37 research outputs found

    Asymmetric ATP Binding and Hydrolysis Activity of the \u3cem\u3eThermus aquaticus\u3c/em\u3e MutS Dimer Is Key to Modulation of Its Interactions with Mismatched DNA

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    Prokaryotic MutS and eukaryotic Msh proteins recognize base pair mismatches and insertions or deletions in DNA and initiate mismatch repair. These proteins function as dimers (and perhaps higher order oligomers) and possess an ATPase activity that is essential for DNA repair. Previous studies of Escherichia coli MutS and eukaryotic Msh2āˆ’Msh6 proteins have revealed asymmetry within the dimer with respect to both DNA binding and ATPase activities. We have found the Thermus aquaticus MutS protein amenable to detailed investigation of the nature and role of this asymmetry. Here, we show that (a) in a MutS dimer one subunit (S1) binds nucleotide with high affinity and the other (S2) with 10-fold weaker affinity, (b) S1 hydrolyzes ATP rapidly while S2 hydrolyzes ATP at a 30āˆ’50-fold slower rate, (c) mismatched DNA binding to MutS inhibits ATP hydrolysis at S1 but slow hydrolysis continues at S2, and (d) interaction between mismatched DNA and MutS is weakened when both subunits are occupied by ATP but remains stable when S1 is occupied by ATP and S2 by ADP. These results reveal key MutS species in the ATPase pathway; S1ADPāˆ’S2ATP is formed preferentially in the absence of DNA or in the presence of fully matched DNA, while S1ATPāˆ’S2ATP and S1ATPāˆ’S2ADP are formed preferentially in the presence of mismatched DNA. These MutS species exhibit differences in interaction with mismatched DNA that are likely important for the mechanism of MutS action in DNA repair

    Mismatch Recognition-Coupled Stabilization of Msh2-Msh6 in an ATP-Bound State at the Initiation of DNA Repair

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    Mismatch repair proteins correct errors in DNA via an ATP-driven process. In eukaryotes, the Msh2-Msh6 complex recognizes base pair mismatches and small insertion/deletions in DNA and initiates repair. Both Msh2 and Msh6 proteins contain Walker ATP-binding motifs that are necessary for repair activity. To understand how these proteins couple ATP binding and hydrolysis to DNA binding/mismatch recognition, the ATPase activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Msh2-Msh6 was examined under pre-steady-state conditions. Acid-quench experiments revealed that in the absence of DNA, Msh2-Msh6 hydrolyzes ATP rapidly (burst rate = 3 s-1 at 20 Ā°C) and then undergoes a slow step in the pathway that limits catalytic turnover (kcat = 0.1 s-1). ATP is hydrolyzed similarly in the presence of fully matched duplex DNA; however, in the presence of a G:T mismatch or +T insertion-containing DNA, ATP hydrolysis is severely suppressed (rate = 0.1 s-1). Pulse-chase experiments revealed that Msh2-Msh6 binds ATP rapidly in the absence or in the presence of DNA (rate = 0.1 Ī¼M-1 s-1), indicating that for the Msh2-Msh6Ā·mismatched DNA complex, a step after ATP binding but before or at ATP hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step in the pathway. Thus, mismatch recognition is coupled to a dramatic increase in the residence time of ATP on Msh2-Msh6. This mismatch-induced, stable ATP-bound state of Msh2-Msh6 likely signals downstream events in the repair pathway

    Role of a Conserved Glutamate Residue in the \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e SecA ATPase Mechanism

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    Escherichia coli SecA uses ATP to drive the transport of proteins across cell membranes. Glutamate 210 in the ā€œDEVDā€ Walker B motif of the SecA ATP-binding site has been proposed as the catalytic base for ATP hydrolysis (Hunt, J. F., Weinkauf, S., Henry, L., Fak, J. J., McNicholas, P., Oliver, D. B., and Deisenhofer, J. (2002) Science 297, 2018ā€“2026). Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that mutation of glutamate 210 to aspartate results in a 90-fold reduction of the ATP hydrolysis rate compared with wild type SecA, 0.3 sā€“1versus 27 sā€“1, respectively. SecA-E210D also releases ADP at a slower rate compared with wild type SecA, suggesting that in addition to serving as the catalytic base, glutamate 210 might aid turnover as well. Our results contradict an earlier report that proposed aspartate 133 as the catalytic base (Sato, K., Mori, H., Yoshida, M., and Mizushima, S. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 17439ā€“17444). Re-evaluation of the SecA-D133N mutant used in that study confirms its loss of ATPase and membrane translocation activities, but surprisingly, the analogous SecA-D133A mutant retains full activity, revealing that this residue does not play a key role in catalysis

