31 research outputs found

    Relación entre la satisfacción laboral y el engagement en la intención de rotar en una empresa minera

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    La presente investigación logró validar con altos índices de confiabilidad y validez un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (structural equation modelling – SEM) a través del cual se identificó la influencia significativa y de manera inversa de las variables satisfacción laboral y engagement en la intención de rotar del personal funcionario de una empresa minera. En el caso de las subdimensiones prestaciones y supervisión (satisfacción laboral), se alcanzó un nivel de significancia de 95% y 90%, respectivamente; en tanto, la subdimensión vigor (engagement) demostró un nivel de significancia al 95%. El estudio se basó en un marco teórico que permitió determinar los criterios y las variables claves para medir la satisfacción laboral, engagement e intención de rotar; para ello, se aplicó un cuestionario dirigido a una muestra por conveniencia de 107 trabajadores, varones y mujeres, funcionarios, quienes desempeñan labores como analistas, ingenieros, coordinadores, asistentes y supervisores. El modelo estructural brindó evidencia empírica de la relación inversa y de manera significativa de dos subdimensiones de la satisfacción laboral, prestaciones y supervisión, con la variable dependiente intención de rotar de la muestra estudiada. Además, del engagement, solo una subdimensión, vigor, impactaba de manera inversa y significativa en la misma variable. El coeficiente de determinación fue de 0,430, cifra que supera el valor mínimo aceptado para validar las relaciones causales a nivel exploratorio. Los resultados del estudio fueron considerados para el diseño de un plan de mejora a partir de una serie de acciones en materia de las subdimensiones identificadas, lo cual permitirá reducir el índice de rotación del personal funcionario de la empresa minera. Así, se mejorará su productividad; se reducirán los costos en materia de reclutamiento, selección y capacitación; y disminuirán los índices de accidentabilidad del grupo estudiado

    Mentoring Graduate Students to Become Effective Teaching Assistants: Developing and Implementing a Student-Centred Program for Nursing

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    Teaching in the health professions, including nursing, requires specialized educational strategies that meet the needs of the current generation of learners. Currently there is a shortage of experienced post-secondary educators in nursing, possibly exacerbated by inadequate Teaching Assistant (TA) professional development programs. Most literature describes TA professional development programs that involve undergraduate students employed as TAs, and few consider how programs can mentor graduate students to develop their instructional skills, contribute to courses, and enhance their careers. There are limited reports in the Canadian context. In this article we outline the rationale, development, and implementation of a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) mentorship program for graduate students at a school of nursing located in western Canada. Our aim is to provide mentorship and experience in educational strategies to graduate students, to help mentor and educate future nursing educators who are experienced post-secondary teachers. We discuss the rationale for offering the GTA mentorship program, followed by a description of the GTA mentorship program components. We highlight the role of the Senior TA, an experienced GTA who takes a leadership role in coordinating the program. Importantly, we discuss how knowledge related to cultural safety is presented, and how it has been adapted over time to meet GTAs’ needs. Finally, we discuss the evolution of a school of nursing GTA mentorship program, located in western Canada and we describe future changes to the program in order to remain relevant to the needs of graduate students in nursing, faculty and administration, and undergraduate nursing students. L’enseignement dans les professions de la santé, y compris les sciences infirmières, nécessite des stratégies pédagogiques répondant aux besoins de la génération actuelle d’apprenantes. Nous connaissons actuellement une pénurie d’enseignantes en sciences infirmières, possiblement aggravée par l’inadéquation des programmes de développement professionnel pour les auxiliaires d’enseignement (Teaching Assistant; TA). La littérature sur le sujet décrit surtout les programmes de développement professionnel pour les étudiantes de premier cycle qui sont embauchées comme auxiliaires d’enseignement; peu considèrent la façon dont les programmes peuvent soutenir les étudiantes des cycles supérieurs pour leur permettre de développer leurs habiletés d’enseignement, de contribuer aux cours, et d’améliorer leurs perspectives de carrière. Peu de rapports font état du contexte canadien. Dans cet article, nous justifions et exposons brièvement l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’un programme de mentorat pour les auxiliaires d’enseignement qui sont étudiantes aux cycles supérieurs (Graduate Teaching Assistant; GTA) dans une école de sciences infirmières de l’Ouest canadien. Notre objectif est d’offrir du mentorat ainsi qu’une expérience permettant à des étudiantes des cycles supérieurs de pratiquer des stratégies pédagogiques, afin de contribuer à la formation de nouvelles enseignantes chevronnées en sciences infirmières. Nous présentons le rationnel pour offrir un tel programme de mentorat pour les étudiants des cycles supérieurs et en décrivons les composantes. Nous soulignons le rôle de l’auxiliaire sénior, une auxiliaire expérimentée jouant un rôle de leader dans la coordination du programme. Chose importante, nous discutons de la manière de présenter les connaissances sur la sécurité culturelle, ainsi que de l’adaptation au fil du temps pour répondre aux besoins des auxiliaires d’enseignement. Enfin, nous abordons l’évolution du programme de mentorat pour les étudiantes des cycles supérieurs d’une école de sciences infirmières de l’Ouest du Canada; nous décrivons également les changements qui seront apportés au programme, afin qu’il réponde toujours aux besoins des étudiantes des cycles supérieurs en sciences infirmières, du corps professoral, de la direction et des étudiantes du premier cycle

