165 research outputs found

    Family Income Inequality and the Role of Wives Earnings in Mexico: 1988-2010

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    We study family income inequality in Mexico from 1988 to 2010. Female labor supply increased during this period, especially for married women. The share of wives’ income among married couples grew from 13 percent in 1988 to 23 percent in 2010. However, the correlation of husbands’ and wives’ earnings has been fairly stable with a value close to 0.28, one of the highest correlations recorded across countries. We follow Cancian and Reed’s (1999) methodology in order to analyze whether wives’ income equalizes total family income distribution. We investigate several counterfactuals and conclude that the recent increment in female employment has contributed to a decrease in family income inequality mainly through a rise in wives’ labor supply in poor families.income inequality, female employment, female earnings, Latin America, Mexico

    Environmental scan of COVID-19 infection dashboards in the Florida public school system

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    Public dashboards have been one of the most effective tools to provide critical information about COVID-19 cases during the pandemic. However, dashboards for COVID-19 that have not received a lot of scrutiny are those from the public school system. We conducted an environmental scan of published dashboards that report and track new COVID-19 infections in the Florida public school system. We found that thirty-four percent of counties do not provide any public dashboard, and there was significant heterogeneity in the data quality and framework of existing systems. There were poor interfaces without visual tools to trace the trend of COVID-19 cases in public schools and significant limitations for data extraction. Given these observations, it is impossible to conduct meaningful policy evaluations and proper surveillance. Additional work and oversight are needed to improve public data reported

    Towards an integrated proteomic and glycomic approach to finding cancer biomarkers

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    Advances in mass spectrometry have had a great impact on the field of proteomics. A major challenge of proteomic analysis has been the elucidation of glycan modifications of proteins in complex proteomes. Glycosylation is the most structurally elaborate and diverse type of protein post-translational modification and, because of this, proteomics and glycomics have largely developed independently. However, given that such a large proportion of proteins contain glycan modifications, and that these may be important for their function or may produce biologically relevant protein variation, a convergence of the fields of glycomics and proteomics would be highly desirable. Here we review the current status of glycoproteomic efforts, focusing on the identification of glycoproteins as cancer biomarkers

    Environmental scan of COVID-19 infection dashboards in the Florida public school system

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    Public dashboards have been one of the most effective tools to provide critical information about COVID-19 cases during the pandemic. However, dashboards for COVID-19 that have not received a lot of scrutiny are those from the public school system. We conducted an environmental scan of published dashboards that report and track new COVID-19 infections in the Florida public school system. We found that thirty-four percent of counties do not provide any public dashboard, and there was significant heterogeneity in the data quality and framework of existing systems. There were poor interfaces without visual tools to trace the trend of COVID-19 cases in public schools and significant limitations for data extraction. Given these observations, it is impossible to conduct meaningful policy evaluations and proper surveillance. Additional work and oversight are needed to improve public data reported

    Quercetin Affects Erythropoiesis and Heart Mitochondrial Function in Mice

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    Copyright © 2015 Lina M. Ruiz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Quercetin, a dietary flavonoid used as a food supplement, showed powerful antioxidant effects in different cellular models. However, recent in vitro and in vivo studies in mammals have suggested a prooxidant effect of quercetin and described an interaction with mitochondria causing an increase in O2 (∙-) production, a decrease in ATP levels, and impairment of respiratory chain in liver tissue. Therefore, because of its dual actions, we studied the effect of quercetin in vivo to analyze heart mitochondrial function and erythropoiesis. Mice were injected with 50 mg/kg of quercetin for 15 days. Treatment with quercetin decreased body weight, serum insulin, and ceruloplasmin levels as compared with untreated mice. Along with an impaired antioxidant capacity in plasma, quercetin-treated mice showed a significant delay on erythropoiesis progression. Heart mitochondrial function was also impaired displaying more protein oxidation and less activity for IV, respectively, than no-treated mice. In addition, a significant reduction in the protein expression levels of Mitofusin 2 and Voltage-Dependent Anion Carrier was observed. All these results suggest that quercetin affects erythropoiesis and mitochondrial function and then its potential use as a dietary supplement should be reexamined.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation and validation of portable NIRS to estimate in situ nutritional quality of Megathyrsus maximus population in breeding program at CIAT

