234 research outputs found

    Manufacturing the “Ontological Enemy”: Socio-political Construction of Anti-democracy Discourses Among Hti Activists in Post-new Order Indonesia

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    The Indonesian Islamists' rejection of demo­cracy, as this paper will demonstrate, is not monolithic; it is complex and multifaceted that is accompanied by a long process of argument building. This paper focuses its scope of analysis on Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), a Middle Eastern-derived “transnational” Islamist movement that seeks to unite all Muslim nations all over the world under a Caliphate system. This paper argues that, in developing counter-discourses on democracy, the HTI activists employ both theological approach and modern socio-political narratives. It is also argued that the concept of enemy constructed by the HTI activists serves only as an ontological venture, and not existential one, for the purpose of self-fulfilling prophecy. The process of construction of the enemy follows the mode of binary opposition between the “authentic self” and the “corrupted other.” This paper borrows much of its theoretical framework from Saphiro, Foucault, Berger and Luckmann, and still many others

    Radikalisme Agama Dan Politik Demokrasi Di Indonesia Pasca-orde Baru

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    : Religious Radicalism and the Politics of Democracy in Post New-Order Indonesia.This paper attempts at scrutinizing the emergence of Islamic radicalism in the post-New Order Indonesia and its mutual relationship with democratic politics as well as its implications to the state policy towards radicalism. This paper argues that the radical groups must be treated with deserve care in the framework of democratic principles on the ground that democracy must guarantee the idea of freedom of expression for all. In this context, the existence of Islamic radicalism cannot be curbed on an ideological basis manifested through an antagonist state policy towards radical groups. Such a policy, nevertheless, can swing the pendulum to a less productive to democracy itself. It may result in the consolidation and dissemination of radical ideology among the Muslim society within the framework of democracy. This paper recommends that a new act be necessary in order to fill the legal gap left by the two Acts on the counterterrorism policy

    Muslims' Approaches to Democracy: Islam and Democracy in Contemporary Indonesia

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    This article seeks to provide a theoretical ac­count of how Indonesian Muslims have approached Islam and democracy. Historical analysis, combined with literary overview, is deployed to trace the empirical passage of Indonesian Muslims in developing discourses on demo­cracy. This article argues that a widely-religion-based demo­cra­cy is on the way of making. Following this process, discourses and counter-discourses on democracy are simply inevitable. The point of departure on which Muslims frequently disagree with each other is whether or not the type of Indonesian democracy should follow the path of Western secular democracy. Ac­cor­dingly, three approaches following these lively discourses on democracy came into existence: First, the Huwaydian ap­proach that claims the compatibility of Islam and demo­cracy. Second, the Mawdudian approach that stands in an ambiguous position between rejecting and ac­cep­ting democracy. Third, the Qutbian approach which argues that democracy is inimical to Islam by definition. Despite the risk of oversimpli­fica­tion and conceptual discrepancy, the three terms are utilized merely for the purpose of sociological catego­rization

    Quo-vadis Islam Moderat Indonesia? Menimbang Kembali Modernisme Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah

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    Tulisan ini hendak membongkar mitos Islam moderat Indonesia melalui pengamatan terhadap dua organisasi keagamaan yang selama ini dikenal sebagai “juara” Islam moderat yaitu Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) dan Muhammadiyah. Pertanyaan yang mengemuka adalah, pertama, apakah benar bahwa pandangan-pandangan keagamaan kedua organisasi ini moderat; kedua, apakah ada Islam moderat yang khas Indonesia, dan ketiga, bagaimana—setelah membongkar mitos—membangun sebuah cetak-biru Islam Indonesia yang aplikatif dan adaptif. Dalam tulisan ini ditemukan bahwa teologi moderat kedua organisasi ini tidak cukup lagi untuk mengakomodasi tantangan era modern. Sekalipun pencapaian kedua organisasi ini patut diapresiasi sebagai pelopor dalam merumuskan Islam moderat di Indonesia yang visible secara rinci, mereka perlu membangun argumen yang lebih mapan untuk visi moderat “dari dalam.

