94 research outputs found

    Regulatory modules mediating the complex neural expression patterns of the homeobrain gene during Drosophila brain development

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    Background: The homeobox gene homeobrain (hbn) is located in the 57B region together with two other homeobox genes, Drosophila Retinal homeobox (DRx) and orthopedia (otp). All three genes encode transcription factors with important functions in brain development. Hbn mutants are embryonic lethal and characterized by a reduction in the anterior protocerebrum, including the mushroom bodies, and a loss of the supraoesophageal brain commissure. Results: In this study we conducted a detailed expression analysis of Hbn in later developmental stages. In the larval brain, Hbn is expressed in all type II lineages and the optic lobes, including the medulla and lobula plug. The gene is expressed in the cortex of the medulla and the lobula rim in the adult brain. We generated a new hbnKOGal4 enhancer trap strain by reintegrating Gal4 in the hbn locus through gene targeting, which refects the complete hbn expression during development. Eight diferent enhancer-Gal4 strains covering 12 kb upstream of hbn, the two large introns and 5 kb downstream of the gene, were established and hbn expression was investigated. We characterized several enhancers that drive expression in specifc areas of the brain throughout development, from embryo to the adulthood. Finally, we generated deletions of four of these enhancer regions through gene targeting and analysed their efects on the expression and function of hbn. Conclusion: The complex expression of Hbn in the developing brain is regulated by several specifc enhancers within the hbn locus. Each enhancer fragment drives hbn expression in several specifc cell lineages, and with largely overlapping patterns, suggesting the presence of shadow enhancers and enhancer redundancy. Specifc enhancer deletion strains generated by gene targeting display developmental defects in the brain. This analysis opens an avenue for a deeper analysis of hbn regulatory elements in the future

    Verb-, Objekt- und Kontextinformation bei der Rezeption von Handlungsanweisungen

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    Weiß P, Hildebrandt B, Eikmeyer H-J, Rickheit G. Verb-, Objekt- und Kontextinformation bei der Rezeption von Handlungsanweisungen. In: Wachsmuth I, Jung B, eds. KogWis99 : Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. St. Augustin: Infix-Verl.; 1999: 238-243.Für die Rezeption von Handlungsanweisungen sind Verben von besonderer Bedeutung. Im SFB 360 spielen vor allem Handlungsverben für Konstruktionsaufgaben eine Rolle. Um eine Instruktion angemessen zu verstehen, muss neben der Verbsemantik auch der situative Objektkontext beachtet werden. Es werden zwei Experimente vorgestellt, in denen (i) der Beitrag der sprachlich-semantischen Faktoren Verbspezifität und Spezifität der Benennung eines Zielobjektes in Interaktion mit den visuellen Kontextfaktoren referentielle Eindeutigkeit bzw. Ambiguität der Farbe und Funktion des Zielobjektes sowie (ii) die Position der Verben in den Anweisungen in Interaktion mit diesen Kontextfaktoren untersucht wurden. Es zeigt sich, dass die Rezeption von Anweisungen zur Manipulation von Objekten sowohl durch die sprachlich gegebene als auch durch die visuell verfügbare Information determiniert wird. Es wird dabei jeweils die Information zur Referenzauflösung herangezogen, die dafür besonders gut geeignet ist, und zwar unabhängig davon, aus welchem Sinneskanal sie stammt

    Interaction of Staphylococcus aureus and Host Cells upon Infection of Bronchial Epithelium during Different Stages of Regeneration

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    The primary barrier that protects our lungs against infection by pathogens is a tightly sealed layer of epithelial cells. When the integrity of this barrier is disrupted as a consequence of chronic pulmonary diseases or viral insults, bacterial pathogens will gain access to underlying tissues. A major pathogen that can take advantage of such conditions is Staphylococcus aureus, thereby causing severe pneumonia. In this study, we investigated how S. aureus responds to different conditions of the human epithelium, especially nonpolarization and fibrogenesis during regeneration using an in vitro infection model. The infective process was monitored by quantification of the epithelial cell and bacterial populations, fluorescence microscopy, and mass spectrometry. The results uncover differences in bacterial internalization and population dynamics that correlate with the outcome of infection. Protein profiling reveals that, irrespective of the polarization state of the epithelial cells, the invading bacteria mount similar responses to adapt to the intracellular milieu. Remarkably, a bacterial adaptation that was associated with the regeneration state of the epithelial cells concerned the early upregulation of proteins controlled by the redox-responsive regulator Rex when bacteria were confronted with a polarized cell layer. This is indicative of the modulation of the bacterial cytoplasmic redox state to maintain homeostasis early during infection even before internalization. Our present observations provide a deeper insight into how S. aureus can take advantage of a breached epithelial barrier and show that infected epithelial cells have limited ability to respond adequately to staphylococcal insults