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    In breeding program at Alliance Bioversity international & CIAT we evaluate continually Hybrids or determinate nutritional quality. Many populations are selected for major nutritional characteristics like contents of protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and In vitro Digestibility (IVDM). The parameters relationate with quality are very important in selection process for identify promise genotypes. This process must be to quickly and technology Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) is a good tool rapid, low-cost, and used successfully for determination of chemical composition in forage grasses. The aim of this study is to evaluate the viability of use NIRS portable in predict in situ parameters of nutritional quality providing results rapid and nondestructive analysis for breeding program at CIAT Palmira

    Evaluación del micelio (Aspergillus niger) en combinación con el pasto elefante (Pennisetum purpureum), como alimento para novillas Holstein.

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    El experimento pretendió evaluar tres niveles de micelio en las dietas de novillas Holstein en crecimiento y determinar el efecto sobre el consumo de pasto elefante combinado con cantidades controladas de micelio. El experimento se condujo durante 175 días, se diseñó en bloques completamente al azar con cuatro tratamiento y 2 repeticiones. Los tratamiento resultaron de los niveles de combianción de pasto elefante y micelio: 100 por ciento+0 por ciento=T1, T2=88 por ciento+12 por ciento, T3=76 por ciento+24 por ciento, T4=64 por ciento+36 por ciento. Se utilizaron 32 novillas Holstein con un peso promedio 210 kg. El micelio tuvo gran aceptación por las novillas y su consumo no produjo efecto negativo aparente en los animales a medida que ingerían crecientes niveles de micelio. Hubo diferencias significativas entre (P menor o igual que 0.05) T1 y T2, T3 y T4 pero no entre T2, T3, T4. Aunque el conteniod de fibra del micelio (52 por ciento) es mayor que el del pasto (30 por ciento) por los resultados positivos mostrados por animales que recibieron micelio, se deduce que hay diferencia entre los tipos de fibra. Sugiriendo que es más digestible que la del pasto elefante o que el micelio estimula la fermentación rumina

    Changes in Opioid Use After Florida's Restriction Law for Acute Pain Prescriptions

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    Several US states have enacted laws to limit either opioid prescription days’ supply or morphine milligram equivalents for the treatment of acute pain. On July 1, 2018, Florida implemented House Bill 21 (HB21), which limits the days’ supply of Schedule II opioids to 3 days for acute pain prescriptions. Prescribers can extend to a 7-day supply if they document an exception. This quality improvement study aims to assess the outcomes associated with Florida’s restriction law on opioid prescribing by evaluating the number of new opioid users and the number of units dispensed per prescription before and after the policy change

    Preparación y Caracterización de Carbones Activados a partir de un Carbón Mineral de la Cuenca del Cesar (Colombia)

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    En este trabajo se prepararon carbones activados a partir de un carbón bituminoso, mediante procesos de activación física y química. La activación física con vapor de agua (H2O) se realizó a temperaturas de 700 y 800°C y la activación química utilizando ZnCl2 0.2 N a 600, 700 y 800°C. Los carbones activados se caracterizaron mediante diferentes técnicas, como punto de carga cero (PZC), espectroscopia infrarroja (IR, DRIFT), área superficial y microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM-EDX). Se obtuvieron carbones activados microporosos con áreas superficiales hasta de 351 m2/g con un volumen de poro de 0.15 cm3/g y un tamaño promedio de poro de 19.4 Å. El carbón activado de mayor área superficial fue apto para la remoción del azul de metileno cuya isoterma de adsorción se ajusta al modelo de Langmuir y la cinética de adsorción se ajusta al modelo pseudo-segundo orden y de difusión intraparticular
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