18 research outputs found

    Horror Vacui: Emptiness Might Distinguish between Major Suicide Repeaters and Nonmajor Suicide Repeaters: A Pilot Study

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    K-seq, an affordable, reliable, and open Klenow NGS-based genotyping technology

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    [EN] Background: K-seq, a new genotyping methodology based on the amplification of genomic regions using two steps of Klenow amplification with short oligonucleotides, followed by standard PCR and Illumina sequencing, is presented. The protocol was accompanied by software developed to aid with primer set design. Results: As the first examples, K-seq in species as diverse as tomato, dog and wheat was developed. K-seq provided genetic distances similar to those based on WGS in dogs. Experiments comparing K-seq and GBS in tomato showed similar genetic results, although K-seq had the advantage of finding more SNPs for the same number of Illumina reads. The technology reproducibility was tested with two independent runs of the tomato samples, and the correlation coefficient of the SNP coverages between samples was 0.8 and the genotype match was above 94%. K-seq also proved to be useful in polyploid species. The wheat samples generated specific markers for all subgenomes, and the SNPs generated from the diploid ancestors were located in the expected subgenome with accuracies greater than 80%. Conclusion: K-seq is an open, patent-unencumbered, easy-to-set-up, cost-effective and reliable technology ready to be used by any molecular biology laboratory without special equipment in many genetic studies.This work was supported by the University Polytechnic of Valencia, Grant Number 20180051 "Desarrollo de herramientas para la identificacion de genes y loci de interes en la mejora genetica del tomate y otras horticolas".Ziarsolo, P.; Hasing, T.; Hilario, R.; García-Carpintero, V.; Blanca Postigo, JM.; Bombarely, A.; Cañizares Sales, J. (2021). K-seq, an affordable, reliable, and open Klenow NGS-based genotyping technology. Plant Methods. 17(1):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-021-00733-6S11117

    Coprophagia in a patient with borderline personality disorder

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    Background and Objectives: Human coprophagia is a rare phenomenon with severe medical and social consequences. So far, coprophagia has mainly been associated with severe mental retardation, schizophrenia, dementia, and depression. We report a case of coprophagia in a 30-year-old woman with Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-IV). This case report illustrates the severity of symptoms and maladaptive social consequences of severe personality disorders, comparable to those of patients with schizophrenia. Pharmacological interventions and, particularly intensive psychotherapy might be effective for patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder displaying severe behavior disorders. The treatment of choice for coprophagia is aversive behavioral interventionThis study was funded in part by the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders (NARSAD), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) [grant number PI060092]; Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria FIS [grant number RD06/0011/0016]; ETES [grant number PI07/90207]; the Conchita Rabago Foundation, the Harriet and Esteban Vicente Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, CIBERSAM (Intramural Project, P91B; Rio Hortega CM08/00170 –Dr. Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla), the Alicia Koplowitz foundation, and the National Institutes of Health, USA [grant number K24MH072712

    Worldwide impact of economic cycles on suicide trends over 3 decades: Differences according to level of development. A mixed effect model study

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    Objectives: To investigate the trends and correlations of gross domestic product (GDP) adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita on suicide rates in 10 WHO regions during the past 30 years. Design: Analyses of databases of PPP-adjusted GDP per capita and suicide rates. Countries were grouped according to the Global Burden of Disease regional classification system. Data sources: World Bank’s official website and WHO’s mortality database. Statistical analyses: After graphically displaying PPP-adjusted GDP per capita and suicide rates, mixed effect models were used for representing and analysing clustered data. Results: Three different groups of countries, based on the correlation between the PPP-adjusted GDP per capita and suicide rates, are reported: (1) positive correlation: developing (lower middle and upper middle income) Latin-American and Caribbean countries, developing countries in the South East Asian Region including India, some countries in the Western Pacific Region (such as China and South Korea) and high-income Asian countries, including Japan; (2) negative correlation: high-income and developing European countries, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and (3) no correlation was found in an African country. Conclusions: PPP-adjusted GDP per capita may offer a simple measure for designing the type of preventive interventions aimed at lowering suicide rates that can be used across countries. Public health interventions might be more suitable for developing countries. In high-income countries, however, preventive measures based on the medical model might prove more usefulAll authors have completed the Unified Competing Interest form. Dr. Blasco-Fontecilla acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Health (Rio Hortega CMO8/00170; SAF2010-21849), Alicia Koplowitz Foundation and Conchita Rabago Foundation for funding his post-doctoral stage at CHRU, Montpellier, France

    Personality Disorders and Health Problems Distinguish Suicide Attempters from Completers in a Direct Comparison

