15 research outputs found


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    Mengembangkan silabus Bahasa Inggris untuk pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di sebuah Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam dianggap perlu berdasarkan fakta bahwa silabus Bahasa Inggris yang saat ini digunakan tidak berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan tetapi lebih kepada pertimbangan dosen. Dalam merespon persoalan tersebut, penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menyelidiki kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris mahasiswa sebagai landasan untuk merancang sebuah silabus berbasis ESP. Kombinasi pendekatan-pendekatan sistematis untuk desain matapelajaran dari Hutchinson dan Waters (1987), Brown (1995), dan Nation dan Macalister (2010) diadaptasi dalam penelitian ini sebagai pedoman untuk tahapan-tahapan dalam desain matapelajaran bahasa. Tahap pertama yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis sarana dan analisis kebutuhan dengan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis para mahasiswa, dosen, target, situasi pembelajaran, dan strategi. Dalam tahapan ini, kuesioner didistribusikan kepada 93 mahasiswa dan empat dosen Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, wawancara dilakukan terhadap para dosen Bahasa Inggris, ketua perguruan tinggi dan ketua jurusan program studi, dan silabus Bahasa Inggris yang ada ditinjau. Hasil dari tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa para mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi ini ingin meningkatkan keempat keterampilan Bahasa Inggris (berbicara, membaca, menulis, dan mendengarkan), berikut dengan keterampilan turunannya yang berhubungan dengan topik-topik keislaman dan kehidupan sehari-hari, dan mereka juga ingin mengalami berbagai macam strategi pembelajaran dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Tahapan selanjutnya dari penelitian ini adalah perumusan tujuan berdasarkan hasil dari analisis kebutuhan. Kemudian, tahapan terakhir adalah pembuatan silabus Bahasa Inggris, yang dilandasi dari hasil analisis kebutuhan. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, disarankan bahwa program studi ini dan para dosen Bahasa Inggris menerapkan dan mengevaluasi silabus Bahasa Inggris yang ditawarkan. Kata kunci: ESP, analisis kebutuhan, desain matapelajaran bahasa, silabus berbasis ESP Developing an English syllabus for the teaching of English in an Islamic Studies Education Program is considered necessary due to the fact that the existing English syllabus being used is not based on the needs analysis but rather on the lecturers’ judgment. In response to the problem, the study was conducted to investigate the students’ needs of English as the bases for designing an ESP-based syllabus. A combination from the systematic approaches to course design from Hutchinson and Waters (1987), Brown (1995), and Nation and Macalister (2010) was adapted in this study as a guideline for the stages in language course design. The first stage undertaken in this study was the environment analysis and needs analysis by identifying and analysing the students, the lecturers, target situation, present situation, learning situation, and strategies. In this stage, questionnaires were distributed to 93 students and four English lecturers of the college. Besides, interviews were undertaken to the English lecturers, the rector of the college and the chairman of the study program, and the existing English syllabus was surveyed. The results from the first stage revealed that the students of the college wanted to improve their four English skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening), with their English sub-skills related to Islamic and daily life topics, and they also wanted to experience various learning strategies in learning English. The next stage of this study was the formulation of goals based on the results of the needs analysis. Then, the final stage was the creation of a proposed English syllabus, the bases of which were the results of the needs analysis. Based on this study, it is advisable for the study program and the English lecturers to apply and evaluate the proposed English syllabus. Key words: ESP, needs analysis, language course design, ESP-based syllabu

    Exploring Students-Teacher Interaction in Dialogic Reading of Descriptive Texts

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    The interaction between students and teachers in the classroom is an important part of language learning. Dialogic reading is one of the learning strategies that can be appropriate to facilitate EFL students’ and teacher’s interaction in the classroom. The dialogic reading emphasizes the interaction between adults and children in this case students and teacher, the teacher used a variety of question techniques such as ‘PEER’ and ‘CROWD’ strategy of dialogic reading. Therefore, this research aims to explore the students and teacher interaction on dialogic reading in learning reading English text. The researcher chooses micro-ethnography method to get a clear description of the interaction between the teacher and students in an EFL setting. It applied in Junior High School in Purwakarta, with three students as a participants. The result of this research showed that the teacher interacted with students’ by kind of interaction, and the students interacted with the teacher by kind of interaction too, and also the students a quiet active when they were asked by the teacher. In the classroom between teacher and students should have the willingness to participate in the interaction

    Classroom Interaction Analysis of Jigsaw Reading Technique in an English Class

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    This interaction analyis study aims to find out how the interaction between teacher  and students and interaction among students in the jigsaw reading technique. The research was conducted qualitatively using interaction analysis involving an English teacher and 32 junior high school students. Data collection was carried out by observing with video recordings. This study was analyzed based on the category of Foreign Language Interaction (FLINT) System developed by Moscowitz (1971). The results show that the interaction patterns occured between teacher and students in the reading jigsaw technique, are giving direction, praising or encouraging, using ideas of students, asking questions, and giving information. Meanwhile, the interaction between fellow students is applied in inter-group discussions and presentations in front of the class. Thus, this research is expected to be a reference for teachers to consider the types of teacher talk that will be applied in jigsaw reading activities to increase the activity and interest of their students during class interaction