    Plan estratégico de la empresa Mobile Inc. para los años 2022 al 2026

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    Mobile Inc. se dedica a la fabricación y venta de “smartphones”, con el objetivo de satisfacer las necesidades y exigencias de los consumidores, ofreciéndoles tecnología de vanguardia, a precios accesibles. El Plan Estratégico para el periodo 2022 - 2026, se concentra en el mercado de China, por ser “la segunda mayor economía en el mundo” (Analista IG España, 2019, párr. 2) y tener la mayor demanda de “smartphones” con 918 millones de usuarios al 2021 (Anónimo, 2022a). Para ganar participación en este mercado se utilizarán las estrategias de segmentación de mercado y desarrollo de productos nuevos, enfocadas en los usuarios “gamer” de edades entre 18 a 35 años. Proyectando, para el año 2026, captar el 2% de usuarios del segmento y vender 8’250,000 unidades. Para lograr esta meta, se proponen una serie de cambios e inversiones las que incluyen comprar 9 fábricas adicionales, invertir en tecnología 5G, en publicidad enfocada, en personal calificado y en responsabilidad social y ambiental. Con el presente Plan Estratégico se espera lograr un Ebitda y un nivel de ventas superiores al 50% al finalizar el año 2026, respecto al año 2021

    Virtualization of everyday life in isolation time: impact of digital technologies on parents and adolescent children

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    Desde el Proyecto EL IMPACTO DE LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DIGITALES EN EL VÍNCULO ENTRE PADRES E HIJOS ADOLESCENTES, DE LA PLATA Y GRAN LA PLATA, presentamos una línea de investigación reciente y su reformulación de preguntas e hipótesis, con resultados preliminares, resituados en contexto de pandemia. Con el propósito de poner en diálogo, problematizar y compartir el desarrollo de nuestro quehacer como investigadores en una coyuntura tan compleja como novedosa que estamos atravesando, abrimos nuevos interrogantes a la vez que diseñamos estrategias en situación. Compartimos las reformulaciones de instrumento y muestra en un marco de flexibilidad metodológica. Y nos referimos al efecto y modo de virtualización de lo cotidiano en familias con hijos adolescentes en relación a tres ejes: usos y novedades de la tecnología digital en pandemia, en adolescentes y adultos; establecimiento de acuerdos y ordenamientos intergeneracionales; efectos y simbolizaciones posibles de lo que se presenta: espacio-tiempo y cuerpo.This paper aims to present a recent line of research and its reformulation of questions and hypotheses, on the impact that new information and communication technologies (ICT) and digital environments have on the relationship between parents and adolescent children, in families of La Plata and Gran La Plata. (2020-2022), traversed by the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of technology, within the framework of the sanitary measures of isolation and social distancing, slowly acquired a character of imposition in the way of bonding with the other, questioning its use by choice. Faced with the current health crisis and its effects on daily life, it was necessary to make place for new explorations from a first survey. Initial reformulation of aspects and times of the methodological strategy resulting in the flexibility of the qualitative design.Facultad de Psicologí

