51 research outputs found

    Retrospecto do controle da tuberculose no Brasil

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    The aim of the study was to look back on the course of action involving measures of tuberculosis control in Brazil since the end of the 19th century, covering the history of social struggles and pointing out institutions and people that have dedicated themselves to looking for solutions to these issues. The Brazilian response to tuberculosis started in society with the Ligas Contra a Tuberculose (Leagues Against Tuberculosis), promoting scientific advances, such as the BCG vaccination, which begun in 1927. From the public power, the Inspetoria de Profilaxia da TB (TB Prophylaxis Inspection Service - 1920), the Serviço Nacional de Tuberculose (National Service of Tuberculosis - 1940), and the Campanha Nacional Contra a Tuberculose (National Campaign Against Tuberculosis - 1946), coordinated national policies such as chemotherapy, beginning with the discovery of streptomycin in 1944. The emergence of bacterial resistance led to the development of several therapeutic schemes. The Scheme 1 (rifampycin, hydrazide and pyrazinamid), which was the main one in 1979 and is still used nowadays, had a great epidemiological effect. The WHO declared TB a public health emergency in 1993. In response, Brazil developed some strategies; the first one was the Plano Emergencial para Controle da Tuberculose (Emergency Plan for Tuberculosis Control - 1994), prioritizing 230 municipalities. The current prospects are an effective municipalization of actions and their greater integration with the Programas de Agentes Comunitários e Saúde da Família (Humanitarian Agents and Family Health Programs).O objetivo do trabalho foi fazer um retrospecto da ação das medidas de controle da tuberculose no Brasil, desde o final do século XIX, abrangendo a história das lutas sociais e destacando instituições e figuras humanas dedicadas a buscar soluções para esses problemas. As respostas brasileiras à tuberculose iniciaram-se na sociedade com as Ligas Contra a Tuberculose, difundindo avanços científicos, como a vacinação BCG, iniciada em 1927. Do poder público, a Inspetoria de Profilaxia da TB (1920), o Serviço Nacional de Tuberculose (1940), e a da Campanha Nacional Contra a Tuberculose (1946), coordenaram políticas nacionais como a da quimioterapia, iniciada com a descoberta da estreptomicina, em 1944. O surgimento da resistência bacteriana levou ao desenvolvimento de vários esquemas terapêuticos. O esquema I (rifampicina, hidrazida e pirazinamida), o principal de 1979 e ainda em uso, teve grande impacto epidemiológico. Em 1993, a OMS declarou a tuberculose em emergência mundial. Como resposta, o Brasil elaborou suas estratégias; a primeira foi o Plano Emergencial para Controle da Tuberculose (1994), com priorização de 230 municípios. Como perspectiva aponta-se a efetiva municipalização das ações e sua maior integração aos Programas de Agentes Comunitários e Saúde da Família

    Causes of variation in BCG vaccine efficacy: examining evidence from the BCG REVAC cluster randomized trial to explore the masking and the blocking hypotheses.

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    BCG protection varies and in some places (nearest the equator) is low or absent. Understanding this variation can inform the efforts to develop new vaccines against tuberculosis. Two main hypotheses are used to explain this variation: under masking, new vaccines are unlikely to increase protection; under blocking new vaccines have a greater potential to be effective when BCG is not. We conducted a cluster randomized trial to explored the masking and blocking hypotheses by studying BCG vaccine efficacy of neonatal vaccination and when administered for the first or a second (revaccination) time at school age in two sites (Manaus close and Salvador further south from the equator). Seven hundred and sixty three state schools were matched on socio economic characteristics of the neighborhood and 239,934 children were randomized to vaccine (BCG vaccination at school age) or control group. Protection by first BCG vaccination at school age was high in Salvador (34%, 95% CI 7-53%, p=0.017) but low in Manaus (8%, 95% CI t0 39-40%, p=0.686). For revaccination at school age, protection was modest in Salvador (19%, 95% CI 3-33%, p=0.022) and absent in Manaus (1%, 95% CI to 27-23%, p=0.932). Vaccine efficacy for neonatal vaccination was similar in Salvador (40%, 95% CI 22-54%, p<0.001) and Manaus (36%, 95% CI 11-53%, p=0.008). Variation in BCG efficacy was marked when vaccine was given at school age but absent at birth, which points towards blocking as the dominant mechanism. New tuberculosis vaccines that overcome or by pass this blocking effect could confer protection in situations where BCG is not protective

