8 research outputs found

    The calculation of neutron flux using Monte Carlo method

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    In this study, a hybrid reactor system was designed by using 99–95% Li20Sn80 + 1-5% RG-Pu, 99–95% Li20Sn80 + 1-5% RG-PuF4, and 99–95% Li20Sn80 + 1-5% RG-PuO2 fluids, ENDF/B-VII.0 evaluated nuclear data library and 9Cr2WVTa structural material. The fluids were used in the liquid first wall, liquid second wall (blanket) and shield zones of a fusion–fission hybrid reactor system. The neutron flux was calculated according to the mixture components, radial, energy spectrum in the designed hybrid reactor system for the selected fluids, library and structural material. Three-dimensional nucleonic calculations were performed using the most recent version MCNPX-2.7.0 the Monte Carlo code

    Prevalence of unwanted sexual intercourse: reasons, short term consequences in a group married women

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada bir grup evli kadında istem dışı cinsel birleşmenin yaygınlığı, nedenleri bazı kısa dönem sonuçları ve cinsel işlev bozukluklar ile ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Bir üniversitede araştırma görevlisi olarak çalışan evli 63 kadın çalışmaya alınmıştır. Deneklere sosyodemografik ve istem dışı cinsel yaşantı- lara ait bilgi formu ve Arizona Cinsel Yaşantılar ölçeği verildi. Sonuçlar: Olguların yarısından fazlasında istem dışı cinsel birleşme olduğu saptandı. İstem dışı cinsel birleşmenin kabul edilmesinin en sık nedenlerinin sevgi göstermenin bir yolu olarak görülmesi ve duygusal gereksinmelerin karşılanması olduğu belirlendi. Arizona Cinsel Yaşantılar Ölçeğine göre, istem dışı cinsel birleşme yaşayan olguların istek, uyarılma, orgazm ve orgazm doyumu alt ölçek puanları yaşamayanlara göre anlamlı düzeyde daha düşüktü. Tartışma: Elde edilen bulgular istem dışı cinsel birleş- melerin tümünün travmatik olarak kabul edilemeyeceği ve bazı kadınların bunu olumlu cinsel deneyim olarak yaşayabileceğini göstermektedir. Ancak istem dışı cinsel birleşme yaşayan bazı kadınlarda bu yaşantıların cinsel işlev bozuklukları ve bazı olumsuz ruhsal sonuçlara yol açabileceğide görülmektedir. Bu nedenle istem dışı cinsel birleş- menin olumlu veya olumsuz bir yaşantı olarak yaşanmasına yol açan etkenlerin neler olabileceğine ilişkin ayrıntılı çalışmalara gerek duyulmaktadır. Aynı zamanda bu tür yaşantıların yol açabileceği cinsel işlev bozukluğu ve bazı psikiyatrik sorunlar nedeniyle psikiyatri uygulamasında sorgulanması gereken bir durum olduğu kanısındayız. (Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2015; 16(6):389-396)Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of unwanted sexual intercourse, its reasons, some short term consequences and related sexual function disorder in a group of married women. Methods: Sixty three married women who have been working as research fellow in a university have participated in the study. A study form including sociodemographic features and information relevant to unwanted sexual experiences of cases were completed by participants. Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale were given to collect information about sexual life and experiences of subjects. Results: More than half of the cases revealed that they had unwanted sexual intercourse during their lifetime. The most common reasons for unwanted sexual intercourse were using sex as a way of showing their love and satisfying a need to be sensual. According to Arizona Sexual Experience Scale, women those have unwanted sexual intercourse had significantly lower sexual desire, arousal, orgasm and sexual satisfaction subscale as compared to women those did not have unwanted sexual intercourse. Discussion: This study has shown that all unwanted sexual intercourse may not be considered as traumatic and for some women it might be considered as positive sexual experience. However, in some cases it may lead to negative psychological consequences and sexual dysfunction. Thus, further studies are warranted to determine the factors leading an unwanted sexual course to be considered as a positive or negative experience. In psychiatric practice, evaluating unwanted sexual course might help psychiatrists to find out a precipitating factor for a sexual dysfunction and some psychiatric syndromes.

