2,412 research outputs found

    Seen on a Country Road

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    As If We Had Enough to Worry About... Attorneys and the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: Supreme Court Rules on Former Attorney Exemption

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    This article briefly traces the history of the FDCPA, from the original legislation enacted in 1977 to the 1986 Amendments, and further provides an overview of appellate courts\u27 previous interpretations of the Act\u27s applicability to attorneys. From here, the article summarizes Heintz v. Jenkins, a 1995 United States Supreme Court decision holding attorneys who meet the FDCPA\u27s statutory definition of debt collector, subject to the Act\u27s provisions. Further discussion of exactly what qualifies as a debt and as a debt collector under the Act is presented in correlation with a summary of the main provisions of the FDCPA that attorneys need beware

    The Dwarfs

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    Late November, Madison

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    Film and the Dartington Experience

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    This project is a study of Dartington under the leading question "What is Dartington?' and comprises a number of interlinked methodological phases of enquiry. The first explores Dartington's use of film as a process of documenting its experimental activities, and as a commercial product in the form of the films made and distributed by the Dartington Hall Film Unit. The second strategy engages with archive film materials in the production of compilation videos, which were then developed into a series of Photoworks designed to facilitate a personal interpretation of its particular history. The third approach resulted in the production of three forty minute videos {After the Facts 2003) which articulate an understanding of Dartington's history of engagement with film, a personal experimental engagement with filmmaking, and an interrogation of the possibilities of applying a particular reading of the experimental ethos of Dartington to a filmic practice. A pervading concern has been with the mythic nature of Dartington during the inter-war years and the function of the filmic form in myth generation and perpetuation. The final part of the project presents an overview of these strategies, assessing their successes and limitations. By the ordering of the visual archive, the creative juxtaposition of historic and contemporary images in the Photoworks, and the interfacing of place and self in After the Facts the intention has been to show the ways in which a creative practice has been able to understand Dartington as a changing and variable experience

    Bayesian Estimation of Transient Engine Exhaust Composition from Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Measurements

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    Mobile sources comprise a substantial portion of anthropogenic volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions worldwide. Many research efforts have sought to elucidate the relationships between VOC emissions and engine operating conditions, which are largely transient in real-world scenarios. However, the literature remains dominated by steady-state data and batch measurements of total emissions over entire driving cycles. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a promising technique for obtaining instantaneous, time-resolved VOC measurements. However, FTIR measurements of chemically evolving samples are biased due to sample recirculation and signal non-stationarity. To extract accurate emissions profiles from biased FTIR measurements of transient emissions, an Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is developed. The UKF is a model-based algorithm which incorporates sample mixing dynamics, a measurement model of non-stationarity effects, and noise statistics to infer instantaneous exhaust composition in a statistically optimal manner. The sample mixing model is developed and validated using computational fluid dynamics and mixing network simulations. Non-stationarity effects – which produce FTIR measurements that are unevenly weighted by spectral IR powers at/near the centerburst position of the modulating mirror – are mathematically and experimentally proven to emerge due to alternating scan directions. A numerical method is developed to estimate the degree of centerburst weighting on measurements of unique VOCs, which is mathematically shown to scale with spectral absorbance broadening. The UKF is experimentally validated by flowing transient, trace quantities of acetylene and propylene through a FTIR gas cell and filtering the resulting measurements. Average improvements of 58% and 51% are achieved for estimations of acetylene and propylene composition, respectively, compared to unfiltered FTIR measurements. The UKF is employed to investigate transient effects on emissions of various fuel component VOCs (cyclohexane, ethanol and pentane) and intermediates (1,3 butadiene, acetylene, ethylene, formaldehyde and methane) from a spark-ignited, port fuel-injected gasoline engine under various load ramps. Deterministic transient effects are evident, as emissions deviate from quasi-steady predictions by statistically significant quantities in 14 of the 21 species/load profile combinations explored. For the intermediate species, greater quasi-steady prediction errors correspond to faster ramp rates, while greater errors occur during moderate load ramps for fuel component species

    Party Reform and Political Realignment: The New Politics Movement in the Democratic Party