    Analyses of competent and non-competent subpopulations of Bacillus subtilis reveal yhfW, yhxC and ncRNAs as novel players in competence

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    Upon competence-inducing nutrient-limited conditions, only part of the Bacillus subtilis population becomes competent. Here, we separated the two subpopulations by fluorescence-assisted cell sorting (FACS). Using RNA-seq, we confirmed the previously described ComK regulon. We also found for the first time significantly downregulated genes in the competent subpopulation. The downregulated genes are not under direct control by ComK but have higher levels of corresponding antisense RNAs in the competent subpopulation. During competence, cell division and replication are halted. By investigating the proteome during competence, we found higher levels of the regulators of cell division, MinD and Noc. The exonucleases SbcC and SbcD were also primarily regulated at the post-transcriptional level. In the competent subpopulation, yhfW was newly identified as being highly upregulated. Its absence reduces the expression of comG, and has a modest, but statistically significant effect on the expression of comK. Although expression of yhfW is higher in the competent subpopulation, no ComK-binding site is present in its promoter region. Mutants of yhfW have a small but significant defect in transformation. Metabolomic analyses revealed significant reductions in tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle metabolites and several amino acids in a ΔyhfW mutant. RNA-seq analysis of ΔyhfW revealed higher expression of the NAD synthesis genes nadA, nadB and nadC

    Bacterial symbiont subpopulations have different roles in a deep-sea symbiosis

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Hinzke, T., Kleiner, M., Meister, M., Schlueter, R., Hentschker, C., Pane-Farre, J., Hildebrandt, P., Felbeck, H., Sievert, S. M., Bonn, F., Voelker, U., Becher, D., Schweder, T., & Markert, S. Bacterial symbiont subpopulations have different roles in a deep-sea symbiosis. Elife, 10, (2021): e58371, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.58371.The hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila hosts a single 16S rRNA phylotype of intracellular sulfur-oxidizing symbionts, which vary considerably in cell morphology and exhibit a remarkable degree of physiological diversity and redundancy, even in the same host. To elucidate whether multiple metabolic routes are employed in the same cells or rather in distinct symbiont subpopulations, we enriched symbionts according to cell size by density gradient centrifugation. Metaproteomic analysis, microscopy, and flow cytometry strongly suggest that Riftia symbiont cells of different sizes represent metabolically dissimilar stages of a physiological differentiation process: While small symbionts actively divide and may establish cellular symbiont-host interaction, large symbionts apparently do not divide, but still replicate DNA, leading to DNA endoreduplication. Moreover, in large symbionts, carbon fixation and biomass production seem to be metabolic priorities. We propose that this division of labor between smaller and larger symbionts benefits the productivity of the symbiosis as a whole.This work was supported by the German Research Foundation DFG (grant MA 6346/2–1 to SM), fellowships of the Institute of Marine Biotechnology Greifswald (TH, MM), a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) grant (TH), the NC State Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program Cluster on Microbiomes and Complex Microbial Communities (MK), the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch project 1014212 (MK), the U.S. National Science Foundation (grants OCE-1131095 and OCE-1559198 to SMS), and The WHOI Investment in Science Fund (to SMS). We furthermore acknowledge support for article processing charges from the DFG (Grant 393148499) and the Open Access Publication Fund of the University of Greifswald

    Prolonged performance-related neuroendocrine activation and perseverative cognition in low- and high-anxious university music students.

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    Music performances are social-evaluative situations that can elicit marked short-term neuroendocrine activation and anxious thoughts especially in musicians suffering from music performance anxiety (MPA). The temporal patterns of neuroendocrine activity and concert-related worry and rumination (perseverative cognition, PC) days before and after a concert in low- and high-anxious musicians are unknown. The first goal of the present study was to investigate the prolonged effects of a solo music performance and the effects of trait MPA on salivary cortisol (sC), alpha-amylase (sAA), and concert-related PC. The second goal was to investigate whether concert-related PC is associated with neuroendocrine activity and mediates the effects of measurement day and trait MPA on neuroendocrine responses. Seventy-two university music students collected saliva samples and reported their PC for seven consecutive days. On the fifth day, they performed solo. Measurement day and trait MPA were tested as main predictors of the diurnal area under the curve with respect to ground (sC AUCg, sAA AUCg), awakening responses, and PC. SC AUCg, sAA AUCg, and concert-related PC were highest on concert day. SC AUCg decreased only partially on post-concert days. SAA AUCg remained elevated on the first post-concert day among students with moderate to very high trait MPA. Throughout the assessment period, trait MPA was associated with smaller sC AUCg and higher concert-related PC. Concert-related PC showed significant positive associations with sC AUCg and sAA AUCg but did not mediate the effects of measurement day and trait MPA on these measures. These findings suggest that solo music performances have prolonged neuroendocrine effects and that trait MPA is an important factor having specific effects on university music students' hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, autonomic nervous system, and cognitive activity

