7 research outputs found

    A Case Study on Participatory Approach to Support Shift to Experience Design of Work Tools in B2B Context

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    To support the shift from technology-driven to experience-driven design in a company developing work tools (materials handling equipment), we developed and applied a participatory approach to increase awareness and buy-in of experience design and related methods at the company. We 1) present user experience (UX) design guidelines developed for both designers and managers based on the participatory process, 2) report evaluation of the guidelines with designers, developers, and selected internal and external stakeholders, and 3) present a participatory approach to create personas and experience journey maps covering the product life-cycle. SWOT analysis of the guidelines revealed that guidelines need to be understandable without expert UX knowledge, managerial support is needed that was aimed to be supported by the guidelines developed for managers, and representative user participation is needed. Participants experienced positively the applied participatory approach, and the mindset change is proceeding in the case company

    Studies on Travel Experience of Intra-city Buses: Supporting Service Design with Travel Experience Toolkit

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    Today, we live in a world where mobility is a part of the everyday life. At the same time, there is a global need for cities to be smart and sustainable. People spend increasing amounts of time traveling, and thus the development of public transportation services is central for advancing these goals. Transportation services include associated digital services – such as navigation and scheduling services, and various infotainment services. In order to make public transportation services desirable for wide audience, all aspects of the services need to be designed with a focus on the passengers’ and their needs and experiences. While there is a considerable amount of research conducted in the public transportation field, there is a lack of qualitative studies that contribute to the understanding of the travel experience of intra-city bus transportation from the User Experience (UX) point of view. This thesis contributes to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI), with a more specific focus on User Experience (UX) and Human-Centered Design (HCD). In addition, the practical aspects of this research contribute to the field of service design. This thesis also provides a theoretical contribution to the travel experience and transportation field, viewing the topic from human-centered design perspective. This research was conducted over the period of three years between 2016-2019, as a part of the research project Living Lab Bus (LLB). LLB collaboration project with industrial partners. The research on user experience perspective of bus passengers resulted in five publications which form the basis of this compound thesis. This dissertation presents a series of qualitative studies conducted with Research for design approach to gain understanding of intra-city bus passengers’ travel experience. These studies involved a total of 68 bus passengers representing different age groups and backgrounds from two city regions in Finland: Tampere and Helsinki. The preliminary interview study involved 10 international students, a total of 24 international students participated in the idea generation workshops, and representatives of three different user groups: high school students, parents of young children, and pensioners took part to in-depth ideation workshops. A total of 20 people of different ages and backgrounds participated in the bus travel experience study. This study utilised the diary method to collect contextual data of bus passengers’ experience over a three-week period. The goal of this research is two-fold: first, to gain insights of bus passengers’ needs and expectations for intra-city bus related services and to create holistic understanding of the intra-city bus travel experience. This forms the theoretical contribution of the thesis. The second aim of the thesis work was to transform these insights into practical and visual format. This part of the research resulted in a set of design tools, enabling the findings of this research to be utilized by different stakeholders when developing and designing services for the public transportation context. This practical contribution is presented in the form of Travel Experience Toolkit (T-rEX), including four design tools that support the service development in different stages of the design process: 1. Bus Travel Experience Model for understanding the context, 2. Context Cards for diversifying ideation, 3. Passenger Journey Map for exploring service touchpoints, and 4. Experience Personas for getting to know the passengers. These tools bring Human-Centered Design knowhow to different stakeholders working in the transportation context, with the aim to enable the design and development of services that fulfill the needs and expectations of bus passengers. As a final study, we conducted a multi-stakeholder evaluation of T-rEX toolkit with four public transportation stakeholders, to gain understanding of how the toolkit serves different stakeholders in their public transportation service development. The theoretical and practical contributions advance the research and design of future digital services for passengers and can help make public transportation more attractive

    Studies on Travel Experience of Intra-city Buses: Supporting Service Design with Travel Experience Toolkit