    Contribution of Msh2 and Msh6 Subunits to the Asymmetric ATPase and DNA Mismatch Binding Activities of \u3cem\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/em\u3e Msh2ā€“Msh6 Mismatch Repair Protein

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    Previous analyses of both Thermus aquaticus MutS homodimer and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Msh2ā€“Msh6 heterodimer have revealed that the subunits in these protein complexes bind and hydrolyze ATP asymmetrically, emulating their asymmetric DNA binding properties. In the MutS homodimer, one subunit (S1) binds ATP with high affinity and hydrolyzes it rapidly, while the other subunit (S2) binds ATP with lower affinity and hydrolyzes it at an apparently slower rate. Interaction of MutS with mismatched DNA results in suppression of ATP hydrolysis at S1ā€”but which of these subunits, S1 or S2, makes specific contact with the mismatch (e.g., base stacking by a conserved phenylalanine residue) remains unknown. In order to answer this question and to clarify the links between the DNA binding and ATPase activities of each subunit in the dimer, we made mutations in the ATPase sites of Msh2 and Msh6 and assessed their impact on the activity of the Msh2ā€“Msh6 heterodimer (in Msh2ā€“Msh6, only Msh6 makes base specific contact with the mismatch). The key findings are: (a) Msh6 hydrolyzes ATP rapidly, and thus resembles the S1 subunit of the MutS homodimer, (b) Msh2 hydrolyzes ATP at a slower rate, and thus resembles the S2 subunit of MutS, (c) though itself an apparently weak ATPase, Msh2 has a strong influence on the ATPase activity of Msh6, (d) Msh6 binding to mismatched DNA results in suppression of rapid ATP hydrolysis, revealing a ā€œcisā€ linkage between its mismatch recognition and ATPase activities, (e) the resultant Msh2ā€“Msh6 complex, with both subunits in the ATP-bound state, exhibits altered interactions with the mismatch

    Overproduction and Analysis of Eukaryotic Multiprotein Complexes in \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e Using a Dual-vector Strategy

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    Biochemical studies of eukaryotic proteins are often constrained by low availability of these typically large, multicomponent protein complexes in pure form. Escherichia coli is a commonly used host for large-scale protein production; however, its utility for eukaryotic protein production is limited because of problems associated with transcription, translation, and proper folding of proteins. Here we describe the development and testing of pLANT, a vector that addresses many of these problems simultaneously. The pLANT vector contains a T7 promoter-controlled expression unit, a p15A origin of replication, and genes for rare transfer RNAs and kanamycin resistance. Thus, the pLANT vector can be used in combination with the pET vector to coexpress multiple proteins in E. coli. Using this approach, we have successfully produced high-milligram quantities of two different Saccharomyces cerevisiae complexes in E. coli: the heterodimeric Msh2ā€“Msh6 mismatch repair protein (248 kDa) and the five-subunit replication factor C clamp loader (250 kDa). Quantitative analyses indicate that these proteins are fully active, affirming the utility of pLANT+pET-based production of eukaryotic proteins in E. coli for in vitro studies of their structure and function

    The ATPase mechanism of UvrA2 reveals the distinct roles of proximal and distal ATPase sites in nucleotide excision repair

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    The UvrA2 dimer finds lesions in DNA and initiates nucleotide excision repair. Each UvrA monomer contains two essential ATPase sites: proximal (P) and distal (D). The manner whereby their activities enable UvrA2 damage sensing and response remains to be clarified. We report three key findings from the first pre-steady state kinetic analysis of each site. Absent DNA, a P2ATP-D2ADP species accumulates when the low-affinity proximal sites bind ATP and enable rapid ATP hydrolysis and phosphate release by the highaffinity distal sites, and ADP release limits catalytic turnover. Native DNA stimulates ATP hydrolysis by all four sites, causing UvrA2 to transition through a different species, P2ADP-D2ADP. Lesion-containing DNA changes the mechanism again, suppressing ATP hydrolysis by the proximal sites while distal sites cycle through hydrolysis and ADP release, to populate proximal ATP-bound species, P2ATP-Dempty and P2ATPD2ATP. Thus, damaged and native DNA trigger distinct ATPase site activities, which could explain why UvrA2 forms stable complexes with UvrB on damaged DNA compared with weaker, more dynamic complexes on native DNA. Such specific coupling between the DNA substrate and the ATPase mechanism of each site provides new insights into how UvrA2 utilizes ATP for lesion search, recognition and repair

    Missed cleavage opportunities by FEN1 lead to Okazaki fragment maturation via the long-flap pathway.

