39 research outputs found
Relating descriptors of the Finnish school scale to the CEF overall scales for communicative activities
Peer reviewe
Multiple aspects of validity theory in the service of an oral proficiency assessment project
Peer reviewe
Validiusargumentin rakentuminen suullisen kielitaidon arviointiprojektissa
Helsingin yliopisto,; Tutkimuksia / Helsingin soveltavan kasvatustieteen laitos; 978-952-10-4970-5; Arto Kallioniemi (toim.); Tutkimuksia / Helsingin soveltavan kasvatustieteen laitos;Artikkelissa kuvataan aluksi kielitaidon arvioinnin validiustutkimuksen keskeisiä suuntauksia, joilla kehystetään käynnissä olevan suullisen kielitaidon arviointihankkeen tutkimustehtävä. Tutkimustehtävä kohdentuu kansallisiin opetussuunnitelmaperusteisiin sisältyvän taitotasoasteikon validiuteen, jota tarkastellaan validiusargumentin rakentumisen näkökulmasta. Väitettä asteikon ja sen pohjalta laadittujen puhetehtävien pätevyydestä suullisen taidon mittareina koetellaan Toulminin mallin avulla asettamalla tätä johtopäätöstä tukevat empiiriset lähtötiedot ja niitä tukevat perusteet vastakkain väitettä horjuttavan näytön kanssa. Perusteet ja varaukset koskevat väitetyn johtopäätöksen relevanssia, hyödyllisyyttä, tarkoitettuja seurauksia ja riittävyyttä. Hankkeen tutkijoiden spesifit tutkimusongelmat kohdentuvat johonkin mainituista piirteistä. Validiusargumenttia sovelletaan suullisen kielitaidon arviointihankkeen, Hy-Talkin, kontekstissa. Ongelmanasettelussa ja menetelmävalinnoissa hyödynnetään validiustutkimuksen perinteisempiä sisältö- ja kriteeriperustaisia lähestymistapoja, mutta tehdään myös uusia avauksia tiedon syventämiseksi niistä tulkinnoista ja näkemyksistä, joita suullisten tehtävien suorittajilla ja arvioijilla ilmenee.Peer reviewe
Kielitaidon arvioinnin metodologisia vaihtoehtoja
Non peer reviewe
Language Education – towards transversal intercultural language proficiency
This article focuses on describing the issues considered to form the basis for the current quality of foreign language teaching in basic education in Finland. This basis has its cornerstones in research-based teacher education and active networking between the different stakeholders in the field. We introduce the main aims and core contents of language education as well as the latest trends in pedagogical approaches, methods and role of assessment. We present descriptions of projects and networks set up to support the application of both the latest results of research on language education and the implementation of the national core curriculum at the local school level. The article concludes with a discussion of the challenges for future quality work in the field of language education in Finnish comprehensive schools. It is not enough only to maintain the current quality level but there needs to be an upgrading of quality. Keywords: Language education, language proficiency, foreign language teaching and learning, language teacher, basic education, curriculum reformPeer reviewe
The dawn of assessment literacy – exploring the conceptions of Finnish student teachers in foreign languages
The paper addresses Finnish student teachers’ conceptions of assessment literacy in foreign languages. Student teachers’ assessment literacy (STAL) is a focal constituent of teacher cognition and can, according to prior research, be enhanced by principled instruction (DeLuca & Klinger, 2010; Volante & Fazio, 2007). STAL is suggested to imply knowledge, practice and ethical considerations. The nature and priorities of STAL are guided by local needs. Hence, topical issues in the Finnish language education were taken into account alongside general assessment theory. The research questions targeted firstly the emergent factorial structure of STAL, and secondly, the validity of a predetermined theory-driven model in alignment with official national priorities. The data were gathered on a web-based survey to 77 students prior to the lectures, and to 65 students after the lectures. The survey consisted of 75 statements about attitudes and practices related to various domains of assessment. Mainstream inferential statistics was used to compare the pre- and post-dataset. The componential structure of STAL attitudes remained more stable than the construct of practices across the study unit. The major dimension of both measurements was Acquired confidence in assessment of multiple aspects of language ability in the classroom. The envisaged or real practices underwent a substantial transformation towards a more learner-centered architecture highlighting flexibility and communication. Of the predetermined domains, working skills and professional self-esteem seemed to be most sensitive to a short-term pedagogical intervention. The tentative results pave the way for progressive development in raising the impact of teacher education for improved assessment literacy skills.Peer reviewe