6 research outputs found

    La legislaci贸n que reglamenta el sistema de salud colombiano : formulaci贸n, aplicaci贸n e implicaciones sobre sus actores

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    ABSTRACT: In the Colombian health system, the legislation complies with the role of determining its structure and function in order to guarantee the rights to health and social security included in the 1991 Constitution. Objective: to present the issues in the formulation and implementation of legislation in the current system and the implications of their various agents. Methodology: a study in six Colombian cities using qualitative methodology based on the theory. 174 interviews were conducted with doctors, administrators, nurses and users. Results: the findings reveal problems in the formulation and implementation, including: over-regulation and the difficulties of his apprehension, the influence of special interests and not matching the standards with the needs of the population health. Discussion: these problems cause barriers to accessing health services and failures in the quality of patient care, ethical dilemmas and dissatisfaction with health professionals, as well as instability in the health sector institutions. This emerges as a constraint to guarantee the right to health and requires a rethinking of the law in favor of the constitutional principles and the collective welfare.RESUMEN: En el sistema de salud colombiano, la legislaci贸n cumple el papel de determinar su estructura y funcionamiento en aras de la garant铆a de los derechos a la salud y la seguridad social incluidos en la Constituci贸n de 1991. Objetivo: presentar las problem谩- ticas en la formulaci贸n e implementaci贸n de la legislaci贸n del actual sistema, as铆 como las implicaciones sobre sus diferentes actores. Metodolog铆a: estudio realizado en seis ciudades colombianas usando la metodolog铆a cualitativa de la teor铆a fundada. Se realizaron 174 entrevistas a m茅dicos, administradores, enfermeras y usuarios. Resultados: los hallazgos evidencian problemas en la formulaci贸n e implementaci贸n, entre ellos: la sobreproducci贸n normativa y las dificultades para su aprehensi贸n, la influencia de intereses particulares y la no correspondencia de las normas con las necesidades de salud la poblaci贸n. Discusi贸n: estas problem谩ticas causan barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud y fallos en la calidad de la atenci贸n a los pacientes, dilemas 茅ticos e insatisfacci贸n en los profesionales de la salud, as铆 como inestabilidad para las instituciones del sector salud. Lo anterior emerge como limitaci贸n para la garant铆a del derecho a la salud y exige un replanteamiento de la legislaci贸n a favor del los principios constitucionales y el bienestar colectivo.

    Perception of graduates from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Antioquia (2005-2007), on their undergraduate training

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    ABSTRACT: To establish the perception of physicians graduated between 2005 and 2007 from the Faculty of Medicine (Universidad de Antioquia, Medell铆n, Colombia) concerning their undergraduate training. Methodology: A qualitative study was carried out using methodological elements of the grounded theory. Participants were selected by means of a non-random method. Primary data, from semi-structured interviews and focus groups, were codified and grouped until central categories emerged. Results: Dissociation between undergraduate training and the reality faced in professional practice emerged as the main category. Other categories were: the demanding 鈥揺ven absorbing- character of undergraduate training; the concentration of the practice in high-complexity institutions; the low integration among some training areas; the autonomy as a value acquired during medical training. Conclusions: Despite the aforementioned dissociation, graduates are being able to overcome the challenges faced in their medical practice. Based on their accounts it is valid to think that the training received at the Faculty is contributing to this goal.RESUMEN: Establecer la percepci贸n de los egresados de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia (graduados entre el 2005 y el 2007) respecto a la formaci贸n recibida durante el pregrado. M茅todos: se llev贸 a cabo un estudio cualitativo usando elementos metodol贸gicos de la teor铆a fundamentada. Se eligi贸 a los participantes por medio de un muestreo por conveniencia. Las informaciones recogidas en entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales se codificaron y agruparon hasta formar categor铆as centrales. Resultados: la disociaci贸n entre la formaci贸n de pregrado y la realidad en el escenario profesional emergi贸 como la categor铆a principal en este estudio. Otras fueron: lo demandante 鈥搃ncluso absorbente- de la formaci贸n; el fraccionamiento y la poca integraci贸n en algunas 谩reas de formaci贸n; la concentraci贸n de los campos de pr谩ctica en hospitales de alta complejidad; la autonom铆a como valor adquirido durante la formaci贸n m茅dica. Conclusiones: a pesar de la disociaci贸n entre la formaci贸n y el trabajo profesional, los egresados logran sobreponerse a los retos que se les presentan en su ejercicio m茅dico; a partir de sus relatos es posible pensar que la formaci贸n recibida en la Facultad contribuye a este prop贸sito

    Right to health at work : violation and fragmentation in its understanding and materialization.