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    This dissertation offers an analysis of the New Politics movement to reform and realign the Democratic Party in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The central problem is to develop an understanding of the origins, nature, and limits of the reform movement. This study also addresses questions regarding the interactive relationships between political parties and social movements, the capacity of social movement actors to transform party institutions to better influence American public policy, and the role of contingency and agency in moments of political crisis. Whereas many scholars have interpreted the New Politics movement as a conflict between amateurs and professionals or blue collar workers and white collar reformers, I offer an explanation that roots the New Politics reform project in the longer historical struggle over Democratic Party structure and programmatic identity going back to the early New Deal period. By placing the New Politics movement in its proper historical and institutional context, this dissertation draws on extensive archival research as well as participant interviews to reassess this episode of reform, not as an effort to dismantle the party but to renew it by transforming it into a party of a different type. This study finds that the New Politics movement, while scoring many important victories, such as including more women, young people, and people of color in the party hierarchy, failed in its ultimate ambition to build a national programmatic party due to the staunch opposition of state party leaders, cold war intellectuals, and especially the leadership of the trade union federation. This was due primarily to the labor movements own institutional position in the party, which channeled its influence through the smoke-filled back rooms of elite brokerage an arrangement which democratizing the party threatened. Rethinking the New Politics movement challenges the predominant narrative that treats the post-1980 reorientation of the Democratic Party toward the political center as the inevitable and common sense response to the excesses of the late 1960s. As I try to show, rather than the inexorable result of liberalisms failures, the making of the modern Democratic Party was the result of a struggle between contending political projects. While the New Politics did not succeed in winning that war, it did decisively shape the contours of Democratic Party politics today

    Including a Review of Reported Cases:

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    Voies nouvelles en psychiatrie. Situation de crise et soutien entre pairs