    Whither Indonesia's Islamic Moderatism? a Reexamination on the Moderate Vision of Muhammadiyah and Nu

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    This paper seeks to analyze the moderate ideology of Muhammadiyah dan NU, popularly known as the champion of Indonesia's moderate Islam. Questions to be investigated are: to what extent that NU and Muham­ma­diyah theologically represent moderatism? Is there any such thing as “moderate Islam” in Indonesia? How can a blue-print of moderate Islam be formulated in the context of Indonesian Islam? The underpinning theoretical assump­tion upon which this paper is based is that the theological formulation of Islamic moderatism developed by NU and Muhammadiyah can no longer accommodate the latest challeng­es and demands of the era. In the context of Indo­nesian Islam, therefore, a representative formula­tion of how moderate Islam can be constructed is badly needed. What NU and Muhammadiyah have demonstrated so far in the landscape of Indonesian Islam, nevertheless, can serve as a stepping stone towards building a more liable formula­tion of an Indonesian Islam in the future

    Konstruk Teologis Islamisme Radikal Di Indonesia Pasca-orde Baru

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    Theological Construct of Islamic Radicalism in Post New Order Indonesia. This article seeks to investigate the theological foundation of radical Islamism in post-New Order Indonesia. It basically argues that an attempt at delineating the nomenclature of Islamism from its pejorative connotation becomes imperative in order not to lump such words as pure salafis with salafi jihadist. In addition, the venture of all types of radical Islamism begins with the creed that the establishment of Islamic realm on earth based on the Qur'an and Hadith is a holy duty and regarded as compulsory upon every adult Muslim male. As such, the article analyses 1) the account of belief system of radical Islamism, 2) the transformation process of violence into a sacred creed, and 3) the centrality of such doctrines as jihad and istisyhâd (martyrdom)


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    English in general taught in midwifery field has become a problems for midwifery students in developing their English in future career. In the fact, students must meet their needs in their proffessional career. ESP appears as a solution to solve the problem. Researching ESP, the developer attempts to develop instructional materials for midwifery students to troubleshoot the problem for undergraduate students in Midwifery Academy. This research study adopted research and development (R&D) principle. The instruments used in this phase were questionnaire and interview. The result of needs analysis used to develop syllabus and wrote manuscript. Expert validation was conducted to know the quality of the product. Revision and suggestion from experts became important notes in revising the instructional materials. Trying out was done to ensure that the instructional materials covered students need in midwifery field. Revision and suggestion from students were noted to revise the instructional textbook. The developer rechecked the product until the developer believed that the product was appropiate to apply in midwifery academy. Last, as a recommendation for further developer who are interested in developing instructional materials for midwifery to use various strategy and media to make the students more attracted in learning English. Other skills such as speaking and writing skills were needed to be developed in further research and development


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    Pesatnya perkembangan dalam bidang industri mempengaruhi para peneliti untuk melakukan berbagai macam inovasi. Salah satu penemuan yang menarik dalam bidang pelumasan hydrodynamic adalah desain tekstur pada bantalan thrust. Akan tetapi dengan adanya tekstur pada permukaan bantalan thrust terkadang justru dapat mengakibatkan efek negatif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini membahas pengaruh inersia dan rekayasa permukaan slip dalam rangka meningatkan performa bantalan thrustt. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan computational fluid dynamic (CFD). Berdasarkan penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa slip dapat mengurangi efek kavitasi dengan mereduksi area kavitasi. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa slip mempunyai dampak yang positif terhadap peningkatan performa bantalan thrust salah satunya yaitu dengan meningkatkan load carrying capacity. Sedangkan inersia dikombinasikan dengan slip dapat meningkatkan load carrying capacity akan tetapi panjang daerah kavitasi juga semakin besar

    Pemanfaatan Ikan Cakalang menjadi Abon di Rua Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara

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    This community service aims to provide knowledge to the community about various fish management and good packaging methods to make it more modern, durable, and hygienic. The establishment of a Cakalang fish processing product center to become Shredded, increases the ability of business management in the community. While the methods used are counseling, practice, and discussion. The result of this program is the increasing ability of the community in managing fish into various processed, nutritious and high economic values, as well as evaluation efforts such as taste quality, marketing strategies, halal certification, and product permits. This program is a medium for sharing and changing the perspective of the community to jointly increase community empowerment to be prosperous and have a better income

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Aerated Drillingpadasumurdindra Lapanganpanas Bumi Bpa-08pt.pertamina Upstream Technologycenter

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    Pada pemboran sumur panas bumi,tujuan utama yang paling penting adalah mencapai zonareservoir dengan aman, cepat dan ekonomis. Pemakaian dari lumpur pemboran yang dimodifikasidengan metode Aerated Drilling akan sangat membantu dalam suatu operasi pemboran karenaAerated Drilling dapat membantu untuk mencegah masalah–masalah yang akan terjadi padaproses pemboran berlangsung yaitu seperti, pipa terjepit, hilang sirkulasi, dan kerusakan formasi.Pemakaian Aerated Drilling pada sumur DINDRA dilakukan pada trayek17 ½” dan trayek12¼”karena pada kedua trayek tersebut terjadi partialloss circulation dan total loss circulation