45 research outputs found


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    [INCIDENCE OF THE RICE YELLOW STEM BORER (Schirpophaga incertulas Walker) ON THREE RICE VARIETIES IN KEMUMU, NORTH BENGKULU]. Rice yellow stem borer (RYSB), Schirpophaga incertulas Walker, often causes yield loss in irrigated rice field. Dead heard and white ear head are the common symptomps resulted from the larval damage. The use of resistant varieties may reduce the risk of yield loss, but the resistance may lose quickly as the varieties are continually grown in a large area. The assessment of the insect incidence in rice field is necessary in order to determine the status of the pest for certain period of time. The objective of the study was to determine the incidence and damage incurred by RYSB in three rice varieties, Mekongga, Cibogo, and Situ Bagendit at farmer rice fields. A survey was conducted in December 2017-February 2018 in Kemumu, North Bengkulu Regency. Observation of RYSB was made on randomly selected 30 hills from + 1 ha area for each variety that was located adjacent to each other. Grain yield was measured from the sampled hills and from 3 plots of 9 m2 . Weight of 1000 grain was measured from grain of three sampled hills. The results revealed that the incidence of RYSB was low, as indicated by the presence of egg mass and larvae of RYSB, and no significant difference was found among the three varieties. Nevertheless, the average cumulative number and percentage of dead heart and white ear head was significantly lower in Mekongga than those of Cibogo and Situ Bagendit. In term of grain yield, however, Mekongga outperformed the other two varieties. The low incidence of RYSB might suggest that growing different variety practiced by local farmers was able to suppress pest population, and therefore it should be implemented in all main areas of rice production

    Inovasi Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas, Nilai Tambah Dan Akses Pasar USAha Mikro Di Unit Permukiman Transmigrasi “Karang Cahyo” Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan

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    Soengkono, Kanang S. Hindarto, Slamet Widodo, Sigit Mujiharjo; The objective of the first research is to know: (1) the background of economic factors of transmigrant, (2) the natural resources potency, (3) the human resources of transmigrant potency, (4) the analysis of business environment, (5) the model micro business development, (6) the build of micro business group, (7) the formulation model based on human and natural resource potency with simple and accepted technology, (8) the practice of simple and accepted technology, (9) the practice of marketing, and (10) the training of small/micro business management. The result of the research is identified that: (1) the transmigrant society have a high motivation to stay at location study, (2) the transmigrant society wish to facilitation in economic development to income generating, (3) the transmigrant society zeal for to follow research program conducted by researcher, (4) have been build of small business group, (5) have executed of simple and accepted technology test-drive, (6) have executed of training of small business management, (7) marketing management. In general the model based on human and natural resource potency with simple and accepted technology have been increase of income generating of transmigrant


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    [GROWTH AND LETTUCE YIELD (Lactuca sativa L.) BY GIVING MANURE AND RICE HUSK ASH IN INCEPTISOL].  Increasing market demand for lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) makes the prospect of developing lettuce very promising. Bengkulu Province is dominated by inceptisol soil types which have low soil fertility, making it less optimal for lettuce growth. Giving organic matter can increase soil fertility through improving soil physical, chemical and biological properties so that it can support the growth of lettuce. This study aims to determine the dosage of manure, the dose of rice husk ash and the optimal dose interaction for lettuce growth and yield. This research was conducted from May 2018 to July 2018 in Medan Baru, Muara Bangkahulu Subdistrict, Bengkulu City. The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of two factors and repeated 3 times. The first factor is the dosage of cow manure with three levels, namely: 0 tons/ha, 15 tons/ha, and 30 tons/ha. The second factor is the dose of rice husk ash which consists of three levels, namely 0 tons/ha, 3 tons/ha, and 6 tons/ha. Data from the observations were analyzed statistically by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the F test at the level of 5%. To determine the dosage of manure, the dose of rice husk ash and the optimal combination of doses for growth and yield of lettuce used the Polynomial Orthogonal method. The results showed that there was no interaction between cow manure and rice husk ash on the growth and yield of lettuce. The effect of cow manure has not shown the optimum dose for growth and yield of lettuce. The addition of manure doses up to 30 tons/ha was able to increase the value of plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, and fresh weighted plant weight of 0.189, 0.038, 0.931 and 0.104 respectively. Giving rice husk ash up to a dose of 6 tons/ha did not have a significant effect on all observed variables.