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    Background Whether suicide attempters and completers represent the same population evaluated at different points along a progression towards suicide death, overlapping populations, or completely different populations is a problem still unresolved. Methods 446 Adult suicide attempters and knowledgeable collateral informants for 190 adult suicide probands were interviewed. Sociodemographic and clinical data was collected for both groups using semi-structured interviews and structured assessments. Univariate analyses and logistic regression models were conducted to explore the similarities and differences between suicide attempters and completers. Results Univariate analyses yielded significant differences in sociodemographics, recent life events, impulsivity, suicide intent, and distribution of Axis I and II disorders. A logistic regression model aimed at distinguishing suicide completers from attempters properly classified 90% of subjects. The most significant variables that distinguished suicide from attempted suicide were the presence of narcissistic personality disorder (OR=21.4; 95% CI=6.8–67.7), health problems (OR=20.6; 95% CI=5.6–75.9), male sex (OR=9.6; 95% CI=4.42–20.9), and alcohol abuse (OR=5.5; 95% CI=2.3–14.2). Limitations Our study shares the limitations of studies comparing suicide attempters and completers, namely that information from attempters can be obtained from the subject himself, whereas the assessment of completers depends on information from close family or friends. Furthermore, different semi-structured instruments assessed Axis I and Axis II disorders in suicide attempters and completers. Finally, we have no data on inter-rater reliability data. Conclusions Suicide completers are more likely to be male and suffer from alcohol abuse, health problems (e.g. somatic illness), and narcissistic personality disorder. The findings emphasize the importance of implementing suicide prevention programs tailored to suicide attempters and completers

    Factors Contributing to the Utilization of Adult Mental Health Services in Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Hyperkinetic Disorder

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    Objectives. To examine whether age of First diagnosis, gender, psychiatric comorbidity, and treatment modalities (pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy) at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) moderate the risk of Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS) utilization in patients diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorder at CAMHS. Methods. Data were derived from the Madrid Psychiatric Cumulative Register Study. The target population comprised 32,183 patients who had 3 or more visits at CAMHS. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to assess survival data. A series of logistic regression analyses were performed to study the role of age of diagnosis, gender, psychiatric comorbidity, and treatment modalities. Results. 7.1% of patients presented with hyperkinetic disorder at CAMHS. Compared to preschool children, children and adolescents first diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorder at CAMHS were more likely to use AMHS. Female gender and comorbidity with affective disorders, schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders increased the risk of use of AMHS. Pharmacological or combined treatment of hyperkinetic disorder diagnosed at CAMHS was associated with increased risk of use at AMHS. Conclusions. Older age of first diagnosis, female gender, psychiatric comorbidity, and pharmacological treatment at CAMHS are markers of risk for the transition from CAMHS to AMHS in patients with hyperkinetic disorder diagnosed at CAMHS

    Asymptotic properties of C

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    The Gene Cluster for Agmatine Catabolism of Enterococcus faecalis: Study of Recombinant Putrescine Transcarbamylase and Agmatine Deiminase and a Snapshot of Agmatine Deiminase Catalyzing Its Reaction

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    Enterococcus faecalis makes ATP from agmatine in three steps catalyzed by agmatine deiminase (AgDI), putrescine transcarbamylase (PTC), and carbamate kinase (CK). An antiporter exchanges putrescine for agmatine. We have cloned the E. faecalis ef0732 and ef0734 genes of the reported gene cluster for agmatine catabolism, overexpressed them in Escherichia coli, purified the products, characterized them functionally as PTC and AgDI, and crystallized and X-ray diffracted them. The 1.65-Å-resolution structure of AgDI forming a covalent adduct with an agmatine-derived amidine reactional intermediate is described. We provide definitive identification of the gene cluster for agmatine catabolism and confirm that ornithine is a genuine but poor PTC substrate, suggesting that PTC (found here to be trimeric) evolved from ornithine transcarbamylase. N-(Phosphonoacetyl)-putrescine was prepared and shown to strongly (K(i) = 10 nM) and selectively inhibit PTC and to improve PTC crystallization. We find that E. faecalis AgDI, which is committed to ATP generation, closely resembles the AgDIs involved in making polyamines, suggesting the recruitment of a polyamine-synthesizing AgDI into the AgDI pathway. The arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway of arginine catabolism probably supplied the genes for PTC and CK but not those for the agmatine/putrescine antiporter, and thus the AgDI and ADI pathways are not related by a single “en bloc” duplication event. The AgDI crystal structure reveals a tetramer with a five-blade propeller subunit fold, proves that AgDI closely resembles ADI despite a lack of sequence identity, and explains substrate affinity, selectivity, and Cys357-mediated-covalent catalysis. A three-tongued agmatine-triggered gating opens or blocks access to the active center