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    The aims of this research was to explore speaking learning strategies used by proficient students of twelve class at a state senior high school in Jakarta in 2022/2023 academic year. This research provide one research question: what is speaking learning strategies used by proficient students of twelve class at a state senior high school in Jakarta? The study was conducted by using quantitative research as the research design. The participants of this study were 72 top grade students of science and social class of a state senior high school in Jakarta. The instruments used in this study were speaking learning strategy questionaire that indicate speaking learning strategies proposed by Oxford (1990). The findings of this study found that proficient students of twelve class at a state senior high school used speaking learning strategies had 2,8 medium usage level of speaking learning strategies with the frequent speking learning strategies was metacognitive strategies in 3,2 medium usage level, second was affective strategies in 3,1 medium usage level, and the third was compensation strategis which had 2,9 medium usage level. So it could be conclude that metacognitive strategies was the dominant speaking learning stategies used by top grade of twelve class at a state senior high school. Keywords:  Proficients Students of Twelve Class; Speaking; Speaking Learning StrategiesÂ

    Implementing a Literary Text Extensive Reading Program through Learning Logs

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    This article reports the findings of action research on the implementation of extensive reading to literary text (henceforth ER) with learning logs (henceforth LL). The research question was: In what ways do the students engage in comprehending literary texts through ER with learning logs? And what are students’ reactions to these activities? The research was conducted in the English Language Education Study Program English Education Department of a state university in Indonesia in which twenty six students voluntarily participated in this study. The data of the research were collected from students’ reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. The empirical findings show that the students engaged actively and autonomously in the literary text identifying, word defining, class presentation, vocabulary enforcement and reflection through literary text extensive reading (ER) program with learning logs (LL). The findings also reveal that through the use of scaffolding by teachers and peer support, the students were engaged in the discovery of English literature vocabulary by documenting unfamiliar or interesting words from their English literature reading texts. The students also enjoyed exploring the different meanings of vocabulary using electronic dictionaries and corpus software. Furthermore, the findings show that they had enhanced awareness of word classes, word orders, and word meanings. The research suggests that the use of learning logs has managed to engage the students in reading literary texts as meaning making and learning autonomy that expand their reading ability and lexico-grammatical repertoires

    Engaging students in writing recount text through Google Maps

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    Writing is undoubtedly an essential productive skill for every student in the modern era. Thus, this study investigates how students utilize the popular application of Google Maps in writing recount text and finds out their responses toward the learning activity. This research used descriptive qualitative research since it was conducted during the learning process of English subject at one high school in Karawang, Indonesia. Data sources were obtained through data triangulation consisting of observation, interviews, and documentation. This research included three phases related to checking knowledge, introducing and utilizing Google Maps in writing experiences, and finally giving assignments to students regarding their trip experience in a particular location. Based on the results of the observation, the process of teaching and learning using online Google Maps application in ELT context can enhance students’ writing as well as promote their engagement. Data from interviews shows positive responses from students in learning English through the implementation of the Google Maps application to develop their writing skills. As for the documentation, learning outcome of writing recount text stated in the lesson plan was successfully achieved through the carefully planned activities using Google Maps, and this could be seen from the students’ works. Research also reveals students are more motivated in an interactive and more fun learning process due to realistic and appealing object visualization, and not to mention its mobile practicality feature

    Exploring EFL Students’ Reading Engagement in KWL Strategy

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    This research attempted to explore how the KWL strategy facilitates EFL students' reading engagement. The participants of this research were three students of an Islamic Senior High School. Using a case study design, the researcher describes EFL students' reading engagement by observing and engaging them in in-depth interviews. For gaining the data, the researchers used semi-structured interviews and the students' artefacts of the KWL tables. The interview session was conducted through WhatsApp audio-recording as a preferred interview media by the participants. The result of the research found that the KWL strategy gives positive engagement and self-assessment to EFL students with several stages. Other researchers are suggested to conduct further research on similar topics related to reading engagement in EFL students. Several research possibilities will expand this research. First, future researchers can complete this study by looking at the students' needs in the classroom. The results of this study revealed that students have difficulty with vocabulary


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    The process of assessment involves gathering and debating data from numerous and varied sources; it is completed when assessment outcomes are applied to improve subsequent learning. The purpose of the study to explore student’s perception of the use Quizizz as formative assessment tool in learning grammar based on researcher view and experience, this research also worth observing insights into beliefs and principles of the researcher in designing formative assessment and the ways of designed and applied in Quizizz for learning English Grammar. This research use a self-reflective inquiry research methods. The research subjects were 5 students of eleventh grade. Data was collected through observation, interview and documentation. The results revealed thatpositive perspectives toward the use of Quizizz as an assessment tool by the teacher for English teaching and learning. It can be seen from the students responses, from the five theme of perception, the theme are absorption of stimulus from external individual, understanding and assessment or evaluation, all of the indicators was get very positive perception of using Quizizz as formative assessment


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    Pengabdian ini berupa pelatihan desain instruksional berbasis Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) dan Teknologi bagi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Karawang. Pelatihan desain instruksional berbasis TBLT dan Teknologi ini bertujuan membekali guru dalam merancang pembelajaran yang berbasis pada kegiatan yang bemakna melalui TBLT dengan terintegrasi dengan penggunaan media teknologi. Guru-guru bahasa Inggris diberi bekal berbentuk dua kali Webinar yang mengangkat tema pentingnya Task-based Language teaching dan satu kali pertemuan luring dalam mempraktikan apa yang sudah dipelajari dan didiskusikan dalam pelatihan. Hasil dari pelatihan ini membantu guru dalam mendesain pembelajaran berbasis TBL


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    Although many previous studies have examined student or multimodal engagement through digital storytelling. there is still a lack of studies on student engagement in multimodal literacy through digital storytelling. To fill this gap, this case study investigates the involvement of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students in multimodal literacy through digital storytelling (DST). Taking data from interviews with three junior high school students, it was found that students participated and interacted with other people and the teacher during the activities. In addition, students get motivation in learning English through digital storytelling. Finally, students showed their enjoyment and interest in making digital storytelling activities. Keywords:  Student Engagement; Multimodal literacy; Digital Storytellin