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    Nitrogen is the most often deficient in the soil and will be impacted by farmers associated with the economic issue. Nitrogen exists in soil systems in many forms and changes, such as mineralization and mobilization, nitrification, denitrification, volatilization, runoff and erosion, and leaching. The Inceptisol has a pH of 5,5 (acid), impacting soil nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, and organic-C; meanwhile, Ultisols have high acidity and Al exchangeability. This study aimed to determine the rate of nitrate availability on Ultisols and Inceptisols added dairy cattle waste vermicompost. The experiment was arranged by Randomized Completely Design with two factors. The first factor was vermicompost with three doses; there were 0 ton/h, 15 tosn/ha, and 30 tons/ha and the second factor was two types of soils, Inceptisol and Ultisol. The experiment was conducted by three times. The result is on the R2 value, the reaction order kinetics model, which best explains the relationship between vermicompost dosing and nitrate availability in Ultisols and Inceptisols, is a first-order equation. The constant nitrification rate was 0.04 to 0.06 daily with three dairy cattle waste vermicompost dose levels. The potential nitrification showed that a high-level dose increased high nitrate. In Ultisols, the nitrification potential has risen from 1.21 to 1.44 mg/kg NO3-  in others, increasing from 1.36 to 1.41 mg/kg NO3-. Dairy cattle waste vermicompost can accelerate nitrification in acidic soil, especially Ultisols and Inceptisols. This biofertilizer can supply nitrate to the soil by enhancing microbial activity. Nitrate availability in the soil can be supported by 30 tons ha-1 dairy cattle waste vermicompost.  [KINETIKA NITRAT DI DALAM TANAH PADA APLIKASI VERMIKOMPOS]. Nitrogen seringkali mengalami defisiensi didalam tanah dan berdampak terhadap produktivitas tanaman yang erat kaitannya dengan isu ekonomi saat ini. Nitrogen hadir didalam tanah melalui beberapa proses dan perubahan, seperti mineralisasi dan mobilisasi, nitrifikasi, denitrifikasi, volatilisasi, erosi dan limpasan, serta pencucian. Nitrat merupakan unsur nitrogen yang sulit tersedia bagi tanaman, karena sifatnya yang sangat mudah hilang oleh aktifitas organisme seperti immobilisasi, denitrifikasi, hingga proses pencucian/limpasan oleh air hujan. Selain itu, ketersediaan nitrat sangat tergantung oleh kemasaman didalam tanah sehingga unsur ini seringkali menjadi tidak tersedia bagi tanah masam, seperti Ultisol dan Inceptisol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan laju ketersediaan nitrat pada tanah Inseptisol dan Ultisol setelah pemberian beberapa taraf dosis pupuk vermikompos kotoran sapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah dosis vermikompos kotoran sapi, yaitu 0, 15, dan 30 ton/ha dan faktor kedua adalah dua jenis tanah, yaitu Inceptisol dan Ultisol. Pengulangan dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses nitrifikasi melalui ketersediaan NO3- pada tanah yang diinkubasi selama 7 minggu dan data yang dianalisis dengan first order kinetic model. Pada tanah Inceptisol, laju nitrifikasi (k) sejumlah 0,04 sampai 0,06 mg/kg perhari. Potensial nitrifikasi (N0) menunjukkan 1,36-1,41 mg/kg/hari. Pada tanah ultisol, N0 meningkat dari 1,21 sampai 1,44 mg/kg perhari dan k sebesar 0,04-0,06 per hari. Dosis vermikompos 30 ton/ha mampu meningkatkan nitrat di dalam tanah sebesar 1,44 mg/kg/hari untuk tanah Ultisol dan 1,41 mg/kg/hari untuk tanah Inceptisol. Vermikompos kotoran sapi dapat meningkatkan proses nitrifikasi pada tanaman masam, seperti Ultisol dan Inceptisol. Pupuk organik ini mampu meningkatkan ketersediaan nitrat melalui peningkatan aktifitas mikroorganisme.

    Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Talas Satoimo dan Kultivar Lokal pada Dosis Pupuk Nitrogen yang Berbeda

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    Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is a plant that has an excellent economic and healthy value, as well as a great potential development of Bengkulu coastal area. That is because taro has wide adaptability, and can be consumed both as a staple food and healthy food alternative. This research was conducted to study the vegetative growth of two cultivars of taro given four different doses of nitrogen. This study applied a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factors. The first factor was the cultivar of taro consisted of two levels, namely Taro Satoimo (T1) and the Taro Local (T2). The second factor was the doses of nitrogen fertilizer which consisted of four levels namely: N0 = 0 kg / ha (control), N1 = 50 kg / ha (2.6 g, N2 = 100 kg / ha, and N3 = 150 kg / ha. Thus, obtained eight treatment combinations. Each treatment was repeated three times to get 24 plots. The results showed that based on increased vegetative growth, the cultivar Satoimo has a faster response than local cultivar. Satoimo has demonstrated another advantage because it produced some leaves and number new shoot. The best dose of nitrogen fertilizer on the vegetative growth of taro in the coastal area of Bengkulu is 150 kg/ha