    Use and subjective experience of the impact of motor-assisted movement exercisers in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a multicenter observational study

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    Motor-assisted movement exercisers (MME) are devices that assist with physical therapy in domestic settings for people living with ALS. This observational cross-sectional study assesses the subjective experience of the therapy and analyzes users' likelihood of recommending treatment with MME. The study was implemented in ten ALS centers between February 2019 and October 2020, and was coordinated by the research platform Ambulanzpartner. Participants assessed symptom severity, documented frequency of MME use and rated the subjective benefits of therapy on a numerical scale (NRS, 0 to 10 points, with 10 being the highest). The Net Promotor Score (NPS) determined the likelihood of a participant recommending MME. Data for 144 participants were analyzed. Weekly MME use ranged from 1 to 4 times for 41% of participants, 5 to 7 times for 42%, and over 7 times for 17%. Particularly positive results were recorded in the following domains: amplification of a sense of achievement (67%), diminution of the feeling of having rigid limbs (63%), diminution of the feeling of being immobile (61%), improvement of general wellbeing (55%) and reduction of muscle stiffness (52%). Participants with more pronounced self-reported muscle weakness were more likely to note a beneficial effect on the preservation and improvement of muscle strength during MME treatment (p < 0.05). Overall, the NPS for MME was high (+ 61). High-frequency MME-assisted treatment (defined as a minimum of five sessions a week) was administered in the majority of participants (59%) in addition to physical therapy. Most patients reported having achieved their individual therapeutic objectives, as evidenced by a high level of satisfaction with MME therapy. The results bolster the justification for extended MME treatment as part of a holistic approach to ALS care

    A global Staphylococcus aureus proteome resource applied to the in vivo characterization of host-pathogen interactions.

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    Data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry promises higher performance in terms of quantification and reproducibility compared to data-dependent acquisition mass spectrometry methods. To enable high-accuracy quantification of Staphylococcus aureus proteins, we have developed a global ion library for data-independent acquisition approaches employing high-resolution time of flight or Orbitrap instruments for this human pathogen. We applied this ion library resource to investigate the time-resolved adaptation of S. aureus to the intracellular niche in human bronchial epithelial cells and in a murine pneumonia model. In epithelial cells, abundance changes for more than 400 S. aureus proteins were quantified, revealing, e.g., the precise temporal regulation of the SigB-dependent stress response and differential regulation of translation, fermentation, and amino acid biosynthesis. Using an in vivo murine pneumonia model, our data-independent acquisition quantification analysis revealed for the first time the in vivo proteome adaptation of S. aureus. From approximately 2.15 × 1

    Prevalence of complaints of arm, neck and shoulder among computer office workers and psychometric evaluation of a risk factor questionnaire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complaints of Arm Neck and Shoulder (CANS) represent a wide range of complaints, which can differ in severity from mild, periodic symptoms to severe, chronic and debilitating conditions. They are thought to be associated with both physical and psychosocial risk factors. The measurement and identification of the various risk factors for these complaints is an important step towards recognizing (a) high risk subgroups that are relevant in profiling CANS; and (b) also for developing targeted and effective intervention plans for treatment. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of CANS in a Dutch population of computer workers and to develop a questionnaire aimed at measuring workplace physical and psychosocial risk factors for the presence of these complaints.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To examine potential workplace risk factors for the presence of CANS, the Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ), a structured questionnaire, was developed and tested among 264 computer office workers of a branch office of the national social security institution in the Netherlands. The MUEQ holds 95 items covering demographic characteristics, in addition to seven main domains assessing potential risk factors with regard to (1) work station, (2) posture during work, (3) quality of break time, (4) job demands, (5) job control, and (6) social support. The MUEQ further contained some additional questions about the quality of the work environment and the presence of complaints in the neck, shoulder, upper and lower arm, elbow, hand and wrist. The prevalence rates of CANS in the past year were computed. Further, we investigated the psychometric properties of the MUEQ (i.e. factor structure and reliability).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The one-year prevalence rate of CANS indicated that 54% of the respondents reported at least one complaint in the arm, neck and/or shoulder. The highest prevalence rates were found for neck and shoulder symptoms (33% and 31% respectively), followed by hand and upper arm complaints (11% to 12%) and elbow, lower arm and wrist complaints (6% to 7%). The psychometric properties of the MUEQ were assessed using exploratory factor analysis which resulted in the identification of 12 factors. The calculation of internal consistency and cross validation provided evidence of reliability and lack of redundancy of items.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Neck and shoulder complaints are more frequently reported among Dutch computer workers than arm, elbow and hand complaints. The results further indicate that the MUEQ has satisfactory reliability and internal consistency when used to document CANS among computer workers in the Netherlands.</p