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    Objetivo: describir la problem谩tica de hombres y mujeres trabajadores que al percibir vulnerado su derecho a la salud en el trabajo por sufrir presuntos o declarados ATEL, buscaron apoyo e interpusieron uno o m谩s recursos constitucionales para lograr su restablecimiento efectivo. Materiales y m茅todos: estudio mixto. Se aplic贸 encuesta a 189 trabajadores que sufrieron un presunto o reconocido evento de ATEL y que buscaron apoyo en los servicios de extensi贸n solidaria de la Universidad de Antioquia o en organizaciones de derechos humanos en Medell铆n. La encuesta capt贸 datos sociodemogr谩ficos, de seguridad social, laborales, del SGSST, de los antecedentes, ocurrencia y consecuencias de los ATEL y los recursos interpuestos. Para el abordaje cualitativo se realiz贸: i) una entrevista en profundidad con un m茅dico laboral y abogado independiente y ii) cuatro grupos focales con trabajadores que sufrieron ATEL, sindicalistas, abogados y m茅dicos representantes de ARL, acad茅micos. Resultados: los trabajadores m谩s vulnerables fueron los m谩s afectados en su derecho. Los agentes que integran el SGRL hacen un abordaje fragmentado de la salud y el trabajo que facilita la vulneraci贸n del derecho. Los trabajadores que sufren ATEL deben enfrentar barreras econ贸micas, administrativas y de acceso a salud para restituir su derecho. Conclusiones: el trabajo decente y digno es un horizonte hacia el cual se deben apuntar los esfuerzos para que los trabajadores m谩s vulnerados hist贸ricamente conquisten y sostengan una vida plena, digna y saludable. Los recursos como la acci贸n de tutela contribuyen a lograr el cumplimiento del derecho a la salud en el trabajo.Objective: to describe the problems of working men and women who, when perceiving their right to health at work violated due to alleged or declared workplace accidents or illnesses (ATEL for its acronym in Spanish) sought support and filed one or more constitutional resources to achieve their effective restoration. Materials and methods: Mixed study. A survey was applied to 189 workers who suffered an alleged ATEL event and who sought support in the solidarity extension services at Univesidad de Antioquia or in human rights organizations in the city of Medellin. The survey that captured sociodemographic data, social security data, labor data, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSST for its acronym in Spanish) data of the background, occurrence and consequences of ATELs and legal resources interposed. For the qualitative approach, an in-depth interview was conducted with an occupational physician and an independent lawyer and four focus groups with workers who suffered ATELs, trade unionists, lawyers and doctors representing the Occupational Risk Administrator (ARL for its acronym in Spanish), and academicians. Results: the most vulnerable workers were the most affected in their right. The agents that make up the General System of Occupational Risks (SGRL by its acronym in Spanish) make a fragmented approach to health and work that facilitates the violation of the right. Workers suffering from ATEL must face economic, administrative and access to health barriers to restore their right. Conclusions: Decent and respectable work is a horizon towards which efforts should be aimed so that the most historically vulnerable workers conquer and sustain full, dignified and healthy life. Resources such as guardianship action contribute to the fulfillment of the right to health at work

    Legislation regulating the Colombian health system: formulation, implementation and implications on its agents

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    In the Colombian health system, the legislation complies with the role of determining its structure and function in order to guarantee the rights to health and social security included in the 1991 Constitution. Objective: to present the issues in the formulation and implementation of legislation in the current system and the implications of their various agents. Methodology: a study in six Colombian cities using qualitative methodology based on the theory. 174 interviews were conducted with doctors, administrators, nurses and users. Results: the findings reveal problems in the formulation and implementation, including: over-regulation and the difficulties of his apprehension, the influence of special interests and not matching the standards with the needs of the population health. Discussion: these problems cause barriers to accessing health services and failures in the quality of patient care, ethical dilemmas and dissatisfaction with health professionals, as well as instability in the health sector institutions. This emerges as a constraint to guarantee the right to health and requires a rethinking of the law in favor of the constitutional principles and the collective welfare

    La legislaci贸n que reglamenta el sistema de salud colombiano: formulaci贸n, aplicaci贸n e implicaciones sobre sus actores

