. This part of the work shows globally the current state of the art. It mentions a taxonomy that helps classify the different types of indoor positioning and a selection of current commercial solutions. The second chapter is more focused on the algorithms that will be analyzed. It explains how the most widely used of Machine Learning algorithms work. The aim of this section is to present mathematical algorithms theoretically. These algorithms were not designed for indoor location but can be used for countless solutions. In the third chapter, we learn gives tools work: Weka and Python. the results obtained after thousands of executions with different algorithms and parameters showing main problems of Machine Learning shown. In the fourth chapter the results are collected and the conclusions drawn are shown

    How Adequacy Litigation Fails to Fulfill the Promise of Brown [But How It Can Get Us Closer]

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    Article published in the Michigan State Law Review

    Generalized Henneberg Stable Minimal Surfaces

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    We generalize the classical Henneberg minimal surface by giving an infinite family of complete, finitely branched, non-orientable, stable minimal surfaces in R3. These surfaces can be grouped into subfamilies depending on a positive integer (called the complexity), which essentially measures the number of branch points. The classical Henneberg surface H1 is characterized as the unique example in the subfamily of the simplest complexity m = 1, while for m ≥ 2 multiparameter families are given. The isometry group of the most symmetric example Hm with a given complexity m ∈ N is either isomorphic to the dihedral isometry group D2m+2 (if m is odd) or to Dm+1 × Z2 (if m is even). Furthermore, for m even Hm is the unique solution to the Bj¨orling problem for a hypocycloid of m + 1 cusps (if m is even), while for m odd the conjugate minimal surface H ∗ m to Hm is the unique solution to the Bj¨orling problem for a hypocycloid of 2m + 2 cusps.Universidad de Granada/CBUA CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission PID2020-117868GB-I00 Junta de Andalucia P18-FR-4049 A-FQM-139-UGR1

    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a disease with a high rate of mortality if a proper treatment is not instated. Plasmapheresis with plasmatic exchange is the treatment of choice. Diagnosis is performed demonstrating microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, a negative direct Coombs test and thrombocytopenia. Among the clinical data, neurological and renal alterations stand out. When there is a reasonable suspicion in the diagnosis, plasmapheresis must be initiated immediately. There are different diseases that may be similar to the TTP signs and symptoms, especially in pregnant women. TTP has a high risk of relapse and may leave sequelae

    Desarrollo de un geoportal para fortalecer la información social y administrativa del cementerio parroquial de San Rafael de la laguna de la provincia de Imbabura

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    Desarrollar un Geoportal para fortalecer la información social y administrativa del Cementerio Parroquial de San Rafael de la Laguna de la Provincia de Imbabura.El Desarrollo de un Geoportal para Fortalecer la Información Social y Administrativa del Cementerio de la Parroquia de San Rafael de la Laguna de la Provincia de Imbabura fue como finalidad de este Proyecto de Investigación, Georreferenciar los espacios dentro del Cementerio como aspecto fundamental y de la misma manera que la infraestructura anexa, con la información pertinente enfocado a fortalecer el Necroturismo en la parroquia. Se consideró pertinente compilar las definiciones principales o fundamentales en el Capítulo 1, elementos básicos sobre el Cementerio, la conceptualización y referencias del Necroturismo, Georreferenciación, metodologías para el desarrollo del Geoportal, sobre los SIG dentro de ellas ArcGIS Desktop y ArcGIS Online y todas las aplicaciones proporcionadas por la empresa ESRI, de igual amanera las Normas ISO/IEC 2510:2011 para mantener los Estándares de Calidad dentro del proceso. Producto de ello evaluar la Amigabilidad de uso del aplicativo. En el Capítulo 2, se diseñó, operó y automatizó el Geoportal por completo, utilizando una fusión de la metodología de Cascada y la de Kanban, se partió del trabajo de campo con el GPS, dicha base se trabajó en ArcGIS Desktop, seguidamente la información se anclo a ArcGIS Online, que se procesó con todas las aplicaciones de ESRI luego de obtener la Licencia de ArcGIS Online. Luego del diseño se alimentó información social de los responsables, fallecidos y títulos de propiedad; información que se solicitó luego de la socialización de las bondades y atributos del Geoportal. El Capítulo 3, se enfocó a valorar los servicios prestados de la administración del Cementerio antes del Geoportal y luego del uso de esta y las expectativas que los usuarios clientes así lo estimaron, de la misma manera se valoró si el Geoportal se enmarca a las Normas ISO/IEC 2510; resultados que resumen en: Dispuestos a recomendar el uso 90%, facilita la gestión de información 88%, es de Mucha ayuda el Geoportal 91% y una Nota Final de 66,53 lo que demuestra que hay aspectos que mejorar.Ingenierí