    Combretastatins: An Overview of Structure, Probable Mechanisms of Action and Potential Applications

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    Combretastatins are a class of closely related stilbenes (combretastatins A), dihydrostilbenes (combretastatins B), phenanthrenes (combretastatins C) and macrocyclic lactones (combretastatins D) found in the bark of Combretum caffrum (Eckl. \& Zeyh.) Kuntze, commonly known as the South African bush willow. Some of the compounds in this series have been shown to be among the most potent antitubulin agents known. Due to their structural simplicity many analogs have also been synthesized. Combretastatin A4 phosphate is the most frequently tested compounds in preclinical and clinical trials. It is a water-soluble prodrug that the body can rapidly metabolize to combretastatin A4, which exhibits anti-tumor properties. In addition, in vitro and in vivo studies on combretastatins have determined that these compounds also have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Nano-based formulations of natural or synthetic active agents such as combretastatin A4 phosphate exhibit several clear advantages, including improved low water solubility, prolonged circulation, drug targeting properties, enhanced efficiency, as well as fewer side effects. In this review, a synopsis of the recent literature exploring the combretastatins, their potential effects and nanoformulations as lead compounds in clinical applications is provided.11JUN2

    Pharmacognostical Studies on Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre

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    This study on Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre, used traditionally in treatments of various inflammation disorders, especially hemorrhoids and rheumatism, aimed to determine the total phenolic contents, the antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials, and the chemical composition profile of the extracts and subextracts from maple syrup and Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre leaves and twigs. The antioxidant activities of maple syrup extracts and subextracts were examined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), and the total phenolic contents of all samples were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (FCR) method. Also, they were tested for their antimicrobial activities by microbroth dilution technique. Catechic tannin, saponins and flavonoids are determined in its leaves and twigs by preliminary qualitative phytochemical analysis. The alcoholic extracts obtained by 48-hour maceration (91.2%), ethyl acetate subextract of alcohol extracts obtained by 24-hour maceration (91.1%) and alcohol extracts obtained by 24-hour maceration (88.8%) exhibited higher radical scavenging activity than other samples, while the decoction and infusion had moderate activities. Beside of this, it was found that the syrup and its subextracts have more total phenolic contents than other extracts. The alcohol extracts obtained by 24-hour maceration and by 48-hour maceration exhibited higher activity against Candida albicans (78 μg/mL and 156 μg/mL, respectively). Only the alcohol extract obtained by 48-hour maceration and ethyl acetate subextract of syrup showed an activity against Escherichia coli, while all samples except butanol subextract of syrup have an antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    HPTLC quantification, assessment of antioxidant potential and in vivo hypoglycemic activity of Scorzonera latifolia (Fisch. & Mey.) DC and its major compounds

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    Scorzonera L. (Asteraceae) species have long been the topic of many phytochemical, analytical, and biological studies since various species of the Scorzonera genus have been widely used as food and medicinal purposes. Apart from its traditional use to relieve pain, promote wound healing, treat helminth infections or women infertility, Scorzonera latifolia (Fisch. & Mey.) DC is also used for its antidiabetic activity. We aimed to investigate antidiabetic activity of the aerial parts of the title plant and its major secondary metabolites (hyperoside, isoquercitrin, 7-O-methylisoorientin, isoorientin, swertisin, chlorogenic acid, 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid and hydrangenol-8-O-β-glucoside) isolated from aerial parts in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Blood glucose levels were measured four times: before the treatment, after 1st, 2nd, and 4th hours of sample treatments (100 mg/kg i.p.). S. latifolia extract displayed notable decline after 4 hours of administration. Among the metabolites; swertisin, 7-O-methyl-isoorientin, and hydrangenol-8-O-β-glucoside were associated with significant reduction on blood glucose level of alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Due to the strong relationship between oxidative stress and diabetes, antioxidant activity of S. latifolia was additionally tested. Furthermore, 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid, chlorogenic acid, hyperoside, and swertisin contents as major components of the extract were quantified by HPTLC-densitometry, as their biological effects can be attributed to their phenolic contents

    Chemical composition and biological activities of Valeriana dioscoridis SM. Roots

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    Zika, dengue, and Yellow fever are transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Investigations to find more natural but highly effective pesticidal agents against Ae. aegypti have increased in the last few years. Plant-based compounds have been the source of several current pesticides and have provided models for creation of synthetic derivatives like the pyrethroids. Plants continue to be a rich source for potential new active ingredients. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge on V. dioscoridis and to present the results of the cytotoxic and insecticidal activities of various extracts of its roots and volatile compound compositions of roots. The hexane and chloroform extracts, HM1 and CM1 respectively, exhibited cytotoxicity with IC50 values of 128.4 and 86.93 µg/mL against the HepG2 cell line. Because CM1 had higher cytotoxicity across the studied concentration range, it was also tested against the HUVEC cell line. Extracts HM1 and CM1 were also tested for their insecticidal activities. CM1 was found to be the more active (mortality (%) =96.7% ± 5.8 at 5μg/mosquito), consistent with its cytotoxic activity. Since these active extracts were nonpolar, the chemical composition of the volatile compounds of the roots were analyzed by GC-MS analysis. About 87.7% of the essential oil were characterized. The major compound was ß-eudesmol (9.2%), following by camphene (8.9%), bornyl acetate (8.2%) and maaliol (7.6%). This is the first study on the HepG2 and HUVEC cytotoxicity and insecticidal activity of V. dioscoridis. Further studies on the potential of this plant to define the spectrum of activity and examine potential therapeutic agents is warranted