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    En el sistema de salud colombiano, la legislaci贸n cumple el papel de determinar su estructura y funcionamiento en aras de la garant铆a de los derechos a la salud y la seguridad social incluidos en la Constituci贸n de 1991. Objetivo: presentar las problem谩ticas en la formulaci贸n e implementaci贸n de la legislaci贸n del actual sistema, as铆 como las implicaciones sobre sus diferentes actores. Metodolog铆a: estudio realizado en seis ciudades colombianas usando la metodolog铆a cualitativa de la teor铆a fundada. Se realizaron 174 entrevistas a m茅dicos, administradores, enfermeras y usuarios. Resultados: los hallazgos evidencian problemas en la formulaci贸n e implementaci贸n, entre ellos: la sobreproducci贸n normativa y las dificultades para su aprehensi贸n, la influencia de intereses particulares y la no correspondencia de las normas con las necesidades de salud la poblaci贸n. Discusi贸n: estas problem谩ticas causan barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud y fallos en la calidad de la atenci贸n a los pacientes, dilemas 茅ticos e insatisfacci贸n en los profesionales de la salud, as铆 como inestabilidad para las instituciones del sector salud. Lo anterior emerge como limitaci贸n para la garant铆a del derecho a la salud y exige un replanteamiento de la legislaci贸n a favor del los principios constitucionales y el bienestar colectivo.In the Colombian health system, the legislation complies with the role of determining its structure and function in order to guarantee the rights to health and social security included in the 1991 Constitution. Objective: to present the issues in the formulation and implementation of legislation in the current system and the implications of their various agents. Methodology: a study in six Colombian cities using qualitative methodology based on the theory. 174 interviews were conducted with doctors, administrators, nurses and users. Results: the findings reveal problems in the formulation and implementation, including: over-regulation and the difficulties of his apprehension, the influence of special interests and not matching the standards with the needs of the population health. Discussion: these problems cause barriers to accessing health services and failures in the quality of patient care, ethical dilemmas and dissatisfaction with health professionals, as well as instability in the health sector institutions. This emerges as a constraint to guarantee the right to health and requires a rethinking of the law in favor of the constitutional principles and the collective welfare

    La legislaci贸n que reglamenta el sistema de salud colombiano: formulaci贸n, aplicaci贸n e implicaciones sobre sus actores

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    En el sistema de salud colombiano, la legislaci贸n cumple el papel de determinar su estructura y funcionamiento en aras de la garant铆a de los derechos a la salud y la seguridad social incluidos en la Constituci贸n de 1991. Objetivo: presentar las problem谩ticas en la formulaci贸n e implementaci贸n de la legislaci贸n del actual sistema, as铆 como las implicaciones sobre sus diferentes actores. Metodolog铆a: estudio realizado en seis ciudades colombianas usando la metodolog铆a cualitativa de la teor铆a fundada. Se realizaron 174 entrevistas a m茅dicos, administradores, enfermeras y usuarios. Resultados: los hallazgos evidencian problemas en la formulaci贸n e implementaci贸n, entre ellos: la sobreproducci贸n normativa y las dificultades para su aprehensi贸n, la influencia de intereses particulares y la no correspondencia de las normas con las necesidades de salud la poblaci贸n. Discusi贸n: estas problem谩ticas causan barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud y fallos en la calidad de la atenci贸n a los pacientes, dilemas 茅ticos e insatisfacci贸n en los profesionales de la salud, as铆 como inestabilidad para las instituciones del sector salud. Lo anterior emerge como limitaci贸n para la garant铆a del derecho a la salud y exige un replanteamiento de la legislaci贸n a favor del los principios constitucionales y el bienestar colectivo.In the Colombian health system, the legislation complies with the role of determining its structure and function in order to guarantee the rights to health and social security included in the 1991 Constitution. Objective: to present the issues in the formulation and implementation of legislation in the current system and the implications of their various agents. Methodology: a study in six Colombian cities using qualitative methodology based on the theory. 174 interviews were conducted with doctors, administrators, nurses and users. Results: the findings reveal problems in the formulation and implementation, including: over-regulation and the difficulties of his apprehension, the influence of special interests and not matching the standards with the needs of the population health. Discussion: these problems cause barriers to accessing health services and failures in the quality of patient care, ethical dilemmas and dissatisfaction with health professionals, as well as instability in the health sector institutions. This emerges as a constraint to guarantee the right to health and requires a rethinking of the law in favor of the constitutional principles and the collective welfare