    “Just as Canadian as Anyone Else”? Experiences of Second-Class Citizenship and the Mental Health of Young Immigrant and Refugee Men in Canada

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    In recent years, the experiences of immigrant and refugee young men have drawn attention worldwide. Human-induced environmental disasters, local and global conflicts, and increasingly inequitable distributions of wealth have shaped transnational migration patterns. Canada is home to a large immigrant and refugee population, particularly in its urban areas, and supporting the mental health and well-being of these communities is of critical importance. The aim of this article is to report findings from a qualitative study on the social context of mental health among immigrant and refugee young men, with a focus on their migration and resettlement experiences. Informed by the conceptual lens of social context, a thematic narrative analysis approach was used to examine qualitative data from individual and group interviews with 33 young men (age 15 to 22 years) self-identified as immigrants or refugees and were living in Greater Vancouver, western Canada. Three thematic narratives were identified: a better life, living the (immigrant) dream, and starting again from way below. The narratives characterized the social context for immigrant and refugee young men and were connected by a central theme of negotiating second-class citizenship. Implications include the need for mental health frameworks that address marginalization and take into account the contexts and discourses that shape the mental health of immigrant and refugee populations in Canada and worldwide

    Actualidad y prospectiva de la investigación científica en el Centro Universitario Amecameca de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    Con responsabilidad, se organizó un programa cuya finalidad fuera publicitar con transparencia dichos avances, a través de un esfuerzo de rendición de cuentas a la comunidad inmediata, la universitaria, y a la comunidad abierta, la sociedad que la principal referencia para tal efecto. El programa se concretiza a través del presente libro, conformado con una inspiración de investigación multidisciplinaria; sin embargo, para llegar a tal fin, el reto es realizar el proceso de búsqueda y generación de conocimiento transitando hacia la colaboración de los cuerpos académicos, que puedan construir nuevos conocimientos fortalecidos por la convergencia de diferentes campos del saber. En consecuencia, la primera etapa de esta estrategia es la publicidad de los trabajos investigativos ejercidos, para hacer un balance al día, pero también proyectar el futuro de cada campo y área del conocimiento. La organización explicativa está organizada por tres bloques representativos del quehacer en la generación de conocimiento del Centro Universitario, un primer bloque centra el interés en las humanidades, educación y sustentabilidad; el segundo bloque lo integra la reflexión científica sobre la construcción democrática, derechos humanos y equidad de género; en el tercer segmento se destina a la seguridad alimentaria, salud pública y sistemas agropecuarios. La actualidad de la investigación eleva la producción lograda y lo que en el momento se encuentra en construcción y los alcances que produce para la docencia, la investigación misma, y para la sociedad en general. La prospectiva es un área que todos los capítulos desarrollan con el propósito de delinear los alcances innovadores por andar en teoría, metodología e incluso en los saberes mismo

    Gender, acculturation, and protective factors in the mental health of Southeast Asian youth in British Columbia

