125 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to find out English skills that the student needs in Pharmacy classes at Bengkulu University and design the appropriate English syllabus for the students according to their needs. This research method applied research and development (R&D). The population of this research consisted of 350 Pharmacy students, 1 Pharmacy lecturer, 1 English lecturer and 2 Pharmacists. Random sampling was used to select a sample of 50 pharmacy students and the total sampling technique was to take 2 lecturers and 2 pharmacists. The data were collected from a questionnaire adapted from Jatmiko, S.B. (2016) and an interview. The researcher analyzed the data by counting the percentage. The results of this research showed that listening skills gained 23%, speaking skills gained 28%, reading skills gained 25% and writing skills gained 24%. From this data it can be seen that the highest percentage is in speaking, but the percentage among other skills is not much different. Therefore, it can be concluded that according to the results of data analysis, the syllabus is designed based on an integrated approach that has been validated and discussed with several experts. Based on the results of the data analysis, a syllabus was designed based on an integrated approach which has been validated and discussed with several experts. It is suggested that further researchers can develop English for pharmacy materials based on the integrated English syllabus from this stud


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    PLTatau Praktik Lapangan Terbimbingmerupakan kegiatanyang bertujuan untuk mengasah kemampuan mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa tentang kompetensi apa saja yang harus dimiliki sebagai calon guru. Tujuan dari penyelenggaraan PLT yaitu untuk memberikan pengalaman praktik yang nyatabagi mahasiswa di lapangan agar membentuk sikap mandiri, profesional dan tanggung jawab. Selain itu, PLT juga bertujuan untuk membantu sekolah dalam menangani/mendampingi anak berkebutuhan khusus. Kegiatan PLT memberikan pengalaman bagi mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran dan manajerial disekolah dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi untuk mempelajari, mengenal, dan mengamati permasalahan – permasalahan yang ada disekolah. Dalam pelaksanaannya, di satu sekolah maupun instansi akan diisi dengan formasi dari berbagai macam program studi yang tergabung dalam rumpun program studi kependidikan, oleh karena itu di lokasi yang dijadikan tempat penyelenggaran PLT terdapat 2 program studi yang melaksanakan kegiatan PLT kali ini, yaitu program studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa dan Teknologi Pendidikan. Kegiatan PLT dibagi menjadi empat tahap kegiatan, yaitu pembekalan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, penyusunan laporan, dan evaluasi. Pelaksanaan PLT dimulai dari tanggal 15 September 2017 sampai dengan 15 Nopember 2017 dan berlokasi SD Negeri 1 Trirenggo Bantul. Berbagai program yang berhasil dirumuskan dan dijalankan dalam kegiatan PLT oleh mahasiswa dari program studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa yaitu, Pendampingan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, Penanganan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, dan Sosialisasi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus.Perumusan program tersebut sesuai dengan bidang mahasiswa program Studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa, yaitu fokus terhadap pendampingan dan penanganan anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam lingkup sekolah inklusi dimana hal ini merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi para mahasiswa dikarenakan lingkup yang dihadapi akan menjadi lebih heterogen. Selain program tersebut yang menjadi program utama dalam pelaksanaan PLT, terdapat pula berbagai program yang bersifat non-mengajar, administrasif, dan bersifat inseidental yaitu diantaranya terdapat Persiapan Adiwiyata Tingkat Nasional, Pendampingan Lomba Keagamaan, Kerja Bakti, dan lain sebagainya. Secara keseluruhan, berbagai program tersebut dapat terlaksana dengan baik


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    This research aims to describe moral value in One Piece Anime Movie of Chopper Plus Bloom in The Winter created by Eiichiro Oda. The researchers obtained the data from the movie Video  through watching, screenshot the video and copied the every single of scene in the movie video. Researchers took data only the appropriate the data which contained the moral value. The method used of this research was descriptive analysis method. The result of the research found that moral value was intrinsic moral value and three types of moral values that were the issue of human relationship with themselves, the human relationship with others, and relationship with God. Three types of those moral values shown (1) Chopper couldn’t accepted by others and It was shot by inhabitants (2) Luffy as a captain of the straw hat Pirate crew took responsibility to his crew by taking care of his crew (3) Chopper was considered as disgrace of his family because chopper has got blue nose and he was isolated by others and he found his the first friend dr Hiluluk as a form gratitude.   Keywords: Anime, moral values, one piece &nbsp

    Factors causing speaking anxiety faced by Indonesian students during teaching practices in the Philippines

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    This research aims to know factors causing speaking anxiety faced by Indonesian students doing teaching practice in Philippines and effects of that anxiety. This research applied semi- structure interview to 3 Indonesian students from SEA Teacher batch 8. Based on data, the factors of speaking anxiety were Language Skills, Students’ Background, Being Watched and Negative Evaluation from participants’ perception. Anxiety has affected to students such as avoiding talked with someone, having fear of miss understanding with students, furthermore improving English in speaking and doing demonstration before teaching English in a class are necessary

    Rhetorical Moves in Problem Statement Sections of Postgraduate Theses of English Education Study Program

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    This research is aimed to find out kind of moves, the dominant moves and steps and the most common pattern of rhetorical moves in Postgraduate Theses of English Education Study Program Students at the University of Bengkulu in the academic year 2018 and 2019. The documentation technique and checklist were used in this research. Twenty six theses were analyzed by using checklist analysis from Swales’ CARS Model (1990). The results showed that Move 1 (Establishing a Territory), Move 2 (Establishing a Niche) and Move 3 (Occupying the Niche) were found in each thesis. The writers dominantly use Move 2 and Step 1B (Indicating a Gap) and the other step is Step 1A (Outlining Purposes) of Move 3. That is to say, the writers understood that Move 2 was the key component of Problem Statement (PS), and that makes Move 2 as the obligatory move. Further, the most common pattern is Incomplete Pattern. The PS which has this pattern only involved one move in it. Meanwhile, the other PS which has two moves which belong to Semi-Complete and another one has three moves, and it belongs to Complete Pattern. In conclusion, the Problem Statement by Postgraduate Students of English Education Study Program did not follow the required structure of CARS Model by Swales (1990)