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    Today, we live in a world where mobility is a part of the everyday life. At the same time, there is a global need for cities to be smart and sustainable. People spend increasing amounts of time traveling, and thus the development of public transportation services is central for advancing these goals. Transportation services include associated digital services – such as navigation and scheduling services, and various infotainment services. In order to make public transportation services desirable for wide audience, all aspects of the services need to be designed with a focus on the passengers’ and their needs and experiences. While there is a considerable amount of research conducted in the public transportation field, there is a lack of qualitative studies that contribute to the understanding of the travel experience of intra-city bus transportation from the User Experience (UX) point of view. This thesis contributes to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI), with a more specific focus on User Experience (UX) and Human-Centered Design (HCD). In addition, the practical aspects of this research contribute to the field of service design. This thesis also provides a theoretical contribution to the travel experience and transportation field, viewing the topic from human-centered design perspective. This research was conducted over the period of three years between 2016-2019, as a part of the research project Living Lab Bus (LLB). LLB collaboration project with industrial partners. The research on user experience perspective of bus passengers resulted in five publications which form the basis of this compound thesis. This dissertation presents a series of qualitative studies conducted with Research for design approach to gain understanding of intra-city bus passengers’ travel experience. These studies involved a total of 68 bus passengers representing different age groups and backgrounds from two city regions in Finland: Tampere and Helsinki. The preliminary interview study involved 10 international students, a total of 24 international students participated in the idea generation workshops, and representatives of three different user groups: high school students, parents of young children, and pensioners took part to in-depth ideation workshops. A total of 20 people of different ages and backgrounds participated in the bus travel experience study. This study utilised the diary method to collect contextual data of bus passengers’ experience over a three-week period. The goal of this research is two-fold: first, to gain insights of bus passengers’ needs and expectations for intra-city bus related services and to create holistic understanding of the intra-city bus travel experience. This forms the theoretical contribution of the thesis. The second aim of the thesis work was to transform these insights into practical and visual format. This part of the research resulted in a set of design tools, enabling the findings of this research to be utilized by different stakeholders when developing and designing services for the public transportation context. This practical contribution is presented in the form of Travel Experience Toolkit (T-rEX), including four design tools that support the service development in different stages of the design process: 1. Bus Travel Experience Model for understanding the context, 2. Context Cards for diversifying ideation, 3. Passenger Journey Map for exploring service touchpoints, and 4. Experience Personas for getting to know the passengers. These tools bring Human-Centered Design knowhow to different stakeholders working in the transportation context, with the aim to enable the design and development of services that fulfill the needs and expectations of bus passengers. As a final study, we conducted a multi-stakeholder evaluation of T-rEX toolkit with four public transportation stakeholders, to gain understanding of how the toolkit serves different stakeholders in their public transportation service development. The theoretical and practical contributions advance the research and design of future digital services for passengers and can help make public transportation more attractive

    A Co-design Study of Digital Service Ideas in the Bus Context

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    Part 5: Co-design Studies; International audience; To enhance the desirability of public transportation, it is important to design for positive travel experience. The context of bus transportation has broad potential for utilization of novel, supplementary digital services beyond travel information. The aim of our research was to study bus passengers needs and expectations for future digital services and to develop initial service concept ideas through co-design. To this end, three Idea generating workshops with 24 participants were arranged. Our findings reveal six service themes that can be used as a basis of designing future digital traveling services: (1) Information at a glance while traveling, (2) Entertainment and entertaining activities, (3) Services that support social interaction, (4) Multiple channels to provide travel information, (5) Extra services for better travel experience, and (6) Services that people already expect to have. The themes are discussed and further elaborated in this paper. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    A co-design study of digital service ideas in the bus context

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    To enhance the desirability of public transportation, it is important to design for positive travel experience. The context of bus transportation has broad potential for utilization of novel, supplementary digital services beyond travel information. The aim of our research was to study bus passengers’ needs and expectations for future digital services and to develop initial service concept ideas through co-design. To this end, three Idea generating workshops with 24 participants were arranged. Our findings reveal six service themes that can be used as a basis of designing future digital traveling services: (1) Information at a glance while traveling, (2) Entertainment and entertaining activities, (3) Services that support social interaction, (4) Multiple channels to provide travel information, (5) Extra services for better travel experience, and (6) Services that people already expect to have. The themes are discussed and further elaborated in this paper.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Kohti luovaa arkea : kulttuurinen vanhustyö asiakaslähtöisyyden edistäjänä : tutkimusraportti