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    RNA-DNA hybrid primers synthesized by low fidelity DNA polymerase Ī± to initiate eukaryotic lagging strand synthesis must be removed efficiently during Okazaki fragment (OF) maturation to complete DNA replication. In this process, each OF primer is displaced and the resulting 5'-single-stranded flap is cleaved by structure-specific 5'-nucleases, mainly Flap Endonuclease 1 (FEN1), to generate a ligatable nick. At least two models have been proposed to describe primer removal, namely short- and long-flap pathways that involve FEN1 or FEN1 along with Replication Protein A (RPA) and Dna2 helicase/nuclease, respectively. We addressed the question of pathway choice by studying the kinetic mechanism of FEN1 action on short- and long-flap DNA substrates. Using single molecule FRET and rapid quench-flow bulk cleavage assays, we showed that unlike short-flap substrates, which are bound, bent and cleaved within the first encounter between FEN1 and DNA, long-flap substrates can escape cleavage even after DNA binding and bending. Notably, FEN1 can access both substrates in the presence of RPA, but bending and cleavage of long-flap DNA is specifically inhibited. We propose that FEN1 attempts to process both short and long flaps, but occasional missed cleavage of the latter allows RPA binding and triggers the long-flap OF maturation pathway

    Large conformational changes in MutS during DNA scanning, mismatch recognition and repair signalling: Conformations of MutS during DNA MMR activation

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    MutS protein recognizes mispaired bases in DNA and targets them for mismatch repair. Little is known about the transient conformations of MutS as it signals initiation of repair. We have used single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to report the conformational dynamics of MutS during this process. We find that the DNA-binding domains of MutS dynamically interconvert among multiple conformations when the protein is free and while it scans homoduplex DNA. Mismatch recognition restricts MutS conformation to a single state. Steady-state measurements in the presence of nucleotides suggest that both ATP and ADP must be bound to MutS during its conversion to a sliding clamp form that signals repair. The transition from mismatch recognition to the sliding clamp occurs via two sequential conformational changes. These intermediate conformations of the MutS:DNA complex persist for seconds, providing ample opportunity for interaction with downstream proteins required for repair

    MutL traps MutS at a DNA mismatch

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    DNA mismatch repair is the process by which errors generated during DNA replication are corrected. Mutations in the proteins that initiate mismatch repair, MutS and MutL, are associated with greater than 80% of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and many sporadic cancers. The assembly of MutS and MutL at a mismatch is an essential step for initiating repair; however, the nature of these interactions is poorly understood. Here, we have discovered that MutL fundamentally changes the properties of mismatch-bound MutS by preventing it from sliding away from the mismatch, which it normally does when isolated. This finding suggests a mechanism for localizing the activity of repair proteins near the mismatch

    Conserved residues in the Ī“ subunit help the E. coli clamp loader, Ī³ complex, target primer-template DNA for clamp assembly

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    The Escherichia coli clamp loader, Ī³ complex (Ī³3Ī“Ī“ā€²Ī»Ļˆ), catalyzes ATP-driven assembly of Ī² clamps onto primer-template DNA (p/tDNA), enabling processive replication. The mechanism by which Ī³ complex targets p/tDNA for clamp assembly is not resolved. According to previous studies, charged/polar amino acids inside the clamp loader chamber interact with the double-stranded (ds) portion of p/tDNA. We find that dsDNA, not ssDNA, can trigger a burst of ATP hydrolysis by Ī³ complex and clamp assembly, but only at far higher concentrations than p/tDNA. Thus, contact between Ī³ complex and dsDNA is necessary and sufficient, but not optimal, for the reaction, and additional contacts with p/tDNA likely facilitate its selection as the optimal substrate for clamp assembly. We investigated whether a conserved sequenceā€”HRVW279QNRRā€”in Ī“ subunit contributes to such interactions, since Tryptophan-279 specifically cross-links to the primer-template junction. Mutation of Ī“-W279 weakens Ī³ complex binding to p/tDNA, hampering its ability to load clamps and promote proccessive DNA replication, and additional mutations in the sequence (Ī“-R277, Ī“-R283) worsen the interaction. These data reveal a novel location in the C-terminal domain of the E. coli clamp loader that contributes to DNA binding and helps define p/tDNA as the preferred substrate for the reaction