    Reading Questions in "English for Nusantara" Textbook by Using Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

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    This study aims to determine the categories of cognitive process dimension contained in the textbook “English for Nusantara” and to find the proportion of cognitive process dimensions between LOTS and HOTS in the textbook “English for Nusantara” using the Revised Bloom Taxonomy. This research was a descriptive quantitative research. The subject of this research was the textbook "English for Nusantara" for grade 7 junior high school in the 2022/2023 academic years. This study used a checklist instrument to collecting data. The results of this study: 1) There are 3 categories of cognitive process dimensions in the reading questions in the textbook "English for Nusantara" namely remembering, understanding and analyzing. 2) The proportion between LOTS and HOTS was 92.10% of the reading questions in the textbook “English for Nusantara” are LOTS and 7.89% of the questions are HOTS. It means LOTS was more dominant than HOTS in reading questions in the textbook "English for Nusantara". This research found that reading questions in “English for Nusantara” textbook not appropriate with the achievements of junior high school English learning in the Merdeka curriculum. As a suggestion, reading questions in the textbook "English for Nusantara" should be appropriate with learning outcomes. Thus, there needs to be an evaluation to appropriate with the achievements of junior high school English learning in the Merdeka curriculum. Teachers can also modify learning or use other supporting textbooks. Thus, learning will be appropriate with the achievements of junior high school English learning in the Merdeka curriculum

    Students' Pronunciation Errors in English Silent Letters

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    The objective of this research was to find out the types of pronunciation errors are made by the seventh semester  students of English education study program at Bengkulu University in the academic year 2020/2021. This research used a descriptive quantitative method. 94 students as the total population 30 students  were chosen randomly as the samples. The instrument of the research were pronunciation test and interview. The test comprises 52 sentences which contain 13 silent letters i.e. “k, gh, th, g, p, l, t, s, w, n, b, h, d”. Each letter appears 4 times in the test. The results of the research showed that the students made two types of errors namely pre-systematic errors and systematic errors. The pre-systematic errors occurred more frequently than the systematic errors. The highest errors made by the students  were silent letters “g” (e.g. gnaw) and “b” (e.g. doubt) which total numbers of errors of each of them were 93 times (77%). It could be concluded that the students faced high difficulties in pronouncing the silent letters which completely different from Indonesian phonetic system. It was recommended that the English lecturers should pay more attention to students’ pronunciation and find more suitable method or technique of teaching it and students should study harder about the silent letters in English language

    An Analysis of Validity and Reliability of a Teacher-Made Test

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    The aim of this research was to find out the validity and reliability of a teacher-made test in SMAN 6 Bengkulu. This research was a descriptive quantitative research. The subject of this research was an English teacher-made test for eleventh grade students of SMAN 6 Bengkulu. There were 40 items of the test consist of 35 multiple choice items and 5 essay items. There were two research instruments used in this research, observation checklist and documentation. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the  percentage of the validity score was 60% or 0.60. It means that the test was valid but in the intermediate category. The r-obtained for reliability test was 0.62 and it was considered to be reliable but was in the intermediate level of reliability.  From the research finding, it can be concluded that the test was valid and reliable but both were in the intermediate category. It means that the test still need some revision and improvement in order to be a good, valid, and reliable test. Key Words : Validity, Reliability, Teacher-made test

    Imbedding Gender Issues in English Materials for University Students

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    Gender inequality becomes one of the most challenging issues all over the world because it is one of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets and Education for All (EFA) goals to reduce gender inequality in society. Education has a pivotal role in reducing and solving social problems because education through the teaching and learning process and the materials available could shape students’ minds and perspectives. Consequently, selecting good values and vibes in the materials are needed. Most textbooks are concerned with skills and cutting-edge technology issues. One of the illustrations is English textbooks for computer science that focus on how to be a good programmer and game developer but the materials neglect the social values, contexts, and function. The aim of this study is to develop English materials gender-based content for Computer science students as well as to promote gender equality to students. The method of this study is Research and Development (R&D) proposed by Gall, Gall, & Borg. The instruments are classified into two aspects namely questionnaire and interview. It is expected that the materials developed could reduce gender inequality in the academic environment because, through textbooks or materials, teachers are able to change the students’ perspectives and behaviors. The research results show that the students believe that the materials based on gender content can encourage them to learn English and they are enthusiastic to learn the subject

    An Analysis of Reading Strategies Used by The Fourth Semester Students of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah University

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    This research aimed at finding out types of reading strategies and the dominant reading strategies used by the fourth semester students of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah University. The subject of this research was all fourth semester students of English Education Study Program in academic year 2018/2019. This research used descriptive quantitative method in the form of survey. The data were collected by using the questionnaire as the instrument. The result shows that the fourth semester students of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah University used the four reading strategies in reading: cognitive, metacognitive, compensation, and testing strategies. The dominant reading strategy was metacognitive strategy.  Among the four strategies, metacognitive strategies (3.2) were the most frequent strategies used by the fourth semester students. It was followed by testing strategies with average score (3.0), compensation strategies with average score (2.9), and finally cognitive strategies with average score (2.8). The four reading strategies were categorized in moderate level. It can be concluded that the students were using the four reading strategies quite well, and they used metacognitive strategy mostly when they do a reading activity in the classroom, such as thinking about the learning process, planning for learning, monitoring the learning task, and evaluating how well one has learned
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