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    Transmigration Settlement is a unit of settlements for transmigran with carrying capacity for 300 – 500 HH. The development of transmigration settlement should be evaluated to know the progress of the development and then design the next development program. The objective of this research was to evaluate the development of transmigration settlement in Tanjung Agung Village, Kaur Regency, Province Bengkulu. This research has been conducted from June to September 2014. The methodology of evaluation the development of transmigration settlement was based on the Regulation of Ministry of Transmigration Republic Indonesia No. 25/MEN/IX/2009 and Goverment Regulation (PP) No. 3, 2014 about transmigration. The result showed that after T+2 and T+3 year of establishment, the income of transmigrant in Tanjung Agung categories in the phase of adaptation or equal to 1.605,67 kg of rice per year. The crops contributed to their income are cassava, banana, chilli papper, upland rice, and vegetables. Palm oil and rubber also planted by transmigrant as the main crops, but still juvenile. The main problem of development in the settlement are main road and electricity. The condition of the main road (6,7 km damaged) make the transportaion of the product from the settlement to the market to be difficult, while the electricity (solar cell) that only for lighting, make the creative product undeveloped. This conddition make the income of transmigrant to be low. However, according to the activity of transmigrant and the development that conducted by the goverment, in general, the development of Transmigration Settlement in Tanjung Agung, Kaur Regency show a good progress


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    Jeruk gerga merupakan komoditi unggulan dan adaptif pada lahan pertanian di Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang dan Topos. Komoditi ini sudah banyak dikembangkan oleh petani dan didukung oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Lebong untuk pengembangan kedepannya. Namun, informasi pendukung mengenai sumber daya lahan kurang tersedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengembangan jeruk gerga berdasarkan klasifikasi kesesuaian lahan yang dikembangkan oleh FAO. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang dan Topos Kabupaten Lebong pada bulan Februari – April 2016, dengan metode sistem klasifikasi kesesuaian lahan (FAO, 1976). Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 tahap utama yaitu pra survey, survey lapangan, tabulasi dan analisis data, dan pembuatan laporan akhir (skripsi). Alat yang dibutuhkan adalah altimeter, clinometer, global positioning system (GPS), hygrometer, dan alat lainnya serta peta – peta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesesuaian lahan aktual di Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang yaitu kelas S2 seluas 7.236,34 hektar, S3 seluas 801,07 hektar dan N seluas 1.986,12 hektar. Sedangkan di Kecamatan Topos kelas S2 seluas 5.514,83 hektar, S3 seluas 878,51 hektar, dan N seluas 3.335,31 hektar. Potensi pengembangan jeruk gerga berdasarkan sekenario 1 di Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang seluas 4.165,90 hektar (4.036,03 hektar sesuai dan 579,87 hektar tidak sesuai). Sementara untuk Kecamatan Topos adalah 5.053,91 hektar (3.343,90 hektar sesuai dan 1.710,05 hektar tidak sesuai). Sedangkan berdasarkan sekenario 2 pengembangan di Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang seluas 10.079,87 hektar (8.093,73 hektar sesuai dan 1.986,18 hektar tidak sesuai). Sementara untuk Kecamatan Topos adalah 9.362,97 hektar (6.027,75 hektar sesuai dan 3.335,45 hektar tidak sesuai). Dalam pengembangan jeruk gerga perlu memperhatikan status kawasan dan penggunaan lahan yang ada. (Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu)


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    This research was conducted to identified and described the potential of soil degradation and it status to support biomass productivity in Lebong Regency, Province of Bengkulu. The result of this research could be used as a guideline for goverment in order to manage and improve soil/land quality. The metodology of this research was surveying method, where soil sampling was conducted on 11 sites of soil in Lebong Regency. The result showed that the potential of soil degradation in Lebong Regency was very high, supported by the percentage of soil degradation class R (degradated) 42.32% (70,203.93 ha) and only 4,438.26 ha or 2,68% area that have good class (B). Althought the most of Lebong area have R level, the potential of soil degradation could be low because of the domination landcover by forest. Forrest cover can protect soil surface from negatif impact of rainfall. More specifically, the land resource management in order to support biomass productivity like for agriculture, manure, etc., on APL (cultivated area) in Lebong, should be based on land resource conservation because of the land degradation potential was high. The highly rainfall (>2.500 mm/year), slope >45%, soil reaction acid and strongly acid, and soil texture coarse, suggested as factors that causing land degradation status in Lebong dominant ARPR and R (degradated)