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    Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä luovuuden, osallistavan taidetoiminnan sekä kulttuuria arvostavan näkökulman merkityksestä vanhustyössä. Kulttuurin, taiteen ja luovuuden merkitykset ihmiselle tunnetaan laajasti sekä tutkimustiedon että käytännön kokemusten myötä, mutta tiedon hyödyntäminen vanhustyön arjessa on osoittautunut haastavaksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut tukea tätä kehittämistyötä selvittämällä niitä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat työntekijöiden mahdollisuuksiin hyödyntää työssään luovuutta, taidetoimintaa sekä kulttuurisen vanhustyön näkökulmaa. Tutkimus pyrki selvittämään: - Mitä merkitystä luovuudella, taidetoiminnalla ja kulttuurisen vanhustyön näkökulmalla on työn arjessa? - Mitkä tekijät mahdollistavat kulttuurisen vanhustyön näkökulman ja arjen luovuuden hyödyntämistä vanhustyössä? Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin vuosina 2015 ja 2016 Uudellamaalla 14:ää vanhustyössä toimivaa työntekijää heidän kokemuksistaan luovuudesta ja taidetoiminnasta sekä näiden merkityksestä vanhustyön arjessa. Haastattelujen kautta välittyviä kokemuksia kulttuurisesta vanhustyöstä osana oman työn arkea analysoitiin soveltamalla Juha Perttulan fenomenologisen psykologian analyysimenetelmää (Perttula 1995a; 1995b; 2000; 2009; ks. myös Giorgi 1985; Latomaa 2009). Tällä saatiin tietoa arjen luovuuden, taidetoiminnan ja kulttuurisen vanhustyön merkityksestä vanhustyössä. Keskeiset tutkimustulokset on kuvattu asiakaslähtöisen vanhustyön kehänä, jossa iäkkään ihmisen tarpeet, toiveet ja toimijuuden tukeminen suuntaavat työntekijän työotetta sekä vaikuttavat siihen, millaista ammatillista osaamista pidetään tärkeänä vahvistaa. Luovuus vanhustyön ammattitaidossa ja työotteissa näkyy pieninä arjen valintoina, jotka mahdollistavat läsnäoloa ja yhteisöllistä luovaa toimintaa tai jaettuja kokemuksia. Luovuutta, taidetta ja kulttuuria hyödyntävän ammatillisen lähestymistavan arvostaminen vaikuttaa sekä työntekijöiden ammattitaidon että organisaation rakenteiden kehittämiseen. Työntekijän kokemus ”luvan saamisesta” arjen luovuuteen on tulosten valossa hyvin merkittävä tekijä. Tämä luvallinen luovuus muotoutuu monen näkökulman kautta: esimiehen, kollegan, asiakkaan sekä työntekijän oman toimijuuden mahdollistamana. Luovuus ja kulttuurisen vanhustyön näkökulma ovat näin ollen keskeisiä yksilötason lisäksi myös organisaation kehittämisessä ja muovaavat vanhustyön toimintakulttuuria. Työntekijöiden ammatilliseen toimijuuteen ja luovuuden mahdollisuuksiin työssä vaikuttavat monet asiat yhteisön vuorovaikutuksessa, johtamisotteessa ja ammatillisen kehittymisen mahdollisuuksissa. Yhteisön muodostavat sekä vanhustyön asiakkaat että työntekijät, joilla on monenlaisia osaamisprofiileja sekä ammatillisia taustoja. Yhteistoimijuutta, arjen luovuutta, läsnäoloa ja tunnevuorovaikutusta tukeva toimintakulttuuri näyttäytyy tämän tutkimuksen mukaan koko- naisuutena, joka mahdollistaa iäkkään ihmisen merkityksellisen arjen rakentumista ja toimijuuden tukemista. Siinä merkityksellinen, hyvä arki rakentuu koko yhteisön – henkilökunnan ja asukkaiden – muovaamana. Luovuus, taidetoiminta ja kulttuurisen vanhustyön näkökulma mahdollistavat tämän tutkimuksen mukaan näin ollen koko yhteisön hyvinvointia ja hyvää elämää. Tutkimustulokset nostavat esiin tekijöitä, joihin asiakaslähtöisen vanhustyön kehittämisessä tulisi erityisesti kiinnittää huomiota: 1. Työntekijöiden ammatillisen toimijuuden ja luovan työotteen tukeminen 2. Läsnäolon, kohtaamisen, luovuuden ja herkkyyden näkeminen osana ammatillista työotetta ja rakenteita vanhustyössä 3. Moniammatillisen asiantuntijuuden ja yhteistoimijuuden vahvistaminen Tutkimuksen johtajana ja vastuullisena tutkijana toimi FT, MuM Laura Huhtinen-Hildén, ja hänen lisäkseen tutkimusprosessiin osallistui- vat YTM, geronomi (AMK) Anna Puustelli-Pitkänen, TaT, FM Pia Strandman sekä kulttuurituottaja (YAMK) Elina Ala-Nikkola Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulusta. Tutkimuksen rahoittajana toimi Kaupunkitutkimus- ja metropolipolitiikka -tutkimus- ja yhteistyöohjelma


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    Le scelte progettuali conseguenti alla demolizione e ricostruzione dei quartieri periferici devono tenere conto di un approccio olistico per effetto delle diverse scale di impatto (città, quartiere, edificio). Il contributo affronta le problematiche connesse con la progettazione tecnologica, ovvero con le scelte che condizionano il ciclo di vita degli edifici, con riferimento ai criteri di sostenibilità energetica e ambientale di cui al DL 50/2016. Il caso studio riguarda il progetto di sostituzione edilizia del quartiere “Le Minime”, in provincia di Salerno, degli anni ’40 del ‘900. È stato sviluppato un modello quantitativo per la valutazione della disassemblabilità, dei sistemi costruttivi indagati, favorendo il processo di demolizione selettiva, con riferimento alla fase di fine vita di cui all’art. 2.3.7 dei Criteri Ambientali Minimi. The design choices resulting from the demolition and reconstruction of the peripheral districts must take into account a holistic approach due to the different impact scales (city, neighborhood, building). The contribution deals with the problems connected with technological design, that is, with the choices that affect the life cycle of buildings, with reference to the criteria of energy and environmental sustainability as per Legislative Decree 50/2016. The case study concerns the project of building replacement of the “Le Minime” neighborhood, in the province of Salerno, in the 40s of the ‘900. A quantitative model was developed for the assessment of disassembly, of the construction systems investigated, favoring the selective demolition process, with reference to the end-of-life phase referred to in art. 2.3.7 of the Minimum Environmental Criteria