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    Purpose: There is a substantial gap in research that examines mental health in immigrant and visible minority groups. Even less research has considered the link between acculturation, mental health, and protective factors among these adolescents. This study investigated gender and acculturation-related differences in mental health and identified protective factors that buffer against emotional distress among Southeast Asian youth in British Columbia. Methods: A secondary analysis was conducted using data from the 2008 BC Adolescent Health Survey. Measures included mental health (recent stress, despair, self-harm, suicide, and self-esteem); acculturation (foreign-born status, length of time in Canada, and language spoken at home); and theorized protective factors (family connectedness, school connectedness, and ethnic identity connectedness). Gender differences in level of protective factors were examined using general linear modeling and age-adjusted multivariate models predicting extreme stress and extreme despair were conducted separately by gender and included acculturation measures as well as protective factors. Results: Southeast Asian girls reported significantly higher rates of mental health issues than boys including self-harm activity, suicidal intent, and attempted suicide. In addition, significantly greater numbers of Southeast Asian girls experienced extreme levels of stress and despair. In bivariate testing, acculturation was not significantly related to mental health. However, in the multivariate models, boys and girls who had lived in Canada for less than 5 years were more likely to report extreme levels of despair; girls in Canada for less than 10 years were also more likely to report extreme despair as well as extreme stress. Significant protective factors for boys and girls were family connectedness for both stress and despair as well as school connectedness but only among girls. Higher levels of ethnic identity connectedness were associated with lower odds of despair among boys but higher odds of stress among girls. Discussion and Implications: Immigrant teens may be at higher risk for emotional distress, yet gender differences still exist in the mental health of Southeast Asian youth. Future research must account for gender and acculturation-related differences in mental health and to assess for protective factors that may help mitigate the negative effects of stressors on adolescent mental health.Applied Science, Faculty ofNursing, School ofGraduat

    Applying integrated knowledge translation to address mental health among young immigrant and refugee men in Canada

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    Background: The mental health of young immigrant and refugee men has drawn much recent attention worldwide. Increased awareness regarding depression and suicide among men has intersected with pressing dialogues around how to best address the health needs of immigrant and refugee populations. Despite this attention, integrated knowledge translation (iKT) research in the field of mental health has yet to engage this group and virtually no studies have focused on their mental health experiences. The purpose of this research was to examine mental health and distress from the perspectives of immigrant and refugee young men living in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Methods: An iKT approach was applied to integrate the perspectives of (1) research collaborators, who were six immigrant and refugee young men, and (2) an advisory group, comprised of service providers and program leaders into the study design and mobilization of the study findings. Narrative analysis methods, informed by the analytical lenses of social context and critical masculinities, were used to collect and examine the data from individual and group interviews with thirty-three immigrant and refugee young men (ages 15-22 years). Participatory video methods were used to facilitate the co-creation of a film with the collaborators based on qualitative data from the research interviews. A reflexive analysis was used to examine ethnographic field notes documenting the iKT design and the participatory video methods. Findings: The results reveal that (1) the participants’ distress-related experiences were shaped in part by masculine discourses; (2) experiences of second-class citizenship, in the context of their everyday life, influenced how young men perceived their mental health; and (3) iKT and participatory video methods can lead to new insights about power and representation. Conclusions: This dissertation contributes to the literature on immigrant and refugee youth mental health and young men’s experiences of distress. It provides insights to guide future iKT and participatory video research. The findings can inform equity-oriented practice, policy, and future research to support the mental health of immigrant and refugee young men in Canada.Applied Science, Faculty ofNursing, School ofGraduat

    FW-SMOTE: A feature-weighted oversampling approach for imbalanced classification

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    The Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) is a well-known resampling strategy that has been successfully used for dealing with the class-imbalance problem, one of the most challenging pattern recognition tasks in the last two decades. In this work, we claim that SMOTE has an important issue when defining the neighborhood in order to create new minority samples: the use of the Euclidean distance may not be suitable in high-dimensional settings. Our hypothesis is that the use of a weighted metric that does not assume that all features are equally important could improve performance in the presence of noisy/redundant variables. In this line, we present a novel SMOTE-like method that uses the weighted Minkowski distance for defining the neighborhood for each example of the minority class. This methodology leads to a better definition of the neighborhood since it prioritizes those features that are more relevant for the classification task. A complementary advantage of the proposal is performing feature selection since attributes can be discarded when their corresponding weights are below a given threshold. Our experiments on 42 class-imbalance datasets show the virtues of the proposed SMOTE variant, achieving the best predictive performance when compared with the traditional SMOTE approach and other recent variants on low- and high-dimensional settings, handling issues such as class overlap and hubness adequately without increasing the complexity of the method