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    Les interventions psychiatriques en situation de crise sont au centre du conflit entre traitement non volontaire et systèmes de rétablissement et de bien-être dans les services de santé mentale. Bien que la crise puisse signifier tout autre chose pour les personnes qui la vivent, la population en général a appris à y répondre avec une crainte alimentée par les médias. Un contrôle social accru, appelé par erreur « traitement », s'en est suivi. Cela n'aide en rien la personne et, en fait, contribue à confondre davantage celle qui tente de donner un sens à son expérience. Cet article propose un changement fondamental dans la compréhension et le travail en situation de crise psychiatrique. Au lieu d'objectiver et de nommer l'expérience de la crise en relation avec le construit du trouble, l'objectif est de développer une façon de penser plus relationnelle et contextuelle relativement à la réaction ou à la réponse à la crise. En ce sens, les auteurs explorent les concepts de réciprocité, de planification proactive, d'élaboration d'un pouvoir négocié et d'une définition commune, des risques et de la sécurité, de «»ré-écriture ou de re-construction » (re-storying). Finalement, ils présentent une discussion sur l'élaboration de stratégies de recherche appuyant les nouvelles façons de penser au sujet de la crise. Les auteurs, qui ont vécu des expériences personnelles de crises et d'hospitalisation, ont été impliqués dans l'élaboration de programmes de soutien entre pairs depuis 1990. Dave Hilton a été l'un des premiers directeurs à rendre des fonds accessibles pour l'implantation de programmes de soutien entre pairs à la grandeur de l'État. Shery Mead est ex-directrice de trois agences de soutien entre pairs, dont une ressource alternative gérée par les personnes utilisatrices. Elle est consultante pour les programmes de soutien-conseil entre pairs et pour les programmes traditionnels en santé mentale aux États-Unis.Crisis and connection Psychiatric interventions for crisis care lie at the center of the conflict between forced treatment and recovery/wellness systems in mental health services. Though crisis can mean completely different things to people who have the experience, the general public has been taught a unilateral fear response based on media representation. More and more this has led to social control but is erroneously still called treatment This does nothing to help the person and in fact further confuses people already trying to make meaning of their experience. This paper offers a fundamental change in understanding and working with psychiatric crises. Rather than objectifying and naming the crisis experience in relation to the construct of illness, our goal is to develop a relational, contextual way of thinking about crisis response. In that we will explore the concepts of mutuality, proactive crisis planning, the development of negotiated power and meaning, risk and safety, "re-storying" and finally we will offer an argument for creating congruent research strategies that support new ways of thinking about crisis. The authors, who had personal experience with psychiatric crisis and hospitalization, have been involved in the development of peer programs since 1990. Dave Hilton is the director of the Office of Consumer Affairs in New Hampshire and was one of the first OCA directors to access funds for statewide peer support program implementation. Shery Mead is the past director of three peer support agencies including one peer run crisis alternative. She currently consults with peer support and traditional mental health programs nationwide.Vías nuevas en psiquiatría. Situación de crisis y sostén entre iguales Intervenciones siquiátricas en situación de crisis están en el centro del conflicto entre tratamiento no-voluntario y sistemas de reestablecimiento y de bienestar en los servicios de salud mental. Aunque la crisis puede significar otra cosa para las personas que la padecen, la población en general ha aprendido a responder con un cierto temor alimentado por los medios de comunicación. Un control social aumentado, llamado por equivocación "tratamiento", resultó. Esto no ayuda y contribuye a confundir más a la persona tratando de dar un sentido a su experiencia. El artículo propone un cambio fundamental en la manera de comprensión y el trabajo en situación de crisis psiquiátrica. El artículo propone un cambio fundamental en la comprensión y el trabajo en situación de crisis psiquiátrica. En vez de objetivar y llamar la experiencia de crisis en relación con el constructo del turbio, el objetivo esta de desarrollar una manera más racional y contextual de pensar relativamente a la reacción o a la respuesta a la crisis. Los autores exploran así los conceptos de reciprocidad, de planificación proactiva,la elaboración de un poder negociado y de una definición común, de los riesgos y de la seguridad, de re-escritura ou de re-construcción (re-storying). Finalmente, presentan una discusión sobre la elaboración de estrategias de investigación apoyando nuevas maneras de pensar la crisis. Los autores, cuales han vivido experiencias personales de crisis y de hospitalización, han sido implicados en la elaboración de programas de apoyo entre iguales desde 1990. Dave Hilton ha sido uno de los primeros directores a abrir fundos para la implantación de programas de apoyo entre iguales en el Estado. Shery Mead es ex-directora de tres agencias de sosten entre iguales de los cuales un recurso alternativo dirigido por personas usuarias. Está consultora para programas de sosten-consejo entre iguales y para programas tradicionales en salud mental en Estados-Unidos.Situação de crise e ajuda mútua As intervenções psiquiátricas em situação de crise estão no centro do conflito entre o tratamento involuntário e os sistemas de recuperação e de bem-estar nos serviços de saúde mental. Embora a crise possa ter outro significado para as pessoas que a vivenciam, a população em geral aprendeu a responder a ela com um temor alimentado pela mídia. Este fato ocasionou um maior controle social, chamado erroneamente de "tratamento". Isto não ajuda em nada o paciente, e na verdade, contribui para confundir ainda mais aquele que tenta dar um sentido à sua experiência. Este artigo propõe uma mudança fundamental na percepção e no trabalho em situação de crise psiquiátrica. Ao invés de objetivar e de dar nomes à experiência de crise em relação ao fundamento do problema, o objetivo é desenvolver uma maneira de pensar mais relacional e contextual segundo a reação ou a resposta à crise. Neste sentido, os autores exploram os conceitos de reciprocidade, de planificação pró-ativa, de elaboração de um poder negociado e de uma definição comum, dos riscos e da segurança, de "reescrita ou de reconstrução" (restorying). Finalmente, eles apresentam uma discussão sobre a elaboração de estratégias de pesquisa apoiando as novas maneiras de pensar a respeito da crise. Os autores, que vivenciaram experiências pessoais de crise e de hospitalização, estiveram implicados na elaboração de programas de ajuda mútua desde 1990. Dave Hilton foi um dos primeiros diretores a providenciar fundos acessíveis para a implantação de programas de ajuda mútua em todo o Estado. Shery Mead é ex-diretora de três agências de ajuda mútua, dentre elas, uma fonte alternativa gerada pelos pacientes. Ela é consultora para programas de ajuda-conselho mútuo e para os programas tradicionais em saúde mental nos Estados Unidos
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