    Sensibilidade e especificidade da leitura da cicatriz vacinal do BCG

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    OBJECTIVE: To validate the BCG scar as a marker of BCG vaccination status. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 53,348 schoolchildren aged 6-14 years who underwent BCG scar examination as part of a large BCG vaccine trial taking place in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Results of BCG scar reading were compared with information on vaccine status of their vaccination cards or provided by parents or guardians. Double-reading was performed in a sub-sample. Data analysis was conducted using Stata 7 and Kappa coefficient. RESULTS: Of 52,348 schoolchildren studied, vaccine status information from parents/guardian letters was available for 29,254 and from vaccination cards for 4,947. There was found a high agreement between the double-readings of the scars (Kappa=0.81). When the agreement between letter and card information was the gold standard, the sensitivity of BCG scar readings was 96.6% (95%CI 96.0-97.1) and the specificity was 71.1% (95%CI 55.7-83.7). The sensitivity was 96.1%, 97.3% and 95.3% for children vaccinated up to one month of age, four months and one year, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Sensitivity and specificity did not show an association with the child's age at the scar reading. BCG scar was a good marker of BCG vaccination status regardless of age - from the first years of life up to 14 years old.OBJETIVO: Validar a utilização da cicatriz vacinal de BCG como um indicador de vacinação. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal em 52.348 escolares, entre 6 e 14 anos de idade, que possuíam exame de cicatriz vacinal do BCG e que participaram de um ensaio clínico randomizado e controlado na cidade de Manaus, Brasil. Os dados da leitura da cicatriz vacinal foram comparados com a informação sobre a vacinação passada fornecida pelos cartões vacinais ou informação dos responsáveis. Em uma subamostra foi realizada leitura dupla com cálculo do coeficiente Kappa. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se o Stata 7. RESULTADOS: Do total de 52.348 escolares estudados, 29.254 possuíam informação sobre cicatriz vacinal coletada por meio de carta aos pais, e 4.947 possuíam história de vacinação coletada pelo cartão de vacinas. Observou-se elevada concordância entre a dupla leitura de cicatriz vacinal (Kappa =0,81). A sensibilidade da leitura de cicatriz vacinal foi 96,6% (95% IC 96,0-97,1) e a especificidade foi 71,1% (95% IC 55,7-83,7) quando o padrão ouro utilizado foi a concordância entre a carta aos pais e a informação do cartão de vacinas. A sensibilidade foi de 96,1%, 97,3% e 95,3% para crianças vacinadas até um mês de idade, até 4 meses e até um ano de idade, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Os valores encontrados para sensibilidade e especificidade foram independentes da idade da realização da leitura de cicatriz vacinal. O exame da cicatriz vacinal mostrou ser um bom indicador para avaliar a situação vacinal referente ao BCG

    A multi-level system quality improvement intervention to reduce racial disparities in hypertension care and control: study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Racial disparities in blood pressure control have been well documented in the United States. Research suggests that many factors contribute to this disparity, including barriers to care at patient, clinician, healthcare system, and community levels. To date, few interventions aimed at reducing hypertension disparities have addressed factors at all of these levels. This paper describes the design of Project ReD CHiP (Reducing Disparities and Controlling Hypertension in Primary Care), a multi-level system quality improvement project. By intervening on multiple levels, this project aims to reduce disparities in blood pressure control and improve guideline concordant hypertension care. METHODS: Using a pragmatic trial design, we are implementing three complementary multi-level interventions designed to improve blood pressure measurement, provide patient care management services and offer expanded provider education resources in six primary care clinics in Baltimore, Maryland. We are staggering the introduction of the interventions and will use Statistical Process Control (SPC) charting to determine if there are changes in outcomes at each clinic after implementation of each intervention. The main hypothesis is that each intervention will have an additive effect on improvements in guideline concordant care and reductions in hypertension disparities, but the combination of all three interventions will result in the greatest impact, followed by blood pressure measurement with care management support, blood pressure measurement with provider education, and blood pressure measurement only. This study also examines how organizational functioning and cultural competence affect the success of the interventions. DISCUSSION: As a quality improvement project, Project ReD CHiP employs a novel study design that specifically targets multi-level factors known to contribute to hypertension disparities. To facilitate its implementation and improve its sustainability, we have incorporated stakeholder input and tailored components of the interventions to meet the specific needs of the involved clinics and communities. Results from this study will provide knowledge about how integrated multi-level interventions can improve hypertension care and reduce disparities. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0156686


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    With the objective to evaluate the behavior of paracoccidioidomycosis in the last three decades, clinical and epidemiological data of 595 patients admitted to clinical services of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul from 1980 to 2009 were investigated. Gender, age distribution, clinical form, comorbidity with tuberculosis or AIDS, and mortality were compared by decades of clinical admission. It was shown that during the three decades there was a decrease in women percentage, and the same manner occurred a reduction in participants in the age group of 20 to 39 years. Moreover, the acute/subacute forms have been diminished in the period. These fluctuations are closely related and can be simultaneously analyzed. Increased AIDS co-infection prevalence from the first to the second decade was also revealed, coinciding with the appearance of the retroviral epidemic and stabilizing during the third decade. No change in the tuberculosis co-infection rate was observed (overall = 6.9%). It reinforces the importance of this co-morbidity. The overall mortality rate remained steady at 6.7%, not varying significantly from one decade to another. The persistent mortality rate calls attention to the importance of this neglected disease